Return of the Swallow

Chapter 958 Illness

Lu Heng's ordinary complaint made all the dissatisfied shopkeepers shocked.

They are all reminding themselves that they cannot forget who the other person is. It's okay to vent their emotions temporarily, but the consequences are not something they can bear.

It's just that they listened to Lu Heng's words and raised the price of food so high. Now that Sitonghao has been called to compare, they have become unkind and unjust profiteers.

"Isn't it? It's all because Sitong is so unsociable." Shopkeeper Cui said sincerely.

Lu Heng then asked: "Now Sitong sells grain at that price, how are you prepared?"

"Uncle, what do you want?" Shopkeeper Liu Da asked with a strong list.

Lu Heng said: "What? If we don't lower the price, we can only find a way to store it carefully. If you want to sell it, then it must be at least the same price as the Sitong number."

The reason is so simple, but the high-priced rice is selling well, and suddenly it is going to drop back. It feels like cutting meat with a knife.

"I don't know how this Sitong is so powerful, and where did it get the grain at this price? It's raining heavily all over the country now. It won't be like this when the grain comes in from now on. Let's see how they can hold on. how long."

"Yes. Our current purchase price can support the sale at the same price as Sitong. I'm afraid that if there is a flood in the future, it will be difficult to deal with it."

After all, they are different from Sitonghao. They specialize in the grain business, while Sitonghao is only incidental.

Everyone is smart and they are all doing business. The key to this can be understood with a little thought. Competing with the Sitong number, they seemed to be incapable of accompanying them.

Right now, among their group, the only ones capable of competing with the Sitong Hao are the Lu family.

Everyone looked at Lu Heng eagerly.

Lu Heng smiled, stood up and said, "I have official duties today, so I have to stay with you less."

Everyone was stunned. The matter was not resolved and the uncle wanted to see off the guests. What could this mean? It can only mean that they will have to seek their own blessings in this matter in the future and can no longer pester the uncle to find a solution.

It was true that I raised the price after listening to my uncle's suggestion, but they didn't hold a knife to their necks to force them, so even if they were not convinced, there was nothing they could do now.

Coupled with the identity of the other party’s head of the Lu family,

He is also an earl and the local magistrate. Do they have the guts to ask questions?

Since the powerful could not resist, everyone put on a smile.

Shopkeeper Cui stood up first and said, "Hey, it's because you guys didn't think well that it delayed my uncle for so long."

"Yes, I will be very grateful to you for taking the time to help us merchants think of countermeasures." Shopkeeper Liu Da also said.

After the shock and astonishment in the hearts of the other people were suppressed, they finally came to their senses and echoed: "Thank you, uncle."

Seeing how understanding these people were, Lu Heng smiled and ordered Lu Wenru to see off the guests.

Lu Wenru came out from the corner and sent these people out of the front hall. Watching them walk away, he quietly shook his head.

Lu Wenru was very worried that Lu Heng would become angry. During the time he had been with his uncle, even if he was not a victorious general, it was rare for him to fail. Whether it was in the business or in the conflict between families, the uncle's His wrists are all iron-blooded. Now, he has fallen into trouble with a female prostitute, Princess Zhongshun.

Normally, if a man gives a woman free money, who can be willing to do so? Who is not ashamed?

Lu Wenru stood in front of the door, hesitating for a long time before entering the room, determined to reduce his presence and find a corner to hide quietly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the house, Lu Wenru saw Lu Heng pacing slowly in the house with his hands behind his hands, his steps brisk, his face smiling, and he looked in a good mood.

Lu Heng glanced at Lu Wenru: "Everyone has been sent away?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Hmm. How do you feel about them?"

Lu Wenru thought for a while and said truthfully: "They all dare to be angry but dare not speak."

Lu Heng chuckled, nodded and said, "Yes, you hit the nail on the head. They dare to be angry but dare not speak out. It doesn't matter. Don't look at this time. They feel disappointed and think they haven't earned anything. But if they come to them in the future, they will still Will take the initiative to pounce on you."

Lu Wenru smiled and nodded: "Yes."

"I was stunned when I saw you coming in. Are you surprised that I didn't get angry?"

Lu Wenru shook his head quickly, "I don't dare."

Lu Heng sneered, "You are just too nervous and cautious. I don't mean to blame you. You are my long-term follower. Can't we just chat?"

"It is a small blessing to chat with the master."

Lu Heng said: "Guess, what am I happy about now?"

Lu Wenruxin said: My uncle has been humiliated like this and he still laughs. Isn't he just angry?

But I dare not say that even if I beat myself to death.

"What other businesses should my uncle have done?"

Lu Heng shook his head, walked to the window, and plucked the fluffy leaves of the asparagus potted plant with his fingers, "I feel excited all over when I think about having to fight with the Qin family."

Lu Wenru suddenly realized that his uncle was not angry at being tricked by Princess Zhongshun, but was instead excited?

It seems that the uncle has a deep love for Princess Zhongshun.

Lu Wenru didn't dare to make random comments about his master's feelings, but he also didn't dare not chat with her, so he racked his brains to come up with the most appropriate sentence.

"Princess Zhongshun is an extremely smart and beautiful woman. She is lucky to be able to fight with you."

"It's also fate." Lu Heng's voice was faint and his eyes were gentle.

His love for Qin Yining has never diminished, but has increased as the time he spent in contact with Bian Ruohan increased. With Qin Yining by his side, which woman could he be attracted to? His love in this life was only tied to Qin Yining.

When he is happy with someone, even if the other person is his enemy, he only feels anticipation and excitement.

"Do you really want to help Pang Zhixi?" Lu Heng gently played with the leaves of asparagus and murmured, "Okay, I will play with you until you feel satisfied."

Lu Wenru on the side was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

Because in his eyes, Lu Heng's current state looked a bit scary, as if he had gone crazy for a woman.

Lu Heng didn't take the merchants to heart, nor did he care what they thought, let alone what to do with their last grain.

Due to Sitonghao's intervention, some grain stores had to lower their grain prices. Food prices in Huichuan County have experienced a brief recovery.

It's just that the rain that has been lingering for more than a month has still continued without stopping. The fields have accumulated water in large areas, and there is no place to drain it. Many farmers' originally fertile land has now turned into a puddle, and some neighbors have been affected by the water discharge. The other party's land was flooded and they fought hard and were brought to court.

Qin Yining read the Di newspaper and kept frowning.

Shopkeeper Zhong Da came into the house today to check accounts with Qin Yining, and he was also full of exhaustion.

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