Return of the Swallow

Chapter 983 Killing Thoughts

One person's love for another person cannot be hidden. Even if they don't do anything or say anything, the light flowing in their eyes can make people see the emotion at a glance, not to mention such a warm interaction between the two of them?

Lu Heng stayed up all night last night. Whenever he closed his eyes, Qin Yining's eyes were filled with disgust and contempt before he turned around. She had completely misunderstood him and was unwilling to listen to his explanation.

Isn't Pang Xiao just doing the cooking for her? What was this compared to the pain he had caused her? If Qin Yining agrees to be with him, he will definitely love her hundreds of times more than Pang Xiao. The most important thing is that he will not cause her to lose her relatives and children, and make her suffer the pain of separation and death!

But no matter how serious he was to her, she still only saw Pang Xiao and refused to give him a chance. Even if he put such good conditions in front of her, she would not agree!

When Lu Heng saw Qin Yining also serving Pang Xiao with food and smiling so tenderly at him, his heart felt as if someone had taken it out and rubbed it so hard that it dripped with blood and refused to stop.

Maybe the Queen wanted them to come to the banquet together today just to show fairness. She didn't want him to know that she had entertained Pang Xiao and Qin Yining alone.

But seeing the sweet couple between them in person was the greatest torture for Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's face was expressionless, and he ate the food casually without knowing the taste.

And Bian Ruohan has almost broken his silver teeth.

That person did such a thing and was still favored by Prince Zhongshun. Is the prince blind? Or do men only care about Qin's appearance and don't care about anything else?

Looking at Qin Yining again, her smile was so happy and sweet. At such a banquet, a man as stalwart as Prince Zhongshun was willing to deign to take care of her. How is Bian Ruohan worse than Qin? She was born in a family of men, and in terms of appearance, bearing, talent and knowledge, how could she not compare to Pang Xiao?

But although she married a good man, her man was unwilling to take care of her like Pang Xiao took care of Qin Yining.

Bian Ruohan gritted his teeth and gave Lu Heng a chopstick to eat.

But when Lu Heng's hand moved, he looked away in disgust, pretending that there was nothing extra in the plate.

Bian Ruohan's face turned red for a moment, both angry and ashamed.

Prince Zhongshun and Princess Ren are so affectionate, but Lu Heng is unwilling to act with her. Her cousin is watching from above, and the Queen is also present. Lu Heng is so unwilling to give her dignity and let her act in front of others. How to gain a foothold?

The atmosphere at the banquet became strange.

With the Queen in the first place, how could we not see the two pairs in action? On the one hand, they are still in love, but on the other hand, they feel like strangers. This was a far cry from the scene she had originally envisioned. She originally thought that even if Lu Heng hated Mrs. Bian for telling his story, he still had to work hard on his face. He would definitely not lose his dignity in front of Pang Xiao, so he would naturally behave in an intimate manner accordingly. This makes Qin Yining give up even just looking at it.

But who would have thought that things would develop like this?

The Queen was worried that she didn't know what to eat, and things didn't achieve the expected results. Zhuang Concubine would definitely come to her behind the scenes, and then she would have to waste more time and money, which was really boring.

Recalling that back in the palace, Bian Ruohan kept looking for trouble, and the sage who once made trouble, Long Yan, was furious. The Queen's impression of the Bian family's daughter also fell to the bottom.

After the vegetarian banquet, the queen ordered tea to be served. After everyone had tea, Pang Xiao stood up and left.

The queen smiled and said: "I have sent people to pack the princess's luggage. It has been really hard for the princess to accompany me to eat fast and chant Buddha these days. She will have a good rest after returning."

"It's my honor to be able to accompany you, my queen. How can I say it's hard work? Thank you so much for your kindness." Qin Yining saluted with a smile.

The queen waved her hand, indicating that she could follow Pang Xiao.

Is this the end of the matter?

Bian Ruohan's eyes widened and he looked at Zhuang Bin anxiously.

Why did the queen still treat Qin Yining in such a gentle and amiable manner, not even beating or scolding her, and even gave her a meal before letting her go.

What about her grievances? Did she have that quarrel with Lu Heng for nothing?

This is what the Queen did,

Bian Ruohan was really angry. Before Pang Xiao and Qin Yining could walk away, Bian Ruohan quickly stepped forward and shouted urgently: "The Queen!"

Zhuang Concubine, who was standing behind the Queen, felt her heart skip a beat and quickly gave Bian Ruohan a wink.

The queen's action was already a clear statement. If you are smart at this time, you should let it go gently and stop dwelling on this matter. But Bian Ruohan suddenly jumped out. What is she going to do? Does she still want to tear off the last layer of fig leaf?

Although Zhuang Concubine did not make the decision for the daughter of the Bian family in the end, she could understand the queen's unwillingness to get involved in the affair. The queen did not express her position, so she could suppress her inner thoughts.

But if Bian Ruohan makes a fuss in front of the Queen, it will be like putting the Queen in the spotlight and forcing her to make a choice!

