Return of the Swallow

Chapter 907 In front of the city gate

Qin Yining couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

In the past, although Pang Xiao had a high voice among the people and was respected by the people, he always had a sense of being superior and was not as close to the lives of the people as he is now.

The current scene is exactly what Qin Yining wants.

It is sometimes easy to change the direction of public opinion and make a person who is still distant from you become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It shows that everything depends on man-made efforts.

Qin Yining was curious about what was going on outside, but because he had to pretend to be a person whose whole family had died, it was not fun to wear heavy mourning, and he couldn't hang out in a big way, so he had to disguise himself and go quietly.

After listening to a few stories, Qin Yining's blood boiled with excitement. Those things that were obviously not true were made up by the storyteller to be so reasonable that even she almost believed it. What the storyteller talks about with his thin lips is about battlefield battles and power struggles, which are much more exciting than what the people who are involved in them have experienced.

By the beginning of February, even the women in the capital knew about the book about Pang Xiao Zhi Ping Nan Yan. The image of Yuchi Yanen as a despicable villain who took revenge became more and more ingrained. Even the old women who gathered together to bask in the sun would curl their lips when mentioning this man. He shook his head in contempt.

In the garden of the Royal Palace in Zhennan, the capital, Yuchiyan stood with a sullen face, his hands behind his back. His gray hair was tied into a bun, and the newly made silk shirt on his body seemed a bit wider. When the wind blew, the clothes fluttered like hangings. On the bamboo pole.

The two older daughters-in-law knelt in front of him, shaking like chaff.

"What did you just say? Huh?"

"My lord, my lord, my slave, my slave..."


Yuchiyan roared, frightening the two servant girls into sobbing and kowtowing on the spot.

"I don't know, slave, I was out shopping when I heard someone reading at a small tea stall near the market, so, just..."

"How dare you! How can you really believe what the mud-legged people outside are saying?"

"If I don't believe it, I will definitely not believe it!"

The servants kowtowed.

Yuchi Yan clenched his fists, his forehead veins were exposed, his whole body was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Come here!"

"Your Majesty."

The head of the palace came forward to salute.

Yu Chiyan pointed at the two women and said harshly: "Slap their mouths! Hit them! Hit them hard!"

The manager should be waving his hands to the boys behind him.

The boy immediately came forward, held the two servant women's shoulders, took the bamboo board and held it in his hand.

The two servant women were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, I don't dare to do this anymore!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. These are not what slaves say. They are spread outside. It is spread outside..."

It's okay not to say this. When he heard "It's being spread outside", Yuchiyan's eyes turned red and he yelled: "Hit!"

The boy immediately responded, raised his arm, and swung the bamboo piece down hard. Only the sound of "pop" and "pop" was heard. The two servant women couldn't make any wailing sounds after being beaten, but their faces were high after two or three blows. The high ones were swollen.

Yuchi Yan clenched his teeth and tightened his jaw, staring at the two servants.

The two executioners each gave them more than a dozen blows. They watched the two servant women burst into tears, their cheeks swollen like balls, and there were deep purple marks all over them.

I was afraid that if I continued to hit him, my face would be smashed, so I couldn't help but slow down the movements of my hands, and hesitantly glanced at the manager of the palace.

The manager also hesitated, "Your Majesty, you..."

"Keep fighting! Did I ask you to stop? Are you unwilling to listen to my orders?"

"Young ones don't dare!"

The two boys were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they quickly started to move again.

The manager was about to speak but stopped, lowering his head and couldn't bear to look any further.

However, Yuchiyan stared at the two servant girls who were beaten and vomited blood. He saw that the blood they spit out was mixed with teeth, and their faces were swollen and bruised beyond recognition. It seemed as if the suppressed turmoil in his heart had an outlet. .

He couldn't control the nonsense of those people outside, so couldn't he control those at home?

Just when Yu Chiyan was staring at the two servants, obviously wanting to watch the servant beat them to death, Gu Shixiong came over supported by the two servants.

"Stop." The old man's voice was trembling, and he coughed occasionally.

The two executioners immediately stopped moving as if they were being pardoned.

Yuchiyan was feeling happy, but was suddenly interrupted and suddenly turned back to look at Gu Shixiong.

"Your Majesty, these two servants are talking nonsense and deserve to be punished. They must have been taught a lesson and will never do it again in the future." Gu Shixiong cupped his hands and said, "Please, Your Majesty, please be generous and leave them a way to survive."

Yuchi Yan pursed his lips tightly, but his gentle eyes now lost their tenderness and gentleness. His eyes became cold, and his expression showed the resentment caused by excessive suppression.

"They are servants of the prince's palace. If they do such things, I will punish them if I want!"

"What the prince said is true." Gu Shixiong sighed, "It's just that the prince has always been kind, you..."

"Mercy?" Yu Chiyan raised his chin and sneered at the gloomy sky, "What's the use of kindness?"

Seeing that he seemed to be saying something that no one could hear, Gu Shixiong quickly waved his hand to the manager.

The manager immediately understood and ordered people to carry out the two unconscious wives who had been beaten. The servant also stepped back quietly with gentle steps.

