Return of the Swallow

Chapter 970 Taking the bait

Bian Ruohan rushed to Lu Heng quickly, slapped his hands on the table, eyes shining with excitement, and leaned forward to stare at Lu Heng.

"Uncle, I found where Qin's adulterer is!"

Lu Heng's face darkened in an instant, "What are you talking about again!"

Bian Ruohan's eyes widened: "I'm just telling the truth! I really found the Qin family's sweetheart's residence! If you don't believe it, you can order someone to go there immediately and they can be caught and raped in bed!"

"You are talking such nonsense, why should I believe you? If you want to go, you can go by yourself." Lu Heng said impatiently, "Come here, take Madam back to rest."

"Yes." Lu Wenru, who was outside the door, raised the curtain and came in, but he did not dare to step forward and pull Bian Ruohan, so he had to say: "Madam, please?"

Bian Ruohan pushed Lu Wenru hard and said angrily: "Why don't you believe me? If I have no evidence, how can I say that she stole someone? I know her status in your heart is not Normally, but you have to believe me!"

Lu Heng looked at Bian Ruohan coldly and was so irritated that he wanted to strangle him to death.

Bian Ruohan refused to show up, "Even if you don't want to believe me just like that, you can go and see if what I said is true or false? You treat her wholeheartedly, but she rejects you on the surface, but privately To have an affair with someone else, would you rather be kept in the dark and be deceived by her? Don’t be deceived by her sanctimonious appearance, she is simply a beauty on the outside but a loser on the outside!"

Lu Heng looked at Bian Ruohan, and then smiled softly for a long time, "What are you planning on, huh?"

Bian Ruohan was angry and anxious, and said loudly: "I just don't want to see you being cheated by her! I am your married wife, but you only think about that bitch. If she is a good person, you think about her wholeheartedly, Then I consider myself unlucky, who calls me inferior to others? But she is such a thing, she does one thing to you in front of you, and another behind your back, she is just playing tricks on you!"

Lu Heng fell into deep thought.

Although Bian Ruohan is not very smart, has a narrow vision and likes to cause trouble, she insists on such a big thing. He didn't believe the random rumors she made with red lips and white teeth before, but now she has found the adulterer's residence with certainty.

If she lies about this, wouldn't it be exposed as soon as he arranges for someone to go there?

So maybe what Bian said is true?

Lu Heng hesitated.

Bian Ruohan saw Lu Heng's expression of hesitation,

Knowing that he was half successful, he quickly said: "Don't you want to see how you are worse than that adulterer?"

This sentence will really pierce your heart like a knife.

He is not as good as Pang Xiao, a tough-legged man. If Qin Yining really has a lover but refuses to accept him, wouldn't he be worse than a bodyguard?

Thinking of this, Lu Heng stood up, smiled and said: "In that case, fine, you lead the way."

Bian Ruohan's eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly: "Okay!"


In the house in the south of the city, Qin Yining was talking to Shi Fang.

"...If you don't want to believe me, then I can't do anything about it. I came here specifically to give you a message today. Lu Xiong has indeed betrayed us and surrendered wholeheartedly to Uncle Zhongyi. Not only did he hide the treasure The whereabouts of Uncle Zhongyi, to tease Uncle Zhongyi and give him benefits. In order to consolidate his position in front of Uncle Zhongyi, he recruited you. I think Uncle Zhongyi will soon order someone to take your life to prevent you from revealing the treasure. It’s a secret!”

Shi Fang was sweating on his forehead. He was very reluctant to believe Qin Yining's words, but he had been worried about this matter in his heart these days. If it were him, if he clings to a powerful person like Uncle Zhongyi, he would try his best to tie himself to the other party and make himself an important person. By following such a powerful person, his path will be more smooth in the future. Spacious.

These people have done everything in private. When necessary, in order to achieve their goals, it doesn't matter if they kill a few people.

It's not nice to say betraying a brother.

But the real glory and wealth are right in front of you, and you can get them as long as you stretch out your hand. Who would give up such a good opportunity?

Shi Fang pursed his lips and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

Qin Yining's mouth went dry as she spoke, but the other party was still hesitating, which made her a little anxious.

She was now worried about Lu Heng coming, but also worried that her plan would fail if Lu Heng didn't come.

It would be good if Lu Heng really listened to Bian Ruohan and came here, but if Lu Heng came too early and blocked her here, it would be bad.

So now, she must take Shi Fang away from here quickly.

"If you don't want to believe me, don't worry. Just follow me first. I got the news that Uncle Zhongyi will bring people to arrest you soon. Let's hide first. If Uncle Zhongyi doesn't come, then it's me. You have a villain's heart. If you really come here, you will be saved from being caught and suffer a lot. Even if you listen to me and we have a false alarm, it is better than being really caught, right?"

Hearing this, Shi Fang finally nodded, "What Hall Master Qiu said is that it's just a matter of taking a few steps. There's no need to take risks for this matter."

