Return of the Swallow

Chapter 965 Let go

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Pang Xiao looked back at the direction behind the carriage, where Bian Ruohan seemed to hear Qin Yining's voice. He was frightened and became even more excited. The cry of killing piglets was both annoying and funny.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining looked at each other, and Qin Yining frowned in annoyance to Bian Ruohan.

Why did he meet Bian Ruohan? This woman has a brain problem and is looking for trouble even though she has nothing to do. I saw her pretending to go out with my own eyes. What if her whereabouts were revealed and everything would be ruined?

And Bian Ruohan is too perceptive. She has already been disguised like this, and she was discovered. How much does she hate her to be able to recognize her so clearly?

Pang Xiao saw Qin Yining's eyebrows furrowed tightly into the character "Sichuan", and couldn't help but stop her shoulder and let her lean on his shoulder.

"Okay, since this woman doesn't know her identity, just do it."

Qin Yining heard Pang Xiao speak so seriously and raised his eyes to see if he was telling the truth. Today, Bian Ruohan was caught in the car by her, but many of the attendants and maids around Bian Ruohan were let go. What happened to Bian Ruohan? Wasn't he causing trouble for himself? Even if Lu Heng doesn't like Bian Ruohan, he still wants his face.

So Qin Yining concluded that Pang Xiao was also cooperating with her to scare Bian Ruohan out of anger.

Qin Yining whispered a few words into Pang Xiao's ear.

Pang Xiao burst out laughing, scratched the tip of Qin Yining's nose with his finger and nodded, then opened the curtain and whispered to the people outside that the carriage should not go back to the palace immediately, but go to the Earth Temple on the outskirts of the city first.

The coachman and Mu Jinghu naturally agreed.

The carriages headed towards the Earth Temple on the outskirts of the city.

In the carriage behind, Bian Ruohan had his hands tied and a rag stuffed in his mouth. He could only sob and shed tears. Hanxiao, Ziyuan and the other two guards watched her carefully. No matter how much she moaned, they had no intention of letting her go.

Bian Ruohan felt so regretful that her intestines turned green when she heard the vague words "Kill her" and "Chop her head off" coming from the car in front.

She shouldn't be so impulsive. She should carefully observe the time and route Qin Yining takes when he goes out to sympathize with him, and let him see Prince Zhongshun more and more with his own eyes. She should be there, but why did she rush forward when her brain got hot?


What kind of things did Lu Heng arrange for her? At the critical moment, he couldn't protect her even half-heartedly. She was caught, but those people didn't respond at all and had no intention of rescuing her.

If they had waited for those people to go back and tell Lu Heng, and Lu Heng would send someone out to save her life, they would probably only find a corpse!

Bian Ruohan hated Qin Yining. Today she found such a big flaw in Qin Yining and caught Qin Yining who was having an affair under disguise. Could it be that Qin Yining could still keep her alive?

How could they silence her without hearing that the man surnamed Qin and the adulterer had already started conspiring to kill her?

Bian Ruohan burst into tears, and was so frightened that he burst into tears.

In the carriage ahead, Qin Yining vaguely heard the crying coming from behind, and couldn't help but become more and more irritable.

"Some people are just born to be disliked. They are born with the ability to make people annoying. This way, the guy can lighten the fire and avoid being annoyed when he sees her in the future."

Pang Xiao immediately cooperated and said: "It was said that the Demon Queen of Yan Dynasty had a sky lantern lit. How about lighting a sky lantern for her too?"

After a moment of silence, another loud cry came from the car behind.

Soon, the car arrived at the suburbs.

The quiet reception on a rainy day was enough to make Bian Ruohan tremble, but now the emptiness in the suburbs that was different from that in the city made her tremble even more.

The surroundings were very quiet, and the sound of rain covered up the chirping of insects.

The carriage stopped slowly, Pang Xiao gave a few instructions in a low voice, and then he and Qin Yining entered the Earth Temple first.

Hanxiao and Ziyuan followed Qin Yining's footsteps. Mu Jinghu went to the rear compartment, lifted Bian Ruohan, who was shaking like a sieve, and threw him directly into the corner behind the Tutu Temple.

This earth temple is very dilapidated, with wind leaking everywhere. Many mottled marks have fallen off the earth walls, and the loess has been extruded and peeled off, even exposing the structure inside the wall. It seems that a kick can directly knock the wall out. A hole.

In fact, as soon as you enter the Tutu Temple, you will feel the swirling wind.

Because there are many strong positions everywhere with holes. Behind the statue, not far from where Bian Ruohan was thrown to the ground, there is a hole the size of a dog hole, from where you can see the water-filled fields outside.

Bian Ruohan was shivering due to the gusts of wind, but he pricked his ears in fear, trying to hear clearly what those in front of him were saying.

