Return of the Swallow

Chapter 988 Natural Disaster

It was obviously a banquet for friendship between the two countries, but Tatar Kortun insisted on saying this!

The smile on Bian Ruohan's face froze, wondering why Ke Dun suddenly mentioned this matter on such an occasion? She seems to have gotten into trouble without realizing it!

Bian Ruohan looked at Lu Heng beside him with some confusion.

Lu Heng pursed his lips in displeasure and looked at Bian Ruohan with undisguised displeasure, making all the hairs on Bian Ruohan's body stand up.

For a moment, the atmosphere was so stiff that it was as if the air had stopped flowing.

Tatar Ketun suddenly spoke like this, but Siqin did not stop him, let alone smooth things over, as if he had not heard the words at all, which is enough to prove that Siqin acquiesced in this matter.

The Tatars were defeated and surrendered to the Zhou Dynasty, paying tribute year after year, but they did not let go of their bellicosity and wildness in their blood!

We are all smart people, and of course we can figure it out. Anyway, in a scene like this, there are countless things a woman can do when she opens her mouth, not to mention a few words between women, even if the women start fighting, grabbing each other's hair and kicking each other. Feet, as long as the two countries still need peace, there will always be peace.

Therefore, the Tatars are simply unscrupulous in their dignity in the next week! If the men in Dazhou are not able to speak, then they can only wait for the women to speak!

The people of Dazhou looked expectantly at the two Dazhou women who had the most say.

Bian Ruohan was covered, how could he figure out how to deal with it?

Qin Yining smiled and said, "I didn't expect Ke Dun to be such a woman with a sense of humor. I wonder if it's because of her temperament? Or is it because she's so close to the beauty? Or is it because every day she sees flowers, all her eyes are covered with flowers?"

Having said this, Qin Yining stood up, spread out his hands, and turned around in a circle, with a light gait, skirts flying, and movements with endless charm and beauty.

"Rumors are stronger than tigers, and people's words are terrifying. Now that I think about it, Ke Dun has seen me and knows that I, a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken, want to kill Ana, the most popular woman in your country. It is simply difficult for Sun Khan to reach the sky, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it even if I was given a lifetime to practice martial arts.”

Qin Yining's words were first offensive, then self-deprecating, straightforwardly exonerating the charges, and cleverly easing the awkward atmosphere.

Ke Dun seemed to have never expected that Qin Yining was such an articulate person, and it took him a while to understand the meaning of her words.

"Every day you see flowers, your eyes are filled with flowers." Is it a mockery of the fact that she sees many beautiful women in Tatar every day, so that's why she imagines her to be like that?

Isn't this mocking her as a Tatar woman?

Ke Dun snorted: "I have long heard that Princess Zhongshun is good at speaking and speaking. When I saw her today, she really lived up to her reputation."

"Kedun is really over-praised. The little girl just inherited the training from the court at a young age. Kedun's reputation as gentle, virtuous, elegant and approachable has long been spread throughout the government and the public. When I saw her today, I found out that the rumors really do not deceive me."

Ke Dun looked at Qin Yining's bright smiling face, and for a moment he couldn't even tell whether her words were true or false, whether she was a sincere compliment or a deliberate mockery.

Seeing that Tatar Ketun was said to have lost his temper by Qin Yining after just a few words, all the Zhou people present breathed a sigh of relief and felt comfortable.

Lu Heng didn't want to be too obvious, but his eyes were no longer in control and he couldn't help but look in Qin Yining's direction. He could even ignore the annoying Pang Xiao next to Qin Yining.

Unlike Bian Ruohan who was causing trouble but didn't know how to smooth things over, Qin Yining behaved well and reacted quickly, even hundreds of times better than the man.

Looking at Pang Xiao's proud expression as if he had picked up a gold ingot as big as a basin, Lu Heng felt a sense of disgust in his heart. He just has better luck than him, what else can he be proud of!

Bian Ruohan bit her lower lip. Her words led to Ke Dun's words just now. Before she could think of how to smooth things over, she was dealt with by Qin Yining with a few words. She was the one who caused troubles, but Qin Yining was the one who calmed them down. How could she show off her power?

What Bian Ruohan hates most now is Qin Yining's limelight.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lu Heng smiling and looking at Qin Yining with tender eyes.

Whether it's tenderness or praise,

That was something she had never gotten from Lu Heng.

A ball of fire burned in Bian Ruohan's heart, and sourness boiled in his blood and limbs. A breath of breath almost hit his forehead. Bian Ruohan frowned angrily and his face turned red, but he couldn't find anything to say to sarcastically mock Qin Yining on this occasion.

But everyone present is a smart person, and everyone is a master of observing words and emotions. How can you not see Bian Ruohan's rejection and hostility towards Qin Yining?

Lu Heng quickly pressed Bian Ruohan's arm with quick eyes and hands, and when she looked back in surprise, he pinched her hard as a warning.

Bian Ruohan took a breath of pain and almost screamed, but he immediately came back to his senses calmly.

