Return of the Swallow

Chapter 917 Attending a Banquet (2)

Several of the women present today had attended banquets with Qin Yining in Ci'an Palace.

When the Queen Mother met Lu Heng that day, she kept calling him "Brother Heng," almost treating him as her nephew. At that time, the Qin family was still unmarried, and the Queen Mother's eagerness to marry him off was something anyone with eyes could see clearly.

If Prince Zhongshun hadn't dared to flip the table in front of the Queen Mother, maybe the current Princess Zhongshun should have been called Mrs. Lu.

Therefore, when everyone saw Qin Yining, they all had some small thoughts in their hearts. However, everyone was smart and of high status. They would not say anything that would make each other look bad, but instead chatted happily.

These women, who are far away from politics, naturally tend to talk about daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, and also talk about trivial matters such as the family's shortcomings.

Qin Yining had little contact with them on weekdays. She was with Pang Xiao. Apart from romantic affairs, it was the politics of the DPRK and China. Her life circle had almost no overlap with these noble ladies.

So today, Qin Yining couldn't help but find it interesting to see these women talking about such innocuous things and still having fun with each other. It was rare that she didn't have to think about those important matters of life and death, and it was quite interesting to sit among the ladies and listen to them.

"Princess, please eat some fruit."

Bingtang brought a small plate of delicately cut fruits to Qin Yining's hand, and handed her a small silver fork inlaid with gems.

Qin Yining passed the time eating fruit, and occasionally chatted with the ladies.

She didn't speak much, but what she said was meaningful. These ladies and ladies who were not familiar with Qin Yining now had a new understanding of her, and felt that this was the character that only a woman from a famous family could have.

After all, Qin Huaiyuan's original reputation as "Zhi Pan'an" was known to everyone in Dayan and Northern Hebei.

In the afternoon, there was still no table set up.

Ji Yun had already quietly gone out to inquire. When he came back, he whispered into Qin Yining's ear: "Today's wedding banquet at the Lu Mansion is in the evening, so we will probably have to wait until then to set up the banquet here."

Qin Yining nodded in understanding. Although they said they were having a casual meal, in the end they only gathered together for the Lu Heng family's wedding, so the time for the dinner was naturally set accordingly.

As a result, Qin Yining was not in a hurry to go back, and just wanted to steal a free day for himself.

At noon, everyone enjoyed some snacks and fruits, and several women gathered together to play cards.

There were also a few who were sleepy and went to find a private room to rest alone.

Jiyun and Bingtang were also worried that Qin Yining would get tired of it. They had already discussed the store and prepared a private room for Qin Yining to take a nap.

Unexpectedly, before Qin Yining could get up, his daughter-in-law quickly walked upstairs. Her footsteps landed on the wooden floor, making a rapid kicking sound.

"Ladies and ladies, Mrs. Zhongyi is here."

The women who were playing cards and joking paused in their movements and looked at each other, feeling strange.

"Didn't I hear you? Mrs. Uncle Zhongyi? Isn't Uncle Zhongyi getting married today?"

"Yes, the bride probably hasn't come to the church yet, right? Why are you out here now?"

The women all found it strange. Qin Yining also stood up in confusion, looked at Bingtang and Jiyun, and whispered: "Is Bian really here?"

"The people outside think so, so they must be right.


Amid everyone's surprise, there was soon a burst of footsteps. The people in the box were pushed aside, and a group of girls in red and green came in surrounded by a beautiful girl in her twenties.

The girl was of medium height, with pink cheeks, slanted eyes, and a hint of arrogance in her playfulness. The red bra on her body outlined her plump figure, adding to her lively temperament. Gorgeous.

The ladies present were all well-informed people, and when they saw Bian's appearance, they all knew what she was doing.

"It turns out that she is really Uncle Zhongyi's unmarried wife."

"Yes. The bride is going out now?"

Bian Ruohan didn't say hello to these women, and he didn't even bother to answer. His bright almond-shaped eyes just stared at Qin Yining, with three parts understanding, three parts envy, and the remaining four parts jealousy.

"Are you the Qin family?" Bian Ruohan walked straight towards Qin Yining.

He didn't call her princess, and he didn't have the courtesy to call her sister according to her age. It was so unfriendly.

Qin Yining couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in surprise. She was actually targeting her?

The ladies who wanted to take the initiative to talk to Bian Ruohan also stopped thinking and showed expressions of watching the show.

You know, Lu Heng and Princess Zhongshun almost became a couple in the past. Maybe they really had a dispute, and now Bian is Lu Heng's new wife. On the wedding day, Mrs. Bian did not dress up at home and wait for the sedan chair to arrive. Instead, she came here in person and targeted Princess Zhongshun with a look of jealousy.

They haven't seen such a good show for many years.

If Princess Zhongshun has no relationship with Uncle Zhongyi, then how could the person in front of her act like this?

Many ladies were quietly watching the show, and some of them were exchanging glances, clearly having created a vigorous love-hate entanglement in their hearts.

Bian Ruohan walked to Qin Yining's side without anyone else around, and found that he was not as tall as the other person. He was losing to Qin Yining in terms of momentum, so he snorted and took two steps back.

