Return of the Swallow

Chapter 956 Seeking Death

"Uncle, please forgive me!"

When the maids and wives heard this, they all knelt down and kowtowed, "Uncle, please forgive me, I don't dare to do it anymore, I don't dare to do it anymore!"

They were acting under orders, but they were actually influenced by Bian Ruohan.

But in Lu Heng's view, even if they couldn't stop Bian Ruohan from doing something stupid, they could tell him first. As long as they were loyal to him as their male master, they wouldn't let Bian Ruohan make such a fuss.

"Someone is coming."


Lu Heng gave the order, and someone immediately responded outside the door.

"Pull out all those who are not doing well, and then expel them from the house."

"Yes, uncle."

Lu Wenru responded calmly outside the door, and then called the servant guard.

"Uncle, uncle, please spare your life! Madam, please please intercede for us!"

"Uncle, we don't dare to do it anymore! Uncle, please spare us!"

Lu Heng sat down in the first place, put one hand on his knee and supported the armrest of the chair with the other, and asked, "Do you know where this is?"

"This is Huichuan County..." He opened his mouth and answered without thinking.

There were others who understood better and said tremblingly: "Yes, it's the uncle's house."

"Then who am I?" Lu Heng asked again.

"You are uncle, the master of this house." The wet nurse kowtowed repeatedly, "Uncle, please forgive me. I really know that I was wrong. It's just that my wife..."

"I don't listen to excuses." Lu Heng lowered his eyes and said, "You all came here with Madam and are loyal to Madam. I can understand that. But you have always made a mistake. This is the uncle's mansion and I am your master. You wholeheartedly helped the madam to cause mischief, and the madam almost lost her life. I only fined each of you 20 boards instead of beating you to death, which is already very kind. Your madam is of noble birth, could it be that she was frightened? Can’t I get your board in exchange?”

Everyone was speechless for a moment and looked at Bian Ruohan begging for mercy. The uncle's meaning was already very clear, but the final question still fell on Bian Ruohan's fright.

If Bian Ruohan was willing to say "I'm not scared" at this time, they would be saved.

They had been trying to persuade Bian Ruohan from the beginning to stop her from pretending to hang herself, but Bian Ruohan refused to listen and insisted on teaching her uncle a lesson.

Now the uncle has not learned a lesson, and the wife has only been scolded a few times, but they are about to lose their lives.

Although the uncle only said that he would beat them twenty times and drive them out of the house, but on a rainy day, if they were beaten twenty times and then thrown into the heavy rain, what was the difference between that and letting them die?

"Madam, madam! I beg you to be here as a servant and obey your orders. Please beg my uncle for mercy."

One of the maids was so frightened that she cried bitterly. She went up to her knees and hugged Bian Ruohan's legs, begging.

Bian Ruohan's eyes flickered and he kicked the person away in displeasure.

"Why do you follow my orders? I didn't ask you to do anything."

Lu Heng sneered at the side.

His sarcasm made Bian Ruohan's face burn. He obviously knows everything. Still making plans!

Bian Ruohan stared at Lu Heng with tears in his eyes, and cried again in grievance.

Lu Heng smiled and said: "Why are you crying? Huh? Why did I scold you because you pretended to hang yourself, but ended up making a scene and almost actually hanging yourself? What I punished was an ignorant servant. You are my wife, So you are not wrong, no matter what you do, you are not wrong. The only ones who are wrong are the servants. "These people today," he pointed at the people in front of him one by one, "if they died, it was all because of your face." And if you die, Ruohan, remember it yourself."

Bian Ruohan looked at the wet nurse and the maids and women who were serving him, and what was engraved in his mind were the faces full of tears and the frightened eyes.

Bian Ruohan couldn't stand it anymore and looked away in panic.

Lu Heng said: "Take it away."

Lu Wenru followed the instructions and entered the house with his servant Hu Yuan. Therefore, this was the main room of the mistress. Neither the servant nor Lu Wenru dared to raise their heads, so they dragged the kneeling maid out like a chicken. Soon, only Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan were left in the house.

Then the sound of crackling boards and screams and wails came from the yard.

Bian Ruohan was shaking like chaff, his face was pale and he covered his ears.

But Lu Heng grabbed her two slender wrists.

Bian Ruohan looked up at Lu Heng in panic.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Listen, they are all doing this for you."

Bian Ruohan shook his head repeatedly, his hair was loose, and his face was full of tears, "I was wrong, I shouldn't be like this, I just feel unfair, I want to scare you, let you come and apologize to me, I don't want to be grounded, I know I was wrong, you Let them go."

Lu Heng smiled and shook his head, "You just had the opportunity to plead for mercy. But you refused to tell the truth to me, for the sake of your own face and your own selfishness. Now that the slate is almost over, it's too late to plead for mercy, and it's too late to confess. , you'd better pray for their good fortune, otherwise if they die, it will be your fault."

Bian Ruohan's face was as pale as paper. She had been pampered and pampered until now. Although she was a little arrogant and had beaten and punished servants and sold maids, she had never killed so many people at once.

Every word was her fault, she was the cause of death, and it was so heavy that she almost had a nervous breakdown.

Bian Ruohan screamed, "It's not me, it's not me! They are slaves and I am the master. They should be loyal to me! I did not harm them!"

"what ever."

The sound of the board outside ended, and Lu Heng also let go of his hand.

"Are you going out to see them off?"

Bian Ruohan trembled all over when he thought about the horrific and bloody scene in the heavy rain, and he didn't dare to go.

Lu Heng shook his head and tutted: "You are so heartless. Maybe this parting will be the end of your relationship forever. Your wet nurse is among them, right? Is she usually loyal to you?"

"Ah!!" Bian Ruohan suddenly screamed.

Lu Heng picked his ears and said, "Okay, I won't talk about you anymore. You can't make such mistakes again in the future. When the Holy One introduced you to me, he said that you were gentle, virtuous, and came from a famous family. Even if you just pretend to be... It's best to stick to the delusion that your Majesty has. Otherwise, you are deceiving the emperor. Don't worry, the position of Mrs. Zhongyi will only be you. As long as you manage the inner house well, take care of yourself, and don't cause trouble and embarrassment everywhere, I won’t divorce you.”

Bian Ruohan choked and said desperately: "You, you were not like this to me before. You were very gentle to me. Isn't that right? Is that bitch looking for you again? If you have her, you don't want her anymore! Her man has banned her. , it must be because she came to find you!"

Lu Heng shook his head: "You are really unimproved. These things are all your random guesses and baseless things, but you say them as truth. Is this how your parents teach you at home? What is going on in your head? ? Your intestines are growing in your head? I can treat you well only if you behave yourself. If you continue to act recklessly, I will not stop you, but there are many ways to end this depressing relationship between us. A suffocating relationship.”

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