Return of the Swallow

Chapter 971 Killing Thoughts

Bian Ruohan caught up and pulled Lu Heng's sleeve, insisting: "There must be some kind of secret door in this mansion, or some cellar. My people saw her entering this door with their own eyes. There is absolutely no mistake! Uncle, If you believe me, just search it and you’ll find out!”

Looking at Bian Ruohan's wide eyes, Lu Heng pushed her hand away from him in disgust.

"I have believed you once. Breaking into a house for no reason is already a violation of the rules. Now if I believe your words again and turn the house of orphans and widows upside down, if that family of women and children cannot bear the humiliation and hang themselves, I will not be able to say goodbye." It’s your fault! Don’t make any more trouble!”

"Why did you just hang yourself! Besides, they are just small civilians. You are an official and a loyal uncle. Why can't you..."

"Shut up!" Lu Heng scolded him coldly, "If you say this again to ruin my reputation, I will lock you up and not allow you to leave the room again!"

Bian Ruohan clenched his fists, hunched his shoulders and trembled continuously. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and he gritted his silver teeth. Seeing Lu Heng Shiran boarding the carriage, she also strode after him, pushed Lu Wenru away, climbed onto the carriage and got into the carriage, squeezing in and sitting next to Lu Heng.

"What if I asked you to come here today to catch me? Would you even lift up the floor of this house to take a look!"

Lu Heng leaned back and avoided Bian Ruohan's approaching face, "What are you talking about!"

"Say it! You just prefer her wholeheartedly. Even if she is really cheating on you, you don't want to know the truth! You surnamed Lu, I didn't expect you to be such a coward!"

"shut up."

"If you weren't a coward, why didn't you dare to search? You are simply..."


A loud slap came from the carriage, and everyone outside the carriage fell silent.

Lu Heng slapped him with enough force that the corners of Bian Ruohan's mouth cracked, half of his head went numb, his ears buzzed, and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

"I'm telling you." Lu Heng grabbed Bian Ruohan's collar and pulled him to him, biting every word very hard, "Don't make any more trouble. I believed your lies today. It's already a failure. Your I will never believe that you are such a vulgar and ignorant housewife, I should divorce you!"

Bian Ruohan's pupils tightened and he shouted vaguely: "You dare!"

"You have committed seven crimes by acting like this! Now that I have divorced you, neither your family nor the Holy Father have anything to say. What do you think I don't dare to say?"

Bian Ruohan felt a ladle of cold water poured down his head, making even the palms of his hands and soles of his feet feel cold.

She just wanted more pampering. She wants Lu Heng to love only her wholeheartedly. Is that wrong?

She had obviously found the location of Qin's adulterer, so why didn't Lu Heng refuse to search carefully?

Or is there really no one hiding here?

Lu Heng brought so many men here, so he probably wasn't just trying to trick her, right?

So, she got the wrong message?

Bian Tong lied to her?

Bian Ruohan finally calmed down and began to doubt Bian Tong. Bian Tong on the side was already sweating profusely, trying his best to hide in the crowd, for fear that his uncle and Bian Ruohan would notice him.

Bian Ruohan sat blankly and finally became quiet.

Sitting upright, he said calmly: "This matter ends at this moment. If you mention it again in the future, I will divorce you immediately. Before we got married, I heard that you are gentle and quiet, and are the best at female prostitutes. From now on, you will Stay in the back house and embroider well, and don't go out if nothing happens."

Bian Ruohan pursed her lips, tears falling, and what she kept repeating in her heart was "Why, why". But she still had the guts to ask questions again.

She suddenly reflected that she was too confident before, so she shouldn't show her true nature in front of Lu Heng, she shouldn't treat her husband like her own parents, and she shouldn't say whatever she thinks so honestly.

She now understands that even with her husband, relationships need to be managed slowly, just like she has to please her grandmother at home, and she has to show her best side to win happiness.

How silly! How could you be so stupid!

Bian Ruohan would grab her hair with both hands in hatred. Now she regrets it, but it is too late! Lu Heng had already said goodbye to her now, and slapped her in the face with his raised hand. After they consummated their marriage, she would never have the chance to get close to him again...

She shouldn't be so stupid...

Bian Ruohan really regretted it, and since he had never been wronged like this since he was a child, he burst into tears, choked up his voice, and almost fainted from crying.

Lu Heng closed his eyes and rested his mind, pretending that he didn't see or hear. He deeply regretted listening to Bian Ruohan's one-sided words today.

Today, he broke into a private house with great fanfare and brought his privately raised boxer nurse. If Pang Xiao used this matter to criticize him, he would probably have to spend a lot of time to explain clearly.

Things haven't happened yet, but Lu Heng knows that Pang Xiao has always had a grudge against him and is waiting to catch him anytime and anywhere. They are both political and love rivals. Since Pang Xiao knows that he has feelings for Qin Yining, with him With his domineering temperament, how could he let him go? He was already racking his brains to think about how to deal with the aftermath.

Lu Heng was extremely bored with Bian Ruohan.

