Return of the Swallow

Chapter 908 Expectation

"Princess, princess! The prince's team is back!" Bingtang quickly entered the room and said crisply. Qin Yining was doing needlework. Hearing this, he stopped for a moment and looked back and asked, "Have people entered the capital yet?" "Not yet. The people in the government just got the news when they went out to buy. They said that the prince was stationed with people. Not far outside the city gate, it's already been a night, and I have no intention of entering the city." Bingtang's tone was puzzled, "Is it possible that the prince has other things to do?" Qin Yining continued to do needlework after hearing this, with a gentle smile. There is a bit of sweetness in it. Pang Xiao actually didn't elaborate on what she was going to do after entering the city, but Pang Xiao stationed himself outside the city after returning to the capital, which shows that after learning about the situation in the city, he quickly made a judgment to cooperate with her. With such a tacit understanding, how can anyone be unhappy? "It's okay. They are willing to station outside the city, so let's stay outside the city for now. We don't have to worry and just live our lives." Bingtang saw that Qin Yining was so calm, and guessed that the masters had other arrangements, so she Don’t worry anymore. At the same time, people in the capital's restaurants, teahouses, and streets were discussing this matter. In their hearts, Pang Xiao's image is at its most glorious and tall. The great hero is back and he has to walk in from the city gate. Doesn't this mean that they all have the opportunity to see the true face of the great hero up close? ? The people were excited and looking forward to it, and the entire first floor of the restaurant was discussing it. "Perhaps Prince Zhongshun came back too late yesterday and the city gate was already closed, so he camped outside the city overnight. When he was ready today, he came back immediately." "Perhaps that's what happened. Then Should we go and guard in front of the city gate? But we don’t know it yet. The prince and his entourage have returned to the palace. Doesn’t that mean we can’t see the great hero?” “Hey, you said, the great hero defeated Nan Yan. The chaos, for such a great contribution, the Holy One will definitely reward you heavily, right?" "Absolutely. Maybe the Holy One will go out of the palace to meet the prince himself!"... Tang Xiu mingled in the crowd and listened to everyone's comments. In the ear, he took a sip of wine with a smile, threw a broad bean into his mouth and chewed it loudly. The princess is really good at knowing things, and the people in the city are excited as mentioned in a few books. The attitude of welcoming Pang Xiao now is even more worshipful than the family members who accompanied the army when they conquered the city gate of Northern Hebei. At this time, someone had already gone to explore the road. There are also those shops facing the street, where you can open the windows and clearly see where the people on the street are, and they are also robbed by the people. Many people refused to go back and waited eagerly for Pang Xiao to enter the city. On the top of the city gate, General Gong Qi looked at Pang Xiao's camp not far from the city and couldn't help but frowned. "General Banner, what do you mean by Prince Zhongshun? Why do people refuse to come into the city even though they are here? Now many people have gathered on the streets in the city, all wanting to see the prince return to the city. The prince If you don't come in, chaos will break out in the city." "Yes, General Qi, what should we do? Do we need to go back to the top? If this causes civil unrest, it will be difficult for us to explain it!" General Gong Qi frowned. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "The people in the city have already made such a fuss. The superiors should have known about it a long time ago. Well, after reporting back, it would be good for the Five Cities Military and Horse Division to prepare early." "Yes, there are so many. When the people gather in one place, it is inevitable that some young people will take the opportunity to cause trouble. If the troops of the five cities are on guard earlier, they can avoid some trouble." Everyone looked at the camp not far outside the city, and they all had the same voice in their hearts: Prince Zhongshun, please come to the city quickly! Pang Xiao was reading a book in the tent at this time. Huzi brought the steamed buns, bacon and pickles and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's time to eat." Pang Xiao nodded, "Sit down and eat together." "Hey!" Huzi agreed, and the two of them marched and fought together, going through life and death. Over time, it is common to eat from the same bowl. "My lord, when do you plan to enter the city?" Huzi took a big bite of the steamed bun and asked vaguely. Pang Xiao said: "Let's just wait here. Someone will be anxious to let us enter the city when the time comes." Huzi scratched the back of his head, nodded and asked no more questions. He didn't understand. It didn't matter. The prince and the princess obviously had a tacit understanding. Those who followed them would never go wrong as long as they obeyed the orders and did things. The bustle in the city continues until nightfall,

