Return of the Swallow

Chapter 943 Domineering


"So what, brother, aren't we all just trying to eat as much as we can?" Liu Ban said anxiously.

Guan Dahu shook his head, "There is nothing wrong with having endless food. It's just that the situation has changed now. Uncle Zhongyi is here, and the man named Pang is also here. These are not easy characters to deal with. If it's a treasure As soon as the news spread and they found out, you said, with the strength of just a few of us, even if we have obtained the treasure, do we have the mission to use it?"

When it comes to Uncle Zhongyi, in fact, what they fear is limited. After all, a long-established and intertwined family like the Lu family is a behemoth to the noble clan, but for the mud-legged people who don't understand anything, they may not be able to deeply understand the energy of the Lu family.

But when it comes to mentioning Pang Xiao, Guan Dahu is really scared.

That's a bad thing! If his lung tubes were really damaged, they might not know how he died. Even if they get the treasure by then, they will still lose their lives!

Just as Guan Dahu thought, everyone fell silent when this topic was brought up. Even Liu Ban, the most straightforward person, trembled when he heard Pang Xiao's reputation.

Guan Dahu continued: "The person named Pang is the imperial envoy in charge of the imperial mausoleum. You think, if the stones for building the imperial mausoleum were stolen, wouldn't he be labeled as a bad person? Can he be willing to take the blame? He will definitely get to the bottom of it. When the time comes, our brother will be unable to find a place to sell the stolen goods with all these things. What do you think we should do?"

The future described by Guan Dahu was so terrifying that Liu Ban and others shuddered.

"Brother, do you mean we should give up?"

"Give up, since we know that we can't save our lives, there is no need to go and die." Guan Dahu raised his eyebrows, with a hint of interest in his hoarse voice, "But I thought of another way to get the money, so I will do the same. It will keep us entertained for the rest of our lives, and we can also protect the secret of the treasure from anyone talking about it."

"What do you mean?" Several people looked at Guan Dahu with burning eyes.

Guan Dahu smiled and said, "It's very simple. Boss Qiu is completely unprepared when he comes to our place now. Their Sitonghao family has a great cause. As long as we help her, how much do we want to blackmail her? We can wait. We want it." Yes, go back and put her on the bed. When our brothers are satisfied and kill her, won't the secret never be revealed?

"Although the income will not be as impressive as the treasure, brothers, think about it, this way we will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of our lives. At least our lives will not be threatened. How about living a peaceful life without being hunted down?"

These words,

It was like opening the door to a new world for Liu Ban and others, and everyone felt a sense of enlightenment.

"Brother, you are the smarter after all!"

"Yeah, how did the melon seeds grow in my head? How come I'm so capable? Why can't I come up with such a good idea?"

"We are also obsessed with making money. How come we are not making money? Why do we choose a life-threatening way to do it?"

Several people whispered excitedly, and by the way, they sketched out a bright future.

Guan Dahu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his idea was successfully accepted. As long as the brothers are of the same mind and don't have different ideas midway, the matter will not be easily exposed and it will be easy to handle. If they were even remotely unwilling and delayed his fortune, Guan Dahu didn't care whether his hands would be stained with the blood of others. Even if they were sworn brothers, they should be killed without delay.

Several people discussed excitedly, imagining a bright future. No one noticed that a black shadow flashed outside the window, and then a black wind seemed to blow on the wall. Under the gloomy night, all movements and footsteps were covered up by the sound of rain.


In the flower hall of the palace, after hearing Jinghuwei's reply, Pang Xiao turned livid with anger and slapped the Eight Immortals table with his big hand. The Eight Immortals table was so overwhelmed that one of its legs was broken and fell to the ground with a crash. The dishes on the table were smashed to the ground, making a sharp sound of breaking porcelain.

"They dare! It's their turn to murder my king's people!"

Qin Yining stroked his chest, where his heart was beating wildly, and waved his hands to Jing Huwei and Ji Yun who were already stunned.

Several people quickly bowed and retreated.

Qin Yining walked up to Pang Xiao and pulled his sleeve, "Okay, don't bully me. Others have their own ideas, but you smashed our Eight Immortals table. Do you think I am losing money?"

Pang Xiao was still angry and suddenly turned to look at Qin Yining, with two clusters of flames burning in his phoenix eyes.

"This is what you mean by safety, is everything okay? Look at these young people, what are they planning behind their backs! What will happen to you if we don't take precautions? Maybe one time you go to meet them, you will just be He’s been tied up!”

Seeing Pang Xiao's furious expression, Qin Yining almost breathed out from his ears and nostrils. He softened his voice and hugged his waist and said: "Okay, stop being angry. Didn't I successfully find out that they were going to make some small move? Have you? Besides, we have experienced a lot of dangers before. Which time did we not pass smoothly? I am smart and will not put myself in danger. "

If Qin Yining had coaxed him so gently before, Pang Xiao would have calmed down long ago. But when Jinghuwei replied just now, although he deliberately did not use any obscene words, Pang Xiao also understood how Dahu and the others planned to treat Qin Yining.

He is the only one in the world who can bully his darling. If anyone else gets interested, he will kill them!

"You are smart, but when did you agree to a dangerous military expedition? Which time was it not due to luck? No, Guan Dahu has done cannibalism. Such people can no longer be called human beings. To say he is crazy is to insult the word crazy. You must listen to me on this matter! You are not allowed to go out without my permission in the future!"

After Pang Xiao roared angrily, he took Qin Yining's hand and walked into the inner house. When they got to the corridor, he was afraid that the slanting wind and drizzle would wet her skirt, so he simply picked her up and strode to the bedroom angrily.

Qin Yining was restrained by his hard arm and said helplessly: "Zhixi, you can't be so unreasonable. You don't allow me to go out without your permission? Doesn't that mean you want to lock me up? What I have to do is terrible. There’s still more! Besides, I’ve already taken precautions against this matter, and nothing will happen to me. It’s not my fault, so why do you want to lock me up!”

"Are you disobedient?" Pang Xiao lowered his head and bit her soft lips hard, biting the light pink lips until they were so delicate. "If you are disobedient, Mu Mu will be back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I will let you He doesn’t need to pack his baggage, he can just send you to Xiyue!”

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