Return of the Swallow

Chapter 979 Crash

Lu Heng shook his head, "I understand her, she is not that kind of woman. When she was in Dayan, she was not even willing to be a queen. The King of Yan County was once the king of a country, and even the glory and wealth could not impress her. Later, the King of Yan County did the same to her. She was deeply in love, and she was not moved at all. Plus me."

Lu Heng smiled bitterly, "I think I am not inferior to any talented person, and I have shared the same sorrows with her. At first, I was afraid of her resistance and did not dare to express my feelings, but she readily regarded me as a friend, but I showed a little more She immediately began to distance herself from me. She was bullied in the palace and almost didn't survive. She never came to me for help. Even when she was in trouble and her man was helpless, she didn't bow to any man.

"Wen Ru, I believed Bian's one-sided words and went to catch the rapist in the house of innocent people, which was an insult to her. Now that I know her, I should trust her. I should no longer believe other people's one-sided words and doubt her for no reason. she."

When Lu Wenru heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, "My uncle is really passionate about her."

"It's a pity that God didn't give us that opportunity. When I met her, it was already too late." Lu Heng sat down slumped, rubbing his brows tiredly, "Now that I and Pang Zhixi are on opposite sides, she is on the opposite side of her husband-in-law. Tongxin regarded me as an enemy and severed ties with me. But she didn’t know that the reason why I would use all means to climb up was just for that slim chance.”

Suddenly opening his eyes, Lu Heng gritted his teeth and said stubbornly and persistently: "If I don't become stronger, I can only be at the mercy of others, and I can only watch her only belong to others. What I want, what I want People, I have to watch them leave me. How can I be willing to do so!"

When Lu Wenru heard this, he didn't know what to say.

The world is difficult. No matter whether you are noble or humble, everyone has their own sufferings. Even Lu Heng, who is as noble as a direct descendant of the Lu family, has so many unrealistic and helpless things.

Lu Heng stood up and said in a deep voice: "Go and get ready. I'm going to Bieyuan."

Lu Wenru was shocked: "Uncle, if you go at this time, I'm afraid it will arouse more suspicion and criticism. You should think twice before you act."

"Doubt, criticism?" Lu Heng smiled, "You are following me, and you know that this matter will cause criticism and damage your reputation, not to mention that she is detained by the queen, and you don't know how many people have to listen to sarcastic comments. I It’s true that I am happy with her, but she didn’t promise me anything, how wronged and aggrieved she must be?”

What Lu Heng was thinking about now was that Qin Yining had been wronged, and he didn't know if she would hold a grudge against him in her heart. In the eyes of outsiders, Bian Ruohan was his stepmother and therefore his. Could Bian Ruohan's every move be under his instigation?

If Qin Yining really misunderstood him because of this,

If she hated him in the future, wouldn't he be even less popular with her?

The more Lu Heng thinks about it, the more worried he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more resentful he becomes. If Qin Yining really hates him for this, he will never let Bian go!

"Prepare the car." Lu Heng ordered again in a deep voice.

Lu Wenru didn't dare to have the slightest objection, bowed his head in agreement, and quickly went down to give instructions.


At this time, Huzi returned to Pang Xiao and whispered: "Your Majesty, it has been found out. The Queen and the Queen have not seen anyone these days, but Concubine Zhuang seems to have gone to the Queen to cry twice."

Pang Xiao sat behind the black desk in the study and said solemnly, "What is she crying about?"

"I haven't found out what exactly he said, but it is certain that Mrs. Zhongyi Bo never left after the prince and princess went to see Luanjia and returned to the house."

Pang Xiao thought for a moment, raised the corners of his lips and sneered.

Earlier in Beijing, there had been incidents of Bian Ruohan causing trouble in the palace. Concubine Zhuang was implicated by him and almost lost her position.

Unexpectedly, the sisters of the Bian family did not repent and behaved the same way this time.

Pang Xiao can already guess that this incident must be caused by the grudge between Qin Yining and Bian Ruohan.

How can he not understand his own wife? She has always adhered to the rules of women and never did anything that was detrimental to women's virtues. This time the grudge between her and Bian Ruohan was simply an unreasonable disaster.

Bian Ruohan was suspicious, sensitive, and brainless, and always did things without regard for the consequences. It was obvious that she had brought the matter to the Queen, and the Queen was a woman and could not ignore it, so she had to keep Qin Yining as a companion.

But even though he stayed, Pang Xiao was sure that the queen would not have the guts to hurt Qin Yining without Li Qitian's instructions, but to be suspected for no reason was a great shame for Qin Yining.

Pang Xiao waved Hu Zi to retreat and paced back and forth in the room alone. After a while, he made up his mind. No matter what, he had to take a look at his precious baby bump.

Pang Xiao went to find a pair of night clothes to change into. He was afraid that if he brought too many people, he would be exposed, so he just went to Mujing Lake.

The two men, dressed in black, blended into the night rain and soon disappeared.

Qin Yining finished the whole day of chanting sutras and praying, and chatted with the queen for a while before returning to the chamber. She had eaten less porridge and side dishes in the past few days, but because she was calm and did not seek trouble, Qin Yining was in better spirits than before. good.

