Return of the Swallow

Chapter 966 News

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Qin Yining and Pang Xiao stayed at the Tutu Temple for a while, and it was already dark when they returned to the house. The rain has not stopped in the past few days, and the sky is so gloomy that it seems to collapse at any time. In the evening, it is already as dark as night.

The two of them carefully avoided people and entered the house through the side door.

Just after returning to the room, Ji Yun said excitedly: "Princess, someone just came, guess who it is!"

Seeing Ji Yun being so excited, Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh and said, "Who makes you so happy? Guard Tang didn't even go out."

Pang Xiao went to change into ordinary clothes at home. He was straightening his collar and walking out slowly. Hearing this, he burst into laughter and said, "Tang Xiu is a pretty good one. What do you think of Jiu Yun?"

Ji Yun's face turned red from embarrassment and he stamped his feet, "Princess, you are too bad. What I said is serious!"

"The prince and I were talking about serious matters."

Seeing that Ji Yun's face was already red, Qin Yining was worried that the girl was thin-skinned and might get angry if she continued to joke around, so she had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now. Who do you think is coming?"

Ji Yun originally wanted to give her a pass, but was worried that Qin Yining would continue to tease her, so she hurriedly said: "It's Hall Master Liao and Jingzhe who are back!"

"Seriously!" Qin Yining's eyes widened in surprise, stroking her hands and saying, "So, everything about Xiyue has been stabilized?"

Pang Xiao also smiled and said: "It must be so. Where is he now? Come quickly."

"Hey!" Ji Yun nodded with a smile and ran out quickly.

Qin Yining's irritated mood caused by Bian Ruohan suddenly turned bright. She took Pang Xiao's hand and shook her head to look at him: "Zhixi, do you think father and the others went well? It should be smooth, right? Otherwise, Liao wouldn't be treated well. Hall Master and Jingzhe have all been sent back."

"They must be safe. Firstly, we have already made the most appropriate preparations. Secondly, don't you know your father-in-law's ability yet? I don't think those people in Xiyue put together are enough to compete with my father-in-law. With my father-in-law in charge, I feel most at ease."

Qin Yining nodded happily, "Me too, I can rest assured that my whole family will be protected by my father. Not to mention that Aunt Cao is here. Aunt Cao is very skilled in martial arts. If she cooperates with the people you arrange, she will be able to protect everyone!"

Pang Xiao also nodded heavily.

As Qin Yining spoke, his eyes suddenly turned red and tears welled up in his eyes, "I don't know how much Brother Zhao and Brother Han have grown. Maybe they won't recognize me next time they see me."

When Qin Yining shed tears, Pang Xiao's heart almost broke. He held her tightly in his arms and rocked her, and kept kissing her forehead and cheeks: "Be good, don't cry. Think about it, my father-in-law and grandma are both here. Didn't your grandmother also think of a way to let the children see the portrait? Don't worry, the children will not forget us. Besides, even if their memory is not deep, after all, they are our children and they are of our blood. Stay connected, get along with each other more, stay with us day and night, and we will soon become familiar with each other again."

Qin Yining nodded, wiped his tears on Pang Xiao's shoulder, and choked: "Every time I think about why I was separated from my flesh and blood, I wish I could bite that person to death!"

If Li Qitian hadn't forced them, how could they have reached this point? She and Pang Xiao have compromised and retreated again and again, but they have not led to a peaceful life. She will never compromise or retreat again in the future!

"Princess." Bingtang's voice came from outside the door, "We have arrived at the flower hall."

Qin Yining hurriedly wiped her tears with her sleeves.

Pang Xiao twisted a warm handkerchief, leaned over and carefully wiped away the tears on her face, and then went to get her commonly used jasmine seeds.

Qin Yining dug a little bit into the dough with her fingers and smiled at Pang Xiao with her eyes bent.

Her eyes were slightly red and swollen from crying, and now Pocan's smile was even more obvious. She looked so pitiful and cute that Pang Xiao wished she could shrink him down and put him in his arms, and he wished he couldn't leave her even a step away.

His big hand touched her cheek, and Pang Xiao smiled and said, "Let's go to the front."

Qin Yining nodded and walked hand in hand with Pang Xiao through the corridor until they reached the flower hall.

As soon as they entered the door, everyone they saw were acquaintances. Liao Zhibing was leading two members of the Blue Sky Alliance, and four others, Jingzhe, Xiaoman, Xiaoxue and Dahan, were also there.

Seeing Qin Yining and Pang Xiao, several people came forward to salute.

"Your Majesty, Princess."

"Excuse me." Qin Yining and Pang Xiao stepped forward to help each other and greeted each other warmly.

Liao Zhibing said with a smile: "Alliance leader, fortunately, everything about Xiyue has been arranged. You don't have to worry. Mr. Qin is actually Zhuge still alive, and everything about Xiyue, big and small, is now under Mr. Qin's control. , the methods and routes to and from Xiyue have been figured out, so you really don’t have to worry.”

