Return of the Swallow

Chapter 963 Confession

Qin Yining nodded in agreement, "You should be on guard. After all, Uncle Zhongyi is also a high-ranking figure. In his eyes, you and I are dispensable little people. It would be better to be more prepared. But, I actually always have someone. The doubts are hidden in my heart, and I got along very well with the two brothers today, so I will speak openly and ask them to help me clear up my doubts."

When Lu Xiong and Shi Fang heard this, they both nodded with serious expressions and said, "Boss Qiu, please speak."

Qin Yining looked at the two of them with a smile and said, "Just now, the two brothers said that they don't know why Prince Zhongshun would hunt down Hall Master Qiao and other brothers?"

The two of them felt their hearts skip a beat. They saw that Qin Yining came with courtesy first and then soldiers. Just now everything was going according to their wishes and he promised them everything, which gave them hope. But now he suddenly asked this question.

They thought she hadn't thought of it all of a sudden!

Now looking at her calm and wise appearance, the two of them truly realized how serious a mistake they had made. They should not have deceived this woman by treating her as an ordinary woman.

The two of them thought of this in unison and were speechless for a moment.

Qin Yining smiled bitterly and said: "Don't you two brothers want to say it? Well, I have actually been doubting these days. Since we are all members of the Blue Sky Alliance, and Princess Zhongshun is the leader of the Blue Sky Alliance, how could she let her husband My son-in-law is after Hall Master Qiao and everyone?

"I thought about it for a long time before I realized that perhaps something unexplainable happened that made Princess Zhongshun murderous for her subordinates. As the leader of the alliance, she would never kill all her subordinates, so she killed This group of people must have different ideas and opinions from her, do you think my guess is true or not?"

Lu Xiong and Shi Fang looked at each other and finally reached a consensus silently.

They both stood up at the same time and knelt down in front of Qin Yining.

"Boss Qiu, we didn't hide it intentionally. It's just that someone deceived you about this matter before, so it has been difficult to talk about it."

Qin Yining frowned and said softly: "What is it?"

Shi Fang and Lu Xiong complemented each other with difficulty: "Actually, there is a reason why we know the whereabouts of this treasure. When the alliance leader led us to seize the treasure, she actually took the lead in transporting it. Leave it to Prince Zhongshun.

"Our Qingtian Alliance exists only to benefit the people. We never thought that one day we would become the eagle dog of the imperial court. The leader of the alliance is a woman, and she follows her husband when she marries. She is devoted to Prince Zhongshun. They asked us several times to do things for Prince Zhongshun, and we were already very disappointed.

"It wasn't until she decided to hand over the treasure from the Great Yan Dynasty to Prince Zhongshun that we were finally disappointed with her. There was a Mrs. Liao in the alliance who planned to transfer the treasure from the leader of the alliance. It was the time when the Earth Dragon turned around. At that time, it happened to be the time when the emperor was transporting stones for the construction of the imperial mausoleum, so Mrs. Liao found a way to hide the treasure in the stones.

"Prince Zhongshun is chasing us now, presumably because of the alliance leader's order. We are upholding the original beliefs of the Blue Sky Alliance, but the alliance leader hates us for transferring the treasure and thinks that we are traitors of the Blue Sky Alliance and wants to kill us."

The two of them spoke to each other and made their thoughts clear.

Qin Yining, the leader of the alliance, was sitting here and felt a little confused for a moment. It turned out that he was actually like this in their hearts.

Lu Xiong said: "Because of the alliance leader, the entire Qingtian Alliance has become the eagle dog of the imperial court. For our original intention, we stick to the right path.

It is indeed difficult, but Boss Qiu, you also know that if you want to stick to the truth, you often have to pay a heavy price. "

Qin Yining nodded, "I understand. When you say this, all the doubts will be explained. In fact, when Hall Master Qiao came to tell me at the beginning, you are the Qingtian Alliance, and your alliance leader is still the princess, I once thought However, since you know the whereabouts of the treasure, why don't you help your leader, but do it in private? I guess Hall Master Qiao wants to take the treasure to himself, and I also want to get a share of it. But now it sounds like you don't just want to take the treasure to yourself. , but don’t want the treasure to fall into the hands of the imperial court.”

Lu Xiong nodded shamefully, "That's right. Now you know that we, together with the eight dead brothers, are traitors in the eyes of the Blue Sky Alliance. Our ideas are different from those of the leader and the other brothers of the Blue Sky Alliance."

The implication is that if Boss Qiu expects to have a relationship with the princess one day just because he is a member of the Blue Sky Alliance, it is unlikely.

Qin Yining understood and smiled bitterly, "I know. Well, this matter is not your fault. Now that I have joined the Blue Sky Alliance, we are still brothers. If you can stick to your original intention, it is your princess alliance leader who will take care of things." Being involved in too many court disputes has changed the quality of the entire Blue Sky Alliance. You are few, but the truth is in your hands. This is not considered your defection, but that they have all changed. I can join you, It’s also my opportunity.”

Lu Xiong and Shi Fang didn't expect that the person in front of them would think like this, and they couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"It would be best if Boss Qiu thinks like this."

