Return of the Swallow

Chapter 924 Special Envoy

What several people said was exciting.

"Who in the Black Wind Village wouldn't join us in a fight to win over others?" A stupid young man stood up and asked.

Guan Dahu said with a smile, "Of course I won't tell them what we are going to do. I only said that we are going to steal a batch of stones from the imperial court. The people in Heifeng Village have also been in the Taoist community for many years. Naturally, they have heard of the name of the Qingtian League. We, the Qingtian League, What did you do in the south?"

Liu Ban said: "Of course I can't get along with the Dog Emperor."

"Yes. So the reckless men in Heifeng Village probably think that we just want to make things difficult for Jinshang, so we want to steal the stones used by Jinshang to build the imperial mausoleum to show off our prestige."

After all, stealing the stones used to build the imperial mausoleum was the biggest challenge to the imperial power.

Guan Dahu said: "They are all Jianghu people. In the name of chivalry, just give them a little more money. They have done this for us themselves and are afraid of being caught and beheaded. Naturally, they will not be so stupid as to themselves. Let it leak out. The six of us brothers got the money and just flew away. The world is so big, how can the emperor still catch us?"

When several people heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little excited. Since ancient times, wealth has always been in danger. They are only one step away from success. Now as long as they have money to hire people from Heifeng Village, can they just move things out?

"How about we go on another military expedition to take risks?" Liu Ban gestured anxiously, his eyes stern.

Guan Dahu pursed his lips and thought for a while, "Let's think of something else."

The money they used when they went to the Lu family in Danzhou Prefecture to buy an official position was obtained by killing two large families. For this money, I don't know how much blood was stained on my hands.

Guan Dahu nodded and said, "There are still two big families here. We should treat them first and then attack them. It will be good if we can get people to help us. If we can't get them, then we can only use this method."

Liu Ban and the others nodded.

As Guan Dahu said, no one is willing to kill someone unless it is absolutely necessary. Killing someone is really not a good experience.

When Qin Yining and his party came to Huichuan County, it was the afternoon of the first day of May.

Although we had just arrived, leaden clouds were heavy and heavy overhead, and the wind was so strong that the car doors were blown open, and tiny raindrops penetrated into the car.

"Princess, this is really...fortunately, we are almost there."

"Yes." Qin Yining's skirt was soaked by the rain.

"Halfway through, the car started leaking. The ten-day journey was even more painful than when we went to Beijing." Bingtang hurriedly helped Qin Yining cover the rain and couldn't help complaining.

Ji Yun smiled and said, "Okay, look, you've been nagging all the way, and your mouth is so pouting that it can hang a bottle of oil. If Huzi sees it, he won't laugh at you?"

Bingtang's face suddenly turned red, and she frowned and said, "Anyway, he is following the prince, but you, the beauty, are soaked in the water. The guards are laughing at you carefully."

"You, you bad girl!" Jiu Yun also blushed with embarrassment.

Qin Yining stroked her temples, which were wet by the rain, and couldn't help laughing as she watched the two girls blushing and teasing each other.

Tang Xiu, who was following closely outside the carriage, listened to the voices inside, and his face was so red that the rainwater almost evaporated into a layer of white mist.

The group of people quickly crossed paths and entered the city. Because the distance was short, they thought they would arrive soon, so they did not order anyone to lead the charge in advance. After everyone inquired, they went directly to the largest inn in the area and booked a side courtyard that no one had rented.

"Princess, I have told the store to prepare hot water. You can take a hot bath later. We have a small stove in the small yard that can boil water. I will make ginger soup later and we will all eat some." Bingtang said.

Qin Yining nodded: "It won't be too late for you to change into dry clothes first."


"I beg you to prepare more. Mr. Xie is getting old, and the guards have been exposed to a lot of rain along the way. Let's all eat some."

"I know." Bingtang nodded in agreement with a smile. She and Jiyun helped Qin Yining change clothes first. After Ziyuan and Hanxiao came back after changing their clothes, they went out to pack their own clothes.

Qin Yining took the hot tea brought with a smile and held it in his hands. The day in May turned cold due to continuous rain.

Qin Yining walked to the window, opened a gap in the lattice window and looked into the yard. In this courtyard with three main rooms and two side rooms, only the middle part is paved with a cross-shaped stone brick road. The rest of the courtyard is covered with dirt roads, which are now covered in mud.

Looking up, the weather was dark and dark, as if it would become oppressive at any time.

During the more than ten days' journey from Beijing to Huichuan County, it rained all the time.

It is unknown how many places were affected by this heavy rain. Qin Yining thought about going back to Xundi's newspaper to take a look.

After settling down for the day, Qin Yining asked Bingtang to check Xie Yue's pulse to make sure that the old man did not catch a cold.

Xie Yue was very grateful to Qin Yining for his meticulousness.

"Girl Tang, go back and thank the princess for me."

"Yes." Bingtang smiled and put away the pulse pillow, then smiled again, "The princess asked the servant to tell Mr. Nothing big happened.”

