Return of the Swallow

Chapter 918 Gaffe

When Qin Yining heard this, he frowned subconsciously.

Mrs. An Pingbo on the side said quickly: "What's going on with this couple? We don't go to their house to eat for fear of bumping into them, but they come to our place one after another."

After saying that, he felt that what he said was too harsh and it would not be good for others to reach Lu Heng's ears, so he added: "Uncle Zhongyi's house still treats guests well."

"Yes." The other ladies also agreed. Whether they were sincere or not was another matter.

There was a sound of voices in the corridor, the door of the box was pushed open, and the bridegroom officer in a bright red python robe walked in.

Lu Heng was drunk a lot when he was toasting in the mansion. After walking for a while, he was already drunk and a little dizzy when he walked. The two servants around him followed him dutifully to prevent him from making a fool of himself.

Lu Heng almost didn't need to look for it, and his slightly moist eyes from drunkenness fell directly on Qin Yining.

Among the plain colors in the room, Qin Yining is still the one who attracts the most attention. Her elegant dress adds a bit of fairy spirit. Her soft skin looks like fine porcelain under the light, with a gentle matte glow. It is really The eyebrows are like distant mountains, defying the frost and competing with the snow.

Lu Heng's suppressed emotions were like a flood bursting out of a bank.

For the sake of the overall situation, he had to happily accept the Holy Spirit's matchmaking and marry a woman who had no feelings at all. He didn't know Bian Ruohan well and had no feelings for him. After meeting him, he just thought he was an ordinary and vulgar person.

Just now, he was still suppressing the disappointment in his heart, smiling and preparing to welcome the bride.

But the people he arranged at Shunfu Restaurant went to tell her that Bian Ruohan dared to trouble Qin Yining in person, and what he said was extremely vulgar, which made her look very ugly.

Lu Heng became so angry that he almost canceled the wedding on the spot.

But the counselor beside him woke him up with one word.

The wedding has been prepared and the wedding invitations have been sent out. This is a marriage arranged by the Holy Spirit. Not to mention that Bian Ruohan is vulgar and arrogant. Even if Bian Ruohan is a scumbag, he has nodded and has no reason to regret it now.

Lu Heng suppressed his anger and paid homage to Bian Ruohan. He walked around among the guests to show courtesy and hurried over.

He knew that Qin Yining had been wronged, because between him and Qin Yining, he had always been the one who shaved his head and picked the hot one. Qin Yining had never given him any illusions. She abided by women's ethics and treated Pang Xiao wholeheartedly. It was he who couldn't let her go, but let her Bian Ruohan heard something somewhere and dared to say such words in front of so many noble ladies in the capital.

"Madams, please be polite." Lu Hengqiang looked away and bowed, "Madams, I apologize for my poor hospitality."

"Uncle Zhongyi is too polite."

Everyone invited Lu Heng to sit down.

These noble ladies had just watched a big show. Before they could sort things out, Lu Heng came. As soon as they entered the door, their eyes kept falling on Princess Zhongshun. It was hard not to arouse everyone's curiosity. rise.

An older lady smiled and said: "Master Lu is a thoughtful and attentive person, and he treats guests with great care. But Mrs. Zhongyi... I think that after coming in, influenced by the family tradition in your house, she will be fine." .”

This is really rude. When Lu Heng directly belittles Bian Ruohan's family, even if the man doesn't like his wife, they are still a family in front of outsiders. Belittling his wife is equivalent to belittling him.

If it is a normal day,

Lu Heng would also think so.

But now Lu Heng was drunk, and his heart was filled with apologies and pity for Qin Yining, and he was afraid that Qin Yining would never want to pay attention to him again. What this woman said actually coincided with what he was thinking.

Lu Heng responded: "Yes, today is really my fault. On the wedding day, I didn't take the rules into consideration, sneaked out, and made unfounded remarks to everyone. I feel really guilty."

At this point, Lu Heng stood up and bowed apologetically, facing Qin Yining's direction.

Although there were many people sitting around Qin Yining, Lu Heng's straightforward apology still made the ladies present whisper.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the head of the Lu family has clearly changed his mind to apologize to Qin Yining.

Lu Heng turned back and whispered a few words to the boy following him.

The boy hesitated and just called "Uncle" when Lu Heng stopped him.

"Why don't you go quickly?"


The boy stepped down and went to the door to give a few instructions. After a while, he brought in a tray with a jar of wine and a small bowl for eating.

Lu Heng picked up the wine jar, opened the mud seal, and poured himself a bowl of wine.

"What happened today was all due to my lack of consideration, which is why my wife came here to act arrogantly. I will punish myself with three bowls, and I ask you ladies to forgive me."

After Lu Heng said this, he drank three bowls in one go.

Such a fierce drinking method meant that even if these women still complained about Bian Ruohan's powerlessness, they could no longer blame Lu Heng. At least Uncle Zhongyi had given them enough dignity and his apology was sincere. In such a comparison, Lu Heng's thoughtfulness and politeness and Bian Ruohan's arrogance and rudeness became completely two extremes.

