Return of the Swallow

Chapter 977 Stay

"Really? Maybe there is some misunderstanding between the two of you?"

Why is this statement different from Bian Ruohan's?

Both parties insist on their own opinions, what should she do?

The queen really felt like she had a headache.

It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, not to mention that it is a household affair between two families. If Zhuang Concubine hadn't brought Bian Ruohan to beg her twice in tears, the queen would not have been willing to participate in such a thing.

There are many such secrets in the palace ban, and the queen has long been accustomed to sweeping away the snow on her own.

What's more, Qin Yining's eyes are like those of Pang Xiao. If there are any rumors about her, I'm afraid Pang Xiao will be angry with her. Who knows what he can do?

But she is the mother of a country after all, and she can't ignore it if someone sues her about something like this.

Qin Yining observed the words and expressions and knew that the queen must be in a very difficult situation. If you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, who would be willing to participate in this kind of bad thing happening to someone else? What's more, there is no basis for what you say, and there is no way to tell who is true and who is false.

Qin Yining sighed: "I know the empress is in trouble. But let me tell you the truth. Mrs. Bian misunderstood me first and refused to give me any chance to explain. She has already concluded that I am who she guessed." kind of people.

"Then she relied on her identity to oppose me everywhere. She brought people to knock on the door and robbed people. She even framed people with her red lips and white teeth. I was completely helpless against her. . You can’t be beaten or killed. I don’t know what Uncle Zhongyi thinks. He can’t take care of his wife, so he always lets her go around as she pleases.”

The Queen was speechless for a while.

It seems that Qin Yining also holds a grudge against Uncle Zhongyi?

As a bystander, the Queen naturally knew that Lu Heng had never given up on Qin Yining. When the Queen Mother held a banquet in the palace, Lu Heng, Qin Yining and Pang Xiao were all invited. The Queen Mother had acted as a matchmaker for Lu Heng and wanted to marry Qin Yining to him. If Pang Xiao hadn't upset the table in public, this would have happened. Huizi Qin Yining's husband's family name may have been Lu.

Lu Heng is an elegant and gentle gentleman, with handsome appearance and noble temperament. The foundation cultivated by his family is not something that can be matched by just anyone who breaks out. The queen admired it from the sidelines and felt that Lu Heng and Pang Xiao were two types of handsome men, each with their own advantages. From an outsider's perspective, they were almost equal in appearance and ability.

The important thing is that the queen knows what Lu Heng thinks about Qin Yining.

So it's no wonder that Mr. Bian is jealous.

The queen lowered her eyes and looked at the beauty sitting upright in front of her.

The light in the room was a little dim, and silk lamps were even lit around the corner.

Qin Yining was sitting there, with her head slightly bowed, her posture was elegant, her body and manners were impeccable, her black hair was crow-green, her skin was porcelain white, she looked exquisite and elegant from top to bottom, as if she had been carefully carved by craftsmen. Such a beautiful woman, there is absolutely no flaw in her appearance.

This was not the first day she met Qin Yining. She would panic when she looked at her carefully, let alone a young girl like Bian Ruohan who took care of her family background and beauty.

Sixteen years old is the age when tempers are unstable and easy to be impulsive. In the heart of the handsome and wealthy newlywed husband is another beauty whom he cannot capture...

I'm afraid no one can stand it, right?

The queen rubbed her brows, and in desperation, she also thought of a countermeasure.

Well, she is not the Yingtian Mansion, let alone the Zongren Mansion. She can't do things like investigating clearly. She doesn't have the energy or the leisure, so she can just make a statement and be honest.

When the Queen's thoughts flickered, it was only for a moment.

She picked up the tea bowl with her white fingers coated with kodan, and then smiled and said: "The princess will also try this tea. Zhongyi Bert prepared it, and I ate it as well as the ones in the palace."

Seeing that the queen changed the topic, Qin Yining couldn't figure out her thoughts for a while, so he smiled and picked up the tea bowl at hand, "The Lu family naturally has a lot of good things."

The Queen smiled: "Yes, the Lu family has a century-old family history and a profound foundation. Although I am already a queen, I feel dwarfed by the huge Lu family's heritage."

Qin Yining took a sip of tea and put it down, "The hero doesn't care where he came from. Your Majesty is already the queen and the most noble woman in the world, so why should you belittle yourself? What's more, no matter how big the family is, they are only ministers in front of the Tian family."

"Having said that, this is something that cannot be imitated or envied." The Queen said with a hint of temptation: "As the head of the Lu family, Uncle Zhongyi already felt aloof in the court. .”

Hearing that the queen always mentioned the Lu family and Lu Heng, Qin Yining felt wary and did not answer the question.

The queen then smiled again and said: "However, although the Lu family is big and Uncle Zhongyi is excellent, Zhixi is also a rare general talent. When Zhixi and Alan followed the emperor to conquer the world, I was really screwed. Heart."

As if remembering the events of that year, the queen sighed with emotion, "Their men's family is away at war and cannot return home once a year. Every time I come back, I and the Queen Mother are busy preparing a table of good food. Zhixi and A-Lan have suffered so much in the army." There was so much suffering that I wished I could eat from a rice pail." The Queen smiled as she recalled the beginning, "The situation got better and better, and Zhixi and A-Lan still shouted 'Sister-in-law, I want to eat' when they entered the house."

