Return of the Swallow

Chapter 995 Sunrise

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Before dawn, Qin Yining woke up to the sound of the morning bell. In addition to the familiar scent of Pang Xiao, there was also the ubiquitous sandalwood fragrance from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

After getting up, Qin Yining went to the Zen room where the queen lived to pay her respects.

"Back to the princess, the queen has to meet an old friend of the abbot. He is an eminent monk. He discussed Buddhism last night and then returned home at midnight. This morning, he went to worship the Buddha with the eminent monk again. The empress knows that the princess is a person with good etiquette. If you must come to pay your respects, the empress has ordered that you will be exempted from the common etiquette on these days, and please feel free to do as you please."

Qin Yining couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "Your Majesty is really devoted to the people. Compared with your Majesty, I am truly ashamed."

Grandma Sun smiled and said: "Why did the princess say this? The princess is also a person who has always done good deeds and accumulated virtues, and she has a very sincere heart to worship the Buddha. The queen often mentioned the fact that you accompanied the queen to worship the Buddha, and she often praised you for your calm temper and pious mind. "

Qin Yining knew that the queen might not praise her, and suspected that she was more or less the same. However, he still exchanged greetings with Aunt Sun before returning to the meditation room.

At this time, the young novice monk has sent Su Zhai. Pang Xiao was waiting for a boring boxing session in the room. When he saw Qin Yining push the door in and stop his movements neatly, he smiled and said: "I'm waiting for you. Let's walk around in Wanfo Temple today."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, sitting opposite Pang Xiao, eating simple vegetarian dishes.

Not long after the meal was finished, Qin Yining said: "The Queen is very pragmatic towards the people. Grandma Sun said that the Queen paid homage to the Buddha last night until the third watch, and she left early this morning. It seems that a Taoist priest has come to this Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple." The eminent monk is said to be a good friend of the abbot, and the eminent monk’s teachings on Buddhism are so good that the queen’s thoughts are not at all on the beautiful scenery.”

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "Yesterday, I heard Master Zhike mention that the abbot of Wanfo Temple is an eminent monk. If you want to distinguish people by groups, the eminent monk's friends must also be people who are proficient in Buddhism." Sitting on the edge of the kang, he sighed. Pang Xiao said with a smile, "It's a pity that I'm a rough guy, but I don't know much about Buddhism."

Qin Yining smiled, "How can you be so arrogant? Besides, although you can't speak a set of Buddhist teachings, you still act with the intention of doing good and never harm innocent people."

"But after all, my hands are full of blood." Pang Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at his slender hands. His palms were full of calluses and his fingers were slightly deformed. At first glance, he looked like someone who had been holding weapons all year round.

The way Pang Xiao lowered her head reminded Qin Yining of a helpless child. She couldn't help but whisper: "Everyone has a different mission when they are born. Besides, Buddha also said, 'If I don't go to hell, who will?' Since you have this If you have the ability, you have to shoulder such a responsibility. I can’t blame you for this, everything is God’s will and destiny.


Listening to Qin Yining's gentle and soft voice, Pang Xiao couldn't help but laugh heartily, "I didn't expect Sister Yi to believe in God's will and destiny."

"Sometimes when you do your best, you will understand God's will. There is nothing to believe in this."

Pang Xiao stood up, stretched his arms, and said with a smile: "The Queen and I don't need your company. How about we stroll around the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple today and go to the ancient tree to make a wish?"

"Of course it's good." Qin Yining nodded happily.

The two of them did not disturb others, nor did they ask anyone to accompany them. There are many meditation rooms in Wanfo Temple. After going up the mountain yesterday, everyone dispersed to rest. The terrain here is dangerous and the Buddhist temple is quiet. Pang Xiao and Qin Yining both wanted to let everyone have their own leisure. She didn't necessarily need anyone to serve her.

The two of them walked out of the door. Since this was a Buddhist temple, they no longer held hands, but walked side by side in the spacious courtyard paved with square tiles. The strong grass stretched out stubbornly from the cracks in the stone bricks. It spared the tall Bodhisattva statue and met several young novice monks. They both stopped and put their hands together, saluted, and then walked in different directions. .

Walking along the courtyard wall, you soon saw three majestic halls. Pass through the courtyard where the main hall is located, take the Moon Gate and walk a few hundred steps to the backyard.

The seven-story pagoda stands silently behind the Bodhi tree, overlooking the vast land on the top of Juhuang Mountain. A huge sound of water came from the direction behind the tower.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao walked towards the direction where the sound of water came from, and soon they came to a spacious flat land. The flowers and trees here are sparse, and an ancient tree as thick as four people can hold it was cut in two and fell to the ground. The wood was completely charred, but new buds grew strongly in the middle of the originally charred trunk.

Qin Yining stepped forward happily, looking at the touch of new green on top of the scorched blackness, breathing in the fresh fragrance of grass mixed with sandalwood, and listening to the sound of the rushing water from the waterfall behind him, it seemed that his anxious heart was calmed for a moment.

Under such conditions, old trees can also sprout new shoots, which are so vibrant and moving that it makes her feel that nothing in this world is impossible.

Pang Xiao stood next to Qin Yining, clasping his hands in unison with her, closing his eyes and praying sincerely.

Neither of them expressed their thoughts. After making the wish, Qin Yining raised his eyes to look at Pang Xiao, only to find that Pang Xiao was also looking down at her.

She then felt that maybe the contents of their wishes were the same.