This was a wedding banquet between the two countries, not a family banquet. She couldn't get into a fight with Qin Yining in front of the Tatars. It would be embarrassing for the Tatars!

While everyone was looking at each other, Pang Xiaoyi picked up the wine bowl and toasted Siqin.

Si Qin naturally would not refuse and drank with him.

Siqin's move seemed to be a signal, and the attitude of the Tatar officials who came with him immediately became clear. If there was still some hostility and estrangement in the past, it seemed that after a glass of wine, they immediately became cordial and friendly, just like the Tatar officials. Tatar and Zhou were basically brothers and friends, and there had never been any wars between them.

The situation finally calmed down. Ke Dun exchanged a few words with Qin Yining and realized that she might not be able to gain verbal advantage in front of Qin Yining, so she became much quieter during the following banquet.

Just when the banquet was over, a boy suddenly walked quickly outside the door. He quietly approached Lu Heng and whispered a few words. When Lu Heng heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Lu Heng's performance was too straightforward, which attracted everyone's attention.

Si Qin also frowned, as if wondering if Da Zhou was up to something.

Lu Heng stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Khan, I just received the news that there was a landslide on the way to the capital, and the roads along the way have been blocked. It has been raining for days without stopping, and now such a natural disaster is inevitable. I don’t know how many people have suffered.”

Pang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously looked at Qin Yining.

Qin Yining saw Pang Xiao's eyes and understood that this might be Lu Heng's idea of ​​retaining Si Qin and his party.

There may be natural disasters, but there is no guarantee that this will not be a man-made disaster.

Lu Heng had racked his brains and energy for the treasure, but he didn't know if any innocent people would lose their lives due to this landslide.

"Uncle Shen, how are the people in the landslide area doing?" Pang Xiao promptly asked what Qin Yining wanted to know most right now.

Lu Heng said worriedly: "This needs to be checked carefully. Khan, do you think so?"

Si Qin's expression returned to normal, and he said very reasonably, "There is nothing we can do about it. Fortunately, the Queen Mother of your country still has some time to live, so she is not in a hurry to set off."

"Yes. During this time, the official will definitely make arrangements to escort the Khan to Rujing as soon as possible. This will not delay the Khan's serious business."

"That's good." Si Qin said magnanimously, "The left and right people are also going out. There are no vast grasslands or large flocks of sheep. It's not the same anywhere."

When the officials brought by Siqin heard this, they all said in Tatar that Siqin cared about the people.

Seeing this scene, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining just laughed and said nothing.

What Qin Yining is more concerned about is whether the landslide is true or not. If it is true, did Lu Heng do this in order to retain Tatar and his party and slow down their pace.

If so, will something happen to the local people? If something happens, wouldn't there be more people who died for the treasure?

Until the banquet was over and Qin Yining got on the carriage back home, she couldn't help but think about this matter.

Pang Xiao hugged Qin Yining's shoulders, stretched one leg, and bent the other leg. His arms hugged Qin Yining's slim waist unceremoniously. Seeing that she didn't speak all the way, and occasionally sighed, he knew that she was worried about a landslide. thing.

"Still thinking? Don't worry. I'll ask people to take a look later and try to save as many people as possible."

Hearing this, Qin Yining felt anxious in her heart. She leaned over and hugged Pang Xiao's leg, pressing her cheek against his knee.

"Do you think Si Qin will believe this?" Before Pang Xiao could answer, Qin Yining added, "He doesn't know the details. He would never associate it with the treasure, and he wouldn't doubt it even if he thought about it."

"I won't doubt it. There will be no loopholes in what Uncle Zhongyi does. We can just wait and see."

Besides waiting for news, Qin Yining has no other option now.

However, the Tatar Khan and his party came to Huichuan County, which made the people of Huichuan County nervous. They did not need the government's request, and everyone tried not to go out if they could.

The heavy rain in the past few days has not cleared up, and now the black clouds are forming, and the panic of the people who cannot go out and are worried about food has become more serious. If the government hadn't been here all the time and hadn't seen the guards or adults escaping, they would have probably found a way to leave.

In the next few days, the queen never asked Qin Yining to accompany her, and Bian Ruohan was somehow restrained and did not come to trouble her. Qin Yining's life became easier.

Except for the ulterior motives of the Tatars, who always send jewels and beauties to the palace, life has become more and more perfect.

"Princess, there are people in front of us again! Our house has become a market now, and I don't know what the Tatar official is thinking!" Bingtang ran in quickly, not caring that his clothes were wet by the rain. He was holding Qin Yining's sleeves like a barrage of bullets, "Huzi just said that the Tatar officials personally sent two more beauties, and they are chatting with the prince in the study at the moment. What do they mean? Could it be that they saw the prince They couldn't stand being in love with the princess, so they deliberately stepped in?"

Qin Yining was lowering his head to compare the patterns on the bandage. When he heard this, he raised his eyes and smiled, "Why are you so anxious? Giving away treasures and beauties are all old tricks in the officialdom. If you give them sincerely, that's all. If it is not sincere, then there will be many purposes behind it.”

"Purpose? Princess, what purpose do they have?"

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