Return of the Swallow

Chapter 980 Dilemma

Lu Heng turned back and closed the door. When he met Qin Yining's guarded and disgusted gaze, his heart stopped.

Qin Yining would never look at him like this before, and it was not like he had never come to see him quietly before. She trusted him very much at that time, and the maid next to her would not look at him with such defensive eyes.

Therefore, she still misunderstood him.

She seemed to have lost a lot of weight these days. She was eating fast and chanting Buddha's name next to the queen, and she might even be looked down upon by others. All of this was because of him, so it was no wonder that she was angry.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything." Lu Heng smiled bitterly and raised his hands to comfort him. Both his bamboo hat and coir raincoat were dripping with water, leaving a circle of water marks at his feet.

Qin Yining turned cold and said, "Of course I won't do anything. With your noble status, there is no need to deal with a female prostitute in a condescending manner."

Hearing what she said, Lu Heng's heart seemed to be grabbed by someone, and a handful of blood was squeezed out.

"I didn't!" Lu Heng's tone was very urgent, "I have never dealt with you! All of this was done by Bian in private, I..."

"If Uncle Zhongyi has any instructions, please speak up. It's getting late, and it's really inappropriate for you and me to meet at this time and place. Once someone sees you, I won't be able to explain even if I'm full of words."

Lu Heng listened to her cold and emotionless voice and closed his eyes sadly, "You blame me after all. I can't blame you. Even if Bian did everything, in everyone's eyes, she They are all my wife. Do you think that I was behind all the things she did to you? "

Suddenly taking a step forward, Lu Heng wanted to get closer, but was blocked by Ji Yun Ge.

Lu Heng didn't care that there were two maids here. He only looked at Qin Yining intently: "I don't. You already know my intentions. How could I harm you like this? You must believe me!"

Qin Yining frowned and took Bingtang and Jiyun back a few steps.

"Is Uncle Zhongyi drunk again? If you have any problem, please speak up, otherwise please leave."

"You still don't want to believe me..." Lu Heng sighed in frustration, as if all the strength in his body was being drained.

Pang Xiao, who was on the roof and saw everything, was so angry that he almost walked in and took Lu Heng out.

Qin Yining has repeatedly rejected him and kept asking him what happened.

If you have something to say, speak up, but he seems to be deaf and keeps talking about himself! What did he say to a married woman?

Seeing Pang Xiaoqi's trembling hands, Mu Jinghu couldn't help but touch him lightly.

This was not a good time to break out. If Lu Heng saw it and started making noise, wouldn't the other courtyard where the Queen lives become a market where anyone can come? What's more, Lu Heng came here by using his connections, but Pang Xiao came here by flying over the wall. What if he was accused of murdering the queen?

How could Pang Xiao not know this truth?

But any man, seeing someone having ulterior motives for his wife, even comes to express his feelings in the middle of the night when he is not around, even if his wife has always clearly refused, this feeling will never be pleasant.

Pang Xiao simply used the greatest endurance in his life to not jump out and strangle Lu Heng to death.

Lu Heng didn't know that he was wandering on the edge of life and death. "You and I have experienced life and death together. You should know who I am. Although I can't let go of you, do you think how often have I been entangled with you? When have I used this to you?" Despicable means? When the Holy One trapped you in the Queen Mother's Palace, the Queen Mother really wanted to starve you to death. Who do you think used the connections in the palace to send you food?"

Qin Yining's eyes widened in surprise.

At that time, the chamberlain in Ci'an Palace suddenly relaxed his supervision over her. Was it because Lu Heng was walking behind her?

If that was the case, and with the incident of killing Anari, he had already saved her twice.

"I will never forget your life-saving grace. It's just that kindness is kindness, and everything else is other things. I think you should also understand what I mean. I am Princess Zhongshun, and this will never change. As for this time I was You have slandered your reputation, and you came here to explain it, and I understand it clearly. You are indeed not such a despicable person, let alone such a brainless person. I believe you, and you did not interfere in this matter."

Qin Yining sighed and softened his tone slightly, but was still polite and distant: "Uncle, please go back. If you stay for a long time, I'm afraid something will happen, which will be bad for you and me."

Why was Lu Heng just here to explain?

He really wanted to see Qin Yining. He wanted to see her, and he would go crazy thinking about it. He understands the pain of not getting what he wants, but an occasional meeting and indulgence are like drinking poison to quench his thirst...

If Qin Yining's serious and decisive look hadn't made Lu Heng think twice, he might have rushed up and hugged the person. The more indifferent this woman is to him, the more he can't let go of his thoughts. I'm afraid that only when he can truly have her can he let go of his ever-hanging heart.

Lu Heng said nothing, only looked at Qin Yining silently, his eyes focused as if she were a rare treasure.

