Return of the Swallow

Chapter 987 Sharp

Someone has prepared the carriage and horse below. Bingtang and Jiyun are holding big umbrellas for Qin Yining, fearing that the rain will get her clothes wet. Qin Yining put on a pair of good wooden clogs over her embroidered shoes, carefully stepped over the threshold, avoided the puddles, and got on the carriage.

Bingtang and Jiyun also got on the bus.

Huzi put on his rain gear and rode with Jingzhe and others to escort Qin Yining to the post house.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived in front of the post house, they met the Lu Mansion carriage coming from the other direction.

"Princess, it looks like Mrs. Zhongyi's carriage is on the opposite side." Jingzhe asked in a low voice, "Should we go faster?"

There are limited parking spaces in front of the post house. Whoever's carriage arrives first will get off first, and the other one will have to wait until the car in front has driven away before he can get off.

Qin Yining didn't care about the order. Just when he was about to speak, the other party's carriage suddenly started running wildly. He didn't care whether it was bumpy or not, and hurried to the door of the post house.

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Don't worry, let them go first."

"Yes." Jingzhe responded, but felt unhappy in his heart.

Huzi sneered, "Let them go first. I'm not telling you that Mrs. Zhongyi is really petty."

"She is originally from the Xiao family." Bingtang agreed in the carriage, "In terms of background, can she compare with our princess? In terms of her husband's family, it is even more incomparable. Since she knows that she is falling behind in everything, of course she wants everything. Those who are scrambling to be first are afraid of exposing their own shortcomings. Little do they know that the talents in high positions are the last.”

Ji Yun chuckled when he heard this, "You two will have nothing to say until you two say it."

Huzi outside the carriage laughed.

But Bingtang blushed and pinched Ji Yun with a smile, "He said, carefully, I will ask the princess to beat you!"

Qin Yining smiled and said, "I didn't hear anything. Who said it? What did Hun say?"

Bingtang's face turned even redder, "Oh, Princess, why don't you imitate this little hooves!"

There was a burst of laughter inside and outside the carriage.

Bian Ruohan hurriedly got out of the car before Qin Yining. Just as he was feeling proud, he heard a burst of laughter coming from the palace carriage, but the sound seemed to be laughing at her.

Bian Ruohan's face immediately turned cold, and his proud look disappeared.

If it weren't for the two older mothers Lu Heng specially arranged for her to follow, one on the left and the other on the right, supporting her arms hard, she would have almost turned around to ask Qin Yining what on earth he was laughing at!

Bian Ruohan said: "Let's go!"

He had to walk towards the post house.

But as soon as she took a step, she was pulled hard by two nuns on the left and right.

The slightly chubby one on the left is Aunt Zhang. The gentle smile on her face makes people feel like spring breeze, and her voice is also slow and calm. "Madam, wait a minute. My uncle has given me orders. I came to the post house for a banquet today to welcome the Tatar Khan and Ke Dun." Wash the dust, eating here represents the face of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Only Prince Zhongshun and Uncle Zhongyi have the highest official positions in the local area. The wife and princess will serve as representatives to contact Ketun. You must not be impulsive. In the Tatars You have lost the dignity of Da Zhou. If people spread the word, it will be a shame that will never be erased for you and Da Zhou."

The tall, thin and cold-faced Nanny Zhai on the right said expressionlessly: "I would also like to remind Madam that from the moment you enter this door, you represent more than just yourself. Please think twice about your words and deeds. , Don’t lose your uncle’s dignity.”

Bian Ruohan's face turned red with anger.

"Who the hell are you two!" She didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of making people see his joke, so she could only lower her voice and yell.

Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zhai were not moved by Bian Ruohan's anger, and said with a smile: "I am just a slave, and I just do things according to my instructions. Please don't embarrass me, Madam. My uncle said that Madam has been pampered since she was a child. Da, you are not careful when it comes to important matters, so you specially ordered the slaves to serve you carefully. You can also remind the lady at critical times. Please be obedient, madam, and don't let down the good intentions of the uncle."

kindness? This is bullshit kindness! He said that she didn't know how to measure, and asked two stout servants to hold her between them as if they were prisoners.

Pointing fingers at her every move, word and deed! What kind of kindness is this!

While Bian Ruohan was arguing with the two servant women, Qin Yining had already got off the carriage.

She didn't pay attention to Bian Ruohan's abnormality, and didn't bother to listen to what their master and servant were discussing. She stepped on Shuangliang wooden clogs and walked lightly towards the door of the post house.

When she came to Bian Ruohan's side, she smiled gently and said, "Mrs. Zhongyi is waiting for me specially? Why don't we go in together?"

Why did Bian Ruohan wait for someone on purpose? It's too late for her to get tired of Qin Yining!

But Qin Yining's words were giving her a step up. Even if Bian Ruohan didn't understand, Grandma Zhang and Grandma Zhai also understood. The two of them bowed to Qin Yining politely first, but secretly pinched Bian Ruohan's arm gently, wary of her agreeing.

