Return of the Swallow

Chapter 916 Attending a Banquet (1)

Qin Yining smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Madam An Pingbo, please take a seat." "Don't dare, Princess." Madam An Pingbo and Qin Yining made some courtesy, and then sat down side by side with humility. Jiyun and Bingtang served tea and quietly retreated to the corner. Qin Yining brought the tea bowl to Mrs. An Pingbo, "Please try it. This is the black tea that just came in. The weather is cold, so eating some black tea will be good for your health." Mrs. Anping felt relieved when she saw Qin Yining being so easy-going. In the past, she heard that Qin was very favored by Prince Zhongshun, and that she was a rich lady with a noble family background, and she was so beautiful. Based on her experience, she preconceived that she must be a woman with a slightly arrogant temper. Although An Pingbo has a title, he has not been in power for a long time and has left the center of power for many years. Naturally, they cannot be compared with the only prince with a different surname in the dynasty. Therefore, Mrs. An Pingbo wanted to make friends and chatted politely with Qin Yining. After a while, she discovered that Qin Yining was as easy to get along with as she had shown. She no longer continued to be cautious and spoke much more freely. After chatting for a while, Mrs. An Pingbo saw that the atmosphere was good, so she smiled and said: "I came to disturb the princess today, but I actually helped Uncle Zhongyi and the Bian family to invite the princess." "Oh?" Qin Yining said calmly, "Is it about the wedding banquet? ? You have also seen that it is really inconvenient for the prince and I to come to the banquet. Firstly, we are afraid of bumping into the newlyweds, and secondly, we cannot have fun during the filial piety period." "What the princess said is, this is the same as in our house. ." Mrs. Anping said, "You will know it just by looking at me. However, Uncle Zhongyi discussed it with Zhuang Concubine and the Bian family, and they all felt that it was not good to neglect us like this. "This time Uncle Zhongyi is getting married. , there are many noble families in the court who only send congratulatory gifts but cannot attend the wedding banquet because they are in the period of mourning. Uncle Zhongyi booked a private room in a restaurant not far from Uncle Zhongyi's house. There were no singing, dancing, or orchestral music, just two tables of light meals. Those of us who were inconvenient to attend the wedding banquet gathered together to have a meal. Just a casual meal. Uncle Zhongyi also knew about the affairs of your mansion, but he still asked the princess and the prince to show their favor by going there, otherwise Uncle Zhongyi would never feel sorry for him. "Qin Yining was a little hesitant when he heard this. In fact, it is very common to hold a separate table in a quiet place to thank the guests who cannot attend the wedding banquet. If the other guests who cannot go to the wedding banquet in person all nodded, she and Pang Xiao would not Agreeing, on the other hand, would create something to talk about, which would not only offend the offender, but also leave room for unlimited imagination for people to talk nonsense behind their backs. Qin Yining did not want to be too out of tune with Pang Xiao. Seeing Qin Yining's hesitation, Mrs. An Pingbo smiled and said: "The princess is worried that she won't have anyone familiar with her, right? The two of us are so in tune with each other that when we sit next to each other, I can introduce you to you. Most of the ladies and ladies in the city are very easy-going, and you will naturally become familiar with them the more you meet them in the future. "This is one of the reasons why Qin Yining wanted to go. She was not familiar with the noble ladies in the court. After she returned to the capital to settle down, the first thing she wanted to do was to find out the interactions between the women. With this opportunity, she It's better to enter the circle of ladies in advance and not have to look for another opportunity. Qin Yining guessed that Pang Xiao would be jealous, but they both knew the importance of the matter. Pang Xiao is a sensible person and should agree with her decision. Thinking of this Qin Yining no longer hesitated, nodded and said: "Mrs. An Pingbo is right, but I don't know when? "As soon as she agreed, Mrs. An Pingbo laughed and said: "On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, on the day they got married, there was a Shunfu Restaurant near the uncle's house. Don't worry, we are just looking for another place to have a meal. It's just a casual meal, and you won't break the rules. Qin Yining nodded and said with a smile: "I will definitely go to the appointment, but my prince has been in poor health recently and is bedridden, so he cannot go with him." "Qin Yining is willing to agree. Mrs. Anpingbo has already spoken to Uncle Anping. What's more, who is Pang Xiao? How can outsiders comment on what he wants to do? Mrs. Anpingbo agreed, smiled and stood up to leave. Qin Yining He personally walked the person to the door before returning to the inner house. Pang Xiao asked the reason carefully.

