Return of the Swallow

Chapter 982 Vegetarian Banquet

Such a domineering and cold man would actually say "I want a wife" in front of him for Qin Yining's sake. The queen couldn't help but chuckle when she heard this, but she was a little envious of Qin Yining deep down in her heart.

Not to mention whether Qin Yining's wifely virtue was faulty, in Pang Xiao's eyes, Qin Yining was always the married wife who accompanied him through the storms together. What's more, she was so beautiful and gave birth to a pair of twins for Pang Xiao. Later, he lost his children and even his family due to pang owl.

Pang Xiao is a passionate man who values ​​emotions. For a woman who is so beautiful and has sacrificed so much for him, regardless of the relationship between men and women, just the kindness is enough to bind him for a lifetime. What's more, if a man feels indebted to a woman, He will treat her even more well.

However, the queen also understood in her heart that all these feelings must be based on a man who is affectionate and has a sense of justice. If he is a ruthless person, he will not talk about distant people, only talk about the emperor, and there is nothing he can do about it.

The queen's thoughts were whirling, she suppressed the sourness in her heart, and said with a smile: "We have only been separated for a few days, why do you miss your wife so much? I didn't see you single-minded in the battlefield. I miss my wife." Her tone was relaxed and friendly, just like an ordinary sister-in-law talking to her brother-in-law.

In the queen's heart, the most profound memory was still the age when Pang Xiao and Ji Zeyu called her sister-in-law.

Pang Xiao said with a smile: "Who said I don't want to think about it anymore? Even if I did, it would be useless. Now that the Queen is here, there is room for negotiation, so I came here shamelessly. The Queen is considerate and considerate of Wei. Sir, at such a young age, you spend less time with my sister Yi and stay away from me, so why don’t you lend her to me for a few days? If you miss her, the worst thing you can do is let her come to stay with you during the day and go home at night."

As you can tell, if the Queen refuses to agree, it will be like bullying a young couple.

What's more, Pang Xiao smiled so brightly with his handsome face, as if he was cheating on his close eldest sister-in-law. Such a request made the queen unable to refuse.

Seeing Qin Yining standing aside gently, and then seeing Pang Xiao's affectionate eyes looking at Qin Yining from time to time, the queen's heart became more and more envious. Thinking of her deserted palace and Li Qitian's neglect of her, the queen felt a wave of sadness in her heart. Sour and slightly jealous of Qin Yining.

But soon, an idea flashed through the Queen's mind.

Even if she is an outsider, if Uncle Zhongyi sees Pang Xiao's deep affection for Qin Yining, and if Qin Yining sees Bian Ruohan's admiration for Uncle Zhongyi, they will probably feel even more sad? By then, they might stop thinking about each other. In this way, she has completed her task. No matter what the result is, she, as a queen, can be said to have turned a deaf ear to the requests of Zhuang Bin and Bian Ruohan.

Thinking of this, the queen felt much better and said with a smile: "Okay, you young couple, how can I always be the 'Queen Mother'? I will ask them to prepare a vegetarian banquet later, and we will have it together. , you can go back with your wife."

Pang Xiao had known that the queen would agree, but he still happily raised his hands and saluted: "Thank you, empress!"

His silly boy appearance made the Queen laugh, and she called Nanny Sun to her side and whispered a few words in a low voice.

"Yes, I will take care of it now." Grandma Sun saluted and quickly retreated.

Everyone just thought that the queen was instructing Grandma Sun to prepare a vegetarian banquet.

When the queen ordered her to sit down, Qin Yining noticed that Zhuang Concubine had also followed in silently. Zhuang Concubine didn't know where she was standing just now. She followed her on her own without being summoned by the Queen, and she couldn't just go to the Queen's side. But because of her status as a concubine, she couldn't sit at the bottom table with her.

Seeing Zhuang Concubine being so proactive, the Queen naturally guessed what she was thinking and felt very unhappy.

Because Zhuang Concubine brought Bian Ruohan to cry, and the queen had been involved in other people's housework. She had been in trouble for so long, and she finally had an idea just now, and she actually had the nerve to chase after her?

If there were no outsiders, the Queen would definitely give Zhuang Concubine a lesson, but in front of Pang Xiao and Qin Yining, she couldn't be too disrespectful to Zhuang Concubine.

He gave her a warning look and said warmly: "Concubine Zhuang, please stay next to me."

Zhuang Concubine's back was chilled by the Queen's glance, and she already regretted chasing her in. However, the queen did not refute her face on the spot. She was still slightly relieved. In addition, she also wanted to see how the queen planned to deal with Qin Yining's matter, so she bowed meekly and thanked her, and sat down next to the queen.

The queen ignored Zhuang Concubine and only chatted with Qin Yining and Pang Xiao about some family matters.

The Queen and Pang Xiao had known each other for a long time, and they had gotten along like a family in their early years. At this time, Li Qitian was not present, and the two of them did not need to consider so many political disputes when talking. Instead, they recalled the past events together, and the conversation became lively.

Seeing such a familiar look, Zhuang Concubine pursed her lips unconsciously.

If the relationship between the queen and Pang Xiao is so good, will she deal with Pang Xiao's wife? If the Qin family cannot be dealt with on the spot, where should the Bian family put their face?