Lu Xiong rolled his eyes and said: "In my opinion, we are leaderless now, so it is better for Boss Qiu to be our leader. One day in the future, when we have more brothers, we can do something meaningful together."

Qin Yining couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

There were three of them in total, so what else could they say about wanting her to be the leader? Isn’t this hall master just joking?

However, Shi Fang agreed with Lu Xiong's proposal and nodded: "I think it makes sense." Then he kowtowed to Qin Yining seriously, "Master Qiu."

"Master Qiu." Lu Xiong also saluted.

Qin Yining suppressed his helplessness, helped the two of them stand up, and said shyly: "In that case, I will be disrespectful. Two brothers, please get up quickly."

Seeing "Master Qiu" coaxed Qin Yining to stop worrying about hiding things, Lu Xiong and Shi Fang both breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yining said: "If you want to avenge your dead brothers, you must act as soon as possible. The two of you will discuss who will inform Uncle Zhongyi of the situation?

Shi Fang was a little hesitant, he was afraid that he would get stuck in the quagmire.

Lu Xiong was also afraid, but Lu Xiong thought more. If Lu Heng gets the treasure because of this matter, he will be able to hug the lap of the Lu family. Will he not be prosperous and wealthy in the rest of his life? Even if it didn't work, he could just run away in the end, and no one would force him to retire in the Lu family.

Lu Xiong said solemnly: "I'll go. Brother Shi and Hall Master Qiu are waiting for me outside, waiting for my news."

Qin Yining and Shi Fang both nodded with emotion, "Okay, Lu Xiong, be careful. We are waiting for your good news."

"Yes, I will definitely live up to my mission." Lu Xiong said seriously.

After discussing some countermeasures, Qin Yining stood up to leave. Shi Fang continued to return to the cellar where he was hiding, while Lu Xiong left the Sitong No. 1 in the rain.

Qin Yining sat for a while before taking the guards and maids to say goodbye to the shopkeeper Yin Da.

"I have to worry a lot about Shopkeeper Yin these days. The people in the cellar have to think about it all the time."

"Don't worry." Shopkeeper Yin Da smiled and nodded, "If anything happens, I will send someone to inform you immediately."

Qin Yining nodded and got in the car to go back to the palace.

Along the way, Pang Xiao sat in the carriage and talked with Qin Yining, while Mu Jinghu kept his disguise and sat on the shaft of the carriage to drive the carriage.

Qin Yining whispered: "I never knew that these people actually thought this way. It's no wonder why Mrs. Liao suddenly changed her mind and hid the treasure. It turns out that in their hearts, I surrendered to the imperial court. ”

Pang Xiao rubbed Qin Yining's forehead with his big hand, "Don't think so much. You can lead everyone on the right path, at least not as carefully as you did in Dayan, hiding from the court. Now you are taking You guys have taken the right path and helped the Holy One regain the throne. This great credit and glory belongs to you and the Blue Sky Alliance. You, the leader of the alliance, have done a good job, so why should you deny yourself because of the ideas of a small group of people? ?”

"I know, I know the truth, but I still feel a little uncomfortable after hearing these words." Qin Yining smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if they don't tell the truth. Now we are just waiting to see Lu Heng's reaction. "

Pang Xiao also nodded, "I think, with Lu Heng's character, whether he believes in this treasure or not, he will personally verify it. As long as he verifies it, he will fall into this pit and never climb out."

Qin Yining said, "Since ancient times, wealth and silk have moved people's hearts. Even the head of the Lu family is not immune to this."

Pang Xiao also smiled and nodded.

The carriage did not return directly to the palace. Instead, it made a few rounds in the city and changed to a carriage belonging to the palace in a quiet alley halfway.

Mu Jinghu and the guard acting as the coachman were hiding aside wearing rain gear.

Qin Yining helped Ziyuan and Hanxiao get out of the car, and with the help of Pang Xiao, stepped on the wooden stool.

As a result, at this moment, someone suddenly walked by at the entrance of the alley.

Bian Ruohan came towards him wearing a cloak and a group of maids and women. She saw someone changing a carriage in the alley and looked over strangely.

When he saw that it was a pretty-looking woman wearing men's clothing, Bian Ruohan looked at her curiously. When his eyes fell on the tall guard with an ordinary face, who actually reached out to help the woman dressed in men's clothing, Bian Ruohan's eyes showed a bit of ridicule.

It turns out that this woman was having an affair with that guard!

Although Bian Ruohan was curious, he didn't want to get into trouble and continued to lead the people forward.

At this time, the sound of a carriage driving was heard in the alley. Bian Ruohan suddenly turned around and saw that the other party's carriage had already driven away.

Bian Ruohan clicked his tongue twice, "Such a beautiful woman actually likes to wear men's clothes, and she hooked up with an ordinary-looking guard."

The maids and women who followed him didn't dare to say anything. They were all new to Bian Ruohan and were waiting by his side. They knew what happened to the first few people, so how dare they make a mistake?

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, Bian Ruohan suddenly stopped.

"That's wrong...why do the two maids next to that man look so familiar..."

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