Return of the Swallow

Chapter 906 Glorious Image

After seeing off Mrs. Chang Guogong, Ji Yun and Bingtang served Qin Yining back to her room to rest.

In the evening, Tang Xiu came back and said, "Princess, someone from Duke Chang's Mansion sent a message saying that Duke Chang has agreed to your request."

When Qin Yining heard this, the stern expression on his face relaxed and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

As long as Duke Chang Guo nods, more than half of the matter will be settled.

The next day, Mu Jinghu personally took action and took Duke Chang Guo to the palace to avoid anyone's eyes and ears.

Duke Chang Guo did not expect that Qin Yining would have such a skilled person beside him, and he did not expect that this "chivalrous man" would not take him out the door, but climb over the wall, which shocked him into a cold sweat. , when he looked at Qin Yining again, his eyes looked different.

It's a pity that such a person can be so bold and decisive in doing things, and his methods are informal, but he is a woman.

Qin Yining talked secretly with Duke Chang Guo for two hours.

In the dead of night, Mu Jinghu quietly sent Duke Chang Guo back.

Except for Qin Yining and Chang Guogong, no one knew what they talked about.

Even except for the two of them and Mu Jinghu, no one else knew that Duke Chang had come to the palace. Even Mrs. Duke Chang, who was closest to Duke Chang, had no idea and was still anxious about the Yaozi.

The next day, Qin Yining asked Tang Xiu to bring out the Ninth Young Master who had been locked up for two days.

After being tied up for two days, without eating a grain of rice or touching a drop of water, Ninth Young Master lost half of his life. When he saw Qin Yining, his eyes were filled with hatred as if he wanted to eat someone.

Mu Jinghu said, "Do you know you are wrong?"

The Ninth Young Master gritted his teeth and scratched his neck, and yelled deliberately. On the one hand, he had no strength, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the person in front of him. It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "I'm not wrong! What's wrong with me! You don't even think about it. How can a decent woman take a car out in the middle of the night? You are asking for this! I was just having a drink as usual, and I met you on the way. How did I know that the noble princess could go out in the middle of the night? As a result, I I was caught by you, am I wronged or not?”

As he spoke, Ninth Young Master burst into tears.

Qin Yining was amused by his shameless words. He took two steps forward and walked to the person sitting on the ground. He said condescendingly, "It's my freedom whether I walk at night or not. I walked at night. Is that the reason for your rude words?" ?Whether I am willing to walk at night or not, and whether you behave properly or not, are two different things. Can you still blame others for all your faults? It was me you met this time. I have many people around me, so I didn't let you get involved. It’s easy to get it, but what if it’s a girl from an ordinary family?”

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this man, Qin Yining said: "Just give him ten slaps and send him back to his father."

"Yes." Tang Xiu had already received Qin Yining's instructions and strode over aggressively with a board.

Ninth Young Master turned pale with fright, and kept saying, "How dare you! You poisonous whore, how dare you hit me! My father is Duke Chang Guo! If you hit me, my father will not let you go!"

"It's already here and you still don't clean your mouth? Hit me!"

Qin Yining fluttered his sleeves and turned back to the house.

Soon the sound of crackling boards and the wailing of the Ninth Young Master crying for his father and mother were heard in the yard.

The ten boards were finished quickly, and the Ninth Young Master had no energy to cry anymore, so he asked Tang Xiu to take someone back to Changguo Duke's Mansion with a door panel.

Jiyun and Bingtang looked relieved and spat hard.

"You deserve it. Such people should be severely punished!"

"That's right, if you don't discipline him now, you don't know how many women this bad boy will harm in the future!"

But after enough scolding, the two of them were a little worried. After all, the identity of Duke Chang Guo was there.

"Princess, will Changguo Guild become angry or hold a grudge against you?" Bingtang asked worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, I have my own arrangements. I have another one that I want Tang Xiu to take care of right now. When Tang Xiu comes back, you can ask him to come over."

"Yes." Bingtang nodded seriously.

Ji Yun smiled and said: "Princess, I have read the list you gave me and contacted many old people based on the addresses on it. People have returned to the house one after another early this morning. But there are still few people in the house. , do you want to buy some more?"

Qin Yining thought about it and said with a smile: "It's better not to use it. Let's use the old people in the house first. You should pay attention to the purchase first. If there are suitable little girls, just find a few and they will be enough."

"Yes. The princess plans to keep some little girls by her side?"

"Yes." Qin Yining said with a smile, "In the future, when our lives are stable, I will find a suitable husband for you and marry you off in a glorious way. If you are willing, you can be a wife by my side then." Madam in charge, I will definitely not have enough maids around me by then, so I am preparing in advance now."

Ji Yun's face turned red. Looking at it this way, he really had a pink face and rosy cheeks, and an extraordinary appearance.

"Princess, don't talk nonsense."

"What nonsense am I talking about?" Qin Yining blinked innocently, "It's time for men to get married and women to get married. Do I still keep you as an old girl? I'm afraid you will hate me by then."

"Princess knows nonsense." Ji Yun stamped her feet shyly, turned around and left.

Qin Yining and Bingtang couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

After laughing enough, Bingtang asked: "Princess, our palace is so big, but not all the original old people can come back. I heard from Ji Yun that they only brought back twenty or so, so the palace seems too empty." .”

