Return of the Swallow

Chapter 923 Departure

Bian Ruohan was sent back by the palace before Xu Shi. Lu Heng learned that Eunuch Li from Ci'an Palace was coming, so he put on his raincoat and rain hat and went to meet him in person.

Eunuch Li smiled and saluted Lu Heng, "Uncle, this slave is being polite. The Queen Mother specially ordered this slave to send the lady back to the mansion. Now that she has been delivered safely, this slave has completed her mission."

"I don't dare, I have to bother my father-in-law to make a trip so late. It's really hard work." Lu Heng smiled and stepped forward, naturally handing over a bag filled with golden melon seeds.

Eunuch Li twisted the shape with his hands to know what was inside. He put it into his arms with a smile and his eyes were curved, and his attitude was a bit attentive and flattering: "What do you say, these are all slaves' Dude, Zhongyi Bo is too polite."

"What are you talking about? It's a cold day. I just want to invite my father-in-law to drink and warm up. Does the Queen Mother have any instructions?"

Eunuch Li glanced at Bian Ruohan, who was silent and had his head lowered like a wooden stake. He pulled Lu Heng aside and whispered: "The Queen Mother is in a good mood today. The Queen Mother is getting older. What I love most is seeing the harmonious and beautiful lives of the younger generations. Uncle Zhongyi is a sensible person and should understand."

When Lu Heng heard this, what else did he not understand?

The Queen Mother was originally in a good mood.

So it must have been messed up by Bian Ruohan.

The Queen Mother likes to see her juniors living a harmonious and beautiful life, but she is tired of the newlyweds causing trouble in the palace several times.

So he couldn't keep Bian Ruohan in the capital. I still have to take her with me when I take office this time. Otherwise, it would not sound "harmonious and beautiful" to the ears of the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother's meaning may not be the Holy One's meaning, and he cannot ignore it.

Lu Heng was bored in his heart, but he was very grateful on his face and thanked him repeatedly, "Thank you, Eunuch Li, for your suggestion."

"Hi, uncle, you are so polite. You are the most capable person around the Holy One, and the Queen Mother values ​​you very much. From now on, the slaves and maids will have to worry about things big and small, so please bother me more."

Lu Heng had always known that Eunuch Li from Ci'an Palace was a bit greedy for petty gains. Hearing this, he naturally understood that he planned to ask him for something in the future, so he wanted to tell him in advance now.

Lu Heng exchanged greetings with Eunuch Li again, and personally held an umbrella to send people out of the Lu family.

After returning to the room, Lu Heng stood beside Babu's bed, looked at Bian Ruohan who was lying on his side with her back to him, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly.

His voice softened, "This time it all went to the palace. Are you still angry?"

Bian Ruohan suddenly sat up hugging the quilt and looked up at Lu Heng aggrievedly. Tears fell again and he said in a hoarse voice: "I know you dislike me, me, I also know it was my fault that day. But you always do it for that. You bitch got angry with me. I wasn't born to vent your anger. You... I already know that I shouldn't make trouble, but you still insist on it. You refuse to pay attention to me, which hurts me. I can’t even raise my head at home.”

Bian Ruohan couldn't help crying when he said this.

Lu Heng rubbed his brows, put on a smile, walked to the bed and sat down. His big hand gently touched her tear-stained cheek, "Are you still crying?"

Bian Ruohan forgot to shed tears and looked at Lu Heng with wide eyes.

This was the first time that Lu Heng was so close to her, and the first time that he was willing to take the initiative to touch her skin.

This man is the head of the Lu Clan family and the loyal uncle of the dynasty. He is so handsome.

Just like what my mother said, she was originally married as a stepmother, how could she expect a man to be "pure and pure" too? What's more, when a man is in his teens, he needs to know about human affairs. He has slept with many women. No matter how cheating he is, she will still be an upright and loyal lady. No one dares to change this.

After all, she was a relative of the emperor, and she was not bad at birth. It was just that she was too arrogant and pampered, and a man could not climb down the stairs.

Thinking of this, a pair of lotus arms wrapped around Lu Heng. Bian Ruohan's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, "Uncle, I know I was wrong. I will never make trouble like this again, and never go to the palace to talk about our family's affairs." ,OK?"

Lu Heng smiled and put his big hands into her clothes and kneaded her. She blushed and squeaked, but he inadvertently avoided the red lips he offered.

I'm afraid the Holy One will not give him arbitrary power. Since things couldn't be changed at this point, he just wanted to be "harmony and beautiful".

"Princess, you said it has been raining for four or five days in a row. If it continues like this, won't it delay our journey?" Ji Yun brought a bowl of hot tea to Qin Yining, "You have some hot tea to warm yourself up. "

Qin Yining nodded, and his cool fingers touched the warm teacup. Warmth rushed into his pores, making Qin Yining sigh comfortably.

"It's raining this time. It's not summer yet, but it seems like it's autumn. Let's bring more warm clothes when we set off. Huichuan County is further north than here."

"I've brought them all with you. It's enough for you to wear on the road. It won't be enough by then, so I went to Huichuan County to buy some."

