Return of the Swallow

Chapter 957 Means

"Princess, something happened again in the Lu Mansion." Bingtang came in with a tray and whispered, "I don't know what happened in their mansion. They dealt with many maids and women, and they were all beaten up and thrown into the heavy rain. . Our purchasers passed by and asked about it when they saw it, but the people from the Lu family came out and stopped them, not allowing them to spread the word outside."

Qin Yining put down her embroidery work and moved her shoulders, "Why do their family always have such troubles? It seems that the Lu family doesn't take human life seriously at all. Isn't the prince still searching the whole city? Go ahead and tell the prince, Instead, please ask him to send people to the hospital when they pass by the Lu family. It would be good if he can be saved. The money will be paid from me. "

"Yes." Bingtang smiled, "Princess, you have a good heart. You are much better than that Bian family."

Qin Yining shook his head, "These people really regard human life as nothing. They are all raised by their parents. They were able to serve Bian in the past. Even if one or two want to assassinate Bian, they can't do it all at once." Everyone wants to assassinate the Bian family. Since you didn’t make such a big mistake, why do you put people to death? Even if you don’t want to use it, just let it go and it’s over, but you have to hit twenty boards and throw them in the rain. This is really..."

Bingtang sighed after hearing this, "Princess has been through hardships since she was a child. She knows how to treat people well and respects others. But Mr. Bian and Mr. Lu are the kind of people who are born in a honeypot. They regard their servants as their own." Zhuo is like a bench, if you don't need them you can kill them at will."

Qin Yining said, "Go and tell me quickly, maybe we can save two more lives."

"Got it." Bingtang quickly walked forward to deliver the message.

Bingtang passed the message to Pang Xiao. Pang Xiao only thought about it briefly and agreed.

Not long after, the Jinghu Guards arrived near the Lu family. Regardless of what the Lu family's nursing staff said, they directly carried the unconscious maid and mother-in-law on the ground to the hospital.

Lu Heng got the news soon and sneered: "Tsk, just showing off his benevolence. He's meddling in my house. They were all so hungry that they couldn't figure out how to get food for them." Eat, but get involved in other family affairs."

Lu Wenru lowered his eyes and listened quietly to the instructions, not daring to say anything.

Lu Heng asked: "Has the shopkeeper of the grain shop called back today?"

"Return to uncle, not yet."

Lu Heng rubbed his fingers, a little impatient. The plan he had set was not implemented smoothly, which was really annoying.

In the afternoon, shopkeeper Cui Da from Huichuan Grain Co., Ltd. and shopkeeper Liu Da from Maosheng Grain Co., Ltd.

An anomaly was discovered one after another.

A straw hut was built in front of the branch of Sitong Hall in Huichuan County, and grain was sold. The price was only slightly higher than before, and the grain was not mixed with sand. But they have a rule that each person can only buy once a day, and can only buy one catty at a time.

Even so, the people in Huichuan spread the news and everyone was very happy.

The guys at Sitong were busy working, and the people were still discussing, "Can you sell more to me? I still have my old parents at home."

In such a situation, as long as they are sure that the other party is not lying, the clerk will sell him more and explain in a small voice: "Brother, don't be upset, we are also worried. As you know, the food supply in the entire Huichuan County has increased." The price is more than twice the price, but we are the only ones who are still selling rice at the same price. Our boss is afraid that some evil-hearted people will come here to buy rice and then raise the price when they go back!"

"Hey, hey, little brother, I understand." The man who bought an extra kilogram of rice nodded repeatedly, "The four-way number is good."

"Hey, although we are transporting goods, the idea of ​​selling rice at a fair price was discussed by Princess Zhongshun and our boss. The princess even contributed money to cover the price difference."

"Is that so?"

The people were shocked.

"Prince Zhongshun is a good person. Such a big thing happened to Qian'er. If Princess Zhongshun hadn't interceded, many people would have been arrested."

"Yes, the prince is also a good person. In order to catch thieves, he has the palace guards patrolling all day long. Now our house is open at night and we don't have to worry."

"It's a pity that the prince and princess are such good people, but they are always bullied."

"Hey, this means that a good person will be bullied by others!"

The people were talking a lot, and these words reached the ears of Shopkeeper Cui and Shopkeeper Liu without fail.

The two of them looked at each other with some fear in their eyes.

"What should I do? Sitong No. is selling grain?"

"If Sitong sells grain, what will we do?"

"No, let's go ask my uncle."

The two of them hurried to Lu's house.

Not long after they arrived at the Lu family, the shopkeepers of several other grain stores also hurried over.

Lu Heng met everyone in the front hall. As soon as he heard the reason why the Sitong account started selling grain, his face darkened, "Are you sure it was the Sitong account that Princess Zhongshun contacted?"

"I'm sure, that's what the guy at Sitong said." Shopkeeper Cui carefully observed Lu Heng's face.

"No wonder the palace is not in a hurry to buy food from us. The princess has joined forces with the Sitong Hao to buy food. The guards in their palace will definitely not be hungry. It's just that I have raised the price..." Shopkeeper Liu Da has actually already There was a bit of complaint, but he didn't dare to say more in front of Lu Heng.

When Lu Heng joined forces with them, they were the ones who climbed the pole in order to reach Lu Heng's big tree. If something went wrong now, if they dared to question Lu Heng, they would probably offend him completely. Lu Heng is not just a small magistrate, nor is he just a loyal uncle. He is the head of the Lu family. If he offends the magistrate, he will not be able to survive in the county. He offended the Lu family, but he couldn't survive in the north.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to say anything at this time and carefully looked at Lu Heng's face.

Lu Heng's originally tense expression suddenly relaxed after a short while, with gentle eyes and a smile on his lips.

It turned out to be her handiwork.

How did she get the idea to transport food?

Could it be that as soon as Pang Zhixi sent people to search the whole city, she had already started contacting and purchasing food and grass? Had she calculated that Pang Zhixi's too much action would definitely make him unhappy? Was she afraid that he would take away the food for her reckless husband's soldiers?

This smart woman is so convincing that people can't let go of her. Pang Zhixi is so lucky to be able to marry such a smart woman.

Lu Heng couldn't suppress the throbbing in his heart, especially compared with Bian Ruohan's stupid appearance, Qin Yining's methods could be said to be amazing to Lu Heng.

Just like how he couldn't get angry at all when Qin Yining used a family treasure map to tease him, now he can't get angry at all either, because his opponent is Qin Yining, and even his anger has turned into sweetness. . But now, he knew that these people were already dissatisfied with him.

"Now that Sitonghao has started selling grain, our original plan has to change. Sitonghao is really unsociable."

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