Return of the Swallow

Chapter 810 Affectionate

The three of them all looked solemn, and for a moment they didn't even know what to say.

After a long while, the third master said in a hoarse voice: "Sister Yi, is your information accurate? Is your guess reliable?"

Qin Yining said seriously: "The facts are already before our eyes."

"I understand." The second master sighed, "If something like this happens to our family, we must escort the eldest brother's coffin back to his hometown. I will work with Shangfeng Qi Zhizhi, and then our family will find a way to return to our hometown. Bar."

"I just want to discuss this matter with my second and third uncles." Qin Yining nodded, "In the past, we were involved in such troubles and wanted to escape, but the Holy Father's eyes were always on our family, and we didn't have a suitable person. There is a reason to leave the capital. Now we are taking advantage of this opportunity, and it is justifiable for us to leave. The Holy Emperor can't stop us from leaving in front of everyone."

"That's right. After we went to the south, our family lived in seclusion in peace and contentment, and never paid attention to the affairs of the court anymore." The second master shook his head disheartenedly, "The fame and wealth in the officialdom are actually just fleeting. If people are gone, nothing will be left.

"In the past, I still had the ambition to be a high-ranking official and get a good salary, but now I have looked down on everything. If the whole family can live together in peace, it will be a satisfying thing."

Qin Yining nodded and said: "Second uncle is right. Our family has enjoyed great wealth and experienced hardships and dangers. From now on, I just want an ordinary life for the whole family. It is better to be a landlord than to be in the officialdom." Ups and downs."

The second master and the third master both nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a little girl Sayazi suddenly ran in outside the courtyard gate, "Princess, outside..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a gray figure turning over from the wall.

Everyone looked back and stared in shock.

The person who came was of exquisite stature, but his face was covered with dust, and his face could not be seen at all. His hair was in messy locks, and his clothes were covered with a layer of dust, so his true colors were almost invisible.

After careful identification, Qin Yining murmured: "Aunt Cao..."

Cao Yuqing stood in front of the coffin, staring blankly at the coffin and the memorial tablet. Two lines of hot tears rolled down her face, leaving two white marks on her eyes.

"Qin Meng..." A hoarse and heart-wrenching sob escaped from her throat. Cao Yuqing lost her grace as she had just climbed over the eaves and walked over the wall. Her legs stumbled, and she stumbled towards the soul, "Qin Meng!"

Her tragic voice was hoarse, and everyone who listened was moved by sadness.

"I don't ask for status, I don't ask for your love, I don't even ask for being with you day and night. I protect your wife, your daughter, and your family. I just want you to live well with me, Qin Meng, you Don’t you even want to satisfy me with this?”

Cao Yuqing held the coffin and knocked her forehead heavily on the coffin.

The second master and the third master were silent, feeling deeply moved in their hearts.

Qin Yining stepped forward and hugged Cao Yuqing's shoulders, "Aunt Cao, don't do this. My father won't feel at ease after seeing her."

However, Cao Yuqing gently pushed Qin Yining away and slowly turned to look at her. There was no emotion in her dark eyes, like a puppet that had lost its soul.

"He is gone, so why should I care about my peace of mind? If he is alive, I have to consider his feelings and prevent him from getting into trouble. Now that he is dead, do I still have to worry about his feelings? Then who am I? "

Qin Yining, long before Dayan City was destroyed,

There was a famine in the city, and Cao Yuqing already knew her intentions when she followed Qin Huaiyuan to protect her.

With Cao Yuqing's appearance, she obviously hurried back after receiving the news. Otherwise, such a fastidious beauty wouldn't have made herself look like this?

Her deep love for Qin Huaiyuan moved her heart as Sun's biological daughter. Ever since Qin Huaiyuan clearly showed her intention to refuse, Cao Yuqing willingly became a bodyguard. Not only did she not do anything to harm them, Every time she was in danger, she would stand up to protect the Sun family. She would go through life and death for the Qin family, and she would save her life several times regardless of her own safety, just because she was the daughter of her beloved.

Cao Yuqing has always been giving, and will never get the same emotional return, but she is still giving for the man she loves. All she wanted was to get some information about that person and to reflect on it quietly by herself in the dead of night.

But the harsh reality takes away this point.

Qin Yining burst into tears, hugged Cao Yuqing and sobbed to persuade her.

Cao Yuqing, however, remained blank, looking at the name on the tablet, her eyes as dark as a deep pool seemed to have a fire burning.

The second master and the third master thought of Qin Huaiyuan's good deeds and couldn't help but cover their faces and cry again.

The entire courtyard was shrouded in an atmosphere of sadness.

At this moment, Qiao Shangfei suddenly walked in quickly, nodded to the second master and the third master who looked up at him, walked straight to Qin Yining and whispered, "Leader, there is a group of people outside, and the leader is Nian Yue Bu Dou. , he seemed to be an official, he brought more than 30 house guard thugs, everyone had something to do, and they blocked the door aggressively. Our manpower should guard all the entrances and exits in the house, and in front of the door. We are short of manpower, what do you think we should do?”

Qin Yining's expression suddenly turned solemn.

"Have you seen clearly that the leader is an official?"

"Eight, nine, ten." Seeing Qin Yining's expression change, Qiao Shangfei also became a little nervous.

Qin Yining sneered.

After so many days, none of Qin Huaiyuan's colleagues dared to come to express condolences, but now an official came and brought a group of thugs with him. This is interesting. Little did he know that this person did it on his own initiative or was instigated by others.

"Let's go take a look."

"Leader, you should tell me to go ahead. After all, it's not safe outside. I don't know what these people are thinking. What if I get hurt?"

Qin Yining shook his head, "It's a disaster that cannot be avoided. You will know it just by looking at it."

The second master and the third master became worried when they saw this. After coming closer to ask about the situation, they went to the door with Qin Yining.

Unexpectedly, before the group of people could even walk around the screen wall, they heard a loud curse coming from outside the courtyard.

"Qin Meng, you traitorous old man!"

"Why didn't you die earlier if you gave all the food and grass that the Holy Lord gave to the army directly to the Tatars?"

"The Qin family is so shameless. They were such a traitor, but they still had the nerve to set up a mourning hall! If you ask me, the brothers would have to rush in and smash up the traitor's mourning hall to satisfy their hatred!"

"Yes, smashed the traitor's mourning hall!"

The clamor outside became more and more intense, and Qin Yining, the second master, the third master and others were already looking ashen.

Qin Yining's eyebrows stood up, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Open the door!"

"Princess, if people from outside force their way in, wouldn't they be in danger?" Qiao Shangfei persuaded.

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