In this way, even if the Queen makes a decision today, her decision in front of Prince Zhongshun will definitely not cause much harm to the Qin family, but on the contrary, their position in the Queen's mind will really plummet. I'm afraid there will be no chance to win the Queen's attention again in the future.

Concubine Zhuang thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Mrs. Zhongyi, you also want to go back to rest?"

Lu Heng didn't want Bian Ruohan to be embarrassed, so he said with a smile: "In that case, the Queen, I and Zhuo Jing have also said goodbye. Your Majesty, you have worked hard to pray for the people, so you should rest early today."

The queen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded: "Go, go."

Lu Heng grabbed Bian Ruohan's wrist, with a smile on his face, but he pulled Bian Ruohan out with all his strength.

Bian Ruohan's face turned pale in pain, but he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Qin Yining, so he could only force himself to endure it. All her thoughts were spent on enduring the pain and anger. She was dragged out of the room by Lu Heng, and she had lost the opportunity to go to the Queen for comment.

Seeing the group of people walking away, the queen finally relaxed her posture and touched her forehead.

As soon as she saw Bian Ruohan coming out, her heart was in her throat. Fortunately, Zhuang Bin and Lu Heng reacted quickly and did not let Bian Ruohan tell the matter on the spot. Otherwise, how would she handle the matter?

Zhuang Concubine knew what was going on and didn't ask any further questions. She saluted and said, "Thank you for your hard work, I will not disturb your rest. I will leave."

The Queen snorted coldly from her nose in response.

The queen would not be able to react like this on a normal day, and today it really made Bian Ruohan angry. Thinking of Zhuang Concubine's behavior, she could only act like this when she was angry.

Zhuang Bin's heart was beating wildly in fear, and she retreated cautiously. When she returned, she was thinking about how to send a message to Bian Ruohan, saying that this matter should not be mentioned again in the future.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining came to the carriage with an umbrella. Bingtang and Jiyun had already prepared everything, with relaxed smiles on their faces.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "I'm home, now I don't have to worry about getting married."

Pang Xiao held Qin Yining's hand while getting into the car, and whispered in her ear: "Are you worried about the bed, or the person on the bed?"

Qin Yining and Xiafei glared at him fiercely: "You are not serious! This is outside, so you are talking nonsense!"

Pang Xiao nodded in a learned manner, "Let's talk about it when we get back."

Qin Yining's face was red and she didn't dare to look at the expressions of Bingtang and Jiyun, so she got into the car angrily.

Pang Xiao also got in the car and sat down next to her.

Bingtang and Jiyun Renxiao's faces turned red. Neither of them planned to disturb the princess and the prince's interaction, so they got into a carriage driven by Tang Xiu behind them.

The group of people drove slowly away from the Villa. It wasn't until the carriage disappeared into the rain curtain that Lu Heng withdrew his eyes expressionlessly and lowered the curtain.

Next to him sat Bian Ruohan, who was covering his face and sobbing. He was so troubled that his head started to hurt.

"I've already said it." Lu Heng's voice was gentle and not too loud.

Bian Ruohan slowly raised his head and looked at Lu Heng with tearful eyes.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "I said that you made this thing up out of thin air, and you are not allowed to make trouble again. It seems that you have forgotten."

Although Lu Heng was smiling, in Bian Ruohan's eyes, his smile was as cold as a ghost crawling from hell!

"I, I..." Bian Ruohan's voice trembled, and he was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Lu Heng said: "You will ignore everything I say. If you persist in doing so, I won't be able to help you in the future. Just wish yourself well."

Just asking for more blessings is like announcing Bian Ruohan's death date.

She shook her head. She thought her voice was loud, but her words were almost sharp, "You can't do this to me!"

"How? What did I do to you?" Lu Heng smiled, then pushed the car window open a gap to look at the retreating street scene.

The moist and cold air entered the carriage, and Bian Ruohan shivered.

She gritted her teeth and murmured: "Why is this happening? It was obviously her who seduced you, I obviously caught her committing adultery, and she wanted to kill me to silence me. Why don't you believe me? Why doesn't the Queen also?" Make the decision for me!”

Lu Heng closed his eyes, "You accuse others without any basis, but you are still justified? I advise you to live in peace. Otherwise, I really don't mind renewing my marriage again. I can even tolerate a broken settlement like yours, so I can renew my marriage at will." One of them is probably much better than you."

"You!" Bian Ruohan burst into tears and glared at Lu Heng through the tears.

Lu Heng has put aside Bian Ruohan's matter.

A woman who was good at committing suicide could not quench his desire for wealth and power. The treasure was right in front of him, but with so many pairs of eyes staring at him, it was easy for him to think of the method of Shang Shusheng. In time, he could investigate the stone openly. Utkin Khan was coming, so he had to escort him.

How can this dilemma be changed?

Qin Yining returned home, took a good wash and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, when Qin Yining got up, Pang Xiao had already returned from practicing boxing.

The two of them had breakfast together, and Bingtang walked in quickly and said, "Your Majesty, Huzi has something important to report."

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