Qin Yining spoke in detail, and finally said, "When we return to the capital, the only people who dare to visit you while you are ill are Ding Guogong and your former subordinates. At this time, there are many crises, and we should also find appropriate solutions. Expand your network appropriately." Pang Xiao thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense. In that case, on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, you can take Jiyun and Bingtang with you. One of them has kung fu in his body, the other is good at using medicine, and they are with you. I can feel more at ease around you. I'm arranging a few other people to protect you secretly and nothing will happen to you." Qin Yining was a little surprised by Pang Xiao's attitude. Didn't he dislike her having anything to do with Lu Heng? She admired Pang Xiao for being so sensible. If a woman who had coveted Pang Xiao for a long time wanted to get married, and she didn't forget to invite Pang Xiao to the wedding before the wedding, she would feel a little uncomfortable. Qin Yining only sighed with emotion at Pang Xiao's generosity, but he didn't know that Pang Xiao had greeted all eighteen generations of Lu Heng's ancestors in his heart. No matter who Lu Heng wants to marry now, or who he is attracted to, he has been coveting his sister Yi in the past, and he would do little things behind his back even if he didn't get it! If he didn't trust Qin Yining's character and knew that Lu Heng could only be kind to Zhuang Bin's cousin in order to curry favor with Li Qitian, and would not dare to do anything else, he would have wanted to go directly to Uncle Zhongyi's house and grab this person by the collar. He pushed him to the ground and kicked him twice to vent his anger. He was thinking complicatedly, but Pang Xiao was very generous on his face. He didn't want Qin Yining to underestimate him and think he was a petty person. On the eighth day of the lunar month, when Qin Yining got up early in the morning, Ji Yun brought over a crescent-white brocade and dark cloud-patterned gown that she had prepared, and helped her wash and change clothes. Bingtang flipped it with skillful hands and pulled Qin Yining's long, shiny black hair into a bun, decorated with plain silver phoenix hairpins. Pang Xiao was leaning on the large pillow by the window and reading, but he kept staring in the direction of Qin Yining from the corner of his eye. He saw that she was dressed in light colors, with no gold or gemstones on her head for decoration, and she didn't even use too bright makeup. But the beauty and charm that radiated from her bones came from the inside out, making him not even want to blink when he looked at her. Qin Yining finished tidying up, and when she turned around, she met Pang Xiao's scorching gaze full of admiration. She couldn't help but said in a funny voice, "What are you looking at, Your Majesty?" "Look at how beautiful my sister Yi is." Pang Xiao stood up and walked to Qin Yining, hugging her with his big hands. She said, "Sister Yi, why don't you go today?" Qin Yining said funny: "We are all ready, why don't you go?" Pang Xiao snorted: "Sister Yi, our son was born like this Why should you show your beauty to them in vain?" Qin Yining burst into laughter: "Overbearing." "It's still overbearing." Pang Xiao was acting rogue. Jiyun and Bingtang saw that Pang Xiao and Qin Yining were tired of being together again, so they both suppressed their laughter and quietly retreated. "The prince and the princess are really in love. Doesn't the prince wish that the princess would cover her face wherever she goes?" Bingtang joked with a smile. Ji Yun chuckled, "You also said that you and your tigers are not like this?" Bingtang's face suddenly turned red, and he stamped his feet and glared at Ji Yun, "You are so bad, you only know how to make up stories." Send me, aren't you and Guard Tang these days..." "Oh! You still said that!" Ji Yun's face turned red now. The two maids stared at each other, both looking like Xiafei's cheeks were full of spring water. Qin Yining came out of the room and saw them like this, and asked strangely: "What's going on? Isn't it because they are competing for candy?" Ji Yun and Bingtang couldn't help laughing. Qin Yining took the two of them out, while Pang Xiao called Tang Xiu over and whispered a few instructions. The driver of Qin Yining's carriage and the guards following the carriage have been replaced by elite tiger guards, so safety can be completely guaranteed. When the carriage arrived at Shunfu Restaurant, the steward guarding the street saw the arrival of the canopy carriage from Prince Zhongshun Qin's Mansion, and quickly came forward to greet him respectfully. Qin Yining followed the steward into the restaurant and went directly to a private room on the second floor next to the end of the corridor. "Princess, the ladies are all here now. Please come in." Qin Yining nodded and entered the room after the steward announced. When I looked outside the door, I thought it was an ordinary room that could accommodate one or two Eight Immortals tables. But when I walked in, I realized that this private room was very spacious, and it would not be a problem to place ten or eight tables. Many female relatives have come. As Mrs. An Pingbo said yesterday, the female relatives who came here are all unable to attend the wedding banquet for some reason. Everyone is wearing plain clothes. Qin Yining's crescent moon white is in contrast to the plain white, white teeth and white teeth of all the ladies. It doesn’t look out of place among the sapphire blue. Mrs. Anping noticed Qin Yining's arrival with her sharp eyes, and greeted her with a smile, "Prince Zhongshun is here? Come quickly." As she said this, she took Qin Yining's hand affectionately and walked towards the Eight Immortals table where a group of women were sitting, and said with a smile, "This is Princess Zhongshun." Some of the women present looked familiar to Qin Yining, and some were indeed strangers. Qin Yining calmly nodded in greeting, and then followed the enthusiastic Mrs. An Pingbo to recognize everyone present. These ladies are different from other official wives Qin Yining has seen. The situations in these women's families are similar. Most of the men in the family have moved away from the core of power. They all have a calmer and calmer atmosphere. Xu Shi has not been involved in the affairs of the court for too long, and each of them seems to be very peaceful. Even the speed of speaking is slower, each of them is neither hasty nor slow, and has a certain magnanimity. Qin Yining has a good memory. He can remember everyone after recognizing a circle of people, and also analyzed the temperament of each of them. And these ladies are also very familiar with Qin Yining. This woman's life is so legendary, but the most important thing is that the groom Guan'er who is getting married today has had some relationship with the woman in front of her. If not, why did the Queen Mother try to win over many ministers and wives in front of them when she was in Ci'an Palace?

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