Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1120 Diagnosis

"Your Majesty is wise." The ministers saluted respectfully and did not dare to argue.

The current situation in the DPRK and China is such that apart from ordering garrison troops from all over the country to go to Beijing for rescue, there is no other feasible way.

It's just that the mountains are high and the roads are far away, so there will inevitably be delays in the journey. At this time, Ji Zeyu and Gao Wenliang don't know if they can withstand the iron hoofs of the Tatar soldiers and horses.

"Your Majesty." At this time, another veteran minister stood up and said loudly: "I ask for your Majesty's permission to send Prince Zhongshun back to Beijing to take over as the commander-in-chief of the Huben Army. Prince Zhongshun is brave and good at fighting, and with the swords of Duke Ding, he will definitely be able to defeat the enemy. Death for the Tatars!”

One person dared to stand up and make a suggestion, and immediately others came forward and supported it loudly.

Li Qitian frowned, and the veins on his forehead jumped.

He said this again and asked him to send Pang Xiao back! Could it be that he couldn't hold on to Pang Xiao Jiangshan after he opened it? Is he the only one who is brave and good at fighting? He has so many generals, all of them are not as good as Pang Zhixi?

Li Qitian was silent.

Immediately someone who was good at deliberation stood up and retorted: "Prince Zhongshun had a history of repeatedly resisting decrees and disrespecting the emperor in his early years. His Majesty was merciful and did not pursue the case, but Prince Zhongshun only worsened his situation. Now in the south, in the name of disaster relief, he collects food and grass everywhere. , took this opportunity to occupy the grain road, leaving the imperial court without food and grass to support the front line, he must be punished!"

"I second the proposal! I believe that Prince Zhongshun is ambitious and has ulterior motives. Transferring people back at this time is completely to lure the wolf into the house, and it is very likely that the soldiers and horses of the Zhou Dynasty will be attacked from both sides!"

As soon as these words came out, military generals who admired Pang Xiao immediately came out and retorted loudly: "You are a guy who only knows how to hide behind people. Have you ever fought in a war? Have you seen the cruelty on the battlefield? If I really ask you to go to the battlefield, I'm afraid you will be so scared that you pee your pants, coward! What qualifications do you have to slander Prince Zhongshun! Prince Zhongshun made great contributions to the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is magnanimous and loyal, and he is loyal to the Holy Emperor. It's all because of you. You are a villain who instigated you behind your back and spread rumors to cause trouble! What is your intention in slandering Prince Zhongshun and driving a wedge between the Holy Emperor and his ministers?"

The civil servant was so angry that his beard trembled: "How can I allow you to be so presumptuous in the Jinluan Palace! The Holy One is wise and everything is decided by himself. How can it be influenced by others with just a few words? If you speak like this, you are underestimating the Holy One!"

Li Qitian frowned. Hearing the people below him quarreling over Pang Xiao again, he felt more and more irritated. He wished he could kill all the troublemakers.

He didn't want Pang Xiao to come into contact with the Huben Army. He didn't want him to regain military power and provide disaster relief. He actually did so many tricks.

It was obvious that he was deliberately against him!

He purchased grain in large quantities outside, which made the anti-Tatar troops unable to eat. Now he created such a powerful fight that the people on his side were full of praise for him. Li Qitian was really angry and stunned.

"shut up!"

Unable to bear it anymore, Li Qitian roared loudly.

The Jinluan Palace was quiet again. Everyone lowered their heads cautiously and said in unison: "Your Majesty, calm down."

"Calm down, calm down!" Li Qitian once stood up, circling the ground with his hands behind his back, "The Tatars are about to attack, will all the ministers just quarrel in the court? If the Tatars really invade the capital, they will suffer a lot. It’s just me, the families of the ministers, and all the people in the city!

"Once the country is destroyed and the Tatars march straight through the capital to the Central Plains, then all the people will be shrouded in the shadow of the iron hooves, and they will be killed and enslaved!"

Li Qitian's words were righteous, clear and powerful: "I will never allow such a thing to happen. I will not take a step back. I will stay in the capital and be the last line of defense for the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty is kind!" The ministers kowtowed one after another, and some were even moved to tears.

Li Qitian softened his tone slightly and said: "As for Prince Zhongshun, the disaster in the south is serious, and the disaster relief is also for me to quell the chaos in the south. Prince Zhongshun is extremely capable. Whether he is placed in the south or the north, he has an irreplaceable role."

"Yes!" The ministers saluted. Is there anything else you don't understand? Li Qitian clearly doesn't want Pang Xiao to have military power!

Some old ministers shook their heads secretly and sighed. The Holy One doesn't know where the confidence comes from. The Tatars are now supported by Lu Heng's financial resources. In addition, Si Qin and Lu Heng are both good planners. Ji Zeyu alone leads one hundred thousand troops and is struggling under the lack of food and grass support. It is not easy to support, not to mention that there is a gesticulating Gao Wenliang beside me?

At this time, they were retreating steadily and were about to retreat to the capital, but the Holy Emperor was still blindly confident, thinking that he was also a horse-riding emperor and could defend the capital...

Some veterans were even on the verge of tears.

Under this turbulent political situation, the people will only have more miserable days in the future.

After the court meeting, Li Qitian's decree was drafted by the cabinet. Li Qitian read it and distributed it to all parts of the country.