Although these women have not been in the center of power for a long time, why do they not know the truth?

Such a woman is really not worthy of Lu Heng. Lu Heng agreed to marry her out of necessity.

Then there was an older woman who smiled and talked a lot, "Okay, I've had so much wine, and I have to have a wedding tonight."

"Uncle Zhongyi, sit down and have a rest, and let them have some hangover soup."

A few words from a few people made the originally tense and awkward scene become more lively.

Lu Heng sat down with a smile, took the hangover soup and put it at hand.

At this time, his face was already flushed, and his stomach was full of wine. How could he drink any hangover soup? At this time, he only felt hot all over his body and his face had a fever. Only the good habits he had developed over the years and his family upbringing kept him from losing his temper, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Qin Yining's body.

At this time, someone didn't know who sighed, "I still remember that in Ci'an Palace, the Queen Mother almost matched Uncle Zhongyi and the princess. But God had his own arrangements, and Yue Lao's red string entangled the feet of Prince Zhongshun and the Qin family's sister. Together."

Qin Yining was impatient.

These unfamiliar women were from completely different worlds from her. They had nothing to do and refused to take a break. They took it as a pastime to chew on things about the East and the West, and the older women made fun of them. Even more so, they managed to push the matter aside, but they actually brought it up again.

Lu Heng recalled the scene when he first met Qin Yining, and then recalled the situation in the palace that day, as well as their several confrontations. They shared hardships in Tartar. She once regarded him as a friend, but what happened now?

Lu Heng's head was dizzy. Everything around him had receded, and only Qin Yining was left in his eyes.

He smiled bitterly, his eyes full of sadness and reluctance: "Actually, when you followed me..."

Before Lu Heng finished speaking, his face suddenly turned cold.

Qin Yining poured a cup of herbal tea on his face, stood up suddenly, and scolded: "Uncle Zhongyi, please wake up and talk nonsense to ruin people's reputation. Is it an agreement between you and your wife?"

The room was quiet.

When the woman who was joking just now saw that Qin Yining was angry, she knew that what she said was inappropriate and made the princess angry.

But no one could have imagined that Princess Zhongshun would have such a bad temper that she would dare to splash tea in the face of the head of the Lu family. The tea leaves were still stuck to Lu Heng's eyebrows.

Lu Heng was a little stunned, "I..."

Qin Yining turned to everyone in the room and smiled and said: "It's getting late. My prince is unwell. He has been in bed recently for recuperation. I have also been out all day. It's time to say goodbye now."

"Yes, it's getting late." Mrs. An Pingbo, who had long noticed that something was wrong, echoed, "It's time for me to go back."

As soon as these two people mentioned this, everyone saw the awkward situation and stood up to say goodbye to Lu Heng.

Lu Heng was so dizzy at this time that he couldn't hold his tongue straight. He couldn't hear a word these people were saying clearly.

When the women saw that Lu Heng was drunk and unconscious, and that he had brought his entourage and bodyguards, they left with peace of mind.

Soon, only Lu Heng and his entourage were left in the box.

"Uncle, you..."

Before the boy could finish his words, Lu Heng closed his eyes and fell to the ground drunkenly, falling asleep with his mouth open.

The servants and guards were shocked and rushed to help him, but the drunk man was completely unconscious and snoring loudly, and he was much heavier than usual.

After all their efforts, everyone used a roll of blankets to carry Lu Heng out of Shunfu Restaurant and put him on a temporarily hired carriage.

Fortunately, the uncle's mansion was not far from here. The family members drove the carriage back to the uncle's mansion quickly and carried the drunken Lu Heng directly into the new house.

At this time, Bian Ruohan was sitting beside Babu's bed covered with a dragon and phoenix silk scarf, waiting for Lu Heng shyly. Unexpectedly, his neck was almost broken by the phoenix crown, but what awaited him was a drunken groom.

Lu Heng was carried directly onto the bed, and he continued to sleep without taking off his wedding clothes, snoring loudly.

It was not wrong for Bian Ruohan to continue to sit on the bed, nor to hide away. She had never suffered any grievances since she was a child, but her wedding night was so far from what she had imagined. She was so angry that she threw her wedding dress to the ground and turned around. Go outside.

"Madam. Please rest in peace."

"No, I want to go home!"

"Madam, if you go out at this hour, I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on you. If Empress Zhuang finds out, she will scold this servant for not serving the madam well. Please rest for now."

Bian Ruohan was forcefully persuaded by her dowry wet nurse.

The wedding ceremony was over, so she curled up in her wedding dress and slept next to Lu Heng. She couldn't get used to the pungent smell of wine, so she hid far away, sulking alone, and even shed a few tears of grievance. .

Regardless of the situation of the Lu family, Qin Yining had already told Pang Xiao about the strange things that happened today.

"That Mrs. Bian is really unreasonable, and Uncle Zhongyi has no idea what's going on in his mind. Even if I pour a bowl of herbal tea over it, I won't feel relieved."

Pang Xiao hugged Qin Yining and laughed, "It would be nice if it was a bowl of hot tea."

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