Return of the Swallow

Chapter 951 Control

"Is the prince continuing to search for people today?" Qin Yining lowered his head and asked the people around him casually.

Jiyun and Bingtang said in unison, "Yes."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Ji Yun added, "I heard from Tang Xiu today that Mr. Xie persuaded the prince to restrain himself temporarily and not to let Uncle Zhongyi misunderstand that we were provoking, but the prince refused to listen."

"Hu Zi also said the same thing. The prince is full of anger now, just because he wants to express his anger for the princess. Previously, they found four, killed two, and left two, but they couldn't find them. The prince is angry now. These two people, didn’t the prince say when he came back yesterday, could those two get wings and fly away?”

The two maids couldn't help laughing as they spoke.

Qin Yining also laughed, "How can a person fly away with wings?"

"Of course it's impossible."

Qin Yining, the shopkeeper of the Yin Dynasty, has now learned how to hide people. Even so many elite tiger guards were not found. Why did he come to see Qiu Feishan later? She should really be grateful.

Putting the tip of the needle on the temple, Qin Yining continued to do needlework, but because something suddenly occurred to him, the movements of his hand slowed down again.

"You said that the Holy One has arranged for Uncle Zhongyi to be the county magistrate and the prince to be the imperial envoy to supervise the imperial mausoleum. The two of them are in Huichuan. Who is the bigger one?"

Jiyun and Bingtang were stunned for a moment.

Bingtang analyzed, "According to the title, the prince is naturally the eldest, and according to the official position, the prince, the imperial envoy, is the eldest."

Qin Yining said, "That's about the matter of building the imperial mausoleum. But the Holy Emperor has not allocated the money yet, and the work on the imperial mausoleum has not started yet, so let's ignore the matter of building the imperial mausoleum. In Huichuan County, we are responsible for the management of the mausoleum." The county magistrate should be the one who handles all matters in the yamen."

"You are right." Jiyun nodded, "What did the princess have in mind?"

Qin Yining shook his head and said, "I was thinking that the prince asked more than a hundred elite tiger guards and palace guards to search the city, as if he wanted to search his own back garden. It took one or two days, but so many days have passed. , I’m afraid there has been a lot of noise for a long time. Lu Heng was born in a noble family and has been a proud man since he was a child. He is quite arrogant. Could he easily accept the prince’s approach? "

Bingtang and Jiyun shook their heads together.

Of course it's impossible.

Lu Heng has a natural arrogance that has nothing to do with what he wears or does. Even when he is down and out, he looks completely different from ordinary people.

Qin Yining rubbed his eyebrows and said: "So in my opinion, Uncle Zhongyi will definitely do something against the prince, but it is absolutely impossible for him to win with force. Now that he has been arranged by the Holy Lord to leave the capital, he has obviously lost his Holy Heart. It is impossible for him to stroke the tiger's beard at this time, so the method of impeaching the prince cannot be immediate."

Jiyun and Bingtang both listened quietly.

Qin Yining thought for a long time and finally came to the conclusion, "So I think Uncle Zhongyi will suppress the prince financially."

"Princess, what do you mean?"

"The Lu family is a large family with a complex network of relationships, and the wealth it possesses is unimaginable. When the Qin family first moved to the capital, my father had to consider avoiding his influence, so I think the children of the family were annoyed and used money. Hitting people is probably the most common way."

“But we don’t have anything to do with money right now so we need to ask the Lu family.


"I mean, isn't the prince arranging people to arrest people right now? In the eyes of Uncle Zhongyi, these arrested soldiers are naturally a thorn in the flesh, so they only need to monopolize the food in the city so that these people have nothing to eat. They Naturally, I don’t have the energy to search and arrest him, and at the same time, I can still give the prince a warning.”

Jiyun and Bingtang both became a little nervous after hearing this, "Then what should we do?"

Qin Yining put down what he was doing, stood up, massaged his fingers, and said hesitantly: "It's actually easy to solve. Jiuyun."

Ji Yun responded immediately and walked to Qin Yining. Qin Yining whispered, "Go to Shopkeeper Yin and say..."

Jiyun nodded when he heard the words, "Yes, I know this. But this matter is also your guess. What if the preparations you made don't come in handy?"

"It's okay. Look at the weather. How long has it been raining? It hasn't stopped since we left the capital. It will come in handy sooner or later."

Hearing this, Ji Yun nodded solemnly.

Just when Ji Yun went out to help Qin Yining "buy" again, in the Lu Mansion, Lu Heng stood by the window with his hands behind his back as heavy as water.

"Uncle, there is still a tremor in the city today. Prince Zhongshun's soldiers and horses are searching everywhere, and they are digging deep into the ground. Our people have negotiated with each other several times, but the people in the palace are all murderous, and they even call us a glance. People are panicking."

Lu Heng shook his head and raised a sarcastic smile on his lips, "How much restraint do you expect from a man with mud legs? With just a few soldiers, he is already so arrogant. He refuses to listen to my advice. Then don’t blame me for undermining his majesty.”

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

"Let our family members go out and raid all the local shops and not provide food for the white people in the palace. I want to see if no matter how powerful he is, he can lead soldiers who don't have enough to eat!"

"Yes, uncle."

The subordinates retreated excitedly.

Lu Heng couldn't help but rub his hands together.

He wanted to see how those government soldiers would make trouble when the time came, when they were so hungry that they were all frightened. By then, Pang Zhixi would be so anxious that she could do nothing. She could also let Qin Yining take a good look at the reckless man she married.

In early June, the rain still continued unabated. The entire Huichuan County seemed to have been forgotten and thrown into the ditch, and everything was wet and muddy.

Because of this, crops did not grow well, and ordinary people became gloomy and began to save food. The price of grain at the Liangxingmi Shop began to rise, and it was more than twice as high as usual.

The people hesitated to eat food.

The soldiers of the palace are not in need of food.

It's just that Hu Zi, who was in charge of purchasing today, didn't buy anything.

"Your Majesty, the rice shops in the city are going too far. I clearly saw that they had grain in stock, but they refused to sell it. The small portion they were willing to sell was still mixed with sand, and the price was twice as high as before. I argued with them, and they were noisy. I almost got into a fight.”

Hu Zi said angrily, "Besides, I visited several grain stores. We need a lot of food. I thought this deal was easy to negotiate. Unexpectedly, no matter how many stores I went to, the result would be the same. Even if I showed up to the palace, Even my identity is not good. Some shopkeepers even yelled at me, saying that if they are not willing to eat the high-priced grains mixed with sand now, they will have to eat dirt in the future. Whether they sell it depends on their mood, can we still grab it by force? ?”

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