Return of the Swallow

Chapter 912 Impeachment

Qin Yining said politely, "Excuse me, Yuan Liu."

"Princess, you're welcome. This is a humble duty."

Judge Liu stepped forward, took out the pulse pillow, and knelt half-kneeling by the heated kang near the window to carefully diagnose Pang Xiao's pulse. He placed three fingers on the Cun Guan ruler. After looking at his hands attentively, he couldn't help but sigh.

Although Prince Zhongshun's body has old injuries, it has obviously been carefully nursed back to health. Now he is lively and energetic. Although he is nearly 20 years old, his physical condition is comparable to that of a young man in his early twenties. How can he still faint?

Then there is only one reason for fainting, and that is that the prince wants to faint.

Liu Yuanjian has excellent medical skills, but there are countless people in Taiyuan Hospital who are skilled in traditional Chinese medicine. They have been working in Taiyuan Hospital for many years. Being able to hold the position of upper court judge relies not only on medical skills, but also on his tactful person.

"My lord, you have overworked yourself," Liu Yuanjian said implicitly.

Pang Xiao nodded with a smile and said "weakly", "It's snowing heavily on the way back to the capital. It's difficult to walk on the road. My heart is as fast as an arrow, so I'll have to eat and sleep in the open air along the way."

Judge Liu immediately nodded, "That's right. The prince's old injury in his early years was exposed to extremely cold weather, and the bumps along the way made him unable to recover. This is how it happened. But this is not a big reason. He recovered well. It can take as little as three to five days, as long as three to five months, and it will get better."

Qin Yining almost laughed when he heard this. Liu Yuanfan is really a wonderful person.

The gap between three and five days and March and May is huge, and there are a lot of things that can be done. These words not only gave Pang Xiao face, he could deal with the Holy Emperor, but also sold Pang Xiao's reputation, so that Long Yan would not be angry and implicate him, and Pang Xiao would definitely not expose it here. He really had both sides and never touched a leaf. body.

"Thank you, Court Judge Liu, for asking someone outside to make a prescription."

Qin Yining wiped her tears, ordered Ji Yun to prepare the pen and ink, and gave Liu Yuan a big seal of red.

Judge Liu accepted it with a smile, and after a few more instructions, he left the palace and returned to the palace.

Seeing that the person was gone, Pang Xiao lay down for a while, then jumped up, walked briskly to the door, took a look at the door, and then took Qin Yining's hand to sit on the heated kang.

"It's cold outside. Look, your hands are cold. Are they frozen?"

"It's okay." Qin Yining smiled and sat next to Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao looked at her red eyes and Wocan, who was obviously red and swollen, and couldn't help but feel distressed: "Don't use such strong ginger juice next time. What if it's not good for your eyes?"

"It's okay. I didn't wipe my eyes directly with my sleeves. I was afraid that my crying would not be real enough and would make people see the flaws. All my hard work would be in vain."

Pang Xiao sighed, "My sister Yi frowns, and I will feel it in my heart for a long time. Making you shed tears is more sad than giving me a knife."

His big hands held Qin Yining in his arms, and he pressed his lips to her forehead lovingly, "When everything is over, I will never let you cry."

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh, but the corners of his eyes were a little moist.

Maybe the ginger juice on her sleeves was too strong.

"Okay, I shed tears when I'm happy, and I shed tears when I'm unhappy. You can't control these things. You don't know how many people are envious of me being able to marry a hero like you. You understand me and cherish me. Me, respect me and give me enough space to develop my abilities. This is something that many men cannot do to their wives. I am very satisfied to be with you, so you really don’t have to have any psychological burden.


"Sister Yi..." Pang Xiao's throat felt dry for a moment, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down. After a long time, he smiled and said, "Okay, you are my wife. We are in the same boat through thick and thin, and we will solve all the problems together in the future. Although the situation is tense now, one day I can let you live a peaceful and comfortable life. Let’s start with the bitterness and then the sweetness.”

"Exactly, it will be bitter first and then sweet, and there will be a lifetime of blessings waiting for us to enjoy." Qin Yining smiled and leaned on Pang Xiao's shoulder. After thinking about it, he explained how he was collided by the ninth son of Chang Guo Gongfu, and how he fought with Chang Guo. Let's talk about how he was beaten and sent back.

Pang Xiao said in astonishment: "So it's true? My people knew about this when they were inquiring about the news in the city, but they thought that the rumors outside might not be true. Our family has always been at the forefront of the storm, and there are people behind the scenes who are spreading rumors. It does exist, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Qin Yining raised his eyebrows: "Did I ruin your business by doing this?"

"Nowhere." Pang Xiao touched her face and smiled, "You did a good job. If I were here, I would probably beat him even harder."

At the end of the sentence, the coldness in Pang Xiao's eyes was hard to hide. He dared to tease his wife and it was God's blessing that he didn't take Shang Zhihua's life.

Qin Yining leaned close to his ear and told Pang Xiao his plan in detail.

Pang Xiao blinked, thinking about the play he performed with Qin Yining today and the reaction of the people in the city, and then thinking about Qin Yining's arrangements, he couldn't help but smile fondly and happily, and pinched the tip of her nose with his fingers.

"You bad girl, now someone is going to be tricked into crying by you."