"That's it." Qin Yining finally felt relieved and said hurriedly, "Then let's leave quickly. I can also arrange the place well and remove our whereabouts to avoid being caught."


After making the decision, Shi Fang no longer hesitated, quickly packed his clothes and left with Qin Yining.

They didn't dare to go through the front door, but the corner door in the backyard. When they went out, they saw an old woman coming in with two girls.

Qin Yining explained, "Such a big house will never be empty of people. I specially found someone to live here."

Shi Fang said with admiration, "The hall master is still thoughtful." If we just left like this, wouldn't it arouse suspicion. "


The group of people walked out of the back corner door, turned around and left the alley to catch the carriage, and then drove the carriage to a remote corner and hid it.

Qin Yining carefully opened the car window and looked out, then turned to Shi Fang and said: "Let's watch here. If Uncle Zhongyi doesn't come, then the news I got is wrong. But if he comes, Lu Xiong We can no longer trust this man in the future. We must be on guard against him, lest he be killed and silenced by Uncle Zhongyi."

Shi Fang nodded solemnly.

After waiting for a while, the two heard the sound of horse hooves and wheels in the rain. Not long after, they saw two carriages and dozens of burly men coming through the rain.

The men were all strong and strong, wearing dark blue uniforms, hats on their heads, raincoats on their shoulders, and holding sticks in their hands.

When Shi Fang saw the opponent's posture, he couldn't help but shudder, and lowered his voice and said: "If the hall master hadn't arrived in time, I would have been blocked in the room right now! Thank you hall master for saving my life. kindness!"

Shi Fang bowed to Qin Yining repeatedly.

Qin Yining shook his head, "Let's continue to see."

Lu Heng got off the carriage and took the oil-paper umbrella from Lu Wenru. When he turned around, Bian Ruohan had already got out of the car with the help of the maid. He walked quickly to Lu Heng with an umbrella and wooden clogs, pointed to the door and said, "This is it!"

Lu Heng's face was solemn and he raised his chin silently.

Lu Wenru immediately knocked on the door with understanding.

Lu Heng said: "I listened to you this time. If what you said is true, that's it. If you fool me, I won't let you go."

Bian Ruohan's face turned red with anger, he stamped his feet and put his hands on his hips, and said sharply: "If that bitch hadn't stolen the man here, I would have taken off his head and played it as a ball for you!"

Lu Heng couldn't stand her vulgar appearance and didn't speak.

At this time, there was a sound of answering the door in the courtyard, and the corner door was opened. An old man with gray beard and hair and a stooped figure looked at Lu Wenru in confusion, "Who are you looking for?"

Lu Wenru looked back at Lu Heng, and when he saw Lu Heng nodded, he immediately waved his hand without saying a word.

The dozens of men armed with sticks rushed into the house like a gust of wind.

The old man on the doorstep was frightened and screamed, retreating in panic.

The men rushed into the house, divided into several groups, and some opened the main entrance.

Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan walked into the mansion through the main entrance and stood on the ground in the front yard.

Not long after, whimpering sounds came from the mansion, and the men pushed an old woman, two young girls, and several maids out.

The old woman cried loudly, and the two young girls were sobbing in fear.

"Who are you? Why did you break into private houses! I want to tell the government! Let me go..."

The old woman struggled and was brought to Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's face turned cold. He glanced at the old woman and the two girls and asked, "Is there anyone else in this house?"

Lu Wenru said: "We have searched everything and everyone is here."

Bian Ruohan's face turned pale and he said anxiously: "Impossible! It must be here. Did you not search exhaustively? Or is there somewhere else in this house where someone can be hiding?"

The old woman cried loudly, "Who are you? What's the point of bullying us orphans and widowed mothers!"

When the old woman cried like this, the two girls and several maids and women all started sobbing.

With women and children all over the yard crying like this, Lu Heng barging in with dozens of men was simply an act of bullying.

Bian Ruohan still refused to give up. He stepped forward and grabbed the old woman and said, "Tell me! Where is Princess Zhongshun hiding? I can let you go if you find out by yourself. If you don't tell me, you will suffer!"

"I, I, how do I recognize the princess! Who are you and why do you come to my house and talk nonsense!"

Bian Ruohan shook the other party's shoulders: "Tell the truth! Where did you hide the person!"

"That's enough." Lu Heng grabbed Bian Ruohan's collar and pulled him away, then raised his hand and waved.

Lu Wenru understood immediately and ordered everyone to move out. Then he took out a silver coin and gave it to the old woman.

"We are on official duty to handle the case. Please forgive me for causing any inconvenience."

Lu Heng had already turned around and walked outside.

Bian Ruohan looked at Lu Heng, then at the old woman, and stamped her feet in disbelief, "If you search more carefully, or ask the neighbors, I'm definitely not wrong!"

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