Return of the Swallow

Chapter 913 Visitors

Li Qitian's face was as dark as water and he said nothing.

However, Duke Chang Guo obviously came prepared, and Pang Xiao became a despicable person in his mouth.

But the contents of the Duke Chang's impeachment of Pang Xiao were all innocuous things that could be punished or turned a blind eye and let go. Obviously, they were not as shocking as Luo Zhi's ten major crimes when Li Qitian came prepared. .

While Duke Chang Guo was speaking, another official came out of his duties to salute, adding indignantly.

"Your Majesty, Prince Zhongshun is not only arrogant and disrupting the order of the capital. I also learned that it was late at night when Princess Zhongshun returned to the capital. She did not abide by the curfew rules and forced the city gate official to open the city gate and let her in. Princess Zhongshun The only one I rely on is Prince Zhongshun. For a woman of the generation to be so arrogant, it shows how Prince Zhongshun is!"

When one person speaks out, many others will come out to support him.

There was a sudden commotion in the court, and everyone was filled with anger and indignation, as if Pang Xiao had committed a heinous act of adultery, robbery, and robbery.

There were faint veins appearing on Li Qitian's forehead. However, under the stairs, the officials were not allowed to raise their heads and look directly at the sky according to etiquette, so these people continued to impeach without even blinking.

Li Qitian gritted his teeth in hatred.

If you don’t impeach earlier, you won’t impeach later, but it’s just now that you impeach. Now that public opinion in the city is booming, can he punish the evildoers? If he is punished, wouldn't it be true and make people think that he is a hero of the emperor's harsh treatment?

But if he is not punished, on the one hand, such a good opportunity is in front of him, and on the other hand, it is equivalent to indirectly excusing Pang Xiao. If he wants to impeach Pang Xiao on these grounds in the future, it will be a slap in his face.

No matter how you think about it, he is always at a disadvantage because there is no loyal minister around him who can understand his thoughts. What's the use of these things that he doesn't like to eat!

Li Qitian waited for Du Zhongchen to finish his words, then suppressed his anger and said coldly: "This matter needs to be investigated."

Xiong Jinshui stood closest to the emperor, and naturally saw the twitching corners of Li Qitian's mouth and the protruding veins on his forehead. For fear that the emperor's move would affect him, Xiong Jinshui hurriedly stepped forward, taking advantage of the ministers' shock at the emperor's reaction. Loudly said:

"If you have the foundation, you will play early, but if you don't have the foundation, you will retreat!"

This means that the emperor's word "to be investigated" will turn the impeachment story over.

Li Qitian's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations, but no one dared to say a word at this time, so Duke Chang had no choice but to step aside temporarily.

What happened in the court soon reached the ears of Qin Yining and Pang Xiao.

"Your Majesty must be in a bad mood right now."

"Yes. He has wanted to punish me for a long time, but he has never been successful. When he ordered people to impeach me earlier, the veterans of the Northern Hebei Kingdom, represented by Duke Chang Guo, all held a wait-and-see attitude. Now, among the people outside Public opinion is booming, and it is most inappropriate to impeach me, but there is a commotion here."

Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. Li Qitian must be dying of grief now.

"Your Majesty, Judge Liu is here."

A cloud is sent outside the door to report back.

Pang Xiao smiled, took off his soft boots and got on the clinical heated bed. Qin Yining pulled a brocade quilt over him and covered him with it, and then took a dark purple soft pillow for him to lean on.

Judge Liu entered the door. He was polite at first, and then respectfully came forward to perform a routine pulse diagnosis.

If at the beginning, Pang Xiao was still a little weak due to the fatigue of the journey, but now he has recovered.

He became more and more fierce.

Liu Yuan couldn't help but secretly rejoice that the Holy Father had only arranged for him to diagnose and treat the prince. If he occasionally sent someone to do random checks, wouldn't he be a gangster? I'm afraid the Holy One is going to skin him alive!

"Your Majesty's body..." Judge Liu hesitated and raised his eyes to look at Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao covered his mouth and coughed twice.

Judge Liu immediately understood the opportunity and said: "Your Majesty, your body has not recovered yet, and the relapse of old injuries will not be cured in a day or two. Please stop working hard, please take care of yourself."

Pang Xiao nodded.

Qin Yining asked worriedly, "Please ask Judge Liu to consider the recipe. Is the prince okay?"

Judge Liu said calmly: "The prince is not seriously injured, but he still needs to use the methods of humble officials."

Qin Yining nodded and politely sent Judge Liu out to get a prescription.

After they left, the couple looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Just as the two of them were considering what to eat for dinner, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the door. Bingtang walked in quickly and said, "Go back to the prince and princess, Duke Ding is here to visit."

"Alan?" Pang Xiao sat up in surprise.

In the past few days since he came back, not one of his former colleagues or colleagues has come to visit. The palace has been deserted, and the palace has been deliberately not renovated. If it weren't for the occasional few servants walking around, the palace would have been as good as a ghost house. Different.

Unexpectedly, the first person to come to visit, and the only one who dared to come to visit, was still Ji Zeyu.

Qin Yining said with emotion: "Back then, Shi Dailin, the censor of Youqian City, took advantage of the funeral hall in our home and led people to block the door to make trouble. If Ding Guogong hadn't arrived in time, I don't know what the trouble would have been. Now you are claiming to be ill. , he is the first to come to our door again, we must not let him down with such kindness."

