Return of the Swallow

Chapter 922 Comparison

Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining and found it hard to find words to refute.

Every time this time came, he hated his situation so much, why he had to face such a helpless situation every time. He has little ambition, what he wishes for,

Pang Xiao turned around and rubbed the broken hair from his forehead irritably.

Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao's tall back, walked forward with a sigh, hugged his shoulders from behind, and pressed his face against his shoulders.

"Zhixi, don't worry, I am sensible and will not risk my life for anything. I can swear to you."

With her soft body pressed against his body as tight as steel, Pang Xiao pursed her lips and turned around, holding him in her arms.

"Sister Yi, I should have let you go with your father-in-law and the others."

Qin Yining's voice was muffled in his arms, and he smiled and said, "Under the circumstances at that time, none of us could leave. Once we leave, wouldn't it be a warning?"

Of course Pang Xiao knew that what Qin Yining said was true.

Until now, every time they encounter danger, they are choosing the most appropriate way to deal with it, and many of them are the best way to choose at the moment.

Pang Xiao hugged Qin Yining, going through the current situation over and over again in his mind, and finally asked, "What are you going to do after you go?"

Finally willing to listen to her plan instead of shutting down as soon as she opened her mouth.

Qin Yining expressed her thoughts.

"Sitong also has a branch in Huichuan County. I will contact Sitong after I go there. In addition, I will take the opportunity of hosting the house to investigate the local situation and find ways to find people to contact Liu Ban, Guan Dahu and their group. Now that the Holy Emperor suddenly decreed that Uncle Zhongyi was made the magistrate of Huichuan County, then Guan Dahu and the others' purchase of officials must have come to nothing. Whether the money was wasted is secondary, the more important thing is that they have something in their minds. Once they know that you and the others Lu Heng is about to take office. He will definitely take action and give me an opportunity to take advantage of him."

Pang Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but hugged Qin Yining and sighed, "Mr. Xu and Mr. Xie have repeatedly praised you as a female Zhuge. If anyone is not convinced by this, I will be convinced."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Isn't this forced by the situation? I stare at you too much. In comparison, it will be easier for me to do things. Just like when we entered the capital, I will arrange everything first. I will also contact you if there is anything we need to do together."

Pang Xiao nodded helplessly: "I don't have any other options at the moment."

Pang Xiao knew his situation. Li Qitian was watching, his colleagues were watching, and the ministers from several factions had their own thoughts. In the past, when Qin Huaiyuan was in the court, he was not only a needle that stabilized some people, but also had a keen sense of the direction of the wind. Now, although he has a lot of people in his hands, those people do not have Qin Huaiyuan's wisdom and acumen. Many things happen in front of their eyes and they don't even notice.

Therefore, he had to be on guard, yet distracted to pay attention to any disturbance, and always maintain the folk foundation that Qin Yining had helped him lay before, so that the people could not doubt or be disappointed in his words and deeds.

With his hands tied like this, he naturally couldn't do many things, and at the moment, there was really no one around him who could be so strategic and decisive except Qin Yining.

"That's all." Pang Xiao nodded helplessly, "I only have one request. At all times, survival comes first. You can't do stupid things just because you want to help me fight for something. You have to put your life first. First."

When Qin Yining saw Pang Xiao agreed,

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know."

Pang Xiao was very serious, "Sister Yi, you have to promise me that you will never play with your own life. If you do anything that makes me feel that you are playing with your life, I will ask Mu Mu to help you." Send Xiyue off."

Qin Yining met Pang Xiao's stern eyes and couldn't help but nodded obediently, "I know. I still want to go back and reunite with my family. I also made clothes for Brother Zhao and Brother Han. I can't bear to leave my family. If I can't bear to leave you, why would I risk my life? I cherish my little life very much."

Pang Xiao hugged Qin Yining tightly and kissed her lightly on the temples: "We have only been together for a long time, and we are about to separate again."

"It's just a temporary separation. Do you still want to delay your trip to Huichuan County? I think Uncle Zhongyi will never set off too late. The Holy Spirit said to show mercy, 'Wait until you are ready before setting off'". It's just a polite word. If you really recover before leaving, the papers accusing you of delaying the construction of the imperial mausoleum will fly like snowflakes."

Pang Xiao was amused by Qin Yining's statement. He rubbed her cheek with his big hand. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a drop of rain fall on the tip of his nose.

The sky turned into a leaden gray at some point, and the billowing clouds were blown by a strong wind.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "It's raining, let's go back quickly."

The two of them jogged hand in hand for a while.

The rain was already pouring down before they even got back to their room.

Qin Yining was protected by Pang Xiao and carried a lot of rain. When they arrived at the corridor of the upper room, the two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing when they saw each other's appearance like a drowned rat soaked in rain.

After Qin Yining made an agreement with Pang Xiao, they started preparing to set off.

Pang Xiao assigned Tang Xiu and other elite tiger guards to Qin Yining, and also assigned Xie Yue to Qin Yining.


