Return of the Swallow

Chapter 946 Venting Anger

"I mentioned a grounding yesterday, but I didn't say how many days. I am arranging for people to arrest the remnants of Guan Dahu's group. So far, the whereabouts of four people have been discovered. They are all desperadoes now, and they must hate me. It’s to the bone, if you go out, you might become their target.”

Pang Xiao stood up and stretched out his arms to rub Qin Yining's forehead, "So if you are obedient, just stay in the room and I will arrange for people to carefully set up defenses."

Qin Yining was not happy, "I still have a lot of things to do outside. Things with shopkeeper Zhongda and shopkeeper Yinda..."

"If they come to see you later, can I have someone bring them in?"

"Isn't this unusual? They usually know I can go out."

"It's okay, I just told them that you were grounded by me."

Qin Yining gave Pang Xiao a fierce look and wanted to follow Pang Xiao's words. If people outside knew that she was grounded, she would be completely embarrassed.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Pang Xiao couldn't bear it anymore. He softened his voice and hugged her and said, "Okay. Okay, I promise you, I will go back and catch those people to make sure there is no danger outside. You can go out whenever you want." When can we go out, okay?”

Qin Yining frowned and remained silent.

Pang Xiao kissed her: "My sweetheart, my baby, don't be angry with me, okay?"

Qin Yining laughed at his sticky tone, "Okay, I also know you are doing it for me."

"Really, are you not angry?"

"Don't be angry."



Pang Xiao deliberately breathed a long sigh of relief, "Oh, my sister Yi scared me."

Qin Yining glared at him, "Why did I scare you?"

"You don't know, if I make you angry, I will be more nervous than going to the battlefield. Look at the sweat I am making."

Qin Yining turned around and stroked his neck with her delicate and slender fingers, sweeping across his Adam's apple. Her hands were indeed moist.

"No, I sweat so much." Qin Yining sighed: "We are all members of our own family, why are we so nervous and torturing ourselves?"

Pang Xiao's Adam's apple rolled, and he was a little worried that Qin Yining would hear him swallowing saliva. That would be really embarrassing.

"Okay, okay." Pang Xiao deliberately changed the topic, "What do you want to do these days? Do you want to invite some opera singers to come to your house?"

"No. It seems to outsiders that we are still observing filial piety. How about I make you a pair of shoes in the next few days."

He was forced to ground him unwillingly, and instead of having fun for himself, he wanted to make shoes for him. Pang Xiao felt warm in his heart, and hugged Qin Yining, and they felt so intimate for a long time before he let go.

Pang Xiao still had to go out and lead people to find the whereabouts of Guan Dahu's companions. He stayed with Qin Yining for a while and then went out.

Not long after he left, Ji Yun followed his husband out of the house and went to the city's dim sum shop, rouge shop, and medicine shop.

News spread in the mansion that the princess was now grounded. Everyone is discussing this matter privately. Juan, who is as deeply in love as the prince and princess, sometimes quarrels.

Now I see the princess's maid buying things for free. There is obviously a lot of rouge, gouache and medicinal materials at home.

The charioteer became more and more certain that the two masters must have been unhappy, otherwise there would be no need for the princess to vent her anger by spending money hard.

Yu Fu wanted to get close to Jiu Yun, but Ji Yun was the first-class maid beside the princess and could not talk to others. Because he did not want to cause trouble, and made the princess and the prince tired of him, Yu Fu could only obediently give in. Lift something.

Seeing that the husband who was following her was such an honest person, Ji Yun was slightly relieved. After a long circuit, she went to the Sitong No., showed the jade sign, and explained her intention to the Yin Da shopkeeper in a low voice.

Shopkeeper Yin is such a smart man. He knew something was wrong last night. The servants in the mansion were all knocked unconscious for no reason. When they woke up, the masters in the mansion were gone. The servants were waiting, but they had lost sight of their master. Everyone was anxious, and someone hurriedly answered the question.

Later, before it was clear what was going on, the entire Huichuan County was put under martial law by the royal guards, who were searching for several fugitives. The search style seemed to want to turn over the entire Huichuan County.

Shopkeeper Yin Da was also worried at the moment, thinking about whether to ask Qin Yining, when Ji Yun came.

"So what the princess wants to say is that if someone comes to seek shelter from 'Boss Qiu', you should try your best to protect the person. It's best to hide him in a place where the prince can't find him."

Shopkeeper Yin wanted to refuse, but it seemed that the prince and the princess were having trouble, and they had different opinions. If he, an outsider, got involved, he might not get much good results if something happened in the future.

But he didn't have the guts to refuse directly.

Ji Yun could see the hesitation of the shopkeeper Yin, so he took out Qiu Feishan's jade plaque and showed it to him.

"Before the princess came, Boss Qiu had already explained that when arriving in Huichuan, the local Sitong number would strictly obey the princess's command and dispatch. The embarrassed maid of the shopkeeper Yin Da understood that it was just that what the princess ordered was an important matter, even if the prince I found out that the princess will also protect you, so you really don’t have to worry.”

"Yes." Shopkeeper Yin nodded.

Although Ji Yun's words were polite, Shopkeeper Yin still thought of something. If he didn't listen to Qin Yining's instructions right now, the princess might have dealt with him before the prince came to the door.

Having made up his mind, Shopkeeper Yin immediately agreed to Ji Yun's request.

Ji Yun also pretended to buy a lot of new styles of silk and satin from the shopkeeper Yin. He also said that the princess wanted to buy autumn clothes for all the servants in the house and needed a lot of cotton cloth.

Sitonghao does all kinds of business, and the materials from the south are also the latest styles, so the order for Wangfu Caiyi is naturally quite large. The big shopkeeper Yin made the business. He happily sent Jiyun out.

"Don't worry, Miss Jiyun. Even though it's been raining heavily for days, our things are still the best, and they're all stored properly. There are absolutely no defective items."

Ji Yun nodded with a smile and opened the oil-paper umbrella, "The princess specially asked you to come here to buy things. You can't be wrong. Then there is the big shopkeeper Lao Yin."

The last sentence was a pun, and of course Shopkeeper Yin understood it.

"Hey, don't worry, walk slowly!"

Jiyun held an umbrella and stepped on rain-proof wooden clogs as he walked down the steps. Shuizhi looked up and saw Pang Xiao walking around the corner with more than a dozen palace guards wearing rain gear.

Pang Xiao was also surprised to see Ji Yun.

"Why are you here?"

Jiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly calmed down. He smiled and stepped forward to salute Pang Xiao, "Your Majesty." He raised the curtain of the car again and showed him the things in the car. "The princess asked the slaves to come out to buy it. Why don't you go there?" Sitong ordered a lot of fashionable materials, and the princess also said that she would make new clothes for all the servants in the family."

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