Return of the Swallow

Chapter 947 Hexagram 8

Pang Xiao looked at the car and frowned gradually. The accompanying Jing Hu Guards, including Hu Zi, couldn't help but become nervous when they saw Pang Xiao's serious expression. Ji Yun was uneasy. Could it be that the prince didn't believe her words? Or maybe the prince saw a flaw? Who knew that Pang Xiao had been holding back a sentence for a long time, "Jiyun, your master... is he angry?" "Huh?" Jiyun accidentally said something. Even Hu Zi and other elite tiger guards behind Pang Xiao were stunned. Ji Yun said hurriedly: "No, don't think too much. The princess just asked the slave to come out and help with the shopping. The slave looked at the princess and she didn't look angry." Pang Xiao sighed. It seems that he announced the ban for no reason, which made Qin Yining unhappy after all. Otherwise, she wouldn't have bought so many things at once. This was a rare thing before. She couldn't buy it herself due to confinement, so she asked Jiyun to come out and "help" buy it. Obviously, his baby was still angry! Pang Xiao's hair turned white when he thought of Qin Yining being angry with him. "You go ahead." Pang Xiao frowned and waved his hand. Jiyun saw that Pang Xiao didn't seem to think much, so he breathed a sigh of relief, saluted and got into the carriage. Pang Xiao watched the carriage getting further away in the rain. After thinking for a long time, he turned back and said, "There seems to be a jewelry shop on the way we just came?" Huzi was stunned and hurriedly replied: "Yes." "Let's go. ." Pang Xiao turned around and walked back. Huzi followed Pang Xiao with a dozen elite tiger guards, and the group headed straight to the jewelry shop with great momentum. The shopkeeper of the jewelry shop was a chubby old craftsman who was over sixty years old. When he saw this posture, he was so frightened that he almost knelt down on the spot. Ji Yun returned to the palace this time and ordered people to move things back to the inner house. He took Qin Yining and hid in a cubicle and told him what had just happened. Qin Yining was surprised and said: "I met the prince unexpectedly. He was not suspicious, was he?" "Probably not." Ji Yun said hesitantly: "But the slave looks at it, and the prince seems to have something on his mind." Qin Yining was thoughtful. He nodded, "I understand. Later you..." "Princess, Mrs. Zhongyi asked to see you." She opened the curtain and entered the room with a smile to reply. Qin Yining raised his eyebrows. Bingtang said: "Is it possible that you are here to clean up again?" Ji Yun also sneered: "She is definitely not a good-hearted person." Qin Yining sat down next to the dowry and said: "Then please invite people from Uncle Zhongyi's house to come in and talk about it. In the flower hall of the inner house." "Hey." He walked away with a smile. Qin Yining looked at himself in the mirror and said with a smile: "Please help me see if my hair is messed up. When dealing with someone like Bian, a bright face is already half the battle against her." Jii Yun and Bingtang both laughed when they heard this. laughing out loud. Bian Ruohan was invited all the way into the palace. After passing through the hanging flower gate, the sarcastic smile on her face became deeper. "Tsk, your palace is so polite to guests. You really want to invite me into the inner house." The mother-in-law who is purchasing at home accidentally overheard several people from the purchasing department in the palace whispering about the princess being grounded. The mother-in-law purchasing at home is a clever person. Yes, I told her when I got back. Bian Ruohan was dubious at first, but now when she came to the palace, she was not very familiar with Qin Yining, and even had a grudge against her. The guest did not invite her to the front yard, but went directly into the inner house. Doesn’t this mean that it’s true that the person named Qin was banned? The man who led the way was smiling and didn't know how to answer for a while. Bian Ruohan didn't need anyone to answer at first. He just laughed to himself after saying something sarcastic. All the way to the flower hall of the inner house, he lifted the door curtain with a smile and invited Bian Ruohan to enter the house. Bian Ruohan said: "Where is your master? Why don't you come to greet guests personally? Is this how your palace treats guests?" Qin Yining was sitting at the head of the table, boredly playing with the hibiscus jade ring on his left hand. Hearing this, he lazily He said: "If you are a guest with a noble character, it is certainly worthy of my welcome." "What do you mean!" Bian Ruohan yelled angrily, pushed away and got into the room with a smile, "You mean I am not a guest anymore? How valuable is your character? You are a prostitute who seduces other people's husbands. How valuable is your character?" Qin Yining raised her eyebrows helplessly and looked at Bian Ruohan: "Are the people from Zhongyi's Mansion here specially to come to quarrel with me?" Bian Ruohan said. Sneered, "You deserve it too.

I'm here to see what you, an unruly whore, did to disgrace your husband to get you banned! Qin Yining rubbed his temples, turned back to Bingtang and Jiyun and said, "This news must have spread too quickly." "Ji Yun said with a smile: "It's probably because someone is deliberately staring at us all day long. ""Pooh! fart! Will I keep an eye on you? It annoys me just to look at you! "Bian Ruohan was furious. Qin Yining looked at Bian Ruohan sternly, "You are also a young lady from a wealthy family. Don't speak so rudely. You will not lose our dignity! Not to mention the local wealthy families in Huichuan County, even ordinary small families would not like the girl in the family to speak such obscene words. You know, your own tutor is not good. I don’t know, people think that All the noble ladies in the capital are like you. Isn't it your fault that you have brought down everyone's reputation? ""you! You fart! Bian Ruohan was scolded by Qin Yining and jumped up and down, "If you were good, the prince would not restrain you. You don't know how to repent, and you are still talking nonsense here. It is simply abominable!" "As soon as Bian Ruohan finished speaking, he heard a deep and pleasant male voice coming from outside, "Is there a guest at home? "My lord." "The door curtain was lifted by the maid, and with respectful greetings, Pang Xiao walked in from the door. Bian Ruohan looked back and saw that the person was tall, with broad shoulders and narrow back, ape-like arms and wasp waist, a very handsome face, and slanted sword eyebrows. He picked, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he was looking at her with a scrutinizing look. Bian Ruohan's girl's heart jumped unexpectedly. She didn't expect that Prince Zhongshun was born like this! Pang Xiao was holding a sandalwood in his hand. It was a wooden box, and there was a small bowl made of jade placed on the box. The bowl was filled with round pearls, like a rice bowl. Qin Yining stood up and said with a smile: "You are back. ""came back. "Pang Xiao hurried back from outside. He thought that his wife was so angry with him that she asked her to go shopping. He wanted to coax her. So Qin Yining was still so gentle and gentle at this moment. Seeing him still smiling like a flower, Pang Xiao even felt a little flattered. "Sister Yi, take a look and see if you like this. "Pang Xiao handed the thing in his hand to Qin Yining with a considerate attitude. Qin Yining took the thing in surprise, first picked up the sapphire bowl with his slender and fair hands as green as green, picked it up, looked at the light, and then grabbed it Catch Dong Zhu inside.

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