Pang Xiao nodded, got up and went with Qin Yining to greet him.

Not long after, Ji Zeyu, who was tall and handsome but as cold as ice, came towards him wearing a light blue arrow-sleeved shirt and a cloak with a squirrel collar on his shoulders.

"Alan." Pang Xiao walked down the steps to greet him with a smile.

When Ji Zeyu saw Pang Xiao, a smile appeared on his originally expressionless handsome face, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, "Zhi Xi."

He looked Pang Xiao up and down, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's okay." Pang Xiao took Ji Zeyu's wrist and smiled: "We haven't seen each other for a while. How are you doing?"

Ji Zeyu looked at Pang Xiaoshi with a smile, then nodded to Qin Yining and followed him up the steps into the main room.

Qin Yining smiled and went to prepare refreshments and then left, leaving space for the two brothers to reminisce.

Ji Zeyu took off his cloak and threw it on the chair. He and Pang Xiao sat on the heated kang, one on the left and the other on the kang table.

Pang Xiao held the pot and poured a cup of tea for Ji Zeyu.

"Have you been staying with me in the capital these days? Has the Holy Master arranged any more errands for you?"

Ji Zeyu picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, shook his head and said: "No. But it doesn't matter, it's good now. It's you."

Ji Zeyu looked at Pang Xiao's rosy face and high-spirited appearance, and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that your old illness is not very serious. Just stay in the house and recuperate during these days, and don't go out for a walk. Let the Holy See see your rosy face. I’m afraid I’m going to get sick from anger.”

It's rare that Ji Zeyu, who cherishes words like gold, would say so many ridiculing words in one breath. Pang Xiao laughed loudly and said, "Well, Ji Lan, you're still the same after I haven't seen you for a long time."

Seeing Pang Xiao being so cheerful, Ji Zeyu didn't say anything he wanted to say to comfort Pang Xiao. He only asked, "You should know that Shang Chuan led a group of officials to impeach you, right?"

"Yes, I already know." Pang Xiao did not hide that he was always paying attention to the court news.

Ji Zeyu said: "You should also take precautions early. The Holy Spirit's lack of action now does not mean that there will be no action in the future. I heard that you and Shang Chuan had any sworn hatred in the early years? Let's start with Conghua. Even if we conquer the Northern Hebei Kingdom , It’s just business, and I’ve never done anything superfluous, how could I have any problems with Shang Chuan?”

Pang Xiao said with a smile: "Even if there were conflicts back then, the Zhou Dynasty has been established for eight years, and no amount of grievances can match time. Now that everyone is living a stable life, how can he find trouble?"

Pang Xiao thought for a while, then approached Ji Zeyu and whispered: "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements for this matter."

Seeing Pang Xiao's confident look, Ji Zeyu felt relieved, and then suddenly said: "Let me tell you, your wife is not a domineering and impulsive person. On the contrary, she acted very cautiously, and she actually beat up Shang Zhihua." Send the board back, there must be something hidden in it."

When Pang Xiao heard Ji Zeyu's evaluation of Qin Yining, he felt heartbroken and laughed again.

Ji Zeyu was also infected by Pang Xiao and said with a smile: "That's all, since you have arrangements, I won't ask any more questions. If you have anything to do, just ask someone to tell me. I will also be at home with nothing to do."

Pang Xiao's eyes were deep: "So, anything is okay?"

Ji Zeyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course."

These words seemed to make a vague promise.

Pang Xiao and Ji Zeyu looked at each other and smiled, and the two began to talk about their lives after the separation. Although they did not directly talk about political affairs, it could be heard from their words that their opinions were as harmonious as before.

Qin Yining had already set up a banquet, and came over to invite the two of them to the table. He didn't stay too much, just took a few bites, then excused himself and left, leaving space for the two of them.

Ji Zeyu and Pang Xiao did not pay attention to the rules of eating and not speaking at the wine table. They chatted while eating:

"You were impeached today, how are you going to deal with it?" Before Pang Xiao could answer, Ji Zeyu sneered again, "Those officials are like mad dogs. They are worthless and always bite others. You fought on the battlefield and shed blood for the country. While they were sweating, they were all still enjoying themselves in Wenrou Township! Now they really want to kill the donkey!"

These words not only refer to Yan Guan, but also allude to Li Qitian.

Pang Xiao patted Ji Zeyu's shoulder comfortingly and filled his glass, "Don't mention these bad things. If they want to impeach me, just ask them to impeach me. Anyway, the Holy One will not punish me immediately. As long as I have my life." , there are no obstacles that can’t be overcome." As he said this, he clinked glasses with Ji Zeyu.

The two drank happily, and then Pang Xiao continued, "I plan to wait and see what happens. Let's see what the people in the court think of this matter. It's rare to have such a good opportunity to try out real gold."

"Are you going to pretend to compromise first?"

"Yes." Pang Xiao said with a smile, "Men like me will faint sometimes. It's just a matter of giving in. It's not that difficult to do."

Ji Zeyu smiled and said, "Don't tell me, I was really shocked when I heard that you passed out. We have suffered injuries in those years and have lost a lot of blood. If any old disease relapses, it is not a joke. Just for fun. You and I are no longer teenagers. Now that we are close to each other, we should think about taking care of ourselves."

Pang Xiao laughed and said, "I didn't expect A-Lan to be so verbose! Could it be that he's drunk?"

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