Return of the Swallow

Chapter 952 Surprise

Pang Xiao, Mu Jinghu, Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi listened quietly to Huzi's words and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Xu Weizhi said: "This is obviously done deliberately. The shopkeepers of the grain store made an appointment. It's not just to drive up prices, it's more like going against us."

"Obviously, there is someone behind it." Pang Xiao laughed, "Some people have been unhappy with what I have done recently. So he came up with such a bad idea to starve my soldiers. , and then enjoy my jokes."

Mu Jinghu said: "The one who can do this must be Uncle Zhongyi."

"Yes." Pang Xiao said with a smile, "He is really interesting. He doesn't know our details, yet he dares to use such means to control my people."

Mu Jinghu's smile was also very sarcastic. If he had been a poor man before, he would have been the most stingy. I don't even want to wear new clothes. Now Qiu Feishan is sending him things all day long, for fear that he will not have enough money. His concept of gold and silver is no longer as deep as before, and he also has a sense of "it is his backing to buy and sell the Sitong No." a feeling of.

"It's okay. I'll tell Shanshan and ask her to bring you food."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi laughed when they heard this and said, "With Boss Qiu here, we don't have to worry about food."

"It's just that there have been heavy rains recently. I read the Di Di newspaper and found that the disaster situation is very serious across the country, especially in the south. The land of plenty has now become a land of swamps. Food is transported, but on the one hand, the flood-stricken areas do not know the food shortage. What, besides, the delivery time is probably going to be very long.”

"Your Majesty is rightly worried." Xie Yue looked a little more worried.

Xu Weizhi lamented, "What the hell is going on with this weather? I remembered that when we left Beijing at the end of April, it started to rain. I thought it would stop raining when we arrived in Huichuan County, but I didn't know it would rain throughout May. What? The crops cannot withstand so much rain.”

"Yes, the past two years have been a troubled time for the imperial court. There have been successive wars, natural and man-made disasters, and the treasury is empty. In order to support the war, the Holy Father has had to pay a lot of exorbitant taxes and taxes. Finally, the war has stopped, and the Tatar issue has been resolved. The disaster that caused the ground dragon to stand up has been over, and now there are floods again." Xie Yue shook his head helplessly, "I pity the innocent people. In times like this, natural disasters and man-made disasters are added together, and people are still I can’t live anymore.”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but sigh. Everyone's heart was extremely heavy. What Xie Yue said was actually what Pang Xiao was worried about.

Although he is competing with Li Qitian, how innocent are the people? If such problems arise under Li Qitian's rule, there is no guarantee that someone will not accuse him of being a coward, but Pang Xiao cannot be happy about it at all.

"I just hope that fewer people will die this time." Pang Xiao sighed helplessly.

Huzi said: "Your Majesty, don't worry about others for now. If the food has to be transported too far, what will our brothers eat in the intervening days?"

Pang Xiao was brought back to reality by Huzi's question. He thought for a while and said, "The only thing we can do is contact Sitong and ask them to speed up."

Mu Jinghu stood up and said, "Let me handle this matter."

Pang Xiao laughed, "Well, you are also another boss of Sitong No. 1."

Mu Jinghu shook his head: "I am not the boss. Shanshan gave me a brand and let me act easily when I encounter difficulties."

He also had a Jinchuan sign in his hand that was similar to Qin Yining's. Everyone at Sitong recognized it and saw the sign.

It was like meeting his boss, so it was convenient for him to go to Sitong No. to do business.

Pang Xiao said: "Then let Huzi go with you, so that you can pass on a message if anything happens."

"That's fine."

Mu Jinghu and Huzi walked out of the door quickly.

Pang Xiao, Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were discussing how to proceed with the next round of arrests.

Unexpectedly, not even half an hour after Mu Jinghu and Huzi went out, people rushed back in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" Pang Xiao was shocked by their turbulent appearance, and was only worried that something might have happened.

Huzi shook his head repeatedly and grinned, "No, it's not."

Mu Jinghu stared at Pang Xiao with an unpredictable face, "We just arrived at Sitong No., and the big shopkeeper was waiting for someone to move something. I was worried that he wouldn't recognize me, so I used the sign and asked about the situation. They What is being transported is food and grass.”

"Oh?" Pang Xiao said with a smile, "Sitong does all kinds of business, including transporting grain and grass."

"Yes. But the big shopkeeper said that the food and grass were ordered by the princess, which is very abnormal." Huzi laughed, "It was said that the princess asked the maid next to her to buy it, and let the food arrive for the time being. It will be kept by Sitong, and the money will be paid after the princess is released from confinement."

"You said Sister Yi ordered it?"

"Yes, Mr. Mu and I heard it together. Can it be false?"

Mu Jinghu confirmed: "That's true."

Xie Yue thought for a while, then stroked his beard and smiled, "This is true. Did the princess predict that we would be short of food?"

"The princess is resourceful and the best at planning. Maybe she has seen something before and made this decision." Xu Weizhi smiled and said, "My lord, why don't you invite the princess to come here and tell me the reason? I am very curious. How did the princess think of going to *food first?"

At this time, Pang Xiao's heart was filled with the aftertaste of being shocked by Qin Yining's behavior, and his heart felt as if it had been brushed by the softest feather, making it feel numb. The tenderness in his eyes almost turned into spring water, and he cleared his throat before saying, "That's fine."

Pang Xiao stood up and said, "I'll ask the princess to come out. You guys should take a rest first."

Xie Yue, Xu Weizhi and Hu Zi all smiled and nodded.

Mu Jinghu followed Pang Xiao into the inner house without hesitation.

Pass through the hanging flower door and walk along the Chaoshou veranda towards the main house.

The little girl who was working outside naturally didn't have to guard the door on a rainy day, so when Pang Xiao raised the curtain and entered the house, no one greeted him. Only the girl who was guarding outside saw Pang Xiao coming back and saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty." .”

"Yes." Pang Xiao walked quickly to the inner room, "Where is the princess?"

"The princess and some sisters are doing needlework."


Pang Xiao walked quickly to the back room.

Mu Jinghu sat down in the outside room and drank the tea brought by the little girl.

Qin Yining was lying on the table tracing flowers. She was at home without any makeup, her hair was pulled up loosely, and she was wearing a homely honey-colored trousers. Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing her fair and slender wrists. The jade bracelet was shaking slightly due to the movements she described.

Pang Xiao's heart turned into a puddle of sugar water when he saw it, "Sister Yi."

"You're back? Have you eaten?" Qin Yining put down the pen, smiled and stood up to take care of his sleeves.

Pang Xiao nodded with a smile, stepped forward and took Qin Yining's hand: "Mr. Xu suggested that I ask you to go out and ask. How did you come up with the idea of ​​going to Sitong No. to buy grain and grass first?"

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