Return of the Swallow

Chapter 959 Method

"There is no need to worry about the harvest in our southern land this year. If we can survive this year, we will be considered a winner."

Qin Yining nodded, "With weather like this, there is nothing we can do. If it doesn't work, it would be better to abandon the farm for the time being and go to the hilly areas instead. I once heard someone say that there are many terraced fields in the southwest, so let's learn from it."

Shopkeeper Zhong Da thought for a while and said, "That's fine. It's better to find a piece of land to plant crops than to starve to death guarding a swamp."

"Yes. Many people in Huichuan County are in the same situation. They guard the originally fertile land of their families and refuse to leave even half a step. There is nothing wrong with doing this if it is a good year, but this year there is a severe flood. Guarding the land is not as good as being active. Some, maybe it can bring some life to the whole family.”

"How many people can have such lively thoughts?" Shopkeeper Zhong Da shook his head.

He has been dealing with the people below him all year round. Most of the people just want to do the work at hand well, cultivate the land in their hands well, and be satisfied with whatever is left after paying the rent. But very few people know how to adapt and utilize the resources at hand.

Qin Yining pursed his lips and thought for a while, then said: "I will go back to discuss with the prince and try to make this idea as clear as possible. It is better to let more people go to the hillside to cultivate terraces than to guard a large swamp."

Shopkeeper Zhong Da said with a smile: "Your Majesty will be happy to hear this. I think your Majesty is worried about the country and the people, and he is also worried that the people will be hungry in the end."

"That's right. It's better to do what you can do now if you expect to dispatch food and grass from afar. God has rained for so long, and floods are inevitable this year. I just hope that I can seize the time now and at least be able to get some relief. I need a little bit of food to satisfy my hunger.”

Pang Xiao naturally supports Qin Yining's idea. Qin Yining's tenant farmer naturally stopped acting according to her orders. But ordinary people are unwilling to leave their own land, so they just wait for the rain to clear up with a sense of luck.

When the first batch of grain delivered by the Sitong was about to run out, Qin Yining told the Yin Da shopkeeper to stop selling grain. It is becoming increasingly difficult to transport food. In the future, they will no longer have affordable food to use, and a small amount of it will be kept for themselves.

As for the other grain stores in the city, they started to tremble again. Those who still had grain in stock naturally took it out and charged several times the price.

At the moment, Pang Xiao couldn't care about all this, and the manhunt in the city finally came to an end after several days without results. God is not good at it, but the treasure cannot be left alone.

"Your Majesty, the princess's idea was a good one. Find a way to reveal the news about the treasure in the stone factory to Uncle Zhongyi, and let Uncle Zhongyi be the leader." Xie Yue said, "It's raining heavily now, so there is no way to start the construction. Uncle Zhongyi and We are all staring at the stone quarry. If you take action, you will naturally be passive and have to think about how to avoid Uncle Zhongyi's eyes. It is better to let Uncle Zhongyi worry about this matter."

Pang Xiao nodded and said, "Yes, I also know that Sister Yi's method is good. It's just that we have to find a way to win Lu Heng's trust."

Xu Weizhi muttered: "Uncle Zhongyi is cunning and suspicious. If the people around us act, there will definitely be flaws. The person who will reveal the information must be carefully considered."

Pang Xiao nodded.

Xie Yue said bluntly at this time: "In fact, the plan mentioned by the princess was very good. If those few people from the Qingtian League were alive, it would be best to use them to report the news. It is a pity that they have bad intentions towards the princess, and the prince cannot Appease them.”

Pang Xiao smiled bitterly, "Why don't I know that they are the best candidates to lure Lu Heng into the bait? It's just that they want to harm Sister Yi, and Sister Yi is often out and about. No matter how many people I arrange,

I still don’t feel at ease. I can only be a thief in a thousand days. How can I prevent a thief in a thousand days? That's why I was so eager to wipe out those people, just to eliminate future troubles forever. Unexpectedly, God’s calculations were not as good as those of humans, and in the end, two fishes slipped through the net. "

"I understand the prince's plan. Now I can only ask the princess to be more careful when she goes out. However, it would not be a problem for the prince to arrange a few more guards. Those two will definitely not be able to get out of the city gate. You may not see the same two in the city. A mouse is hiding in some dark corner and shivering, and it won't dare to come out to seek death."

Pang Xiao nodded and said: "I will pay more attention. It's just that I have to think about the candidate to inform Lu Heng."

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi also fell into deep thought.

Now is the best time to deal with treasures and other matters. If it is missed, it will be a pity for Qin Yining's efforts to reach Huichuan County first. Moreover, now they know the approximate location of the treasure but are unable to take action. How can this situation not make people anxious? No matter whether they can get the treasure in the end or not, they must try their best.

There was a long silence in the room, and everyone was racking their brains to think of a solution. Xu Weizhi suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I have a solution."

"Mr. Xu, please speak."

Both Pang Xiao and Xie Yue looked at Xu Weizhi.

Xu Wei said, "Why don't I pretend to have a falling out with the prince and surrender to Uncle Zhongyi? The news of the treasure will be used as a bargaining chip for me to surrender. I think Uncle Zhongyi will keep me under guard for the time being and he will seek further confirmation." , my words are confirmed, and our matter is settled. Then the prince will find a way to rescue me. "

Hearing the words, Pang Xiao slowly shook his head: "No. This method won't work. Lu Heng is suspicious. You are the most powerful counselor around me. Even if you make ridiculous claims, he will still doubt you. And he is very cruel and ruthless. Look at him these days. The servants in charge of the house will know it. In his eyes, human life is like a piece of grass. He would rather kill a thousand people than let one go. If you go, you are a sheep falling into the tiger's mouth."

Xie Yue said: "My lord, I think Brother Xu's method is feasible."

Xu Weizhi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Brother Xie is the best judge. She said it is feasible, so she knows that my method is feasible."

Pang Xiao shook his head and said: "Don't think about taking risks. Don't say that it doesn't matter if you lose your life for the treasure. Although I want the treasure, I don't want it to the point of being crazy. You two should take advantage of it as soon as possible. Stop thinking about it."

"But what other options are there now?"

Xie Yue thought for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, it is feasible to do this now."

Pang Xiao still shook his head, "Both Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu have been with me for so many years. You two have sacrificed a lot to help me. I cannot let you risk your lives. This method is not feasible. "

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi were moved and sighed at the same time, "Your Majesty is too kind. Alas."

Xie Yue thought for a while and said, "My lord, the princess is very resourceful. Why don't you ask the princess to come and discuss the details? If the princess also thinks this method is good, then let us try it. If the princess also thinks it is not good, we will not mention it again. how?"

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