Return of the Swallow

Chapter 978 Misunderstanding

"That's very good. This way, I have someone who can be my companion." The queen smiled, but she was secretly relieved.

Although she is a queen, she also knows that in front of Pang Xiao, even if she is the emperor's wife, she is still weaker. Not to mention her, even the emperor only dared to do things behind his back. In front of Pang Xiao, he could only act like a brother and brother to his ministers, resisting being labeled as a hero in waiting.

Therefore, if Qin Yining shakes her head and refuses at this time, the queen really cannot force the person to stay. She is willing to nod, which is a kind of gentle respect for the queen.

The Queen had always had a good impression of Qin Yining, and now she felt relieved to see Qin Yining being so considerate and obedient.

Not only did she wonder with suspicion, could such a smart and well-informed woman really be a woman with bad morals? Qin Yining came from a famous family and had a good family education. Judging from their previous interactions, we knew that she was of noble character. The queen really couldn't believe that she was having an affair with Uncle Zhongyi.

The queen was in a state of confusion, but no matter what, as long as she stayed with her, if there really was any affair, she could cut off the contact under her nose and have a good fight, which would be the end of her role as queen. force.

The Queen ordered Grandma Sun to prepare a residence for Qin Yining.

Grandma Sun walked in front, leading Qin Yining, Jiyun and Bingtang along the verandah to the West Cross Courtyard. She said with a smile: "Empress Zhuang Concubine lives in the East Cross Courtyard, and the wronged Princess lives in the West Cross Courtyard temporarily."

"You're welcome, Grandma Sun. I have a humble status, so I am very lucky to be able to live in the same house as the Queen."

After hearing this, Grandma Sun rushed to iron the post on behalf of the Queen. Princess Zhongshun could not find any problems with her words.

Grandma Sun managed to get the person settled. He also went outside to tell Jingzhe, who was driving the carriage for Qin Yining, and the few disguised coachmen and boys, "I would also like to ask some of them to go back to the palace to inform the prince that the queen and the princess are very attached to each other, and the princess will stay with the princess for a few days."

Jingzhe's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he asked why no one came out after waiting for so long. It turned out that he was detained by the queen!

The four of them looked at each other and agreed solemnly.

After returning home, Jingzhe and others had no time to change out of their wet clothes, so they hurried to look for Pang Xiao.

Hearing that the people around Qin Yining were eager to see him, Pang Xiao was still leaning on the warm couch in the study reading a book. Now he turned over and sat up, lost his book and walked out quickly.

"What's going on? Is the princess back?"

“Go back to your lord.

I escorted the princess to the Bieyuan. After waiting outside for more than an hour, an elderly nanny came out and told her that the queen and the princess were so close that she kept her by her side for a few days. I didn't dare to delay, so I hurried back to report to the prince. "

When Pang Xiao heard this, his expression gradually became serious.

Today's queen was just an ordinary woman in the past. She was not from a wealthy family, had no strong natal family to support her, and had a gentle and gentle temperament. She was not a particularly independent and courageous woman. Unexpectedly, after thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, the current queen can already serve the Holy Lord and take charge of her own role.

He could no longer underestimate the Queen's ability and character.

"Check. Why did the queen suddenly leave the princess? She is not an unreasonable person. There must be a reason for this."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The people below took the order and hurried away.

Pang Xiao returned to the study, looking a little unhappy.

He had just arrived from the capital, and he had not gotten tired of his wife for a few days when the queen came to intervene. He must have really had a conflict with the people of the Tian family. Otherwise, no matter what he did, he would get into trouble whenever he met someone from the Tian family. Something unexpected happened, and even the whole family was forced to be temporarily separated from Qin Yining because they couldn't reunite.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

But Pang Xiao is not a person who is swayed by emotions. He had already outlined in his mind a way to protect Qin Yining.

Unlike Pang Xiao's nervousness, Qin Yining's life there was quite comfortable.

It's just because of the Queen's order that Qin Yining came to accompany the Queen to eat, chant Buddha's prayers and pray for the peace of the world, so the whole day's meal was very monotonous. When nothing happened, he had to go with Zhuang Concubine to accompany the Queen to kneel in the Buddhist hall. chanting sutras.

Qin Yining is actually not an impatient person. Although he is straightforward, he can also be stable when encountering problems. It's just that there have been too many irritating things recently, which have made her angry, and her behavior is no longer as gentle as before.

Now, eating fast and chanting Buddha's name with the Queen made her impetuous heart calm down a lot.

There are some things that you cannot think through when you are upset.

But after reciting Buddhist scriptures for two days, Qin Yining felt that some unclear things could be figured out.

Qin Yining knelt down on the thick futon at the head of the bed and twisted his rosary beads.

Zhuang Concubine, who was kneeling on the other side, often opened her eyes secretly to observe Qin Yining.

Even though she had been conceited about her beauty since she was a child and became the woman beside the Holy Lord, she had to admit that even if Mrs. Qin was wearing plain clothes and kneeling there silently, she looked like a carefully carved jade sculpture. , it’s really pleasing to the eye.

Thinking of her whining and arrogant cousin, Zhuang Pin suddenly felt that even if Lu Heng really had feelings for Princess Zhongshun, it was only human nature.

