Return of the Swallow

Chapter 903 Blocking the Road

Seeing Tang Xiu heading towards the city gate with Pang Xiao's sword tassel, Ji Yun and Bingtang on the carriage couldn't help but hold their breath.

Ji Yun whispered: "Princess, will Mr. Gong Qi make an exception and open the city gate?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Yining said with a smile, "It's not necessary to go to the city immediately, but it's time, so I might as well give it a try."

Bingtang said: "If that person remembers the old relationship with the prince, he will definitely open the door."

"Not necessarily." Qin Yining said, "It just depends on whether the person has an upright character or a smooth character. I asked Xiaotang to take the sword tassel. I didn't want to impress anyone with the prince's token. I just heard that General Gong Qi once served under the prince, so it is easy for him to identify him. Otherwise, there are other ways to prove his identity. Regardless of whether it is because of old feelings or not, as long as the other party is smooth enough, they will let us in. After all, no one wants to offend the prince, right? However, It’s just a matter of turning around and telling someone a few words.”

"So the princess is sure that even if he is willing to open the door, she will turn around and report it?"

"Yes. We came back in an upright manner, and we didn't come here to commit crimes. We just came back a little late. At this time, we just asked them to be accommodating. So when it comes to curfews and curfews, what are they? People? There are so many Qinlou and Chu pavilions in the capital. If the curfew is really banned, all the places that don’t build fireworks will be closed down?"

Bingtang and Jiyun looked at each other and had to admit that what Qin Yining said was the truth. Whether in the Great Yan Dynasty or the Great Zhou Dynasty, certain laws only restricted ordinary people who had no privileges.

There are only a few people like the prince and princess who have never used their status to oppress others.

Just as a few people were talking, there was a sound from the direction of the city gate. Not long after, Tang Xiu rushed back with a tall and muscular middle-aged man.

"Gong Wen, a humble official, please see the princess."

Qin Yining raised the car curtain and said with a smile, "Mr. Gong, no courtesy. Our group originally planned to come back before the curfew, but the road was blocked by ice and snow. It was really late to go south. It was too late to hurry up. It was a last resort. Mr. Gong Qi is here, and I would like to ask if you can be accommodating and allow us to go into the city and return home? Otherwise, it will be really difficult to endure the cold weather. "

General Gong Qi said with a smile: "Other people can't do it, but the princess is an exception. The prince is loyal to the country, and the princess is the pillar of the Zhou Dynasty. It's just a small matter of opening the city gate. Princess, please follow your humble duty." Come."

"If you don't dare to take it seriously, it will really embarrass the commander-in-chief."

"Where, where."

As the two spoke, the carriage and team slowly moved forward.

General Gong Qi followed the carriage, chatted with Qin Yining with a smile, and then asked, "Why is the prince not with the princess?"

Qin Yining pretended to be surprised and said, "Hasn't the prince returned to Beijing yet?"

General Gong Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Not yet."

Qin Yining nodded and said: "I received a letter from the prince, saying that the emperor ordered us to return to the capital, so I hurriedly set off with my people. If the prince has not arrived yet, he must have arrived in the next few days."

"I see, the prince and the princess traveled separately."

"Yes." Qin Yining sighed, with a sad look on his face, but he didn't say much.

At this time, a group of people had arrived in front of the city gate. After General Gong Qi gave an order, someone opened the door half of the door.

Qin Yining's carriage and team entered the city gate smoothly.

Qin Yining got out of the car,

Thanking Mr. Gong Qi again and again, Mr. Gong Qi waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile: "Princess, please don't do this. There is a curfew in the city now. It is important for you to return to the palace as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

The group of people left the city gate and headed into the city.

General Gong Qi watched Qin Yining's team walk away, then turned around and went back to report to Shangfeng.

Princess Zhongshun returned to Beijing, and the prince would arrive soon. Although he opened the door conveniently, he still had to report to the summit.

The streets of the capital city were exceptionally quiet at night, and the sound of wheels and horse hooves seemed a bit crisp in such a quiet environment.

Qin Yining closed his eyes for the moment and rested his mind. They had returned to the palace, and they must have tidied up a little before they could rest. They didn't know what the palace had become since it had been left unattended for so long.

Seeing Qin Yining closing his eyes and resting, Bingtang and Jiyun remained silent and tightened Qin Yining's dark blue cloak, and then they both fell asleep.

There was still a long distance from the city gate to Yuci's palace. Qin Yining was already tired after riding in the car for such a long time. Maybe it reassured her that she had successfully entered the city, but before she knew it, she became confused and rested her head on the wall of the car. As she slept, the silver butterfly earrings on her ears swayed as the carriage moved forward, touching her white jade neck one after another.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise on the originally silent street.

Several young men in rich and luxurious clothes were walking arm-in-arm on the quiet street. On a cold day, their faces were flushed and their bodies were steaming. They spoke with thick tongues and their articulation was no longer clear. .

It was obvious that these people were somewhat drunk.

"The new member of the front row at Yuhua Tower is a beautiful beauty. Hi, you guys, if you don't believe it, you'll find out later."