The people waited hard all day but no one came. The curfew time came. Although everyone wanted to wait a little longer, they had to go home due to the curfew. "The prince didn't come into the city today, maybe something got him. Let's wait earlier tomorrow. Why would the prince come into the city tomorrow?" "What you said makes sense. Maybe he can still come tomorrow. Grab a good seat and see the great hero up close." When the people from the City Gate Army and the Five City Army and Horse Division saw that the people had followed the order and evacuated, they couldn't help but let out a long breath. It would be difficult if these people got together to make trouble. General Gong Qi and the commanders of the Five Cities Military and Horse Department were thinking that maybe the prince would come to the city early tomorrow morning. But the next day, there was still no movement from Pang Xiao. However, the number of people in front of the city gate and even on the entire street increased. Even the business of all the teahouses and restaurants along the street is booming. At noon, the lively chatter of the people who were originally excited to see the great hero died down, and they became anxious and unbearable. Some people began to complain and ask, "Why haven't you come to the city yet?" At this time, the crowd began to cry. Someone whispered, "Your Majesty has made great contributions to pacifying the south this time. Why don't you see anyone in the court to greet you?" As soon as these words were said, everyone was immediately reminded. "Yes, such a great hero should have a lively welcome ceremony. Haven't you seen that in the past, in the capital, when the generals who responded to the war returned to the court, the Holy Emperor would order important ministers to welcome them." "Yes, yes, I still want to welcome him." I remember that when General Protector was alive, he won several great battles, and the emperor at that time personally greeted him." When mentioning General Protector Pang Zhongzheng, everyone quickly thought of an issue that they obviously ignored. "Oh, isn't Prince Zhongshun the posthumous son of General Protector? What a bastard of a general!" "That's right! It's like dragons and dragons and phoenixes. Look at the bloodline of General Protector's family!" At this point, there is The old man who had seen Pang Zhong being executed with his own eyes felt uncomfortable. "Really, the Hunjun was killed by a thousand cuts at that time. General Pang was such a good person, but he ended up like that in the end." "Yes..." When the blood of the Protector General spilled in the capital, the Pang family was full of blood. The endgame is a shadow that many people will still have lingering fear in their hearts when they think about it. It was precisely because the ignorant emperor was afraid of the hero that he actually brutally killed Pang Zhongzheng, and the public anger that had been pent up among the people for a long time erupted like a mountain and a tsunami. Now, at the beginning, it was under the banner of revenge for the orphan of Pang Zhongzheng to avenge the general who protected the country. Thinking of what happened back then, everyone felt heavy in their hearts. Look at Prince Zhongshun who has now returned to the capital after making great achievements, and he is living quietly in a tent outside the city with more than a dozen people. In this place in the capital, if a plaque fell, it would hit three high-ranking officials. There were so many officials in the court, but no one said to greet them. But when King Zhennan escaped from the south, the Holy Spirit arranged for senior officials from the Ministry of Rites to greet him! The dignified Prince Zhongshun, the great hero who pacified the south, is treated less than a despicable villain? Some people are outspoken, think so, and say so. This statement resonated with many people, and they couldn't help but whisper and bit their ears. They did not dare to talk loudly about the affairs of the day, but seeing that Prince Zhongshun was being treated so coldly now, and thinking about the fact that the general who protected the country did not end well, no one felt comfortable. Some people with a straight temper even said directly, "Isn't Prince Zhongshun as miserable as his father?" Some people took a breath and whispered to the people around them. There are also people who are more cautious, and when they see that the situation here is not good, they quietly avoid it. But most of the people still stayed where they were. Everyone's mood changed from excitement at the beginning to dissatisfaction now. The content of the discussion also changed. People from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division were maintaining order on the streets. Where could I not hear these comments? They shouted loudly, and the people shut up in front of them, but as soon as they turned around, the buzzing discussion started again. They couldn't arrest all the people in the city. Facing the tide of discussion, they could only stare. Completely helpless. There was a large gathering of people in the capital, and the content of the discussion was very unpleasant. How could Li Qitian not know about it? At this time, someone had already reported what happened in front of the city gate to Li Qitian. "Your Majesty, the people are gathering on the street now, waiting to see Prince Zhongshun enter the city, but Prince Zhongshun has not moved yet. If they continue to gather together, there may be bad changes. Please ask Your Majesty to make a ruling as soon as possible." Li Qitian Hei sat sullenly behind the paulownia-lacquered desk in the royal study, clenching his hands into fists to prevent himself from swearing harshly on the spot. "What is he going to do? Huh? Are you threatening me with the troops coming to the city?" After hearing this, several courtiers lowered their heads, knowing that the Holy Emperor was angry and confused. There are only a dozen or twenty people around Pang Xiao, so what kind of troops are coming to the city? Li Qitian looked at Lu Heng, who had been silent among the group of people, and said, "Uncle Zhongyi, what do you think of this matter?" Lu Heng took a step forward, saluted and said, "Your Majesty, I think we should find ways to calm the people's voices at this time. That's the best policy." To calm the people's voices? What is the voice of the people? Li Qitian felt like he had a clear mind about what the people were talking about and thinking about outside. He is the emperor, why should he act based on other people's faces? Li Qitian said solemnly: "Xiong Jinshui." "My servant is here." The great eunuch Xiong Jinshui came forward to salute. Li Qitian ordered: "Go and pass on my instructions, and let Prince Zhongshun enter the palace quickly to meet the saint. Don't delay!" Xiong Jinshui bowed and responded: "I obey the order." Then he quickly stepped back and followed the instructions. Give orders to do things. The most important ministers in the Imperial Study Room bowed their heads and did not dare to say a word.

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