Everyone has a love for beauty.

At the moment of agreement, in the main room of the inner courtyard of the Lu Mansion, Lu Heng slowly walked in, his face was gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were pursed in displeasure. He saw the maid and her mother-in-law touching cards with Bian Ruohan. Lu Heng stood beside Duobao Pavilion with his hands behind his hands. , commanded in a deep voice: "Get out."

When Bian Ruohan heard this, he threw away the cards in his hand with some displeasure.

"Hey, my uncle is busy with official duties. Why do you think of coming back today? It's true that the noble has a foot in the humble."

Bian Ruohan was already a little broken. This man was so bored of her, why should she flatter him? She was not born inferior to anyone else!

Lu Heng did not fight back and walked slowly towards Bian Ruohan.

Bian Ruohan felt an invisible pressure shrouding herself, causing her to stand up and retreat involuntarily until she bumped into the desk behind her, causing the white porcelain flower statue above to fall to the ground.

There was a sound of breaking porcelain, and before she could react, Lu Heng grabbed her hair and forced her to raise her head.

Bian Ruohan's eyes widened in disbelief. The pain in her scalp made her raise her hand to grab Lu Heng's fingers, and screamed with a dry voice: "What are you doing! How could you do this to me!"

Lu Heng said in a deep voice, "If I have something to ask you, I'll ask it and you answer it. Don't make me bother."

"You, who are you, why are you talking to me like this! You coward, bullying women, you are not a man!"

Lu Heng sneered, "I'll say it again. If I have something to ask you, I'll ask it, and you answer it. Don't make me bother. Can you hear me clearly?"

In the dimly lit room, the cold smile on Lu Heng's lips made people feel scared just looking at him.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning outside the window, and the white light illuminated half of Lu Heng's face, while the other half was hidden in the shadows, making it even more terrifying.

Then there was a thunder.

Bian Ruohan was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and his voice trembled, "You, you ask..."

"You went to see Zhuang Concubine, what did you say?"

"I, I didn't say anything. That's my cousin. When we sisters meet, it's natural for us to have some words of respect."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just, what to eat, what to use, you, you are a man, why do you care about our women?"

Lu Heng chuckled: "Bian Ruohan, do you think that everyone is a fool and you are the only smart person in the world?"

Bian Ruohan stared, too angry to speak.

"I say it again, what did you say? Don't let me check."

Bian Ruohan was forced by Lu Heng like this. He was frightened and angry at the same time, and the words he spoke were no longer in his head.

"You are coming back to force me. Do you want to kill me? Huh? Tell your surname is Lu! I told the empress about your affair with that bitch Qin! The empress is a model for women in the world. I can’t bear to see an unruly prostitute like Mrs. Qin, just wait and see her die! Haha!”

Lu Heng's face was expressionless, his thin lips pursed tightly, and the strength in his hands gradually increased. His fists turned white, and Bian Ruohan's painful tears fell out, and he cried loudly: "You bastard, let me go! You actually How dare you! I'm going to tell my cousin to go! Let go!"

Lu Heng suddenly threw away his hand, and Bian Ruohan stumbled and fell to the ground. Her hand happened to be stuck on the broken porcelain piece, causing her to scream in pain.

Lu Heng said: "I have never seen a stupid woman like you. You insist on saying that there is something that doesn't exist. You are eager to push your husband out, and you want everyone in the world to laugh at your husband. Let me ask you, If I am punished, what good will it do to you?"

"No matter what, I will keep you from getting her!"

"You are making trouble unreasonably! She and I have nothing to do with each other!"

"If you say no, who will believe it?"

"You can make a fuss all over the city with unfounded things. You are really a chaotic housewife. From now on, you will be honest and don't bother the concubine Zhuang and the queen. If you dare to take even half a step, I will dare to do it next year Let’s play again.”

Bian Ruohan was so frightened that his whole body trembled. Did Lu Heng mean to kill her?

"you dare!"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "You can try it." After that, he turned and left.

Bian Ruohan sat on the ground blankly, and Lu Heng's venomous smile made her shudder. He would kill her, he would kill her... Even if she was poisoned here, Lu Heng could also find a reason for her sudden death. She... would she die?

The more Bian Ruohan thought about it, the more frightened she became. He bent his legs and hugged his knees, buried his face and cried loudly.

Lu Heng angrily walked back to the study. After entering the door, he angrily swept all the Yantai pen washes and other items on the table to the floor.

Lu Wenru came in in a panic, fearing that something might happen to Lu Heng. Seeing that Lu Heng was so angry, he didn't dare to come forward, so he had to stand quietly in front of the door.

Lu Heng's face turned pale with anger, he held both sides of the table with his hands, lowered his head and muttered, "She must have misunderstood me."

Lu Wenru immediately understood what Lu Heng was doing.

When he raised his head, Lu Heng said with red eyes and gritted his teeth: "She was called by the Queen for no reason and was detained beside the Queen to eat fast and chant Buddha. She must not be able to bear the humiliation."

Lu Wenru said cautiously: "But uncle, you don't know whether the princess has done any bad behavior. Maybe the queen has found out her stolen evidence?"


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