The first young man, wearing a black mink fur collar and a brocade cloak, pointed in the direction of Yuhua Tower and said with drunken eyes, "Let me tell you, that little lady can make your bones freeze in half with her smile."

"Haha, Ninth Young Master knows how to brag."

"Hey, don't believe it! Hiccup..." The young man known as Jiu Gongzi let out a long wine burp, pointed to the corner and said, "You guys, you will know if you are taken by me. If your bones No, I, I'll ask someone to help you bake it!"

"Hahaha!" All the young men laughed unscrupulously.

In the silent streets, their laughter was particularly wanton.

As soon as these people turned the corner, they suddenly saw a carriage approaching slowly. There were more than ten or twenty men beside the carriage. There were no signs on the vehicle, and the frame looked like an ordinary flat-headed carriage. There was an angry wind lamp hung on the vehicle that was shaking and flickering, and it was clearly going off. At first glance, the team was of ordinary origin.

Ninth Young Master narrowed his eyes, pointed at Qin Yining's carriage and laughed: "Ha, at this hour, there is still a carriage daring to walk on the street?"

After taking two floating steps, Ninth Young Master almost stepped on his left foot and tripped over his right foot. But he didn't care at all, and walked towards the carriage with one step at a time.

The driver and the Jinghu Guards had long noticed the drunken dandies coming towards them. Seeing that the young man in extraordinary clothes dared to hit the front of the carriage and would be stepped under the wheels if he was not careful, the driver hurriedly pulled him away. The reins pulled the carriage to a stop.

The carriage shook, and Qin Yining opened his eyes in a daze, still unable to regain consciousness for a while.

"What's wrong?" She raised the car curtain strangely and looked out.

The Ninth Young Master and his party had already approached the carriage at this time. Seeing the carriage stop, the thick dark blue curtain was suddenly lifted up, and with the light of the dazzling wind lantern hanging on the carriage, a delicate little face could be seen.

"Oh, this, this is true!" The dandy behind Ninth Young Master was stunned.

Ninth Young Master's eyes lit up even more, and he came forward with rapid breathing.

Qin Yining woke up a little when the cool breeze blew. He saw the situation outside clearly and lowered the car curtain. He asked Mu Jinghu outside the window in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Mu Jinghu said: "It's okay, I met a group of drunkards."

"Little lady!" Ninth Young Master was about to approach the car door.

But the elite tiger guards immediately surrounded the carriage. The tall and strong bodies of the men were like a wall, isolating the dandies.

The Ninth Young Master couldn't help but get angry: "What, you little lady, why don't you show it to others? Why don't you, a businessman, want to win over regular customers?"

Qin Yining frowned and didn't want to pay attention to this person's dirty words.

In the capital city, the elite tiger guards did not dare to take action without Qin Yining's orders. But he was already angry at those dandies being so presumptuous. They all stood up straight and guarded the carriage with their iron bodies.

The Ninth Young Master kicked the calf of Jing Huwei in front of him, but he didn't move at all, but he almost fell down.

"You little lady, which family are you from? You dare to walk on the street in the middle of the night, and you are escorted by so many people. You think it's amazing? If you are in the flesh business, you must also understand the rules of business! Are you going to never do my business in the future? You didn’t even say hello, you are so disrespectful!"

Qin Yining couldn't help but sneered when he heard the drunkard say such words in the carriage.

Outside the carriage, Mu Jinghu scolded unbearably: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Nonsense? If you were taken out of the building at this time, do you think you are a chaste and martyr woman?"

Seeing the Ninth Young Master making such a noise, the group of dandies, even though their brains were numb from drinking too much wine, still had some sense of propriety. Someone pulled the Ninth Young Master and said, "Don't do this, in case it's someone from the court." Where are the minister’s family members?”

"Impossible!" Ninth Young Master said drunkenly, "Do you think a beauty like that is so easy to meet? I have seen many girls from Hua Street and Liuxiang in the capital, but I have never seen such a handsome one. They used to say that Princess Zhongshun She is a beauty, but didn’t that woman go looking for Prince Zhongshun? Could this person who was picked up in the middle of the night be the princess? Don’t laugh your teeth out!”

His words became increasingly unpleasant to listen to, so Qin Yining said to Mu Jinghu outside the window: "Mr. Mu, ask for his identity."

Mu Jinghu asked: "Who are you! How dare you be so shameless and wanton!"

"Who am I? Ha, is there anyone here who doesn't recognize me?" Ninth Young Master laughed, as if he had encountered the most interesting thing in the world.

The Ninth Young Master has always been surrounded by people who support him, and he immediately stood up and said: "You have blind eyes and don't recognize Mount Tai. This is the Ninth Young Master from the Duke Chang's residence!"

Qin Yining understood clearly in the carriage, and her eyes lit up as soon as she heard the words "Chang Guogong".

"It really takes no effort at all." Qin Yining sneered and told Mu Jinghu outside, "Mr. Mu, take down this Ninth Young Master!"

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