"Isn't this just for you? If you don't like it, I don't have to continue." Qin Yining pretended to be proud.

Pang Xiao loved her little appearance so much, he hugged her waist and laughed, "How can I give it up? Okay, just as you said, it's really hard for us to go back to Beijing and sleep in the open air. I'll call it sick at this time." , let’s rest at home for a while.” He leaned close to Qin Yining’s ear and whispered, “It’s good to have a few days without shame.”

Originally the topic was quite serious, but in the end it was derailed by Pang Xiao.

Qin Yining's ears turned red and she punched his chest in disapproval: "You idiot, why didn't I notice you were like this earlier?"

Pang Xiao grabbed her soft little hand and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb: "Who said that? When we first met, I played a rogue for you. Have you forgotten?"

Qin Yining couldn't help but blush when she thought of this guy chasing her shirtless in the military camp and daring to say that she was his woman.

But now we are almost an old couple. Looking back on those days, although there were times when we were embarrassed, most of them were warm and sweet.

Seeing Qin Yining's shy look, Pang Xiao was already worried, holding her hand and coaxing her to talk.

At this time, Li Qitian was listening to Judge Liu's reply in the royal study with a gloomy expression.

"You mean that Prince Zhongshun really has a relapse of his old illness?"

Liu Yuanpan felt uneasy, but based on his judgment and understanding of the Holy Emperor, he would definitely be able to pass the test.

So Liu Yuanping calmly nodded and said: "Back to the Holy Spirit, it is true. Prince Zhongshun has many injuries, big and small. When he returned to the capital this time, it snowed continuously. The weather was freezing and the ground was freezing. The cold air penetrated into his bones, and the old injuries relapsed. ”

Hearing this, Li Qitian felt inexplicably relieved. He nodded slowly and said, "Prince Zhongshun's body will be taken care of by you. You must do your best."

Judge Liu lowered his head and said yes respectfully. Although he vaguely understood that the meaning of the Holy Sage's words was unusual, he didn't want to get involved in these things and just didn't understand.

Li Qitian waved his hand casually.

Judge Liu quickly bowed and left.

Li Qitian looked gloomy, leaning against the armrest of the Paulownia chair with his legs crossed, his fingertips tapping his knees unhurriedly.

Everything that happened when Pang Xiao returned to the city today flashed through his mind one by one. In the end, Li Qitian could conclude that he had planned it in advance.

He used the public opinion of the people to force him to be a wise king and could not deal with the heroes.

I went out of the palace today to meet Pang Xiao. If I didn't go, it would be confirmed that he treated the meritorious minister harshly. If I went, it would be confirmed that Pang Xiao was a meritorious minister. What Pang Xiao did in the south was indeed beneficial to the court, but who can say that everything Pang Xiao did was not for himself? For example, when Pang Xiao used events in the south to threaten him, he had no choice but to stop thinking about killing Qin Yining.

But no one else knew about these secret confrontations, not the ministers nor the common people.

Li Qitian has rarely suffered losses since he started practicing Zuo. Now that he has carefully calculated, most of the losses he has suffered are related to Pang Xiao.

But this time, it seemed that this mute was going to swallow it anyway.

Li Qitian pursed his lips tightly, but his eyes narrowed due to the rapid operation of his brain.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining really spent a few days at home "without shame". Although they did not go out to play, their living conditions were not much different from when they went to the Lu family.

The two of them read a book together, or discuss what they want to do next. They have a casual chat, and in the end there is a lottery to bet on.

After listening to the Holy Emperor's instructions, Liu Yuanpan came to the mansion to ask for pulse the next day. The pulse record recorded in the pulse record was exactly according to Pang Xiao's appearance. It has to be said that Liu Yuanpan was really a smooth person. In this way, he himself also If you can do business, you won't burden your family members, and you won't offend anyone.

As a result, time soon came to the day of the Great Court Meeting.

Pang Xiao still claimed to be ill and refused to go to court.

However, something happened at the court meeting that shocked the officials.

Shangchuan, the Duke of Changguo, went out on duty in the palace and knelt down to impeach Prince Zhongshun.

"...Your Majesty, Prince Zhongshun gathered thousands of people when he returned to the capital, which almost caused a chaos in the city. The Five Cities Military and Horse Division had to send more manpower, resulting in more empty patrol posts in the city. If this caused any major incident, wouldn't it be necessary? Making people laugh at the security situation in Beijing?

"Prince Zhongshun is an important minister in the court and has won the trust of the Holy One. Acting so recklessly and disturbing the order of the capital is a heinous crime. When the Holy One came out of the palace to greet him, he lost his manners and was simply disrespectful! Prince Zhongshun is a high-ranking minister. He should set an example for his fellow ministers, and it is truly unforgivable to do so, so please forgive him for his serious crime!"

Chang Guo Gong Shangchuan was a veteran of the Northern Hebei period. He always acted in a low-key manner and would not form cliques to cause trouble. He was known as an easy-going person.

But today he stood up to impeach Pang Xiao.

This really surprised the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty.

But thinking about the rumors flying around the city a few days ago, some people said that Pang Xiao and Chang Guogong had a sworn hatred?

From this point of view, there is indeed a sworn hatred for Pang Xiao at this juncture!

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