Return of the Swallow

Chapter 950 Manhunt

Even so, the two of them could not tell the truth. They only said: "Earlier, Hall Master Qiao arranged for the brothers to go out to do business. Who would have thought that something would happen as soon as they returned to the city." A burly man in his early thirties. He smiled and said: "My name is Shi Fang." Pointing to the thin man written young next to him, "He is Lu Xiong." "It turns out to be Shi Zhuangshi and Lu Zhuangshi. You are both friends of the boss. That is our entire Sitong account." Friends." Shopkeeper Yin Da bowed his hands and sighed worriedly: "I heard that the palace is arresting fugitives. There is trouble in the city, hey!" Both of them sighed, but their hearts skipped a beat. . They were afraid that the shop owner would throw them out if he said he couldn't take in the fugitives. It would be polite to throw him out directly, but what is even more frightening is to be sent directly to the palace. They all defected from the Blue Sky Alliance, and now they are still walking around seeking favors under the name of the Blue Sky Alliance. If the princess caught them, they would probably die in an ugly way. Shopkeeper Yin Da has been in business for many years, so how can we not see the uneasiness of these two people? After a brief thought, he understood the key. He just did it without noticing it. He said with a straight face: "Since the situation is critical, it is not convenient for Xu Hua at this time. We have a secret hiding place here that no one else will discover. , you two come with me to settle in temporarily. Our boss has said that as long as brothers from the Blue Sky Alliance come, they will be treated as one of their own family. Therefore, you two must not be polite to me and just stay here with peace of mind. "Okay, thank you." The two looked at each other and followed the footsteps of shopkeeper Yin Da. They really have no choice now. The only thing that can be counted on is that Boss Qiu can keep his promise. Otherwise, they are now at the end of their rope, with no ammunition and food, and may be left with only a dead end. Shopkeeper Yin Da took the two of them to the back house, followed the corridor to a moon gate, and led the two of them into the moon gate. This is an exquisite garden, which looks like a flat river. There are neither lakes nor lakes. The rocks and even the trees were very weak, and they didn't look like they could hide anyone. The two of them were very worried, staring at the back of shopkeeper Yin Da defensively and not daring to step forward. Shopkeeper Yin Da noticed that the two men had slowed down, but he didn't care. He walked along the stone path until he reached a small bush, squatted down and groped on the ground for a moment, as if he had touched some mechanism. As he fiddled with it, he could vaguely hear the clicking sound of some kind of mechanical rotation. A water tank in the corner of the backyard slowly moved away, revealing an entrance below that could accommodate one person. "Follow me." Shopkeeper Yin Da walked to the entrance of the cave. The two of them couldn't help but be surprised. They really knew how to use the four-way number secretly. Who would have thought that they would build such a secret place in a small garden that looks like a corridor in the inner house? Feeling relieved, the two walked to the entrance of the cave and looked down tentatively. There was a faint light coming from inside. Shopkeeper Yin Da smiled and said: "Our boss specially asked us to prepare this place. It is well ventilated and breathable. It also stores enough food and water for ten days, but it will be very boring to stay in it. And if you can figure it out, , I can only turn on the mechanism, otherwise as you have seen, the water tank cannot be lifted from below." Shi Fang and Lu Xiong looked at each other again. Compared with the situation outside where they were being hunted and had nowhere to escape, the conditions here were already very good. Besides, they can't find any other way now except trusting Boss Qiu. Shi Fang said: "Okay, just know that the shopkeeper doesn't forget that our brothers are still down there." "No, no. Our boss specially ordered the brothers to take care of them, how could he forget? If there is no unexpected situation, I I will come every evening to bring you two enough food and wine for the day, including chicken, duck, fish and meat. There are also beddings and the like, just use them when they get cold." The two of them became even happier when they heard that they didn't need to nibble on the dry pancakes. He nodded and entered the tunnel like pounding garlic. After the two went down, they looked around and found that it was exactly what the shopkeeper Yin said. There were two oil lamps that were always on, and a wooden bed that could accommodate four people sleeping side by side was indeed covered with quilts. Although the space is crowded, the environment is much better than expected. "We settled in,

Thank you very much, boss! "The two of them raised their heads and thanked me. Shopkeeper Yin Da smiled and shook his head, "You're welcome. You two are friends of our boss. By the way, there is one more thing you two need to be careful about and speak softly. "The two people looked serious and nodded solemnly: "Yes, we understand. "The shopkeeper Yin Da bowed his hands to the two of them. The two people also looked up at shop shop Yin Da and cupped their hands, their eyes full of gratitude. With a slight mechanical sound, the water tank filled with water slowly They moved back to their original positions and gradually covered the hole. When the footsteps disappeared, the two brothers took a long breath and sat down on the bed to relax. Saved... Shopkeeper Yin Da left. Afterwards, he didn't dare to let anyone tell Qin Yining. He thought that since the princess had ordered someone to tell him, she must have expected this to happen. After thinking about it, he felt more and more that the princess was really good at knowing things, and the female Zhuge was still alive. Qin Yining After letting Ji Yun go to deliver the message, she "confined" at home with peace of mind. The selected materials were delivered one after another. She first made shoes and seats for Pang Xiao, and imagined that Brother Zhao and Brother Han should grow up now. Even though she was much taller, she also cut clothes for them. A few days passed like this, and her life was still leisurely and peaceful, but the manhunt in the city had reached a fever pitch. Pang Xiao's men were sure that four people were found at that time, but they only killed them Two of them were found, but the remaining two could not be found no matter what. Pang Xiao simply refused to let the Jinghu Guards and the palace guards withdraw their troops, and continued to search in and around the city. "My lord, if you continue to search like this, I am afraid that the Yamen There will always be some opinions. Xie Yue suggested, "Should we reduce the number of people a little and switch to a security method?" "Originally, Pang Xiao thought that such a raid would make the people nervous. But as soon as Xie Yue said that there would be opinions in the yamen, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​lowering the momentum. Who is calling the shots in the yamen? Of course it is the county magistrate. Lu Heng Now that he is the magistrate of the county, it makes him unhappy. This is the most comfortable thing for Pang Xiao. "It doesn't matter, Lu Heng doesn't dare to do anything to me. "Mu Jinghu has been staying with Pang Xiao ever since he came back. Hearing this, he also smiled and said, "Yes, I'm following you. "Xie Yue saw that these two people were confident, and knew that Pang Xiao had made up his mind, so he smiled and stopped trying to persuade him. Anyway, the conflict between the prince and the head of the Lu family was becoming more and more irreconcilable, and it would not be good to be timid. , it’s better to just follow the prince’s will and feel more comfortable.

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