Qin Yining finally persuaded Pang Xiao to leave Mu Jinghu to protect himself. Naturally, she nodded to whatever Pang Xiao arranged. In case of refutation, Pang Xiao once again thought of arranging Mu Jinghu by her side. Pang Xiao really had no one he could rely on when encountering any danger.

It's not that I can't trust Hu Zi, Xu Weizhi and the rest of the elite tiger guards, but who among the rest can have such superb martial arts as Mu Jinghu?

Qin Yining set off in full swing, only saying that he was going to buy a house.

This word reached Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion. When Bian Ruohan heard the news, he couldn't help but sneered and slammed an ivory comb on the table.

"We all have to follow her husband-in-law to take office. I haven't figured out how to do it yet, but that shameless little whore knows how to behave. Does it mean that she knows more? Bah! She is just someone who has been played by many people. What a whore!"

Bian Ruohan cursed, but none of the maids serving around him dared to react. They all lowered their heads to minimize their presence.

That day when Madam went to the palace, the tiring Concubine Zhuang was scolded by the Holy Master. Then the Master called them home and punished them severely. Their calves were whipped with canes and are still swollen. They were stunned to say that Madam had done something wrong. It's all slaves like them who don't know how to persuade.

But they are just slaves and cannot speak in front of the lady. What else can they do?


The voice of a maid saluting and greeting came from outside the door.

Then the bead curtain was raised, and Lu Heng walked in quickly. The oil-paper umbrella stood outside the door, and the soft boots on his feet were already wet from the rain.

"Uncle, are you back? It's raining outside, are you not wet? Why don't you ask them to follow you?"

Bian Ruohan held the tassel hairpin on his temples and hurried forward to greet her.

Lu Heng didn't even look at him, he just said: "I have already asked people to prepare the trip, so you don't need to bother."

Bian Ruohan's eyes lit up, "Uncle! Thank you for your understanding. I'm not tired. I'm very willing to do it for you..."

"I mean, you don't have to go to the trouble of packing."

"What!" Bian Ruohan suddenly raised his voice, "You, you don't even plan to take me there!"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "I'm going to take my post. There are too many things I need to do at that time, so I can't focus on taking care of you. Besides, if you go, you will have to suffer. You can stay in the capital with peace of mind. respect parents."

"You, you...don't bully me too much. Aren't my parents your father-in-law and mother-in-law? You still refuse to be called this name! Besides, didn't the Holy One say that we are newlyweds? I..."

Lu Heng waved his hand to stop Bian Ruohan's words: "I thought we should keep a proper distance, so that we can keep each other fresh. If we know each other too well, I'm afraid we won't even have any illusions."

During the dinner, Bian Ruohan's face turned purple and his fists were clenched tightly.

For a person like Lu Heng, his lover didn't use any curse words. He was clearly sarcastic, but everything he said touched her heart.

Bian Ruohan burst into tears, grabbed Lu Heng's arm and pulled, "Let's go into the palace with me to meet my cousin! What do you mean by humiliating me like this? You look down on the Bian family, don't you also look down on the Bian family? Heavenly Family? Don’t forget, the current Holy One is my cousin-in-law!"

Lu Heng sneered and pulled back his hand.

"If I remember correctly, your sister hasn't taken the position of queen yet, has she?"

Bian Ruohan was so angry that he trembled all over and cried loudly, "No matter what, I don't care, I must go to Huichuan County with you! What on earth did I do wrong? I just scolded that bitch, you can come back to me You ignored me like this, refused to consummate your marriage with me, and insulted me with all kinds of words. Even if I am helpless, it is not your turn to humiliate me! I want to tell the Holy One! I want to tell the Queen Mother!"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Just make a fuss. If it gets too big, it will still be my face that gets embarrassed."

Bian Ruohan cried loudly, not caring that her makeup was muddy with tears, she covered her face and ran out.

The wet nurse and maidservant who was accompanying the bride hurriedly saluted and chased him out.

Seeing the person walking away, Lu Heng sat down on the soft couch by the window, rubbing his brows tiredly. A family with a good wife and husband will have few troubles. He doesn't have that kind of fate. Since marrying Bian, he has been completely disgraced. Nowadays, the Holy Emperor's attitude towards him is becoming more and more unpredictable. The affairs in the court are still busy, and Bian Ruohan is still going to add to the chaos.

In contrast, Qin Yining planned to go to Huichuan County to buy real estate in order to let Pang Xiao rest in peace and recuperate.

How are these two women comparable?

He didn't know the emperor's intention of arranging for him to serve as magistrate of Huichuan County. To make sure, he let Bian Ruohan make a scene. Anyway, it is a woman's family matter. Even if she conflicts with the nobles in the palace, it is still a matter of tutoring in the Bian family, which can be used to see clearly the attitude of the palace.

As for whether Bian Ruohan will be punished for crying randomly?

Lu Heng sneered, this was out of his consideration.

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