Within half a month, King Qin's army from all over the country became entangled. Even though Li Qitian had made it clear in the imperial edict that "food and grass are inferior", for the sake of the stability of the world and for the Central Plains nation not to be ruled by foreigners, there are still soldiers and horses of princes from all over the country rushing to the capital.

In the old capital, Pang Xiao, Yun Yancai, the leaders of the 100,000-Ping Southern Army stationed in the south, and the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief Feng also received the imperial edict.

Commander Feng was ordered to lead a hundred thousand Pingnan troops to guard between the Zhou Dynasty and Nanyan. They were already at leisure. In addition, Pingnan troops were brought out by Pang Xiao and were well-trained. Commander Feng had served under Pang Xiao before. , as soon as he received the imperial edict, he immediately rushed to the old capital to discuss with Pang Xiao.

"Your Majesty! The capital is in danger. The Tatars have bullied us in the capital. It is unbearable. As long as you give the order, our 100,000-square-foot Southern Army will immediately follow the prince northward. I don't believe that we, a group of heroes, can't beat them. Those reckless Tartars!”

Pang Xiao laughed and patted Commander Feng on the shoulder: "Brother Feng is still so generous. Yes, we have many good men in the Zhou Dynasty, and there are also many people who are willing to do their best for the country. Let's overthrow the Hunjun of Northern Hebei. It’s our own business, but if foreigners want to invade, we must weigh their weight!”

Commander Feng's blood boiled with excitement when he was told that, and he nodded repeatedly: "Your Majesty is absolutely right!" After thinking about it, he felt a little worried again, "Everything about war is easy to talk about. Our brothers are not afraid of death, and none of them is a coward, but the Holy Father ordered us to prepare our own food and grass. , this is really difficult for us. Prince, what do you think of this?"

Pang Xiao smiled bitterly, and then said with high spirits: "What's the matter? Even if we drink cold water and eat Guanyin soil along the way, we still have to rush back to defend the capital. Now that we are in such a situation, can we just do it for these reasons? I don’t care about Dazhou, why don’t you save the saint?”

"Your Majesty said so!" Commander Feng nodded repeatedly.

Yun Yancai also sat in the hall and discussed matters together. He heard clearly what Pang Xiao and Commander Feng said, and also had a deep understanding of Pang Xiao's prestige in the army.

It seems that even though he has left the Pingnan Army for a long time, Pang Xiao's influence in the Pingnan Army cannot be underestimated. Not to mention the Hu Ben army brought out by Pang Xiao himself.

No wonder the Qiu family attaches so much importance to Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao seemed to have noticed Yun Yancai just now, and said with a smile: "Master Yun has worked too much on disaster relief these days. It's just the decree of King Qin that I have to rush back to the capital. From now on, this disaster relief will still be Leave it to the adults."

Yun Yan then hurriedly stood up and said, "Your Majesty is serious. The food and grass purchased by Your Majesty have been delivered one after another these days. Together with the food sent by Princess Zhuangzi, it is enough for the people to survive this winter. Your Majesty has a noble character and uses his own money to support them." The common people still refuse to take credit, but the lower officials are really impressed by the prince's nobility."

"Lord Yun really overstates his words." Pang Xiao waved his hands in shame, "What I have done is far from enough. Now that Zhou Guozuo is in danger, I am about to rush back to the capital. All matters of this generation in the old capital are entrusted to Lord Yun. ”

"These are all matters within the lower official's scope." Yun Yancai saluted.

After Pang Xiao and Yun Yan exchanged pleasantries, he told Commander Feng: "Go back and tell the brothers that you are ready and ready to break camp and set off at any time. Everyone, please bring your rations first. I will find a way to keep you from being hungry along the way." It’s in my belly!”

"Of course we trust the prince." Commander Feng saluted Pang Xiao and left quickly.

Pang Xiao thought for a moment and then rushed back to Qin Mansion.

Although the weather in the south was still cold at this time, it was still far worse than in the capital. Pang Xiao could cope with it by only wearing a cloak over his thin robe, but Qin Yining was huddled under the quilt wearing a large cloak with a fur collar. inside.

The charcoal stove was burning in the room, and Qin Yining was still a little cold. He was sitting sideways next to Babu's bed and letting Bingtang tie him up to check his pulse.

"Although it has only been half a month, the pulse condition this time is very obvious." Bingtang said with a happy face and smiled: "The princess's pulse is as fluent as a ball, which should be smooth and round, which is an obvious happy pulse. Congratulations to the princess, It’s really a joy!”

Ji Yun, Han Xiao and Zi Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Qin Yining also smiled happily. After Pang Xiao took that medicine, she was finally able to confirm her own happy pulse and that Pang Xiao's body was fine.

"Congratulations, Princess!" Jiyun led the maids to salute.

Qin Yining responded with a smile, raised her slender white hand and waved it. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the little girl outside shouting greetings: "Your Majesty!"

When the curtain cage was raised, Pang Xiao untied his cloak and walked around the screen. He saw Qin Yining's eyes and eyebrows were smiling, and the maids were all happy, so he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? What good thing happened to make you smile like this?" "

Bingtang smiled and stepped forward, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Princess is already one month pregnant."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." The maids saluted again.

Pang Xiao stood next to the bed and looked at Qin Yining blankly, as if he was petrified and didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

"You mean, Sister Yi is pregnant?"

Qin Yining pretended to be angry and snorted: "Why does the prince look so unhappy?"

"No, where am I... I'm so happy that I'm having a third child! It's such great news!" Pang Xiao just digested these words and almost jumped up with joy.

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