Asking Jiyun and Bingtang to leave a lamp for her, Qin Yining let the two maids sleep first, while she let her long hair hang loose and wore a dark blue coat to hold the soles of her shoes under the lamp.

She made this based on the size that Brother Zhao and Brother Han could wear when they were seven or eight years old. The mountains are high and the roads are far away, and she and Pang Xiao are at the forefront of the storm again. Maybe the custom-made clothes are too small and the children won't be able to wear them before they are sent out. Therefore, the clothes and shoes Qin Yining made for her two children were all made in larger sizes.

Jiyun and Bingtang were actually not tired. Compared with Qin Yining who had to accompany the Queen and Zhuang Concubine to kneel in the ancestral hall to chant sutras and pray for blessings during the day, the two of them were much more comfortable.

But they knew that every time the princess was doing needlework for the two children, she especially liked to be quiet and didn't like to chat. They knew that Qin Yining was missing the two children by doing needlework. At this time, maybe Except for the prince, the princess probably doesn't want anyone to disturb her.

So Bingtang and Jiyun both took a nap on the heated kang outside by the window.

The silk lamp was brightly lit, and Qin Yining's long eyelashes cast a small fan-like shadow on her cheeks.

Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu climbed over the eaves and walls to avoid layers of guards and arrived at the roof where Qin Yining lived. They quietly untied the tiles and saw exactly this scene.

Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining's nimble hands and focused expression, and then looked at the pair of children's shoes in her hands, feeling a mixture of emotions and distress in her heart.

Although she rarely talks about missing her on weekdays, how can a mother not miss her child? She doesn't always nag in front of him, just because she doesn't want to embarrass him.

At this time, Pang Xiao's guilt and pity for Qin Yining had reached the extreme. He also hated the people who had caused their family to be separated. He even hated those who spread rumors and slandered Qin Yining.

Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu exchanged glances.

Just as he was about to go down to see Qin Yining, Mu Jinghu suddenly touched his arm gently.

Pang Xiao immediately withdrew from his emotions and looked up at Mu Jinghu questioningly.

Mu Jinghu pointed in a direction, and Pang Xiao looked in the direction he pointed.

The roof where they were located was quite high, and through the dim light in the rain curtain, they could see the guards patrolling back and forth, and even the street in front of the gate of the Villa.

At this time, a carriage was slowly stopping in front of the corner gate. The people who came down from the top wore raincoats and stood under the umbrellas held by the people below, wearing bamboo hats. Although he couldn't see his face clearly from such a distance, Pang Xiao still recognized the person from his behavior as Lu Heng.

I saw Lu Heng saying a few words to the gatekeeper in front of the corner door, and the gatekeeper quickly opened the door for him. He did not lead him to the main courtyard, nor did he order anyone to communicate with the queen. Directly leading Lu Heng down a small path.

Soon, Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu lost sight of each other. But Pang Xiao was sure that the other party must be heading towards the back house.

Sure enough, not long after, Lu Heng appeared in an alley of the inner house. I don't know which secret passage he took, but he skipped the procedure of entering the hanging flower door and went directly to the inner house.

Pang Xiaojian frowned slightly.

The other courtyards are filled with female relatives, including eminent queens and concubines. Lu Heng entered rashly without any communication and arrived at the back house smoothly. What did he want to do? Isn't he afraid of being caught? Isn't it justifiable?

But soon, Pang Xiao's slightly frowned brows tightened. Because Lu Heng was clearly coming across the courtyard from the west, even the gatekeeper opened the door for him easily and walked in front diligently to guide him.

Qin Yining was wiping the needle on his temples. When the tip of the needle slipped a little, he pressed the needle with the thimble and inserted it into the sole of the shoe.

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Bingtang and Jiyun outside stood up and looked at the door alertly.

Qin Yining put down the soles of her shoes, put on her jacket, and walked outside while stroking her long hair.

"Who is it?" Jiu Yun walked gently to the door, leaning against the door panel and tense up on guard, but his voice sounded a little confused as he was sleeping.

The woman outside the door responded: "It's me."

Ji Yun frowned when he heard this and looked back at Qin Yining in confusion.

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and thought for a while. The queen lived in this courtyard and was heavily guarded. It was no big deal, and it was not easy to ask people outside to wait. I was afraid the queen had something to give her at the last minute.

So Qin Yining nodded.

Ji Yun yawned and said, "Here we come. It's so late and it's raining again. What's going on? You came to knock on the door just after our princess rested. Can you bear to disturb the princess?"

He pulled the door latch away and as soon as he opened the door, a person squeezed in from outside the door.

Ji Yun was startled and alertly stopped this person. When he raised his head and met Lu Heng's gaze, he was stunned for a moment, "Uncle, why is it you?"

Qin Yining and Bingtang also held hands and took two steps back warily. Bingtang frowned, and Qin Yining had both surprise and disgust written on his face, and scolded in a low voice: "Uncle Zhongyi, this is the other courtyard where the queen temporarily lives. Why did you suddenly come to visit in the middle of the night?"


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