Return of the Swallow

Chapter 904 Dandy

The Jinghu Guards have long been dissatisfied with these dirty-talking young men. If they hadn't received Qin Yining's instructions just now, how could they have stood and endured their mistakes?

Now after hearing Qin Yining's voice, the Jinghu Guards took action before Mu Jinghu could make any move.

These men who go to battle to kill the enemy are not afraid of the enemy in the battle, not to mention these dandy boys who spend all their time in Zhangtai. The Ninth Young Master didn't even use a single move, and Tang Xiu held up his collar like a chicken. raised it.

"Oh! What are you doing! Let me go, let me go!" Ninth Young Master kicked his legs and grabbed his hands. He was suddenly captured, and he was half awake from the wine.

Because Qin Yining only ordered him to be arrested, all the noble sons behind him were fine. Seeing that the Ninth Young Master was arrested, everyone was shocked and wanted to rush forward to save them. When they saw that everyone in the Jinghu Guard was tall and powerful, they stared at him with eager eyes. He also knew that he didn't have the ability, so he just didn't dare to show off.

He only had the courage to shout: "Who are you? Put down the Ninth Young Master!"

"I'm afraid you didn't hear clearly! This is the most beloved youngest son in Duke Chang's house. If you dare to touch a hair of his today, the Duke will skin you tomorrow!"

"Yes, we won't let him go yet!"

"Go quickly, come here, hurry up!"

Some people shouted, and some people were more clever, maybe because they were not drunk, and turned around to report the news.

Although the Ninth Young Master was a little panicked, his fear was limited. When he saw his own people running to report the news, he stopped panicking and cursed loudly: "You bastard, how dare you order someone to arrest me! Wait until my father takes the people." Come here, don't even think about escaping! If you are wise, come out, kneel down and kowtow three times to me, and serve me well tonight. If I feel comfortable, I may consider sparing you, otherwise..."


The shouting was replaced by a loud slap in the face, and the Ninth Young Master was slapped to the side. Mu Jinghu said coldly: "You dare to tease Princess Zongshun with dirty words, you are tired of living!"


what did he say?

Ninth Young Master's ears were buzzing and he couldn't hear a word clearly.

The dudes who came with him on the other side also looked stunned.

"Did you hear that right? The person just mentioned was Princess Zhongshun?"

"That's right, it seems true."

"That, that's..."

The group of people were a little at a loss.

Qin Yining raised the car curtain, and his bright face looked even more soft under the light. She looked at the Ninth Young Master, then at the group of stupid young masters, and said in a deep voice:

"Anyone wants to report? Just in time, you go tell Duke Chang Guo that his youngest son made rude remarks and molested Princess Zhongshun. If you want someone, go to the palace to get him."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone's reaction, he directly lowered the curtain and ordered: "Go back home."


The Jinghu Guards put the Ninth Young Master into a carriage at the back and stuffed him in. They were annoyed by his noise and even used a piece of rag to gag the man's mouth and tie him up.

The wheels creaked across the green brick road and gradually moved away. A group of dandy boys looked at each other with sad faces.

"What should I do? It seems that she is really Prince Zhongshun's wife?"

"You admit it right? Didn't you say he was in the south?"

"I'm sure I didn't admit it wrong.

I've seen that face before, it's so funny that it makes you smile! But this person is too..."

"It's true that you marry a chicken and follow the chicken, and you marry an evil spirit and become a yaksha! But you only took advantage of a few words, so why do you start shouting and killing!"

"Don't talk about these useless things first, think about what to do first!"

"What should I do? What else can I do? I have no choice but to tell Duke Chang to go!"

All the young men discussed and walked away.

Tang Xiu, who stayed at the corner to inquire about the situation, heard all the movements of these people before catching up with Qin Yining's carriage.

"Princess. They went to report."

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work." Qin Yining lifted the car curtain and said.

"This can't be called hard work. It's just that the princess, this Duke of Chang is an old minister from the Northern Hebei Kingdom. Now after Jian Zuo has not touched a hair of this veteran, he still retains the title of his Duke. The Shang family of the Duke of Chang is here. The veterans of the Northern Hebei Kingdom are quite dignified among themselves, and if we are really offended, I am afraid that the entire Northern Hebei faction will be offended in the future."

Qin Yining nodded when he heard this and said with a smile: "I understand."

Knowing that Qin Yining must have some plans, the prince also specifically told them to follow the princess's arrangements when they set off, so Tang Xiu didn't say anything more.

All the way back to Yuci's palace, he knocked on the door and found it hard to believe for a moment that the concierge had left the old servant to look after the house.

"Is it true that the princess is back?"

"Yes. You have worked hard these days looking after the house." Qin Yining smiled.

"It's not hard, it's not hard. Hey, this house is big and it's not easy for me to move around. I just stay in our room all the time. I haven't seen anyone come these days. I'm still thinking about when the prince will be able to return to the capital. No. Just thinking about it makes the princess want to come back."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, and the group entered the house.