Back then, when his husband-in-law was away at war, he would still feel guilty for his wife and mother at home, and would feel tenderness every time he came back.

But now that her husband has become the emperor and she has a prince, he no longer treats her like he used to.

He was nostalgic for the young and beautiful concubine, and had long forgotten about the wretchedness she was.

Due to their positions, the two people who were treated like younger brothers could only distance themselves from each other when they saw her. They would no longer call her "sister-in-law", nor would they carelessly shout that they were hungry.

Qin Yining could feel the queen's sadness and helplessness, and couldn't help but sigh.

The queen did not forget her purpose, and turned to sigh: "You are also a miserable woman. I know that you are not feeling well..." Thinking of Qin Yining's whole family being gone, it turns out that this couple is very enviable. The twins are now dead. As a mother, I understand the pain of losing a child best.

The queen's eyes gradually became moist, and she lowered her eyes and said: "The Holy One has ordered the capture of the bandits, and he will give you an explanation sooner or later. You must also come out, live a good life with Xi, and look forward to the future."

Qin Yining nodded movingly, and his eyes instantly became moist.

She doesn't need any ginger juice when she wants to cry now. Just thinking about the possibility that the children far away in Xiyue may not know her as a mother, she can't stop her tears.

Tears fell down like broken threads. Qin Yining hurriedly stood up and apologized, wiping her tears with her sleeves: "Your Majesty, I have been rude. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Seeing that she was sad for her children and family, the queen herself shed a few tears and said, "Hey, there are only you and me here. We are just having a heart-to-heart talk. What crime do you have?"

"Thank you, Madam." Qin Yining still saluted.

She felt a little relaxed, she should be in no danger today. The queen is a kind-hearted person, her thoughts are not evil, and she will not do anything to harm her.

However, the queen pretended to have a heart-to-heart talk today, but in fact every word was testing her attitude towards Uncle Zhongyi. Qin Yining knew that Bian Ruohan must have taken the things she said about tying her up and scaring her that day seriously, and maybe he had He was so jealous that he sued her.

Sure enough, the queen wiped her tears and said in a heart-to-heart manner: "Although you and Xi have gone through many ups and downs after your marriage, and things like that happened at home, Zhixi's affection for you is really touching. At the beginning, he would rather be with you. Even if your Majesty quarrels, he will go to Tartar to find you. I feel envious just looking at you. Not to mention me, even Mrs. Zhongyi feels the same way."

Be obedient and listen to what the queen said: Although your life as a couple is a bit miserable, your husband-in-law really loves you. When talking about Tatar, it is inevitable to think of the loyal and righteous uncle's experience of sharing hardships, but the loyal and righteous uncle has a wife. , just be honest.

Although the Queen's words were euphemistic, the meaning behind them was like a slap in the face.

Qin Yining has never done anything unworthy of a woman, but because of Bian Ruohan, who is such a troublemaker, she has the patience to listen to the Queen's beatings here.

Qin Yining suppressed her anger and smiled gently: "I have always felt this way. If I were someone else, I would also feel envious."

The queen choked, no matter how she heard it, she felt that these words were ironic. But looking at Qin Yining's clear eyes and smile on her lips, she wasn't sure.

The queen turned and smiled and said, "I always feel comfortable talking to the princess." Her eyes flashed slightly and she added, "I have an unkind request. I wonder if the princess can agree."

Qin Yining's heart suddenly lifted. It seemed that the matter was not over yet.

"Why do you need to be so polite, Queen? If you have any orders, please tell me. I will do my best to help you."

Qin Yining stood up while speaking, bowing his head respectfully and waiting for instructions.

It has to be said that a noble lady like Qin Yining has been taught by the nanny in the palace who specializes in etiquette and rules. Her every move, word and deed makes people feel comfortable and loved.

The queen watched her salute as if she was walking through flowers and brushing willows. She felt a little softer in her heart and her voice became softer.

"To be honest, when I come here, although the food and accommodation are good, it is still a bit lonely after eating fast and chanting Buddha every day and praying in the Buddhist hall. I have always got along with you, so I would like to invite you You stay with me and accompany me for a few days. I wonder if you can bear to come and accompany me?"

In the end, she used "I" instead of calling herself "I".

Qin Yining understood that the queen was under house arrest in disguise.

Because Bian Ruohan made a false accusation, the queen could not tell which of them was telling the truth and who was lying, so she wanted to keep her by her side and investigate slowly. If she really had an affair with Lu Heng, this period of time could also separate them in disguise.

The Queen means well. But this decision made people angry.

The queen's words were tactful, but after all, she was the queen, and her orders were edicts. Qin Yining couldn't refuse.

Qin Yining said with a smile: "What's the point of being reluctant to part with us? We are an old married couple. My wife and my wife are also very close to each other. If I can stay for a while, accompany my wife to eat fast, chant Buddha, and occasionally gossip, this will be my wife's blessing."

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