Lu Heng's team gradually left the house, and soon disappeared into the rain.

In an inconspicuous alley in the corner, Qin Yining slowly closed the car window, stroked his chest and let out a long breath.

Shi Fang lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being overheard, "Master, Uncle Zhongyi is gone?"

Qin Yining nodded with lingering fear, "Let's go. It's a shame we came out in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yes. Thanks to the Master of Qiu Hall who told me in time, otherwise my life would have been over!"

Shi Fang knelt down and kowtowed to Qin Yining three times.

Qin Yining hurriedly helped him up, "Don't be so polite, we are all brothers."

Shi Fang sat up straight and cursed through gritted teeth: "Lu Xiong, that son of a bitch! I didn't expect him to be such a person. For the sake of glory and wealth, he ignored his brothers and almost killed me! If I don't avenge this revenge, I will never let him go for the rest of my life." No less!”

Qin Yining shook his head and sighed, "It is really miserable to be in this situation now, but revenge is not easy. Lu Xiong knows where the treasure is and is already a celebrity around Uncle Zhongyi, but we have to be careful, Uncle Zhongyi We must guard Lu Xiong closely, for fear that he will leak the secret, and even if we want to take revenge, we can't get close to him!"

Shi Fang gritted his teeth and said, "That's the truth. In the final analysis, it's all because of Pang that I'm in this situation! If he hadn't been so troublesome, how could our brothers have died? Only Lu Xiong and I were left. Two! Do you think the one with the surname Pang is full of food? He is a high-ranking official and well-paid, and his enjoyment is over. Why do you insist on holding on to us!

"And the girl named Qin is not a good person! If she hadn't betrayed the Qingtian Alliance and turned her heart to the court, would we have smuggled treasures there? If there was no treasure thing, then the girls wouldn't hate it. We hate her so much that we will not let her man come to avenge her!

"In the final analysis, those couple were in cahoots with each other! They are all lackeys of the imperial court! If I spare them, I will live an uneasy life!"

Shi Fang gritted his teeth and said this, looking at Qin Yining pleadingly, "Hall Master Qiu, please think of a way, can you arrange for me to enter the palace?"

Qin Yining narrowed his eyes slightly, covering up the cold light in his eyes, "Entering the palace? It's not impossible. There is always something like purchasing in the palace. What are you going to do?"

As soon as he heard that there was a way to enter the palace, Shi Fang's eyes were bright and fierce, and he clenched his fists tightly: "I'm going to sneak in and kill that couple of bitches! After killing them, I will fly away. I want to come to the palace with the two of them." I've done it all. I'm leaderless and no one will come to catch me immediately. I can just fly away!

"Hall Master Qiu, please help me! We gangsters are trying to fight for our reputation! When our brothers were chased by them and ran around, how many brothers died miserably? How many brothers died with their eyes open? Even I was hiding in the cellar like a mouse. For a long time. I really can’t swallow this breath!”

Qin Yining pursed her lips slightly, then smiled and nodded: "That's the truth. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to swallow this breath."

"Yes, yes!" Seeing that Qin Yining was moved, Shi Fang hurriedly pursued the victory, "There may be a lot of rare treasures in the palace. I can also bring out one or two of them. Then we can share them! It's a blessing. Hall Master Qiu has taken care of me for so long, and I want to repay him."

"Brother Shi is really a man who values ​​love and justice!"

"Where there."

"Okay, since Brother Shi is going to take the risk, I will grant your wish."

Qin Yining made a pun, smiled and said: "Let's go and settle down temporarily. I will pick you up after I have made arrangements."

"Thank you, Hall Master Qiu." Shi Fang cupped his hands and thanked him.

Qin Yining ordered the carriage to go directly to the outskirts of the city, and said with a smile: "I have a house on the outskirts of the city, and there are all the servants and maids in it. You can live there directly, and it is hidden there, so no one will find you." .”

"Yes, the hall master was thoughtful." Shi Fang nodded with a smile.

The carriage drove straight to the outskirts of the city in the rain. The farther it went, the more sparsely populated it became. In the distance, a village could be vaguely seen behind a forest.

Qin Yining pointed to the village and smiled: "That's it."

Shi Fang nodded, his eyes full of expectation.

Qin Yining opened the window and told Jingzhe to go ahead to Zhuangzi.

Jingzhe had clearly heard the conversation in the car outside and was guessing Qin Yining's plan. When she saw Qin Yining's order, she immediately responded cautiously and raised her eyes to look at Qin Yining inquiringly.

Qin Yining raised the corners of his lips and sneered, the murderous intent in his eyes unmistakable.

Jingzhe's heart skipped a beat, and she vaguely understood Qin Yining's thoughts.

The carriage had passed through the woods and turned from the official road into a small road.

After many days of rain, the ground was very muddy, and the wheels immediately fell into the muddy water.

Qin Yining and Shi Fang both swayed in the carriage.

Xiaoxue and Dahan, who were sitting at the door of the car, opened the door and asked outside: "What's going on?"

Jingzhe said: "The wheel is stuck! Maybe I still have to get out of the car."

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