Return of the Swallow

Chapter 909 Public Opinion

Lu Heng also did not dare to say anything more at this time. He had to pay attention to timing and be aware of people's emotions. Since this matter did not involve his own wealth and life, there was no need for him to displease the emperor and cause trouble for himself. .

Lu Heng, who just lowered his eyebrows, deeply disagreed with Li Qitian's actions at this time.

The Holy Lord is a resourceful man. To put it bluntly, how can a person who can pull the banner of Zhongzheng to stir up trouble and successfully sit on the throne be a idiot? But now, perhaps because people have been aloof for a long time, they no longer like to use their brains when doing things, preferring to use thunderous means to suppress.

Pang Zhixi seems to be a reckless man, but he is both rough and subtle, and he knows how to make good use of others.

I heard that Qin Yining had come back a long time ago, but Pang Xiao never came back. When Pang Xiao returned to the capital, the situation in the capital was like this. It was obvious that this was a scene planned by the couple, and the emperor didn't even care about the kick. Step into the trap!

The most frightening thing is that the couple may have already predicted the character of the Holy Emperor and the psychology of the courtiers. Knowing that they, the courtiers, no one would stop the angry Holy Lord from falling into the trap.

So there is no omission...

What appeared in Lu Heng's mind was Qin Yining's small face and wise eyebrows.

He felt sad for a while, this woman did not belong to him after all.

The sadness and unwillingness in his heart could not be explained, but Lu Heng could only pretend to be calm and not let his thoughts be revealed.

In front of the city gate, there were more people than at the beginning. The lively scene was comparable to a temple fair. There were even clever vendors carrying burdens among the crowd selling sesame cakes, tea eggs and other food. There were also teenagers A little girl carrying a basket sells sweet noodle fruits and caramels.

It was still very cold in the capital in early spring. After waiting for so long, everyone was already hungry, so they naturally bought and ate food if conditions allowed.

At this moment, a fast horse suddenly galloped past on the street, and sitting on it was an internal prison officer wearing an iron-gray round-neck sunflower shirt.

The common people all stared at the direction in which the inner prisoner was leaving. They only saw him arriving in front of the city gate, saying a few words to the soldiers guarding the gate, and then he was naturally let go and went all the way out of the city.

Some people in the crowd began to speculate.

"Could it be that someone from the palace came out to deliver the order?"

"Most likely."

"But for the prince's great achievements, even if the Holy One does not greet him personally, he will at least arrange for a high official. He only sends a eunuch to call people in. What does this mean?"

"Hey! You don't want to live anymore, you dare to talk nonsense!"

Although some people said so, others dissuaded them, but he was not the only one who had this idea. The topic that had been discussed among the crowd just now was brought up again. The people were eating snacks and exchanging their thoughts. Some people were even speculating. Pang Xiao was treated coldly despite his meritorious service. Most likely, his achievements shocked the master.

"Hey, someone outside the city saw the eunuch going to see the prince."

Someone said loudly near the city gate.

The news was spread by word of mouth, and soon everyone onlookers knew that the eunuch was really going to deliver the holy edict. The speculation and discussion became even more difficult to suppress. The people of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division were sweating profusely to maintain order. Scolding those who are talking nonsense, but there are so many people present, how can they control it?

In the temporary camp outside the city, Xiong Jinshui saluted Pang Xiao with a smile on his face, "Your Majesty, the Holy One has ordered you to enter the city immediately and enter the palace to meet the Holy One. Your Majesty has been out for so long,

The Holy One must have missed the prince. "

Pang Xiao smiled, raised his hands in the direction of the capital and said, "I obey your order."

Then he turned around and ordered to break camp.

Xiong Jinshui didn't expect things to go so smoothly, so he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The prince has returned to the capital, but he is stationed in front of the city gate and refuses to enter. He must have his own plan. The emperor called him back with just one word, and arranged for him to be an official in the inner court to deliver the message. This is already indirect. Expressing His Majesty's dissatisfaction with Pang Xiao's delay in entering the city.

He has a humble status and speaks softly. He does not dare to question the Holy One, nor does he dare to say anything in front of the prince. It is really difficult to handle. What he fears most is that the prince will be dissatisfied and catch him and punish him. Not to mention punishment, that is After killing him, the Holy Emperor still wouldn't do anything to the prince, wouldn't he have lost his life in vain?

Fortunately, the prince is not an unreasonable person.

Huzi and others had already made preparations to break camp. After hearing this, they quickly packed everything up. Soon, Pang Xiao ordered the team to set off.

Seeing how happy he was, Xiong Jinshui also had a smile on his face, mounted his horse, and followed Pang Xiao's team to the city gate.

Soon we arrived in front of the city gate, and there were already many people stopping and watching.

General Gong Qi came out quickly and saluted respectfully, "Gong Wen, a humble official, comes to see the prince!"

Pang Xiao turned over and dismounted, helped General Gong Qi up, and said with a smile: "It's your boy. I haven't seen you for more than two years. You haven't changed much."