"The princess and the old man want to go somewhere. I will go find out the news early tomorrow morning."

"Hey, thank you sir."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. This is the duty of an old man."

Bingtang went back and told Qin Yining.

There was no words for the whole night. Qin Yining saw Xie Yue the next day and had no intention of going out for the time being.

She always had to see the local situation clearly before meeting the people at Sitong.

After Xie Yue came back, he brought back surprising news.

"Princess, things are not going well. This rain does not just fall on the road between Beijing and Huichuan County. There are heavy rains of varying degrees in various places, especially in the south, with the old capital of Dayan as the center, and all around It rains heavily.”

Qin Yining frowned when he heard this.

"I am afraid that the current situation of the imperial court is no longer prosperous. The world is not peaceful. I am afraid that those old people in the Northern Hebei Kingdom have long been empty out of the wars in the past few years. The imperial tombs have been repaired and repaired. If there is really trouble now, If floods occur, the national treasury may be even more burdensome."

The treasury has been tense for a day or two, otherwise Li Qitian would not have focused on the treasure of the Great Yan Dynasty to solve his urgent need. If you want to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, you must find a way and have time to implement it.

If there is really a flood in the south, it is really hard for Qin Yining to imagine what the Zhou Dynasty will look like, and what damaging moves Li Qitian will come up with to solve the urgent need.

Xie Yue was also lost in thought like Qin Yining.

"I'm afraid that the national treasury will not be able to support the construction of the imperial mausoleum. Will the Holy Lord put the crime on the prince's head?"

Qin Yining also nodded worriedly, "This is what I'm worried about too."

Li Qitian is already trying his best to weaken Pang Xiao and wants to impeach Pang Xiao whenever he gets the chance. If Li Qitian really gets a chance in this matter, he will definitely try his best to kill Pang Xiao.

The two were silent for a long time before Qin Yining smiled and said: "The flood is not something you and I can control. We can only use troops to cover up the water and the earth. Let's solve the immediate problem first."

Xie Yue smiled and nodded repeatedly, "Princess, you have a clear mind, that's very good." At first, he was worried that Qin Yining would be motivated and spend too much energy on things that they had no control over at the moment. From this point of view, he was overly preoccupied. . It seems that he has also made the mistake of despising women, and this will not happen in the future.

Qin Yining discussed with Xie Yue what to do in the future, and after clarifying the regulations, they went back to rest.

When I got up the next day, the weather was still dark. Although the rain had stopped, I knew from the look that there would be another heavy rain soon.

After breakfast, Qin Yining asked, "Where is Mr. Xie?"

"Mr. Xie went out with two Jinghu Guards, saying they were looking for a house." Ji Yun said with a smile.

Qin Yining nodded and said, "Then let's go to Sitong No. 1 today."

Jiyun and Bingtang set out to get ready.

Most of the roads in the city were not paved with stone bricks, so the roads were very muddy. When Qin Yining and others passed by the Sitong gate in a carriage, Qin Yining ordered: "Keep walking."

The Jinghuwei who was driving the carriage immediately obeyed the order and continued to move forward. After passing the corner, he asked: "Princess, are we not going to Sitong No.?"

Qin Yining said: "Let's stop at an inconspicuous place at the back. You stay where you are and guard. I will only take two maids with me. This will not attract too much attention."

"Yes." Jinghuwei said with a smile, "You are still thoughtful."

If it hadn't been for the princess's reminder, he might have gone straight to the car. Wouldn't that be eye-catching?

After Qin Yining arranged everything, he led people to the side door of the Sitong No. and handed the maple leaf-shaped jade plaque that Qiu Feishan had given her to Jiyun. "Knock on the door and ask to see them to discuss the matter."


Wearing wooden clogs over Jiyunxiu shoes, holding an oil-paper umbrella, he walked lightly across a puddle and knocked on the side door.

Not long after, a young man came to answer the door.

The first person he met was a pretty maid with elegant appearance. Her clothes and demeanor did not look like she was from the local area. The young waiter smiled smartly and said, "Hey, we are a distinguished guest. What are your orders?"

Ji Yun smiled and shook the maple leaf jade sign and said, "Is your person in charge here?"

As soon as the boy saw the word "Autumn" on the sapphire maple leaf, he immediately straightened his expression and saluted, "Yes, yes, you will be there later. I will go and pass the message immediately."

Ji Yun smiled and nodded, then stood under the porch and waited.

Bingtang and Qin Yining were holding a large oil-paper umbrella here, and they couldn't help but whisper: "It's raining again. Although it's not very heavy, it's really annoying to keep raining like this."

"Yes." Qin Yining worriedly stretched her white jade-like fingers out of the umbrella. Raindrops fell on her fingertips from time to time, and she hurriedly retracted her hand due to the cold.

At this moment, a man in his forties wearing a sapphire blue double-breasted long-sleeved gown quickly walked out of the Huichuan branch of Sitong. When he saw Ji Yun and saw the jade plaque in her hand, he smiled and cupped his hands and said: "So it turns out It’s a special envoy sent by my employer, it’s really disappointing.”

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