Return of the Swallow

Chapter 902 City Gate

"How can I afford the compliments from these two gentlemen? It's just some women's little insights. I just treat it as a way to attract others." Qin Yining thought for a while and said, "I mean, the prince and I still have to go to the city." Come and go separately.”

"Leave separately?" Pang Xiao asked confused, "How to separate?"

Qin Yining said: "It's not that the troops are divided into two groups, but that I will lead some people into the city to fight as a vanguard. We may not have been back for a long time. After all, there are high mountains and long roads from the capital to the old capital. It is inevitable that there will be news that cannot be delivered. At that time, when I suddenly came back, I still didn’t know the current attitude of the king, so I had to find out the truth. Firstly, because the prince had been in the old capital for a long time, and the mountains were high and the roads were far away, he didn’t know the current attitude of the courtiers and people in the capital towards the prince. I also plan to build momentum for the prince first. It won’t be too late for the prince to enter the city when everything is ready.”

Hearing this, Xu Weizhi couldn't help stroking his long beard, nodded and said: "What the princess said is absolutely true. There will be no harm in making full preparations before entering the city."

Pang Xiao hesitated.

Since he can't figure out Li Qitian's attitude towards him, even if he wants to test it, he can't use Qin Yining as a pathfinder.

Qin Yining saw Pang Xiao's hesitation at a glance and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I came to Beijing with great fanfare and no one dared to touch me. They want to use me to deal with you, but they are more shameless."

Xie Yue heard this and said: "My lord, I think what the princess said is reasonable."

Pang Xiao frowned deeply, and the word "Chuan" appeared between his eyebrows.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "I understand the prince's worries, but you should understand that this is an important place in the capital. Things that can be done unscrupulously outside are not allowed here. Once you have done it, you will be in trouble for the rest of your life." stain."

"Of course I understand. But that was when you were in the palace..."

Pang Xiao didn't say any more, but everyone understood what he meant. He was still afraid of the fact that Qin Yining was almost framed in the palace. If Qin Yining hadn't been so smart and he was so far away, all he could do in the end was collect her body...

Qin Yining smiled and said: "You are too worried. I am not in the palace."

Both Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi felt that Qin Yining's strategy was feasible. But they also knew that Pang Xiao valued Qin Yining very much and would never allow Qin Yining to take risks for him. As staff members, they didn't have much persuasion, and everything had to be done by getting the owl to nod.

Pang Xiao pondered for a long time, carefully thinking about the situation in the capital in his mind, and finally nodded reluctantly and said: "Okay, then you can bring more people."

"No need. We didn't bring many people back together. I'll just take my maid and give me a few guards."

"No, you only leave a few people for me, and you take the rest with you."

"This is the capital city. Even if I take dozens of us here, if anything happens, will they still be able to fight one against a hundred?"

Pang Xiao was speechless for a while.

How many soldiers are guarding the capital? Not to mention dozens of people, even hundreds or thousands of people, there was nothing Li Qitian could do if he wanted to attack them.

That's why Pang Xiao often complains about his own incompetence.

Seeing Pang Xiao's annoyance, Qin Yining wanted to persuade him, but he couldn't say anything in front of Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi, so he just patted the back of Pang Xiao's hand comfortingly.

"Don't worry, I promise it'll be fine. You order people to stay outside the city and keep an eye on what's going on in the city, and you'll show up again when the time is right."

Pang Xiao pursed his lips and said for a long time: "It's my incompetence.


"What did the prince say? The prince and I are here to fight side by side. If you want to be comfortable, where can I hide halfway?"

Xie Yue was filled with emotion and also persuaded her: "What the princess said is true. My lord, the princess is only thinking about you, so don't go against her wishes."

"Yes, the princess is so righteous, and Mr. Xu also admires her." Xu Weizhi also handed over her hand.

Qin Yining waved her hands quickly, "Two gentlemen, please don't do this."

Mu Jinghu, who had been listening for a long time, said: "Don't worry, I will accompany the princess into the city."

Pang Xiao looked at Mu Jinghu, nodded heavily and said, "With you here, I can let go of most of my heart."

Mu Jinghu smiled and said: "As I said, I can't guarantee anything else, but I can save the princess's life."

Pang Xiao nodded. Although he agreed to Qin Yining's proposal, he had already prepared for the worst.

After the plan was decided, Xie Yue asked: "When does the princess plan to set off?"

"We'll leave tomorrow. If we finish the work early, we can have a good rest in the palace."

When he left the capital, Qin Yining and his family thought they would never come back. All the servants in the family who should be dismissed were dismissed. No one has lived in the house for so long, I don’t know what it has become.

After everyone discussed it, Pang Xiao went to order twenty elite tiger guards to come out.

"Add rock sugar and Jieyun, and you bring the wood."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded: "Don't worry. I will adapt to circumstances and there will be no danger."

What can Pang Xiao say? As Qin Yining said, she is his partner in fighting side by side. She has never been someone who hides under his wings and wants him to protect her.

Early the next morning, Qin Yining took the elite tiger guards selected by Pang Xiao and left the farm in a car.

Pang Xiao, Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi, Hu Zi and the remaining dozens of people temporarily stayed in the farm. Pang Xiao arranged the people and ordered them to take turns to pay attention to the situation in the city and report in time, in case he also Good to arrive in time.

The ground in the north is still covered with snow during the first month of the year, and the snow this year is heavier than in previous years. The road is very difficult to walk. It should have been faster than two days, but it took three days.

When we arrived outside the city gate, it was already the first moment of Hai hour on the twenty-fourth day.

At this time, the city gates had long been closed, and a curfew had begun in the city.

Qin Yining frowned and said, "We came back at a very bad time."

"Yes, it's all because the road is not easy to walk on. Princess, do we still have to camp in the wild?"

Qin Yining thought for a while and said, "That's not necessary. Although there is a curfew in the city, the objects of the curfew are also divided into different categories. I am also a princess after all, so let's take advantage of the situation."

After saying that, he turned back and ordered the elite tiger guard named Tang Xiu: "Xiaotang, go to the sentinel to see what the origin of the city gate on duty today is."

Tang Xiu nodded immediately after hearing this and urged his horse to go to the city gate.

Qin Yining sat in the carriage and looked at the situation in front of the city gate in the distance. Tang Xiu raised his head and exchanged a few words with the person above him, then urged his horse back and reported: "Back to the princess, the surname of Chengmenguan on duty today is Gong. He once served as a soldier under the prince for two years, and now he has been promoted to the general flag. .”

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Your prince is really well-connected. It's just right. Take this and tell him that the prince's family members are on their way back. They were delayed for too long on the way. It's already this time when they finally arrived in front of the city gate. Come on, ask him if he can be accommodating and open the city gate for us to enter."

After saying that, he handed Tang Xiu a round jade pendant with long tassels hanging underneath, which looked like a sword tassel.

Tang Xiu could tell at a glance that it was the tassel under Pang Xiao's sword. He took it with his hands and said with a smile: "Yes, I'll go right away."

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