Return of the Swallow

Chapter 942 Paranoia

Lu Heng felt bored for a while, but the way Bian Ruohan only focused on crying and quibbling, pushing out all the mistakes was really disgusting. Lu Heng had already investigated before questioning Bian Ruohan. Even Bian Tong said that if Bian Ruohan hadn't hired martial arts people to smash up the palace at the beginning, their family might not have suffered this incident.

Lu Heng knew in his heart that some mobs rushed in and stole the property, and Qin Yining said that she was going to have an affair with the Lu family and that she would pay for the property. These were all excuses. It can be seen that Bian Ruohan is really no match for Qin Yining, and he suffered such a huge loss in front of her this time.

Really, people are more desperate than others, and they are both raised by their parents. Why is Bian Ruohan such a boring and vulgar fan?

In comparison, Qin Yining's smart methods are even more valuable.

Seeing that Lu Heng was only thinking deeply and not speaking, Bian Ruohan couldn't help but become nervous. Things have reached this point. If Lu Heng wants to use this as a reason to divorce his wife, it is not impossible.

After all, this was not the first time she had experienced something like this. In the past in the capital, the Holy Emperor, the Queen Mother, and the Queen all seemed angry.

Bian Ruohan shrank his neck, becoming more and more frightened.

Who would have expected that before Bian Ruohan could find an excuse to excuse himself, Lu Heng had already taken the lead.

"Okay, okay, what's the big deal? You women are quarreling with each other. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. I didn't mean anything else just now. It was just a sigh. As long as things don't damage the relationship between me and Prince Zhongshun, The relationship will not affect our future cooperation in running errands for the Holy Father."

Lu Heng explained what he just said, and then smiled and approached Bian Ruohan, "Are you sad that you lost those things?"

Bian Ruohan had already been dazzled by Lu Heng's smiling handsome face when he suddenly came closer. He nodded sincerely and said: "I, those are all my body..."

"What are you afraid of? I'll make up for these things later. From now on, they will all be recorded in your name, and they will be treated as your relatives, okay?"

Such a gentle tone really dazzled Bian Ruohan.

"But, but I, it's obviously not my uncle's responsibility to pay for those things..."

"It's just a small amount of money. Whatever you want, go to the family storehouse to choose it. You shed tears and get sulky over such a small thing. Aren't you afraid that people will see you and feel sorry for you?"

Bian Ruohan's face turned red, and she couldn't help but feel secretly happy. She was so flattered by her uncle's pampering.


My concubine..."

"Okay, okay. Don't get angry over this trivial matter. I'll have someone pick things for you later to make up for your shortfall. You can take whatever you like."

Bian Ruohan coquettishly hugged Lu Heng's neck: "Uncle, I'm really flattered that you dote on me so much. Do you particularly love me?"

Lu Heng smiled and nodded, hugged her to the door, and loudly called for his entourage to take Bian Ruohan to the warehouse.

Wait until the person is sent away. Lu Hengcai sat back at the table with an expressionless expression.

Although Bian Ruohan did something stupid this time and tried to harm others, he was tricked and all his money was taken away. But it was precisely because of this incident that Lu Heng saw the shining side of Qin Yining, and that allowed him to grasp the obsession that he could not forget.

This kind of feeling of longing for someone, getting news about the other person every day, knowing about the other person's excellence, being seduced every day, but not getting it, for Lu Heng who married a stupid lady who he didn't like at all, It was like the rain in the desert, making him feel extra sweet and precious.

Lu Heng even hoped that Bian Ruohan would overestimate his ability to cause trouble for Qin Yining again, so that he would have the opportunity to confront her openly and see her methods of doing things.


When we entered the mansion in the evening, a drink had just been held in the front hall.

Guan Dahu and Liu Ban ate the food and drinks and clinked glasses before Liu Ban got up and looked around.

"Brother, there is no one outside."

"Well, then close the doors and windows. It's almost summer, and it's still as cold as winter." Guan Dahu said.

Liu Ban obeyed the order and closed the windows and doors to keep out the wind and rain.

A few brothers laughed and joked, "Brother, I'm afraid he's weak, otherwise why would he still be afraid of the cold?"

Guan Dahu laughed and scolded, then said with a smile: "You also heard what that woman meant today. She is also vicious enough and wants to take advantage of Uncle Zhongyi, but she dare not tell the truth and instead takes advantage of our brothers. She Do you really think that our brothers are idiots who don’t understand anything?”

"Bah! That woman is like a poisonous scorpion. If my eldest brother hadn't been careful, would we still be fooled by her?"

Liu Ban picked up the wine jar and poured a bowl for Guan Dahu, "Brother, first of all, what did you want to discuss with your brothers, and was interrupted by her coming? You can continue talking while there are no outsiders at this moment."

Guan Dahu looked at Liu Ban, then at a few brothers, chuckled and said: "We were troubled by the incident in Heifeng Village and lost a lot of money. We also lost the opportunity to take advantage of the imperial envoy and We are too anxious about the chance to remove the treasure before the new magistrate arrives here."

"Hey! How can we not be anxious? The cooked duck flew away!" Liu Ban cursed.

Guan Dahu said: "These days, under the support of that little girl, we are eating well, drinking hot food, and living a worry-free life. We don't have to worry about food, so I calmed down and thought a lot."

At this point, Guan Dahu suddenly stood up, put his hands on the table, and said sternly: "Brothers, let's take the risk to seize the treasure. It's really like a mantis trying to catch the treasure. This girl in Sitong is not a good person. After a while, we are our brothers, but we know in our hearts that in the future she will definitely want to use us to get in touch with Princess Zhongshun, the leader of the alliance, but who are we? Princess Zhongshun Yao knows our existence, and she has not sent anyone to destroy us. Do you want us? But if we can't introduce Qiu by then, I'm afraid we'll have to face the behemoth Sitong No. 1 sooner or later?"

Guan Dahu's statement made Liu Ban and others straighten their expressions and couldn't help but think deeply.

Indeed, as Guan Dahu said, although they are eating and drinking well now, every step they take is stepping on the tip of a needle.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"Yes, brother, you have the most ideas. "

Guan Dahu said: "If you ask me, we brothers should not think about the treasure."

"What? Brother, this is not okay."

"Yes, brother, we have been busy for so long, why? How can we just say we don't want the treasure?"

Liu Ban and others became angry and flushed with anxiety.

Guan Dahu raised his hand to stop the noise of several people, and said: "Why do you want the treasure? Isn't it just to eat all the treasure?"

( = )

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