Qin Yining's voice, which anyone could recognize immediately even if she pinched her throat, was heard saying: "It's really annoying to meet such unlucky people when we go out for a tryst. We might as well kill her as soon as possible and touch all the belongings on her body." Let's go and leave her in the wild. That way everyone who looks at her will know that she was robbed."

Pang Xiao said: "That's fine, but won't our hands be stained with blood? Why don't we just tie her up a little tighter and throw her in a low-lying place. The recent rain has been so heavy, and the rain is slowly falling If you add up, it will be enough to drown her! I don’t think she is a good person, she always likes to stare at you when nothing happens, so why not get rid of her directly so as to give you a bad breath. "

Qin Yining cheered repeatedly after hearing this: "That's not bad. Since we are going to leave her in a low-lying place and drown her, why not clean her up first? That woman just stares at me all day long, comparing herself to me and competing with me everywhere. I have been very tired of her for a long time. Now that she is in my hands, if I don't carve a few words on her face, wouldn't it be a huge loss? "

"What words are you going to engrave?" Pang Xiao's voice became gentle when he saw Qin Yining stretching his neck and looking behind him in a cute little way.

Qin Yining said: "Just write her name on her forehead, and then carve the word '*' on her face. What do you think?"

"That's okay. How about I go now? My hands are itchy as you said. I haven't carved words on people for a long time. But don't worry, I'm very skilled in my craftsmanship. I won't hurt her to death."

"How about just Ling Chi?"

Bian Ruohan listened behind the statue, being blown by the cold wind, and his whole body was shaking like a blade of grass that had not been damaged by the cold wind. These people have not yet reached a consensus, but they have made it clear that they want to kill her and will not give her a way to survive today.

Bian Ruohan had tears and runny nose, struggling helplessly, looking around for Lu County who could escape, and looking for someone to help her escape.

I don’t know if the little silver she has left in her hand is enough to support her.

Suddenly, another gust of cold wind blew through, and the earth temple was leaking air everywhere. The cold wind behind Bian Ruohan came mixed with moist rain, which made her shiver all over.

At this time, those people who were expected to be arranged by Lu Heng were useless. Those people couldn't come as quickly as possible. Her only way now was to save herself.

There was the sound of sharpening knives in front of the hall. I don’t know what those people were talking about, but behind the sound of sharpening knives, a few people were still in the mood to laugh.

Bian Ruohan's tears flowed even more fiercely. You must know that she has never suffered this kind of pain since she was a child, but now she is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, supporting those vulgar people to judge her life and death.

If you can live, who wants to die?

Bian Ruohan started to move towards the entrance of the cave.

At this time, she began to be grateful for Qin Yining's carelessness. If someone else had been looking at her today, she might not have been able to escape at all.

But in front of him, in addition to the sound of sharpening knives, there was also the sound of people laughing and joking, which really caused Bian Ruohan a lot of fear.

Qin Yining turned out to be this kind of person. Not only did he disguise himself and steal people, he also didn't care about human life. Killing her seemed as easy as killing a chicken.

Bian Ruohan didn't care whether he was embarrassed or not. She tried not to make any noise as she dug into the hole. Fortunately, the other party despised her as a weak woman and only tied her arms but not her feet. As long as she sneaks out quietly, she can immediately escape quietly and find a place to hide first.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao were at the front discussing how to deal with Bian Ruohan, and they were exhausted from talking.

Qin Yining looked at Mu Jinghu questioningly.

Mu Jinghu crossed her hands and glanced behind the statue, and finally nodded.

Qin Yining immediately lowered his voice and said, "Have you escaped already?"

Mu Jinghu came closer and whispered: "I didn't say it, that woman was too stupid and she managed to get out with great difficulty."

Qin Yining shook her head and sighed: "No, she is too stupid. If she really wants to catch him, she won't have the slightest chance to escape."

Pang Xiao said amusedly: "I just said so many nonsense, aren't you afraid that after she escapes, she will talk nonsense and slander you?"

"She will definitely do it. It's just that when she says it, someone has to believe it. What's more, no one is stupid. How can people believe her unfounded words? I am a princess, not crazy. What are you doing to kill her uncle?"

"That's probably what she thinks. She treats you as an enemy, so naturally she won't imagine how nice you can be to her."

"It doesn't matter. She was hostile to me from the beginning anyway. She was yelling in the city, and I had no choice but to catch her. Now that she can escape on her own, she will be so frightened that she gets sick if she doesn't go back. I Let's stay quiet for a few days. As for her going to tell Lu Heng, let him go. Could he still be an enemy of our palace just to avenge Bian Ruohan? What's more, if I disguise myself and steal people, someone must believe me. OK."

Mu Jinghu checked at this time, and when he came back, he whispered: "She must have stayed away."

"Well, let her go. This place has not left Huichuan County. If she is not so stupid, she will soon find someone to take her back home."

Qin Yining stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go back home first and wait to see if the Lu family wants to cause trouble. I think even going back home will cause trouble immediately."

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