Return of the Swallow

Chapter 911 Escape

With so many pairs of eyes watching, what can Li Qitian do now?

He could only suppress the anger in his heart, complete the play, get off his shoulder and approach to check the situation in person. He loudly ordered someone to call the imperial doctor, and went to pinch the owl.

Li Qitian was holding his breath and didn't have any strength left in his hands. A normal person who pretends to be dizzy would be able to jump up after being pinched.

But Pang Xiao was still lying on the ground helplessly.

Huzi, Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi and the Jinghu Guards saw Li Qitian going to pinch the prince so cruelly at close range. They really wished they could step forward and kick him away. However, despite the huge difference in status, the emperor was willing to condescend to him. It was the greatest mercy, and they couldn't move.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the crowd.

The people moved aside to both sides like Moses parting the sea, and all fixed their gazes on the woman in plain clothes who came quickly.

Qin Yining's beauty was pale, her bright face had lost its color and turned pale, and her eyes were filled with water, which made people feel pity when they looked at her.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Qin Yining stumbled to his side, hugged Pang Xiao, and pushed Li Qitian away unceremoniously, "Your Majesty, don't scare me, Your Majesty!"

Others dared not push Li Qitian away, but as the wife of a pang owl, when she saw her husband fainted, Li Qitian could not hold her accountable for anything she did in desperation. Otherwise, she would lose her face by arguing with women.

Li Qitian stood up and looked at the couple's performance indifferently.

It happened that this matter had no basis and could not be exposed, so I gritted my teeth but could do nothing.

"Your Majesty! I have nothing left. You are my only support. Nothing can happen to you!"

Qin Yining's tears fell like broken beads. That sad cry, like an angry cat, made many tender-hearted people feel sour in their noses.

Why is it so miserable?

The good Lord Qin disappeared without any explanation in the north, and the Holy One has not given a clear explanation until now.

All relatives of the Qin family, including the princess's twins, were also intercepted and killed by bandits on their way back to their hometown.

The once enviable and happy woman is now dressed in all white. Her family, relatives and children have all disappeared overnight, and now her husband has also fallen ill.

Some people shed tears.

Some people are also doubtful.

The emperor's attitude towards Qin Huaiyuan's death was so thought-provoking that many people had no choice but to start conspiracy theories——

Bandits appeared on the way to the funeral and killed everyone. This kind of thing was simply a shocking tragedy, and the court did not swear to catch the culprit. It was difficult for them not to suspect that this was done deliberately.


Didn’t Prince Zhongshun shock the Lord with his outstanding achievements?

Some of the common people were keen to analyze it this way, and more courtiers thought so, but no one had the courage to say it out loud.

After Li Qitian became angry, he quickly realized that he seemed to have been trapped again. He gritted his teeth angrily and said in an anxious tone: "Why don't you ask the imperial doctor to come!"


Xiong Jinshui quickly ordered the accompanying young eunuch to go.

Bingtang stood up at the right time and took out the slender silver needle used for acupuncture, "Princess, let me try it."

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly, stepped aside and wiped her tears with her sleeves.

As soon as the cuffs came close to my eyes, my eyes immediately turned red and tears rolled down my cheeks. It was so pitiful for me to cry like a pear blossom with rain on it.

Bingtang pricked Pang Xiao's body twice, and Pang Xiao suddenly woke up.

Qin Yining rushed forward in surprise, "Your Majesty!"

Pang Xiao was lying on the ground. When he saw Qin Yining who had been separated for many days, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Sister Yi."

Qin Yining also burst into tears and smiled, helping Pang Xiao to stand up: "My lord, are you okay? You really scared me!"

When Qin Yining helped Pang Xiao up, his sleeves accidentally touched Pang Xiao's face. A pungent and exciting feeling suddenly rushed over him, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Pang Xiao couldn't help but feel helpless. Wasn't there too much ginger juice? No wonder his baby Sister Yi cried so pitifully.

But the way the couple looked at each other "with tears in their eyes" was still seen by many people around them.

Many people felt pity when they thought of the hero's tragic situation, and some even wiped away tears.

Pang Xiao was helped up by Qin Yining, and he bowed feebly to Li Qitian: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I bumped into your Majesty, please punish me."

Can Li Qitian punish him? If he did, he would probably be drowned in the spit of the common people!

Li Qitian said with concern on his face: "It doesn't matter! My brothers, are you talking about this?"

"I don't dare to accept it." Pang Xiao bowed his head respectfully.

Qin Yining wiped her tears with her other sleeve, knelt down and saluted: "Your Majesty, I have a heartless request. Your Majesty is weak and his condition is worrying. I would like to ask Your Majesty's permission to allow your Majesty to return home to recuperate temporarily. I wonder if it’s okay to go back to the palace and report on my duties when things get better?”

As soon as Qin Yining finished speaking, Pang Xiao's tall body swayed, and Qin Yining almost couldn't hold on under him.

Another burst of exclamations from the people came from the crowd.

If there weren't so many people present, Li Qitian would have wanted to strangle this cunning woman to death!

She just made this request because he wanted to have more dignity as the emperor. Pang Zhixi was not a good person either. She really couldn't fall out with him if she bullied him!