Zhuang Concubine looked at Qin Yining subconsciously.

Qin Yining is so keen. The consciousness he developed while surviving in the mountains and wilderness still exists, and he is very sensitive to the sight of people or animals. He immediately noticed Zhuang Concubine's gaze and looked back with a smile.

And because Zhuang Bin was thinking about something, she subconsciously dodged when she met Qin Yining's gaze. When she looked away, she realized that she had done nothing wrong. It was Qin Yining who felt guilty. What did she have to hide?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Concubine glared back confidently. Unexpectedly, she saw Pang Xiao handing a handful of peeled peanuts to Qin Yining. She grabbed the peanuts on the table and chatted with the queen while peeling them. Her attitude was natural. It was as if it was natural for him to serve his wife and eat fruit.

Concubine Zhuang had never received such preferential treatment. She was envious and jealous for a moment, and even more embarrassed and regretful. He treated Qin like this, but Qin had already cheated on her!

"Your Majesty, Uncle Zhongyi and Mrs. Zhongyi have arrived." The palace man suddenly replied with a smile.

The queen subconsciously glanced at Qin Yining from the corner of her eye and said, "Let them come in."

The queen's eyes were not very friendly, but also a bit suspicious and inquisitive, which Qin Yining noticed immediately.

What happened today? Both Zhuang Concubine and the Queen were looking at her like this!

An unknown fire suddenly arose in Qin Yining's heart, but due to his status, he couldn't emit it.

Pang Xiao's relaxed expression when he was joking with the Queen just now turned serious. His handsome and handsome face was tense, showing extreme displeasure. He threw the peanuts back into the dish, and even the peanut pellets dropped on his belt. The disk made a crisp sound. It's like a slap in the heart.

The queen looked at Pang Xiao and pursed her lips.

The conversation was so pleasant just now, but now it has suddenly dropped to freezing point. This gap really makes people feel panicked.

The queen looked sideways at the culprit, Zhuang Concubine, and felt even more confused.

Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan came forward one after another and saluted in unison.

"My wife, please see the Queen."

"No need to give me a gift, I'll give you a seat." The queen came back to her senses and said

Someone from the palace brought the chairs, and Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan sat on the other side according to their status, opposite Pang Xiao and Qin Yining.

Bian Ruohan was wearing a light pink embroidered grape-cross-collared gown, with red pomegranate bunches of palace flowers on her hair, making her look delicate and gorgeous.

She knew she would see Qin Yining when she came to the other courtyard, so she dressed up like this to avoid losing the battle. Qin Yining was wearing plain clothes, so she did the opposite. She just didn't want to lose to Qin Yining in front of anyone.

Especially when the Queen already knew that Qin Yining was not a good woman.

She had been speculating on the way here that the queen had specially called the couple here to punish Qin Yining.

If this is the case, she cannot lose to her in appearance!

After Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan arrived, the relaxed atmosphere that the queen had when chatting with Pang Xiao and Qin Yining completely disappeared. The queen and Lu Heng mostly talked about the local rain and the people's food problems.

These topics will inevitably make the atmosphere heavy.

The queen was very worried. These days, natural and man-made disasters occurred frequently. Ji Zeyu finally defeated the Tatars. The world had just been peaceful before such a disaster happened again. The queen herself had lived a hard life, and she did not want the people to continue to suffer. She was worried about the people and prayed for them with great piety.

So talking about these, her mood became more and more depressed.

Because the atmosphere was tense, Bian Ruohan wanted to secretly ask Zhuang Bin how things were going several times, but seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he did not dare to step forward.

Fortunately, Grandma Sun came in with a smile and replied, "Madam, the vegetarian banquet has been prepared. Are you going to order someone to pass on the meal?"

"Yes." The queen nodded with a smile.

Qin Yining was just thinking about where to go for dinner when he saw Nanny Sun leading the palace people and moving in several cases.

One table was placed in front of the first queen, one was placed in front of Zhuang Concubine, and the other two were on the left and right, one for Qin Yining and Pang Xiao, and one for Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan.

Immediately, a palace servant came up with a black lacquered mother-of-pearl food box, and soon the table was filled with delicious vegetarian dishes.

The queen smiled and said: "It's a rainy day. My bones are sore and I'm too lazy to move. We are not outsiders, so let's have a meal here together."

Lu Heng and Pang Xiao both smiled and said, "It's a blessing for me."

Sitting like this, men and women were not allowed to sit separately. Qin Yining was so happy that he had no time to interact with Bian Ruohan alone. As soon as she picked up the chopsticks, Pang Xiao had already put a lot of vegetables on the plate in front of her.

"You've lost a lot of weight these days. Eat more."

Qin Yining felt warm and said with a smile, "You should also eat more."

Pang Xiao smiled and nodded.

In the eyes of outsiders, Pang Xiao is a domineering and cold-hearted hero. Who would have thought that a person like him also has such a tender side? In front of Qin Yining, he was like a lion with its sharp claws or a well-behaved house cat. Although the couple no longer talked much and insisted on eating without words, they often cooked dishes that they thought tasted good. Passing it to each other, the two looked at each other and smiled. Such a scene is warm and sweet, and it can be seen that this is how they get along in life.

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