Return of the Swallow

Chapter 964: Catch an adulterer?

Bian Ruohan stood there, not caring that the rainwater had accumulated in a puddle under his feet, or that the rainwater falling from the umbrella splashed on the ground and stained his skirt.

After a while, she suddenly realized, "Aren't the two maids who followed the car just now the second-class maids beside Princess Zhongshun?"

She couldn't remember wrongly. Although she couldn't remember the names of those two girls, she remembered those two delicate faces! When she first met those two girls, she was still thinking about how Qin Yining was so lucky. Even the four maids who served beside her were outstanding. In contrast, the people who served around her seemed particularly mediocre.

Now it seems that the woman who changed the carriage and put on men's clothes just now is from the palace?

"No, no..." She had not heard of any female guests coming to the palace recently.

And the stature is so similar to Qin Yining!

It was impossible to say that it was Qin Yining who was pretending to be. Seeing her being intimate with the ordinary-looking guard just now, Bian Ruohan suddenly opened his eyes.

Qin Yining's purpose was to have an affair! That’s why I changed my disguise on purpose!

Bian Ruohan suddenly became excited, and even his hands and feet, which were wet and cold due to the rain, suddenly warmed up!

"Pretending to be a serious woman, she actually does such stealing things! It's really laughable!"

Bian Ruohan suddenly turned around and faced the wooden faces of the maids and women accompanying him.

Bian Ruohan felt completely uninterested for a moment!

"Get out of the way!" Pulling the people away one by one, Bian Ruohan turned the corner and got on his carriage, urging: "Hurry up and catch up with the carriage just now! If you can't catch up, I will kick you all out! "

The maids and women didn't dare to refute, they nodded repeatedly, and the coachman didn't even dare to respond falsely, and hurriedly went in the direction of Qin Yining's carriage.

Bian Ruohan didn't care how bumpy the carriage she was riding in was due to the acceleration. The bumps caused her hairpin to slip out of her bun.

"Quick, quick! Chase after me! If you lose me, I'll kill you!" Bian Ruohan slapped the wooden wall of the carriage.

The coachman was so frightened that he didn't dare to hesitate at all. He waved his whip and drove the carriage very fast, leaving the maid and woman who was following the coach panting. His rain gear spread out and he didn't care about getting soaked by the rain.

Soon, Bian Ruohan's carriage turned a corner.

On a rainy day, there were no pedestrians on the street at all. Outside the layers of rain, I saw the carriage Qin Yining was riding in driving ahead.

Bian Ruohan lifted the curtain of the carriage, craned her neck and looked forward. She was sure that there was only one guard on the shaft of the carriage walking alongside the driver. There were two maids wearing rain gear sitting behind the carriage. She became even more sure. There was also a guard. Sitting in the carriage with Qin Yining.

"That bitch didn't just seduce someone else's husband, but she actually went out to steal someone behind her husband's back! This is really not what one looks like. A man as heroic as Prince Zhongshun was cuckolded!"

Bian Ruohan gritted his teeth and gloated at the misfortune.

She must tell Prince Zhongshun about this! She wanted to see how Prince Zhongshun, a man with outstanding military exploits and a hot temper, could tolerate his own princess stealing people outside!

If he doesn't do it right, Prince Zhongshun will strangle that bitch to death!

"Hurry up, catch up!" Bian Ruohan continued to pat the car board excitedly.

The coachman did not dare to neglect,

He whipped the whip hard again and increased his speed anxiously. As a result, the maids and women who were running wildly after Bian Ruohan's carriage fell even further behind and couldn't keep up with Bian Ruohan at all.

At this time, Mu Jinghu said to the carriage in front of the carriage: "There is a carriage chasing us from behind. It seems that it is either rich or noble."

When Qin Yining and Pang Xiao heard the sound, they opened the car window and looked back curiously.

Qin Yining then smiled bitterly and said: "It seems to be the Bian family. We just had an affair with her, could she recognize that it's me?"

Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining, smiled and said: "Actually, there is absolutely no flaw on your face when you disguise yourself like this. People who are not familiar with you will definitely not recognize you. But people who are familiar with you will observe you carefully. In fact, there are still flaws in his figure and behavior."

Qin Yining nodded, "Maybe it was because Mr. Bian saw something. I don't know. It shows how much Mr. Bian hates me. He can even recognize me like this, even my body shape."

Pang Xiao sneered, "She regards you as an imaginary enemy in her heart, so she will naturally think about you when she has nothing to do. When she meets you, she will naturally be able to tell something about you."

Qin Yining shook his head, "She is not too tired to panic. If she really cares about Uncle Zhongyi, then go and live a good life with Uncle Zhongyi. Why are you always staring at me when you have nothing to do? I didn't provoke her, how innocent I am! "

"Who knows that you are more handsome than her, smarter than her, more lovable than her, and have a husband who loves you that she doesn't have? She is jealous of you, so naturally she wants to catch you." Pang Xiao said with a smile.