But for the sake of reputation, Li Qitian could only nod in agreement, and had to add: "I will ask the imperial doctor to go to the palace to treat Zhixi later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration!" Qin Yining saluted respectfully again. Then he, Huzi and the others helped Pang Xiao go to the carriage at the corner of the street.

The people spontaneously made way for them.

Qin Yining helped Pang Xiao get into the car first, and then he also stepped on the wooden stool.

The moment she lowered the car curtain, her eyes accidentally met Lu Heng's.

Lu Heng's eyes were as hot and gentle as ever, but the emotion was only revealed for a moment, and he returned to his indifferent look.

The curtains were completely lowered, blocking the view outside the carriage.

The elite tiger guards followed the carriage and drove all the way to the palace.

The common people at the back of the crowd spontaneously followed the carriage and sent the prince back to his home in a mighty manner. Only the part close to the holy driver could not move while kneeling on the ground, and could only lower its head.

Li Qitian stepped on his shoulder with a smile on his face and ordered: "Go back to the palace."

"Your Majesty, take off!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The people knelt down and paid tribute.

Li Qitian's chariot came to personally greet Pang Xiao, but in the end he didn't receive him. It was a waste of time and he was talked about behind his back for so long. Li Qiqian, who was sitting on his shoulder, was not trembling.

The common people who followed Pang Xiao's carriage back to the palace couldn't help but sigh again when they saw the dilapidated walls and gates of the palace.

Is this the palace? It is completely different from the magnificent image of the palace in their minds! The prince was away fighting in the war, sleeping in the open and experiencing hardships. When he returned to Beijing, the place he lived in was not much better than the homes of ordinary people like them, except that it was a little bigger.

After watching the prince enter the palace, Ji Yun followed Qin Yining's instructions and went to the door to thank the people and asked them to disperse.

After the gate of the palace was completely closed, sighs came from the crowd.

Because we had just seen the Holy Master, no matter how far or near we were, we could clearly see Li Qitian's appearance, but everyone had a tacit understanding and did not dare to discuss it anymore.

It's just that everyone feels injustice in their hearts to some extent. A great hero, his whole family died, and he was in such a state of desolation.

At first, the Holy Emperor only arranged for a eunuch to deliver the edict. However, due to public opinion, he had to come out to greet him in person.

The Holy Emperor's treatment of the meritorious officials was a bit too unfair.

Some people thought of the former Marquis of Dingbei and the current Duke of Ding, Ji Zeyu.

"I heard that Prince Consort Ji now only has a title and no official position."

As soon as this statement came out, it caused many people to sigh.

In the palace, Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi, Hu Zi, Jing Huwei and others have been arranged by Ji Yun to rest in the outer courtyard. Qin Yining and Pang Xiao went to the main room of the second courtyard.

Everyone was silent all the way.

After entering the house, Bingtang led people to serve refreshments and then stood guard outside the door.

Pang Xiao looked at the clean and tidy furnishings in the house. Compared with the decayed scene they saw when they returned home, it was a completely different shock.

He lay relaxed on the heated kang by the window, "Hey! I'm finally home! Hehe, my wife is really smart."

He stretched out his big hand and hugged Qin Yining into his arms.

Qin Yining leaned on Pang Xiao's chest and said with a smile: "If I don't show up quickly and he gets so angry, if he takes you into the palace, I'm afraid he will have to think of ways to punish you. I won't Leave you alone in his hands."

She had been locked up in the palace alone and helpless, and the feeling was like making the whole world feel helpless. If Pang Xiao was captured by Li Qitian in the wrong place, wouldn't she be unable to do anything outside the palace?

Pang Xiao patted her thin shoulder with his big hand and joked: "Can I still not go to court?"

"Calling yourself sick." Qin Yining sat up straight, with a strand of loose long hair hanging on her shoulders, "What a great opportunity this is. Everyone saw that you fell ill, so you just pretended to be sick. Even if the future is gone, the limelight will be gone. It's over. Besides, there are so many people at the meeting, and he won't have the chance to use any dirty tricks on you."

"What if he impeaches me?" Pang Xiao asked with a smile.

Qin Yining's beautiful eyes turned slyly, "Actually, something happened after I returned to Beijing. When I entered the city that day, I happened to meet the ninth son of Duke Changguo. He..."

Before Qin Yining finished speaking, Bingtang's voice came from outside, "Princess, Judge Liu is here!"

Qin Yining was stunned, and hurriedly pressed Pang Xiao to lie down. He smoked his eyes with ginger juice again, and tears flowed down again.

"Please quickly invite Judge Liu to come in." Qin Yining said to the outside with his nose in his pocket.

Pang Xiao frowned in disapproval when he saw this: "Use less next time. It's more spicy."

Qin Yining took the time to stick out his tongue and make a face at Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao was so amused that he almost burst out laughing, but when he heard footsteps approaching outside, he had to endure it with all his strength. In his heart, he had already held his lovely Sister Yi in his arms and kissed her tens of thousands of times.

Judge Liu carried the medical box and crept into the door. He bowed respectfully and said, "See you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

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