Qin Yining felt a chill from being stared at. He couldn't help but take two steps back and said without any mercy: "Please leave, uncle."

After that, he turned around and walked towards the back room.

Bingtang followed Qin Yining into the side room.

Ji Yun cautiously stayed where he was, looking at Lu Heng tensely and defensively, and said with a smile on his face, "Uncle, our princess is going to have a rest."

Lu Heng turned a deaf ear and stood there blankly, looking at the direction Qin Yining left, as if he would rush over at any time.

Ji Yun couldn't help but said again: "Uncle, please leave. Please don't make things difficult for me."

Lu Heng slowly withdrew his gaze, as if he had just noticed that there was Ji Yun in the room.

"You...serve your master so well." Lu Heng's voice was dry.

Ji Yun said with a stern face, "Don't bother me, my prince has already given the order."

Lu Heng's expression changed instantly, but because of his status, he couldn't get angry with a maid, so he could only endure it.

The pawn on the roof could not help but feel happy when he saw Lu Heng's deflated appearance, and secretly praised Ji Yun, "Well done." Sure enough, it was his sister Yi who taught him how to speak so well.

Qin Yining returned to the back room, and there was another maid standing there like a doorkeeper. Although Lu Heng had the intention to break in, he couldn't care less about his identity. After all, there are still queens and concubines living in this house. If things get too big, it will be bad for his reputation.

Lu Heng could only endure this sigh, lowered his head, turned around and pushed open the door.

Ji Yun just stood there, not even bothering to say a polite word. He stared at Lu Heng's back with clearly contemptuous eyes, which made Lu Heng feel even more uncomfortable. His steps towards leaving seemed more panicked, and he even ran away in despair. feel.

Lu Heng was so distraught that he even regretted his impulse just now. If he had thought about his words and not been so anxious to express his feelings, maybe Qin Yining wouldn't have been so indifferent and anxious to urge him to leave. He might be able to spend a little more time with her.

But he still didn't hold back.

In Qin Yining's mind, his image is no different from that of a deceiver, right? Maybe he even becomes a bad scoundrel who dares to act but doesn't dare to act. A scumbag who puts all the blame on his wife when something goes wrong.

Lu Heng thought mockingly to himself, but there was a dull pain in his chest, which made him slow down. He held his heart and supported the pillar, lowered his head and took deep breaths several times before calming down.

A bolt of lightning tore the dark night sky apart, illuminating Lu Heng's figure on the veranda. The rumbling thunder covered up his footsteps, so when Lu Heng took a breath and continued walking forward, he did not notice that around a corner behind him, the Queen and Aunt Sun were standing hand in hand, both of them looking very confused.

Grandma Sun opened her mouth to speak, but the Queen pinched her wrist.

The two of them held umbrellas and stumbled back to the bedroom in the main courtyard. After careful observation, they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that no one was following them.

"Queen, that was Uncle Zhongyi just now, he must be Uncle Zhongyi! Why did he go to Princess Zhongshun's house at this time? Could it be that the two of them really..."

The queen's face was also extremely ugly.

"Don't panic yet. It may not be what we think. Maybe there is something to discuss, we don't know."

"But empress, this is your temporary residence. Uncle Zhongyi, a foreign minister, cannot enter the inner house without being summoned! Not only did he come, he also entered the inner house directly, and even went to the inner house. I don’t know how long I have been staying in Xikuoyuan. If these words spread, I’m afraid it will have a very bad influence on not only Princess Zhongshun, but also you, the empress!”

The queen was so confused that she almost lost her mind.

She recalled Qin Yining's every move on weekdays, and how Zhuang Bin and Bian Ruohan cried in front of her that day.

She waited for two days before calling Qin Yining, just to wait for the storm to subside and to observe secretly. In the first two days of Qin Yining's stay, she often took Grandma Sun around quietly. It was calm at first, but she didn't expect it to be really bad today. Something like this happened.

At this juncture, it is absolutely unthinkable for Princess Zhongshun to have an affair with Uncle Zhongyi. Firstly, this would bring disgrace to the imperial court, and it would bring disgrace to His Majesty if word spread. Secondly, the identities of these two people were too special, and it really caused a big fuss, involving many people. Once Prince Zhongshun had such a temper, If he loses his temper, even the Holy One may not be able to control it.

So why would she get involved in such a mess?

The queen rubbed her forehead, feeling extremely regretful. She should have pretended not to hear Zhuang Concubine's cries that day and let her live her life peacefully. Now she was dragged into the water.

"Empress, how do you think this matter should be handled? Do you want to tell Prince Zhongshun?"

"No." The queen was excited and shook her head quickly, "Don't talk nonsense. You must not let anyone know about this matter, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

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