"Yes, Princess." Jingzhe also smiled and said, "Before coming, Aunt Cao also told us to give you a message that everything is fine at home. Although the old lady Qian'er had a minor illness, she was fine. As for Brother Zhao and Brother Han are the treasures of the whole family, they can be good anywhere."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Princess. Mrs. Zheng also asked people to draw portraits of you and the prince. Brother Zhao and Brother Han have to see the portraits before studying all day."

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao both laughed when they heard this, "Grandma really has a way."

"Yes, Mr. Qin all praises Mrs. Zheng for her thoughtfulness." Xiao Man said, "The princess and the prince have not seen that Xiyue is now managed in an orderly manner. Our family members have gone, and they have integrated into the environment very quickly. .Even Brother Zhao and Brother Han, ordinary people respected them very much when they heard that they were the children of the goddess and the king. Even the old lady took Brother Han for a walk on the street, and ordinary people saw them. They all have to stop and salute.”

Qin Yining heard it funny. The people of Xiyue worshiped the goddess. She was forced to be labeled as a goddess at the beginning. She never expected that she could still use this status as a goddess to protect her family. Isn't this God's preferential treatment to her?

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly: "That's good, as long as everything goes well. Do you have anything to do when you come out this time?"

Jingzhe smiled and said, "It was Aunt Cao who ordered us to come out and follow you to protect you. Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin also think this is good. They say that you and the prince have more dangerous things outside. With us here, At least you don’t have to be constrained when employing people, and you can trust them.”

Liao Zhibing also smiled and said: "That's what I mean too. Although the alliance leader has the prince's people around him, sometimes there are still insufficient manpower. With us here, the prince does not have to worry about the safety of the princess, and can freely do his own thing. The princess doesn’t have to worry about finding someone she can trust when something happens.”

Qin Yining laughed: "Aunt Cao is thoughtful. If there is no crisis in Xiyue, you can come to me, and you will be more powerful."

Pang Xiao also said: "That's fine. You all know the temperament of your princess. When something happens, she would rather take risks herself but she must do it. I'm worried about her taking risks, but there is no other way. If you are here, can you get in?" By following her, I can rest assured."

Liao Zhibing, Jingzhe and others all burst into laughter, "The princess is courageous and courageous. She is unwilling to miss the opportunity and is willing to take risks for the prince. But don't worry, the prince, with us here, even if we risk our lives, we will never let the princess." In danger."

Pang Xiao nodded, stood up respectfully and saluted everyone, "Then I'll do more work for you all."

Liao Zhibing and everyone in Jingzhe were shocked. They stood up quickly to avoid Pang Xiao's salute, and instead saluted: "Your Majesty, you have to punish us. It is our duty to be loyal to the Princess."

The two sides talked for a while, and Liao Zhibingcai said: "Leader, there is actually one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"When I left Xiyue, I noticed that the Tatars were mobilizing their troops in the desert. Because the opponent's defense was too tight and there were many dangers in the desert, we were unable to find out in detail what the Tatars were going to do. What. But looking at them, it seems like they have a tough battle to fight."

When Qin Yining and Pang Xiao heard this, their expressions became tense for a moment.

The war between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Tatars lasted for so long. They could imagine how hard it was for Ji Zeyu to calm down the war in the north and return peace to the people.

Peace was hard-won, and Siqin also suffered. They all believed that the Tatars had lost the ability to continue invading the north, and they could develop independently in peace and harmony.

But if the Tatars really secretly dispatch troops and horses, things will not be simple.

Even if Qin Yining and Pang Xiao couldn't stand what Li Qitian did, they would never expect another war to break out. Once the Tatars and the Great Zhou went to war, the tight treasury of the Great Zhou would drag down the entire war. In order to fight the war, the court might also All kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes have to be increased. Natural disasters have occurred one after another, and war disasters have also been added. Do the people still want to live?

"I understand. I will investigate this matter carefully." Pang Xiao said seriously, "Thank you for the information. Otherwise, if you are unprepared, once the Tatars move their troops, the people at the border will be the unlucky ones."

Liao Zhibing said: "Your Majesty, please don't be so polite. We did what we should do."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "I have ordered people to prepare wine and food. We need to have a drink today and say goodbye after that."

Liao Zhibing, Jingzhe and others naturally agreed happily.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao called Huzi, Tang Xiu and others again, and they gathered in the flower hall to eat wine and chat.

At the same time in the Lu family, Lu Heng was sitting at the head of the house, looking at Lu Xiong who was kneeling on the ground with a smile, gently twirling his fingers back and forth, obviously deep in thought.

Lu Xiong was extremely worried and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

He had just told Lu Heng about the treasure hidden in the stone factory, but this man's reaction was not at all what he expected. He didn't seem to be surprised, and he was not interested in the treasure at all. He was even doubting what he had done. Is the purpose of coming here to harm people?

Lu Xiong regretted a little. He shouldn't have volunteered. He could just leave this matter to Shi Fang.

Lu Heng's smile deepened a lot, the curve of his lips rose, and he said quite funny: "So you said that the treasure is in the pile of stones in the quarry, and you also roughly know which stones contain the treasure?"

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