The two of them turned around and walked slowly towards the edge of the cliff.

Five or six feet below the cliff is the rushing water. The waterfall splashes a large amount of water, and the water rises like clouds of white mist. A suspension bridge extends from the feet to the other side, but standing here, you can't see the suspension bridge. On the other side, the scene on the other side could not be seen, everything seemed to be hidden in the fog, and the suspension bridge seemed to come straight out of the cliff, leading to the other side of the sky.

Qin Yining said with a smile: "The terrain here on the strange road is so dangerous and it has still become a scenic spot that many people flock to. The scenery here is really good. The sky is high, the clouds are vague, and the water is wide and sparkling. Standing here is like standing in the clouds and mist." inside."

"Yes." Pang Xiao took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "It seems that nothing happened."

Qin Yining nodded in agreement.

At this time, she was standing on a high place, looking down at the mist-shrouded mountains at her feet, and her mind seemed to be more open.

"Sister Yi, look." Pang Xiao pointed to the east.

The bright morning glow gradually fills the sky, and a red sun slowly climbs up the mountain, driving away the stars. The sunlight shines directly through the gaps in the clouds and falls on the mountains and rivers. The water light and the sky light connect into a dazzling golden red.

Anyone who has not stood here and seen the sunrise at this time will not understand Qin Yining's mood at this time.

She and Pang Xiao stood side by side in silence. Neither of them spoke, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

After a long time, Qin Yining turned around after hearing footsteps coming from behind.

Bingtang and Jiyun walked in front holding hands, followed by Huzi and Tang Xiu. Perhaps they didn't expect Pang Xiao and Qin Yining to be there so early, so the four of them were slightly stunned.

Both Bingtang and Jiyun's faces were a little red, and they didn't know whether they were blushing from shame or being dyed red by the morning glow.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining looked at each other and said nothing in a tacit understanding.

Bingtang smiled and said: "It's strange that the princess is not in the room. I just went to rush to see the sunrise. It turns out that you found such a good place to watch the sunrise."

"Yes, it's a pity that you came a little late. The scenery here is really nice. You can come earlier tomorrow."

Jiyun and Bingtang both smiled and nodded in agreement.

Huzi walked to the suspension bridge, and as soon as he took a step curiously, he was pulled back by Bingtang, "What are you doing? The other side is shrouded in mist. I don't know how far it is, let alone what is on the other side. Are you planning to go to the other side?" ?”

With the rapidity under their feet, the water here should not be narrow. The fog on the mountain was too heavy. They could only see the water flow, but they could not see what was below the other side.

Huzi chuckled, "Okay, okay, if you don't ask me to go, I won't go. I'm just curious."

Bingtang snorted, "If you're curious, you can ask the monks at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple first to make sure they don't act too late, in case the suspension bridge is not strong."

"I know, I won't do it again." Huzi agreed obediently.

Pang Xiao looked at it and laughed.

Huzi's face immediately turned red, he coughed and looked away.

Pang Xiao felt that seeing Huzi like this was like seeing himself trying his best to get close to Qin Yining. Although six years had passed since their reunion and Qin Yining had already been in his prime for twenty years, the memory of that time was particularly vivid in his mind.

The group of people walked back to the backyard of Wanfo Temple while chatting and laughing. As soon as they stepped into the gate, they saw Jingzhe, Liao Zhibing and Mu Jinghu walking towards them with solemn expressions.

Qin Yining looked tense for a moment, "What happened?"

Jingzhe said: "Princess, shopkeeper Zhong Da asked the brothers from the Qingtian League to deliver the letter."

Liao Zhibing cupped his hands and said, "Leader, this is a letter from Shopkeeper Zhong Da."

Qin Yining took the letter, unfolded it, and asked casually: "Do you know what happened in the south?"

Shopkeeper Zhong Da will carry out the reclamation of terraced fields in all areas near Huichuan County and Qin Yining in the south. Qin Yining originally bought part of the terraced fields before Dayan was conquered. There were already some experienced Zhuangtou tenants who could teach others, and everything went smoothly for shopkeeper Zhong Da when he went to the south.

Qin Yining didn't know why a letter made these three people look so solemn.

Liao Zhibing said: "Princess, everything else is fine. It's just that the brothers from the south said that the rain in the south has been incessant and the rivers are already high. In addition, Boss Qiu seems to have contracted some disease. I heard that the illness is not serious." weak."

Qin Yining frowned when he heard this, glanced at Mu Jinghu who pursed his lips, and then read the contents of the letter carefully.

The letter carefully explained the situation of Qin Yining's field reclamation and other business operations. It also talked about the rain and water in the south, and finally Qiu Feishan's condition.

When Qin Yining and Pang Xiao left, Qiu Feishan had just given birth. After that, she had to work hard on business matters and had to fight with Qiu Yuanqing. In addition, the south was already humid. The weather was not good this year. Qiu Feishan was overworked and weak after giving birth. He caught wind and cold. Later, before he recovered from the wind and cold, he was bitten by mosquitoes and contracted malaria.

Qin Yining was shocked when he saw it. He didn't care that the content on the letter involved business secrets, and handed it to Mu Jinghu.

Mu Jinghu's face turned green, and her hands began to tremble as she looked at the last paragraph on the letter.

Pang Xiao came closer and read the content above. He put his arm around Mu Jinghu's shoulders and said, "Stay still. I will have someone accompany you back immediately. I will definitely cure her illness!"

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