Return of the Swallow

Chapter 949 Harboring

"Look at her? That's not true." Lu Heng smiled, "Are you going to laugh at her?"

Bian Ruohan's ears turned red as soon as he heard Lu Heng's laughter.

She was originally going to laugh at Qin Yining, because people like her would fall out of favor sooner or later. Who knew that not only did she not see her fall out of favor, she also saw with her own eyes how much Prince Zhongshun cherished and cared for her. She even doubted whether the person she saw at that time was the majestic God of War Prince rumored outside.

When she was in her natal family, she felt that her father and mother were already very loving.

She thought that after she got married, if her husband could treat her like her father treated her mother, she would be content for the rest of her life.

But who knew that before she could get this "satisfaction" herself, she saw with her own eyes that the person she was tired of and resented got that "satisfaction"!

Bian Ruohan was so angry that he felt itchy at all.

Especially Lu Heng's tone was full of sarcasm, as if he was laughing at her stupidity for letting others watch the fun despite clearly going to see it.

"Why don't you speak?" Seeing that Bian Ruohan was silent, Lu Heng came closer and asked again.

Bian Ruohan was ashamed and embarrassed, and felt angry, "Yes, I was going to laugh at her. She was unruly and was grounded by her man. I just wanted to see what she looked like after being grounded!"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious? You can try to speak slowly. There is no need to yell at me. This will only make your upbringing particularly worrying."

Bian Ruohan had tears in her eyes and stared at Lu Heng unconvinced, "How come my upbringing is so bad! She doesn't follow the rules of women..."

"Ruohan." Lu Heng's soft call made Bian Ruohan stunned.

Lu Heng continued, "These days, the city is very chaotic. I see that the palace has arranged a lot of palace guards to search the whole city. It is said that they are catching fugitives. There is no peace in Huichuan County now. For your sake For the sake of safety, you should not go out casually in the future, and it is best not to go beyond the hanging flower gate."

Bian Ruohan's mood was up and down, and he was stunned and said: "You, you want to restrain my feet?"

"Where is it?" Lu Heng shook his head and sighed, "Don't think wrongly, you have done nothing wrong, why should I ban you? I am thinking about your safety."

When Lu Heng looked at her, his eyes were too gentle and his tone was too meaningful. Bian Ruohan suddenly understood something.

Prince Zhongshun banned the princess, perhaps for her safety. Otherwise, how could a princess who was grounded by mistake ask the prince to buy a lot of antiques and come back to please her gently?

The irony of Lu Heng's words was too clear. He was telling her that Qin Yining was not the one who was grounded by mistake, but she was!

Bian Ruohan's face turned red with embarrassment, he covered his face in shame and anger and ran towards the inner house.

Lu Heng looked at Bian Ruohan's running back and smiled playfully with one hand on his shoulder.

Sometimes he really wanted to thank Bian Ruohan for being so easy to find trouble. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have the channel to get a few words from Qin Yining. With Bian Ruohan often going to cause trouble, he might even be able to see how Qin Yining fought with him.

The more he got along with Bian Ruohan, the more boring Lu Heng felt. This woman was ignorant, arrogant, and reckless. She was just an embroidered pillow with a belly full of straw bag. The greater the comparison, the more valuable Qin Yining's intelligence and courage are. She is devoted to Pang Xiao.

No matter whether the emperor re-uses Pang Xiao, she will never leave her. Such dedication is also enviable in people's hearts.

In Lu Heng's eyes, all Qin Yining's advantages were magnified. With Bian Ruohan's comparison, Qin Yining cherished them even more.

Thinking of the past, remembering that for Qin Yining, he even bought connections in the palace to take care of her, he simply gave up his plan to deal with Pang Xiao.

After all, he is also an idiot, an idiot who can ignore any principles for Qin Yining.


The continuous rain lingered day and night, and many roads in the city were already filled with water. In the dark night, there were two sneaky figures on the dark streets, cautiously approaching the back door of Sitong No. 1.

"Brother, do you see clearly? Are there no soldiers from the palace around here?"

"See clearly, it should be gone."

"Okay, let's hurry up and find Boss Qiu at Sitong while no one from the palace has arrived yet."

"But what is Boss Qiu's identity? Can he really fight against the palace for us?"

"Don't forget, she joined our Blue Sky Alliance. Besides, all six of our brothers inside are gone, and there are no bones and scum left. The four of us outside have been killed, and now there are only It’s up to us, if we don’t give it a try, are we going to wait for someone to catch us and chop us up and feed them to the dogs?”

Both figures were silent for a while.

They don't know what's going on in the world. After all, they were once members of the Blue Sky League, and they were able to walk around the world with dignity, but now they suddenly fell to the bottom and became the rats that everyone yelled at.

Prince Zhongshun didn't know what kind of madness he had, and he insisted on driving them all away!

"Let's go, let's try." The two walked tiredly to the side door, one looked around the corner, and the other knocked on the door.

After listening to Jiyun's instructions, the shopkeeper of Yin Da had already asked his cronies to guard the front and back doors. When he heard someone knocking on the door, his cronies immediately went to tell the shopkeeper of Yin Da.

Shopkeeper Yin Da put on his outer robe and carried a candlestick along the verandah to the side door in person. Then he took a deep breath and asked his cronies to answer the door.

"Who is it?" The confidant's tone sounded slightly impatient.

"It's me, we are friends of Boss Qiu."

Shopkeeper Yin Da thought for a moment and said: "Open the door and let them come in to talk."

The slight "creak" sound was drowned out by the patter of rain, and the two men ducked into the side door of the Sitong.

"You two are brothers from the Qingtian League, right?" Shopkeeper Yin Da smiled kindly, "I heard from our boss that the brothers from the Qingtian League are her brothers. She asked me to arrange for you two to be settled properly."

The two of them looked at each other, feeling quite flattered, and wished they could slap their thighs and sigh.

If they had known that Boss Qiu of Sitong was so loyal, they would have rushed here in the first place, and they would not have been hunted down by two brothers.

Thinking about this, both of them felt a little sad, "Thank you very much. May I ask the old shopkeeper what you call me?"

"I don't dare. My surname is Yin. What do you call me two brothers? I didn't seem to have seen you two before when my boss met with Hall Master Qiao."

Both of them were a little embarrassed. Guan Dahu arranged for the four of them to respond outside, while Guan Dahu and Liu Ban took the other four brothers around. They supported each other overtly and covertly, which made them safer.

They didn't show up, so the other party naturally didn't recognize them. But now they are demanding to blame others.

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