In the blink of an eye, only Yu Chiyan and Gu Shixiong were left in the garden.

"My lord, I know how depressed you are, but you have to think about it in the long term. You can't throw away your best qualities just for these things."

"Advantages? What other advantages does this king have? Are you talking about being soft-hearted and kind? Ha! How ridiculous!" Yu Chiyan raised his head and laughed, his eyes gradually turning red. Gu Shixiong's words of persuasion seemed to poke the deepest secret in his heart. I don't want to embarrass others.

"My soft heart and kindness are a symbol of weakness! See what people outside say about me? Despicable villain, ungrateful! This king is the king of subjugation and a useless coward! They call me a For a bastard who licks people's shoes and lives in vain, how can anyone know the pain of this king!"

"Your Majesty! Be careful what you say!"

Gu Shixiong quickly stopped him, fearing that Yu Chiyan would continue to say something treacherous.

This is the capital, right under Li Qitian's nose. As long as Li Qitian wants to, I'm afraid Li Qitian can know what kind of underwear Yu Chiyan is wearing! They had been misunderstood by the people of Nanyan and lost the support of the people. They were attacked by the gangsters and fled back to the capital. They finally found a shelter. It was time to hide their strength and recuperate. It was really not appropriate to cause trouble again at this time.

But looking at Yu Chiyan who seemed to be going crazy, Gu Shixiong only felt powerless.

Yuchiyan is still the same as before, not good at political affairs. Now he is almost crazy, and he has even forgotten his previous patience and forbearance.

Yuchi Yan clenched his fists, breathing heavily, and his teeth gritted.

Seeing Yu Chiyan like this, the thoughts that had been lingering in Gu Shixiong's letter became clear again.

He is old. We have paid enough for the restoration of our country. Except for his old life, his family, and his future, everything else was involved.

But things are still as irreversible as they are now.

Maybe it's time for him to let go.

"Your Majesty, you may be tired. It's better to have a good rest. As for the storytellers outside who started talking about Pang Zhixi in unison, there must be someone behind the scenes, and it may even be Pang Zhixi himself who is establishing a positive image for himself. Facing his opponents There is no need for you to be so angry because of the slander, we will just find a way to fight back."

"Counterattack? How to counterattack?" Yuchiyan was stunned for a moment, and then asked eagerly.

When something happens, you don't know how to use your own brain, so you ask him first. Such reliance makes Gu Shixiong smile bitterly.

"We need to think about this again."

"Think about it again? Just thinking about my reputation has been stepped on by others!"

Does he still have a good reputation now?

Gu Shixiong sighed secretly, shook his head, and said he would go back and think about it before resigning and leaving the palace.

Yuchiyan didn't get a solution to the problem. He became angry when he thought of the two servant women gossiping behind his back. That night, he ordered the two servant women to be thrown out of the palace, and no one was allowed to rescue them.

The next day, news spread that two bodies were found in front of the Zhennan Palace.

Bingtang frowned and said to Qin Yining: "This is too cruel. I heard that the faces of the two servant girls were terribly swollen, all the teeth in their mouths were knocked out, and one of their cheekbones was broken. That's it. They were thrown out when they were still suffering from a high fever. The weather was freezing and the water was too cold. They were thrown on the cold ground and died in one night..."

Ji Yunting was filled with righteous indignation, "What a waste of human life! There is a reason for punishing servants, either by fines or by selling them. Although there are not many people who use lynching in this way, they are not so blatant. Does the King of Zhennan not care about his face?"

Qin Yining sighed: "He must be angry."

With Yuchiyan's temper, it is not unusual for him to do such a thing. Qin Yining didn't know how to feel about the kind-hearted people who used to be like this. Anyway, they were on opposite sides and both wanted to get the treasure, so they would never be able to look back.

Daxing Grange.

Huzi said with joy: "Your Majesty, now the capital is full of people praising you. Even a three-year-old child knows about your deeds! Hey! Princess is really amazing! In just a short period of time, your voice among the people has increased. It’s become so high! Why didn’t we think of such a method before?”

Pang Xiao smiled and said, "In the past, we had to keep a low profile, but now she is more high-profile."

Huzi asked: "Your Majesty, can we enter the city?"

"Yes." Pang Xiao stood up, stretched his stiff muscles, and said, "Come on. Prepare the carriage and horses and set off immediately."

Pang Xiao, with more than twenty elite tigers and two counselors Xie and Xu, rushed to the capital at high speed, twice as fast as Qin Yining at that time.

But when they arrived at the city gate, Pang Xiao ordered them to set up camp and not enter the city gate.

On the road in front of the city gate, there were many people, carriages and horses going in and out. The several tent camps set up by Pang Xiao's team of more than 20 people not far away were extremely prominent, especially since there were still people in the camp. There is a flag hanging brightly, with a neat official character "脄" written on it.

If the people who were coming and going were literate, they would know that Prince Zhongshun's team had arrived outside the city.

Soon, the news spread that Prince Zhongshun returned to Beijing but did not enter the city.

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