Return of the Swallow

Chapter 811 Ruining the place (1)

Qin Yining had been suppressing his anger and resentment for many days. After hearing the unbridled slander and insults from this group of people, he finally couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Danger? Someone is knocking on the door at the emperor's feet. Am I afraid of them? You order people to tell the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division that there are people here who want to rob the house. The rest of the brothers leave people to guard the inner house, and the rest follow me. Get out." Qin Yining's eyes were colder than ever before, "I want to see what else these people can do first."

The second master and the third master had been feeling aggrieved for so many days. They were already very angry. For a moment, they didn't care about anything else. They turned around and went to find something to do. One of them picked up a broom and the other found the door latch.

"I asked someone to knock on my door, but I didn't dare to fight back. If my brother finds out, is he afraid he will be pissed to death by us?"

"Yes, beat those bastards to death!"

The Qin family was very angry, and the servants who had received many favors from the Qin family also searched for things. Some people brought axes or fire sticks, and others went to the kitchen to find kitchen knives and iron pots for cooking. The nursing staff neatly carried their eyebrow sticks, and a group of people lined up in front of the door in full formation.

The door was slowly pushed open, and the clamor outside was still rampant. However, when they saw that the Qin family dared to open the door, the clamoring people were quiet for a moment.

Qin Yining stepped forward slowly, his face as heavy as water and said: "If you spread rumors and cause trouble here, aren't you afraid that Shuntian Mansion will not agree?"

"Bah!" the leading official spat at Qin Yining, "There are no good women in traitor families!"

"That's right! After all, he is not from our place. He has no good intentions when he comes from the south. Isn't it said that he is the teacher of the conquered king of the Yan Dynasty? How do you know that he has no intention of restoring the country? Maybe it is the old man Qin Meng who is secretly planning Helping the Yan Dynasty to restore its country!"

"What a wolf-hearted man! He deserves to die for failing to live up to His Majesty's grace!"

The expression on Qin Yining's face became calmer little by little.

But anyone who knows her well can see that Qin Yining is on the verge of rage at this time. Since she returned to the Qin Mansion, she has been tempered by reality. She has not looked at anyone with that kind of aggressive eyes for a long time. But now, with her eyes looking at the group of people shouting and cursing in front of her, she seemed to be looking at a group of bastards waiting to be torn apart by fangs.

"Dare I ask, sir, who's your surname is?" Qin Yining said, "My father was an official of the imperial court. He died in the line of duty and yet he was insulted like this by you. Tell us who you are, so that we can all You know, who is so beautiful in doing things? Is it a family tradition?"

"Bah! I will not change my name or my surname in my office. I am the imperial censor of the right Qian capital, Shi Dailin! Since I am an official, I cannot sit idly by and ignore Qin Meng's traitorous behavior and seek glory. I must tell the world his true face. You are truly worthy of your kindness to the Emperor!"

"It turns out that I am your lord, and I have admired your name for a long time." Qin Yining sneered, "I wonder if the aunt and wife of the thirteenth room in your house get along well with each other? There are also two outer rooms that you keep outside. I went to Yushizhai to grab the same set of ruby ​​​​heads and noodles. Well, they didn't meet your wife? You later spent a lot of money to buy a complete set of red gold and ruby ​​​​heads for all three of them. You are really compassionate."

"You! You're talking nonsense!" Dai Lin was furious and said with a flushed face, "When did I have a thirteen-bedroom concubine, and how often did I raise an outlaw! I am an upright official, so how can I get the money to buy three houses? Jewel head! Don’t slander my reputation with your nonsense!”

"Oh? Isn't it? But the ladies and ladies in the upper class circles have spread the word, and I also heard it by chance. Isn't this true?"

"Women, ignorant people,

It is simply ridiculous to believe rumors and dare to use them as an excuse! "Dai Lin shook his sleeves fiercely.

"Yes, ridiculous!" Qin Yining raised his eyebrows and rebuked angrily: "You are here to slander my father's posthumous name. Isn't it because you just listen to rumors and slander easily? Have you become a man behind the scenes, or have you learned to be clairvoyant and obedient? The Holy Lord You saw with your own eyes something that has not yet been discovered?

"You say that my father sent the money used to reward the army to the Tatars? Just because your upper lip touches your lower lip, will everyone believe you?"

"You have such a character, you still have the nerve to be a public speaker! Are you worthy of being the mouthpiece of the Holy Sage! If you don't cultivate yourself, don't establish virtues, and you are unworthy of the salary of the Holy Sage, you just listen to the wind and become a public speaker. I am embarrassed for you. !”

Dai Lin was severely beaten by Qin Yining. His face turned red and his fingers trembled while pointing at Qin Yining.

Qin Yining looked around at the people who had stopped to watch the excitement. His nose felt sore and tears fell down.

"Dear fellow citizens, my father was a minister of the Ministry of Rites during his lifetime. He was a trusted minister of the Holy One and was entrusted with important responsibilities by the Holy One. However, my father was killed by a traitor and lost his life for his loyalty to the country. Although our family is sad, we also know that This is for the Great Zhou Dynasty, for the people, and we are all glorious. But today, someone with red lips and white teeth came to frame him!"

Pointing at Lin with a slender finger, he said, "This man has no personal ethics and a bad character. He is corrupt and bends the law, forms cliques for personal gains, and does a lot of bribery. He is a small censor, but his family has a lot of wealth. I don’t even know where the money came from! A person with such character actually comes to the door to confuse right and wrong and bully our family, the old, the weak, the women and children, when my father’s body was still cold when he died for the country!”

Qin Yining cried so much that the pear blossoms were raining with tears, and she couldn't stop crying.

The common people watched the excitement for a long time and listened to this group of people scolding Mr. Qin. They felt that what Mr. Qin did was not good, so they followed suit.

Now the door of the Qin family is open, and the whole family is dressed in white clothes, with withered faces, and the delicate beauty is crying with pear blossoms in the rain. Every word he speaks is extremely upright, and everyone is convinced that Qin Huaiyuan is virtuous. Those who suffered losses could not help but feel shaken.

Dai Lin saw this and yelled: "Stop! Don't listen to this woman's nonsense! She is slandering!"

A woman in the crowd holding a vegetable basket spat: "Bah! Whatever you say is the truth, and anything others say about you is slander. Who do you think you are!"

The sound was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for everyone to hear.

The woman seemed to feel that it was not good for her to rush forward. After saying this, she spat and quickly left the place of right and wrong.

But this sentence, combined with what Qin Yining said before, just made everyone murmur again.

That generation Lin was so angry that he was still secretly happy that he had followed the Qiu family's instructions to do this easy job, but now he found out that his plan had been revealed to the woman in public.

Dai Lin couldn't bear it and yelled: "I am a traitor to the country, and I am inciting my whole family to be traitors. Come on, rush in and smash Qin Meng's mourning hall!"

"Yes!" The men behind him responded, rushing in aggressively.

"Let's see who dares to touch my father's mourning hall!"

Qin Yining snatched the ax from the hand of the stout woman next to him, rounded it up, and then slashed at Dai Lin!

PS: The seafood was poisoned and I lay down for three days. It was so sour...

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