At this moment, Pang Xiao came back.

Ziyuan and Hanxiao took Pang Xiao's umbrella and put it outside. Jiyun and Bingtang also served tea and then left.

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Has everything been discussed?"

"Yes. The weather has been bad recently. Do you want to wait until the rain stops before setting off?" Pang Xiao sat down next to Qin Yining, poured himself a cup of hot tea and took a sip.

Qin Yining shook his head, "We will set off the day after tomorrow according to the original plan. If it rains, we will go slower on the road. Huichuan County is not far from the capital. It will be half a month later."

Pang Xiao nodded, reluctant to let her go out, but had to let her go.

The two were entangled for two days. During these two days, the rain was still pouring. Qin Yining set off. There was a lot of water on the official road outside the city, and the road surface was also very wet.

Qin Yining lifted the car curtain and said with a smile: "Go back quickly. We will meet soon. Don't worry, with Mr. Xie and so many elite tiger guards here, I will be fine."

In another carriage opposite, Pang Xiao also raised the curtain and looked at her.

He was still ill, so naturally he couldn't ride out on his own, but he couldn't give Qin Yining a ride, which made him feel really uncomfortable.

"Well, let's set off quickly while the time is still good. It's raining and the situation on the road is uncertain. Don't miss the time to stay." Pang Xiao told Tang Xiu who was accompanying Qin Yining.

"Yes." Tang Xiu agreed and then gave instructions.

The convoy set off slowly.

Qin Yining smiled and waved to Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao also smiled at Qin Yining, leaned out half of his body and kept staring at Qin Yining. When the carriage gradually moved away and he couldn't see the person clearly, he sat up helplessly and said, "Go back."

The sudden separation from Pang Xiao actually made Qin Yining feel empty in her heart. The two of them were so happy when they were together, and when they separated unexpectedly, everyone around them felt too quiet.

But no matter what she does now, she wants to be inseparable from Pang Xiao for the rest of her life. So the brief separation was nothing.

Qin Yining's trip was not smooth because it was difficult to travel on rainy days and the wheels would often get stuck in the mud.

"I don't know what's wrong with the weather. Could it be that there's a leak? The rain has been pouring down for half a month, and it doesn't stop. We haven't seen the sun for a long time."

"Yes, they say that spring rain is as expensive as oil, but if there is too much oil, might it destroy all the crops?"

Bingtang and Jiyun were both worried.

Ji Yun even said: "Ever since the Holy One issued an order for the prince to go to Huichuan County to supervise the construction of the royal tomb and oversee the imperial envoys, the weather has been bad. Could it be that God is also complaining about our prince?"

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Okay, you are thinking too mysteriously. God has the final say on things like rain, and no one can intervene."

Bingtang and Jiyun didn't feel it either.

Those around them know better than anyone how severe the Holy One's suppression of the prince and princess is. The prince has done so many practical things for the court, but has been gradually weakened to such an extent that the princess can only leave her family and children. They all should be sent away, only by pretending to die can they save their lives. Don't talk about others when you act now. Even slaves like them feel chilled when they see it.

It's hard to guarantee that God didn't like what the Holy One did, so he warned me.

However, Qin Yining didn't allow them to say anything, so they all stopped thinking about it and stopped mentioning it.

Just as Qin Yining's inconspicuous motorcade slowly approached Huichuan County, in an ordinary home in Huichuan County, a man of medium height, dark complexion, and a beard was walking back and forth in the house with his hands behind his back. Pacing.

The hem of his robe and boots were stained with mud that had not yet dried. It was obvious that he had just returned from outside, and he had left messy footprints on the floor of the main room.

"Brother, this is not a compliment from the Zhou family. Our brothers all used their special skills in front of him, but he didn't buy our fault." Another taller middle-aged man said.

"The Lu family is too unreliable." The man pacing in the ground spoke.

If Qin Yining were here, he would definitely know that he was in charge of Dahu. Because his hoarse voice is really unforgettable.

"We bought a magistrate from the Lu family. Who would have expected that the emperor would suddenly intervene and seal another magistrate. Our magistrate must be defeated."

"Yes. Isn't all our money wasted?"

"It doesn't matter. The Lu family has a big business, so it's not like we should default on the money. But we have tried our best to raise the money for buying an official. The Lu family will not refund the money in the short term. We will not return the money in the short term." Buying an official position is no longer feasible, so we can only transport the things out before the new magistrate and the supervising imperial envoy arrive."

Speaking of this, Guan Dahu looked around and saw that besides Liu Ban, there were four men in the room. They were all brothers from the Qingtian League and were willing to follow them.

"We are just six brothers. The thing is mixed in a large amount of stones. Although I roughly know the location, it is still impossible for the six of us to move it out. We want to steal the thing quietly without alerting the government. Leaving is really harder than climbing to heaven."

"That's why I'm asking for help from everywhere and trying to find ways to prepare more money. The second master of Heifeng Village has contacted us. The heroes in their mountains are all very capable, so it will be most convenient to carry the stones."

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