When she left the capital that day, Qin Yining was forced out of the palace by the Yao family. After that, she was busy with the funeral and the funeral. She did not take care of the affairs of the palace. Although she safely sent Yao Chenggu, his wife, and the Yao family out, she could Yao Chenggu arranged everything in the palace himself.

The huge house given by the prince was now empty and dusty. Yao Chenggu left no one to look after the house, only a concierge. He expected that he would never come back.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "The palace is such a big one, and the number of our group is limited after all. Why not live in the outer courtyard? Firstly, it will be easier to clean, and secondly, we can take care of big and small things when we get together."

Although it was a bit against the rules, I had stayed in every inn when I came here, but they all lived in the outer courtyard, not in the same courtyard, so it didn't matter.

The Jinghu Guards naturally had no objections and responded with a smile. Twenty young men showed their arms and rolled up their sleeves, and started packing up enthusiastically. They were good at killing enemies on the battlefield, and they were also efficient at other things. Qin Yining and Ji Yun carried their bags into Pang Xiao's study in the outer courtyard, where she planned to stay temporarily.

Bingtang went to direct the "big bosses" to do things.

Soon, the house was roughly cleaned. Bingtang took the key to the warehouse and took the people to get the bedding.

Everyone divided their rooms, arranged to take turns keeping vigil, and then rested first.

Mu Jinghu was arranged in a wing in the courtyard of the study. Before going to bed, Mu Jinghu picked up the nine young masters who were tied up and pouting, and said, "Lock him up first?"

"Let him loosen his bonds, and there is no need to gag him."

Mu Jinghu raised his eyebrows and immediately released the Ninth Young Master.

Ninth Young Master immediately threw away the rag stuffed in his mouth, vomited twice, and glared at Qin Yining: "You poisonous whore, why don't you let me go!"

Qin Yining stood on the steps in front of the study room. The soft light in the room came from behind her, and she saw that her body was covered with a warm halo.

Young Master Ninth could not see Qin Yining's expression, but he heard her gentle voice say something that almost made him angry to death.

"Since you are so ignorant of current affairs, it's better to tie him up."

Mu Jinghu said funnyly: "This is easy."

As he said that, he cut the Ninth Young Master's arms behind his back with his backhand, and tied them up with three strokes.

Ninth Young Master yelled angrily, "You!"

"Shh!" Qin Yining gestured with a finger and said, "If you scold me again, I'll shut your mouth!"

"you dare!"

"Dare I dare? Didn't you see it? Your Majesty and I returned to the capital on orders, and just as we entered the city, I was insulted by you with filthy words. How will your Majesty handle this when you see it?" "

The Ninth Young Master's teeth were chattering loudly. He didn't know what the Lord would do to him. However, Pang Xiao was known to be a lover of his wife and a protective guard. His wife was molested by him. How could he just give up?

Thinking about this, Ninth Young Master finally controlled his temper. It wouldn't be a bad thing to suffer less before the family comes to find him.

Qin Yining smiled and said, "It seems you are not stupid either."

Mu Jinghu said with a smile, "You should have a rest." He mentioned the Ninth Young Master and walked out. At the same time, he did not forget to make the man's mouth pouted and even his eyes were covered.

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh when he saw Mu Jinghu being so careful. That young master is not a powerful person, and even if he is loosened, he may not be able to leave the palace. But be careful and sail the boat for ten thousand years, she still has uses for this person, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Returning to the back room of the study, Qin Yining rested on the heated kang near the window where Pang Xiao often used to read.

Bingtang and Jiyun went to find firewood and burned the heated Kang. The heated Kang in the north was really the favorite of people with cold bodies like Qin Yining. The master and servant didn't pay much attention to it, so the three of them slept together. Well, have a good night's sleep.

After getting up early the next morning, Qin Yining sat at the table and let Bingtang help comb her hair.

"Just put on a simple bun and a silver hairpin. The clothes will still be the same azure color as when you put them back on. The plainer, the better."

"I understand, Princess, don't worry, just do the whole show."

"That's exactly what it means."

Ji Yun came in from outside, put down the porridge and side dishes on the tray, and said with a smile: "I will go and buy a girl today. This house is lifeless now, and it will be lively with more people."

"Well, the booklet in my dowry, starting from the tenth page, records the addresses of the old people our family hired in the past. Let's consider hiring them first. Firstly, they are familiar with each other and can be used easily. Secondly, we are in a hurry. After all, we have not made proper arrangements for them. If they are willing to come back and work as errands, we can better provide them with some subsidies."

"Yes, you know that the princess is the softest." Ji Yun smiled.

At this moment, Tang Xiu's voice came from outside the door, "Princess, there is a greeting card from Duke Chang's residence."

"So fast? It seems that that idiot is really liked by Duke Chang."

Qin Yining asked Tang Xiu to bring in the invitation card.

The person who posted the post was not Duke Chang Guo, but his wife. The greeting post politely stated that she would come to the palace to pay a visit this afternoon. I wonder if she is free to take the time to meet. If not, I will send a greeting post tomorrow to inquire.

How could Qin Yining be so polite and sincere?

She smiled and said: "Reply to Mrs. Changguo's message and say that I have some free time. Just come in the afternoon."

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