Facing such a forthright Pang Xiao, General Gong Qi naturally thought of his days under Pang Xiao, and a joy and admiration arose spontaneously.

Gong Zongqi's face turned red with excitement, and he said with a grin, "Your Majesty, you still remember me."

"That's natural. My brothers, why don't you remember?"

The common people not far away heard the conversation between the two people, and some people were whispering:

"Your Majesty is indeed a man of benevolence and righteousness."

"Your Majesty has no airs at all."

Normally, Pang Xiao would not deliberately talk to the people on the roadside. At this time, he would have got on his horse and headed directly into the city.

But today, he smiled and greeted the people on the roadside.

When the people saw this, they felt as if a big pie fell from the sky and hit them on the head. They were dizzy with joy for a while. Some held their hands, some saluted, some kowtowed, some praised, and some were grateful. , and I was so excited that I couldn’t even say a word.

The excited expressions and cheerful voices of the people were mixed together, and the enthusiasm almost turned early spring into midsummer.

Pang Xiao smiled and bowed his hands to these people in return. He even responded with some audible greetings and answered some audible questions such as "How is the south?" "Is life hard?" "Will Nanyan raise an army?" "Kill Qin" Questions like "Have the family robbers been caught?"

Qin Yining returned to Beijing in plain clothes. The palace was deserted and new people were being recruited. The news that all the Qin family members and the old lady and the old lady of the palace were killed by bandits on their way to the south had already spread widely.

The great hero guarded the south for the country and the people so that they could live and work in peace and contentment, but his mother, elders, and his wife's family all lost their lives.

Many people felt sympathy for such a tragedy. Comparing it with Pang Xiao's suffering, they even felt pity and admiration. So some people came to greet and comfort Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao walked a few steps toward the city gate with his men, and then stopped to answer the people's questions. Seeing how easy-going he was, the people emboldened themselves, and even more people started talking to Pang Xiao.

Xiong Jinshui followed Huzi and led the horse behind Pang Xiao. At this moment, sweat was pouring from his anxious forehead.

He was still happy too early.

There was a little person in Xiong Jinshui's heart who was shouting crazily: I beg you, my prince, please hurry up and enter the palace. Your Majesty has been waiting for so long in vain, I'm afraid he is not trying to show off his power! This slave can't bear it!

However, this time Pang Xiao didn't understand Xiong Jinshui's inner wail at all, and still greeted the common people in a friendly manner.

When they saw Pang Xiao coming back, the people all rushed to the city gate. The great hero in their minds was indeed born like a god in the sky. The aura around him was simply more powerful than the angry-eyed Vajra in the temple. Although powerful, but But he spoke to them so gently and without any airs.

The common people, who had been filled with fantasy after listening to storytelling for a while, couldn't be more excited now that they saw the great hero up close.

Pang Xiao was surrounded by the people, and even the five city soldiers and horses scolded him, but it had no effect. Pang Xiao did not stop the people, but became more gentle.

Just entering the city gate and walking a hundred steps forward, Pang Xiao's team walked for more than an hour!

General Gong Qi, Xiong Jinshui and the people from the Wucheng Army and Horses Division were almost crying at this moment.

The biggest problem is that there are many people in the city. When they heard that the great hero had entered the city, they all hurried here.

There is enough chaos in front of the city gate, but we don’t know how many people will come!

When Pang Xiao saw that there were many people, he was also afraid that someone would be trampled if he accidentally fell down, so he said loudly: "Don't be crowded, please pay attention to safety, and don't fall down."

Pang Xiao spoke, and someone in the crowd responded immediately, and the crowded people were too embarrassed to push hard.

Qin Yining was sitting next to the window on the second floor of the teahouse, smiling at the crowds surrounding the city gate.

Bingtang also clicked her tongue at the sight: "It's been more than an hour. The prince has just walked so far. How long does it take to reach the palace?"

Qin Yining smiled helplessly, "The people are too enthusiastic, and there's nothing he can do about it."

Qin Yining nodded to Tang Xiu behind him.

Tang Xiu nodded immediately and quietly retreated.

Soon, another voice came out from the crowd.

"For such a great hero like the prince, and such a good man, he sacrificed his own family to protect our great Zhou Dynasty. Why are we the only ones here to welcome him? Why don't we arrange for someone from the court to come!"

When this topic was brought up again, those people who had had close contact with Pang Xiao and even talked to him were the most indignant.

Just as the voice said, they were also dissatisfied with Pang Xiao being treated so coldly.

There are more and more people complaining.

In the hearts of the people, Pang Xiao is a hero and a famous general.

If the emperor is a wise king, he should treat famous generals with courtesy as the storybooks or storytellers say. If he can come to greet him in person, it will be more in line with everyone's imagination.

Regardless of whether this kind of imagination is reasonable or not, most people think this way.

Some people say whatever comes to mind, and the complaints get louder.

In the imperial study room, Li Qitian waited for two hours but no one came. He was so angry that he slapped the table hard.

"Xiong Jinshui, that bitch slave is getting worse and worse at doing things. It takes so much effort to deliver oral instructions!"

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