"People say that you were born in a beautiful country, and when I saw you today, you really lived up to your reputation." Her voice was drawn out as she spoke, making no attempt to hide her hostility and meanness.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. Today is the wedding day for Mrs. Zhongyi. The auspicious time is approaching, but Mrs. Zhongyi is willing to entertain guests. Those of us who cannot go to the wedding banquet for various reasons are really flattered."

Qin Yining said this, causing all the ladies to discuss in low voices.

They have seen many weddings, but they have never seen a bride walking around casually before the ceremony.

There was a bit of malice and resentment in Bian Ruohan's eyes, "She is indeed a woman with a eloquent tongue."

Qin Yining said with a smile: "Mrs. Zhongyi, thank you very much."

The way she calmly thanked her seemed as if Bian Ruohan was sincerely thanking her.

Bian Ruohan suddenly took a deep breath and said in a cold voice, "I came here just to tell you that my uncle was also taken care of by you in the past. Now that he has me by his side, you can rest. It’s better to forget your identity and not lose your dignity.”

"What are you talking about? Whether you take care of Uncle Zhongyi or not is your business, what does it have to do with me? You are young, please think twice before speaking, and don't lose your dignity!" Qin Yining turned coldly. She has a majestic appearance, and when she is truly angry, she is really powerful.

Bian Ruohan was frightened by Qin Yining's appearance and was stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, his face turned red with anger, "Why, these days, people who have done bad things become more righteous? Do you think you are speaking righteously?" Look, no one knows what you have done? You are naturally charming, but you just hugged someone's thigh and made a little princess. What are you so arrogant about? No matter how powerful you are, the uncle will still marry you in the end. Me! The wife of the head of the Lu family is still me!"

There was silence in the room, and all the ladies had their own thoughts.

The maid brought by Bian Ruohan was almost crying now. She pulled her sleeve and said, "The time is coming. Miss, please go back quickly."

"Yes, Miss, I'm afraid it's not good to delay the good time."

Bian Ruohan hummed, "Just wait, I'll let you go today. If you dare to seduce my uncle again, I won't let you go!"

After saying that, without waiting for Qin Yining's reaction, he turned around and walked away quickly.

This was simply an unforeseen disaster. Qin Yining calmly sat back down and chuckled, "It seems that Uncle Zhongyi's house will be very lively in the future."

Mrs. An Pingbo recovered from her shock and smoothed over the situation with a smile, "Young girl, you can listen to the wind and rain. When you talk, you can't speak with your head. Princess, please don't forget your heart."

Qin Yining said calmly: "I won't take it seriously. I am not the one who has lost everyone's style."

"Princess is so generous." Several women also came forward to smooth things over at the right time, and they couldn't help but admire Qin Yining.

Qin Yining's words about "losing everyone's style" really hit the nail on the head.

The Bian family is just a concubine, and the family has some gold and silver. How could they raise such an arrogant woman who doesn't know etiquette?

If it were them, regardless of whether the matter was true or false, if someone pointed their noses in their faces and accused them, they would probably be unable to stay any longer and run away.

But Qin Yining didn't seem to mind at all. If she leaves at this time, it will arouse the suspicion of many people. Even if there is nothing between her and Uncle Zhongyi, it will be said that she has a "guilty conscience" and is "ashamed to see others."

Now showing such a tolerant attitude makes people even more contemptuous of Mr. Bian's words and behavior just now.

Jiyun and Bingtang were already furious. When the ladies went to do their own business, Bingtang approached Qin Yining and whispered, "Princess, do you want me to prepare some medicine..."

"No need." Qin Yining said with a smile, "Such a brainless person is not worth wasting your medicine." Qin Yining's eyes narrowed slightly, as if there were little stars shining with cold light, "How can a little girl do such a thing? , there must be a driving force behind it.”

"Do you suspect it is... Zhuang Concubine?"

Qin Yining smiled and didn't say much.

Concubine Zhuang is just a concubine, whose face does she do things based on? She was a concubine in the harem who was working hard to climb up the ladder. She had no grudges in the past and had no grudges in the recent past. If someone hadn't suggested it, would she dare to offend Princess Zhongshun at will?

Although Li Qitian was afraid of Pang Xiao, this was something only a few people knew. In the eyes of the public, the prince was still a great hero, and even though the emperor was a bit negligent, he still wanted to go out of the city to greet him.

Therefore, Qin Yining has every reason to suspect that Li Qitian pushed for today's incident in order to create trouble for Pang Xiao.

The smile on Qin Yining's lips became gentler.

Anyone who wants to cause trouble for Pang Xiao, she will definitely break his wings!

If you ask her, will she guess wrong?

Qin Yining would not consider whether her guess was wrong or not. Anyway, Li Qitian was also the one she was committed to repairing. Who told him to harm Pang Xiao?

The women present no longer mentioned this matter. Seeing that the sky was darkening, the table was also prepared, and all the ladies took their seats according to their status.

The sound of joy and firecrackers came from Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion not far away.

The female relatives in Shunfu Restaurant also started eating.

They come from a common background, so they naturally follow the rule of not saying anything about what they eat. They don't just come here to eat, so they don't use much.

After the meal, the shopkeeper served tea.

Qin Yining took the tea and continued chatting with the ladies. It was almost time and she could leave and go back home later.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was another sound of footsteps.

The entire Shunfu Tower was booked, so anyone who came must be related to the uncle's mansion.

Someone went to check at the door, and after a while he replied with a smile: "Uncle Zhongyi is here."

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