Bian Ruohan was suffocating in his heart, and even had to be pinched by the servant to remind him to act. He almost fainted from anger. Naturally, he didn't have a good face when facing Qin Yining. She stubbornly refused to answer, but raised her chin haughtily and snorted.

Qin Yining didn't care much. The way he looked at Bian Ruohan was no different from looking at a stone or a piece of grass on the roadside.

When Qin Yining saw that Bian Ruohan didn't answer, he naturally didn't force himself and entered the posthouse first.

Bian Ruohan looked at Qin Yining's tall and slender back, and then realized that she was the one who got off the car first, but now she was still walking behind Qin Yining, as if she was a head lower than her!

It's all my fault that these two old men are so shameless!

Bian Ruohan gritted his teeth and followed, reluctantly walking behind Qin Yining into the post house.

At this time, the banquet had already been served, and everyone was seated. The officials of the posthouse accompanied Prince Zhongshun and Uncle Zhongyi to entertain the Tatar Khan and four Tatar officials. In the hall, people drank and drank, and the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras continued. .

Ketun asked Siqin in Tatar unhappily: "Didn't I say that I would find someone to accompany me? Why haven't they come yet? Do they think we Tatars are easy to bully!"

Si Qin didn't answer this, just pretended not to hear.

Lu Heng smiled and explained in Tatar: "Don't worry, people are already on their way. It's all because the official was in a hurry to hold a banquet, so he opened the banquet without waiting for them to arrive. Outside It’s rainy and muddy, and the road is difficult to walk on, so please be considerate.”

Although the words were said calmly and were true, they were taunting Ke Dun. He was afraid that they would be hungry on the way and held the banquet, and as a result, they were worried that the female family members would not come to accompany them. There are many men here, not to mention that there are Tatar officials here. Even if the princess and Bian Ruohan don't come, they will never find fault with them. Why is this Ketun so messy? The Tatars are really a tribe of barbarians who don’t know etiquette!

Ke Dun had a dark face and was about to ask a question when he heard footsteps outside and someone quickly replied under the porch: "Prince Zhongshun and Mrs. Zhongyi are here."

Lu Heng smiled: "Look, people are here just now." Then he turned around and said, "Please come in."

Pang Xiao put down the wine cup and raised his eyes to look at the door. His originally cold and somewhat impatient eyes gradually became gentle.

Qin Yining was dressed in plain clothes and walked into the hall first. The high-hanging octagonal palace lanterns illuminated the room exceptionally brightly. Qin Yining's skin was as delicate as the brocade on her body, glowing with a soft matte light. .

She had no superfluous expressions, she only kept a dignified smile, which seemed to grow a lotus step by step, stepping on people's hearts every time.

Lu Heng couldn't help but hold his breath.

The accompanying Tatar officials were stunned.

Pang Xiao stood up, smiled and took Qin Yining's hand to lead her to sit down next to him, and said with a smile: "Is the journey going smoothly? Is it cold?"

Qin Yining smiled and shook his head, then saluted Si Qin and Ke Dun first.

Si Qin looked at Qin Yining, his dark eyes as deep as a bottomless cold pool, "I haven't seen you for many days, and the princess is still as charming as ever."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "The same goes for Khan."

When they first met, the Khan was still the consort, but now he has killed his wife to seize the position of Khan, and his life is quite comfortable.

Seeing her like this, Si Qin couldn't help but frown. This woman was really capable of irritating people. Just one sentence reminded him of everything that happened that day.

Fortunately, her one-sided words could not shake his heart at all.

At this time, Bian Ruohan had been sent to Lu Heng's side by Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zhai, and she was so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

Obviously she came in with Qin Yining, but everyone's eyes were focused on that bitch, even his husband!

Prince Zhongshun knew how to get up and go to greet the princess, but her husband would just sit there and look at other people's wives.

That's all. Who would have thought that that bitch of the Qin family was an old acquaintance of the Tatar Khan and could talk to each other?

Bian Ruohan gritted his teeth and couldn't think of how he could regain the lost face.

At this moment, Ke Dun looked Qin Yining up and down and said calmly: "Are you Prince Zhongshun's concubine?"

Qin Yining heard that the content of her words was weird, but he didn't correct her. He smiled and said, "Yes."

Ke Dun's eyes seemed to be carrying a small knife, scratching Qin Yining up and down.

"I didn't expect you to be such a woman. I thought you were a person seven feet tall, with big arms and a round waist, and immense strength."

These words caused some confusion among everyone present.

But no one is so stupid as to answer the call casually without knowing the other person’s purpose.

But Bian Ruohan is different.

Hearing that Tatar Ketun had such an impression of Qin Yining, she sketched a picture in her mind of a woman who was "seven feet tall, broad-shouldered, round-waisted, and extremely powerful". When she placed all these on Qin Yining, she almost couldn't help but sigh. A laugh broke out.

Tatar Ketun had a bad impression of Qin Yining, so Bian Ruohan wanted to get close to him and asked without thinking: "Why does Ketun feel so?" His eyes were bright and somewhat flattering.

"If you are not seven feet tall, broad-shouldered and round-waisted, how can you kill our Anari Khan?" Ke Dun smiled half-heartedly.

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