"It doesn't matter. If the house is empty, let it remain empty. If there are spots on the wall tiles, there is no need to renovate them. Just maintain the status quo."

Bingtang didn't quite understand Qin Yining's intention. Such a good royal palace was very old and gloomy. If outsiders looked at it, they might gossip behind his back and say that Prince Zhongshun was lonely. Otherwise, how could the palace be in such a dilapidated state? .

It's just that Bingtang knew that Qin Yining must have an arrangement for doing this, so she didn't continue to ask.

Not long after, Tang Xiu came to see Qin Yining.

Qin Yining asked Ji Yun and Bingtang to guard the door and whispered a few instructions in Tang Xiu's ear.

Tang Xiu said in surprise: "What does the princess mean by compiling a book about the prince's deeds and asking others to tell them?"

"Yes." Qin Yining said with a smile, "When you go out these days, observe carefully to see where there are many people who hear about books, and which storytellers are more popular. As for the content of the storytellers, let's take the time when the prince was at war. Those snippets tell them.”

Tang Xiu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded repeatedly, "This is good, this is good! Princess, you don't know that the prince is so mighty on the battlefield. The prince is like a god with his troops, taking the lead and always being the first to kill. The last one to retreat, if nothing else, all the brothers in the army were very impressed with the prince. The prince treated the brothers with righteousness and never deducted food and salary. Sometimes when he was nervous, he would even top up his own money to pay the brothers. …”

Tang Xiu obviously admired Pang Xiao very much. When he talked about Pang Xiao's great achievements, he couldn't stop talking and talked with excitement as if pouring beans.

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly after hearing this and said with a smile: "What you said is very good. There is also the prince who sacrificed his life to save people for the safety of the people. There is also the prince who is righteous and refuses to massacre the city. You can tell the storyteller about these. , teach them how to speak it in the most densely populated areas of the city."

Qin Yining thought for a while and added: "Not only the previous achievements of the prince, but also the chaos between Yuchi Yan and Nanyan Yuchi Xujie in the south this time. If the prince did not come forward, I am afraid that Nanyan would have started a military disaster. .”

Tang Xiu blinked. Anyone who knew the inside story about Nan Yan knew that it was not what Qin Yining said.

But with such publicity, the prince's reputation is getting better and better, which is not a bad thing.

Seeing that Tang Xiu understood everything, Qin Yining smiled and handed the matter over to him, and said with a smile: "When you have made the arrangements, I will go and listen to the book."

"Princess, do you still need to listen to books? You have already seen the prince's affairs and recorded them in your heart."

"That won't stop me from joining in the fun." Qin Yining said with a smile.

Tang Xiu also laughed, eager to go out and make arrangements.

Just when Tang Xiu took the time to contact the storyteller, news of the enmity between Princess Zhongshun and Duke Chang Guo's family had spread like wildfire.

Some people still don't quite believe it, thinking that it makes no sense for Duke Chang to provoke Qin Yining for no reason.

However, many people witnessed the miserable appearance of the Ninth Young Master when he was beaten and carried back to Duke Chang's mansion.

In addition, some people have privately made up several versions of the story about the "love and hatred" between Qin Yining and the Duke of Chang's family. With such word-of-mouth spread, the people have come to know the reasons for the feud between Qin Yining and Duke Chang's family. Several versions have been circulated for a long time.

So within three to five days, Qin Yining's enmity with Chang Guo Gong turned into a sworn feud between Pang Xiao and Chang Guo Gong, and the news was spread in a decent manner.

Qin Yining was in the house, listening to the reports from various sources, and felt very good about eating half a bowl of rice.

"Princess, the teahouses in the city are now talking about the heroic deeds of the prince. He pacified Dayan, defeated the bandits, and put down the rebellion of Nanyan. Now after tea and dinner, eight out of ten people are talking about the prince's bravery and loyalty. Even Some people also made up children's songs, and children were singing them in the streets and alleys."

Tang Xiu said with a smile, "Nowadays, storytellers are most interested in telling stories about princes' conquests, which are no less exciting than "Three Kingdoms"."

Qin Yining laughed when he heard this, "So where have they been talking about recently?"

"Speaking of the fact that the prince managed to quell the chaos in the south without spending a single soldier. Yuchi Yan and Yuchi Xujie joined forces to cause chaos. They thought of the military disaster and disrupted the Zhou Dynasty. They sowed relations with the courtiers in an attempt to restore the Yan Dynasty. As a result, their treacherous plan The prince saw through it, and the prince was just planning something. Yuchi Yan and Yuchi Xujie began to rebel, and Yuchi Yan even killed Yuchi Xujie, who had helped him save his life in the first place. Now the common people are scolding Yuchi. Yan is not a thing."

Qin Yining nodded.

Tang Xiu added: "Anyway, the image of the prince as both wise and brave has spread throughout the world. Even the children pretending to be winemakers are rushing to pretend to be the prince."

PS: It’s another Chinese New Year. I didn’t know that Bu Jie Jin Tang has been serializing it for more than two years. Thank you dear readers for your companionship for more than two years. In the new year, I wish you all a happy family and all the best, and I wish you good luck! ! Stupid Yueyue will continue to work hard and write good stories for everyone! bow! !

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