Qin Yining chuckled. Although what Pang Xiao said was somewhat bragging, I have to say that what Pang Xiao said was also true. Some people may be born with incompatible personalities and hate each other the first time they meet. She and Bian Ruohan are such people. Coupled with what Lu Heng did on the wedding day, it's no wonder that Bian Ruohan stared at her like a chicken.

"Then what should we do now?" Qin Yining looked behind him again and found that Bian Ruohan's carriage was closer.

Pang Xiao looked down at himself, then at Qin Yining, and couldn't help but said in a funny voice: "She really knows how to choose the right time. If we catch up now, can we still admit that we are disguised? Let her go through the trouble."

"That's right." Qin Yining touched his face and looked at Pang Xiao's ordinary, unfamiliar face, and couldn't help but laugh.

While the two of them were laughing and chatting happily, Bian Ruohan's carriage behind them had already been accelerated a lot by her.

"Let me pass and stop the car in front!"

Bian Ruohan didn't care how far the maids and women were left behind, so he just urged the driver to speed up.

The coachman was forced to have no choice but to keep urging the carriage.

This means that on heavy rainy days, people don't go out if they can. The streets are very spacious. Otherwise, if someone is hit by a car like this, someone may be killed.

Bian Ruohan's carriage galloped all the way, with several blood marks on the buttocks of the horse that was driving the shaft, and finally neighed and passed Qin Yining's carriage.

Bian Ruohan shouted: "Stop in front of them! Stop them!"

The coachman felt miserable for a while, so he had no choice but to use his most superb skills in his life. He tried his best to stop the car, inserted the carriage diagonally in the middle of the road, and blocked the way of the carriage behind him.

Bian Ruohan was thrown in the car and his head hit the wall of the carriage, almost knocking him unconscious. But she didn't care much at all at the moment.

Qin Yining's carriage slowly stopped when the other party tried to stop it.

Bian Ruohan didn't care whether his head hurt or not. He pushed the driver and jumped out of the carriage. He came to Qin Yining's carriage in a few steps and sneered: "Qin, I have seen all the good things you have done!"

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining looked at each other in the carriage, then raised the curtains and said in a deep voice: "Who are you, and why are you blocking our way? Why don't you get out of the way!"

"Go away, my wife is talking, what does it have to do with you! You are just an adulterer, what qualifications do you have to talk to my wife!" Bian Ruohan looked down on Qin Yining's affair, let alone an ordinary-looking man with mud legs.

Qin Yining, Pang Xiao, and Mu Jinghu were all stunned by this curse.

Qin Yining never expected that Bian Ruohan's imagination was so rich, and he had already thought of all the crimes for her before she even did anything.

Qin Yining said helplessly: "Let her go away. We don't know her and we have to hurry."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Bian Ruohan outside immediately shouted with his hands on his hips: "Get out of here! Qin, don't think I don't know what you did! You pretend to be a good person in front of the people, and then You're selling food, and you're just talking nonsense! If you steal people outside and let people know, they can still treat you like a god!

"Those stupid people were deceived by your sanctimonious appearance! What kind of rich family background are you, what kind of loyal and obedient princess are you! Does your prince know that you are stealing people outside! Let me tell you, you are not a womanly person. You poisonous woman deserves to be imprisoned in a pig cage! I'm going to tell your prince about you right now, and let me see what good things you get!"

Bian Ruohan's voice was so sharp that it could be heard far away on the silent street even in the light rain.

Qin Yining frowned at her shouting, and said to Mu Jinghu outside with a stern face: "Mr. Mu, please catch her and gag her."

Mu Jinghu didn't want to listen to her chatter for a long time. He immediately stepped forward after hearing the words and effortlessly clasped her arms behind her back.

Bian Ruohan screamed "Oh my God" in pain, and just when he was about to curse, his mouth was blocked by a rag.

Pang Xiao asked Qin Yining, "What are we going to do if we catch her?"

Qin Yining rubbed his forehead, "We can't let her talk nonsense outside and slander me." But it's really hard to deal with someone if they are caught. She couldn't just kill Bian Ruohan.

Mu Jinghu lifted Bian Ruohan over like a chicken.

Bian Ruohan was shocked and angry, whimpering and struggling.

The driver and servants following Bian Ruohan had already disappeared when they saw something was wrong here.

Mu Jinghu asked: "What to do with her?"

Qin Yining had a headache and said angrily: "Take her with you first, and we will discuss how to deal with it later. See if it is better to tie a big stone and throw it into the river, or to throw her directly into the back mountain to feed the wolves."

When Bian Ruohan heard this, he was so frightened that he kept whimpering and humming, with tears and nose running down his face.

Pang Xiao heard the piglet-like squealing coming from behind and said funnyly: "That's good, if it doesn't work, I'll sell her to Ren Yazi. Maybe she can get a lot of money for her tender skin and tender flesh." "

"Yes, many people in the mountains can't get a wife, so they just sell her to the valley." Qin Yining was angry and deliberately frightened.

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