Return of the Swallow

Chapter 996 Missing

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Mu Jinghu nodded and held back from rushing down the mountain.

Qin Yining pulled Bingtang aside and whispered: "Is the malaria symptom serious?"

Bingtang said solemnly: "It's a very serious symptom, and it may not be corrected...but Princess, don't worry, if you are a doctor who understands, it shouldn't hurt if you are more careful."

Hearing what Bingtang said, Qin Yining asked anxiously: "Are you sure?"

Bingtang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "I haven't seen Boss Qiu, so it's hard to tell, but if you ask me to treat malaria, I'm not very sure, but I'm 80% sure."

Qin Yining nodded and discussed: "Bingtang, are you willing to go to the south with Mr. Mu? I know that the floods in the south have not been eliminated and it is very dangerous. If you are not willing..."

"I do." Bingtang said seriously, "Princess, don't worry. Boss Qiu is Mr. Mu's wife, and Mr. Mu is the prince's best friend. These are our own people. Besides, I can't help you even if you die." "

Qin Yining breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "No matter what the outcome is, I want to thank you on behalf of Boss Qiu."

"What did the princess say?" Bingtang blushed in embarrassment.

The two of them were talking quietly to the side, and Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu had naturally heard it long ago. Seeing Bingtang nod, Mu Jinghu hurriedly walked over, "I also know some basic medical skills, and I can help you when the time comes. As for safety issues, Miss Bingtang doesn't have to worry."

Bingtang smiled heartily and said, "That's natural. With Mr. Mu here, we will be safe."

From the corner of his eye, Pang Xiao saw Hu Zi's face full of reluctance. He thought about it and said, "Hu Zi, you go with Mr. Mu. It's convenient for us to contact you if you need anything."

Huzi was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty..."

Pang Xiao knew that he was worried about the lack of manpower around him. Although they seemed to be stable at the moment, no one could say when and what kind of accident would happen regarding the construction of the imperial mausoleum.

Pang Xiao comforted him and said, "It's okay. You can go with Mr. Mu. If you have anything, please tell me in time."

Huzi knew that Pang Xiao was considerate of him, and he gratefully gave Pang Xiao a salute, "Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

The plan was finalized, Qin Yining and Jiyun went to help Bingtang pack her luggage.

Bingtang stuffed a lot of bottles, cans, paper bags and prescriptions into Jiyun.

He told her what to use for what, what to eat for colds, what to use for headaches, and even left two large bottles of medicine for itching.

Ji Yun was carefully written down, "Don't worry, I will keep these and use them as soon as they are useful."

Bingtang nodded.

Mu Jinghu and Huzi had packed everything up long ago, and when Bingtang walked out with a bag on his back, the three of them immediately went down the mountain.

Qin Yining looked at the group of people's backs getting further and further away with a solemn face, and said worriedly: "I hope Boss Qiu can be safe. Mr. Mu left all the affairs of their stall to Boss Qiu alone for us, Brother Yan He didn't even care about our son when he was so young. It's hard to find someone as good as Mr. Mu as a friend. If Mr. Mu neglects Boss Qiu because he wants to help us, and Boss Qiu is in trouble, I will I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life.”

Pang Xiao also nodded, his mood heavier than Qin Yining's.

As a man, he can better understand this anxiety. Just like when Qin Yining disappeared and his life and death were unknown, his sky was about to fall. Mu Jinghu's feelings for Qiu Feishan were no less than his feelings for Qin Yining.

The two of them returned to the meditation room in silence. They originally came to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but after Qiu Feishan's incident, no matter how generous they were, they would lose interest in the mountains and rivers. Qin Yining and Pang Xiao then wanted to go back. .

He just met the queen, and now there was only a grandma and a guard around the queen, so Pang Xiao couldn't leave her alone at this time.

"I think the people around the queen will be here soon. The guards and palace officials are also afraid that if something goes wrong with the queen, they won't be able to communicate with her when she returns."

"But even if the Queen's people come, we can't leave easily."

The two looked at each other, feeling helpless.

Qin Yining said: "Since we have come, we will settle down. Since we can't go back, let's stay here temporarily. Although the Queen wants to worship the Buddha, the Queen Mother's holy life is coming soon, and she has to leave time for the journey. It's just a matter of time. Just stay here for ten days or so. Besides, we have to give Uncle Zhongyi some time."

Pang Xiao pinched Qin Yining's cheek and said, "I know, I'm happy to be here with you. If I can live in seclusion in such a place for a lifetime, without having to worry about the troubles outside, that would be the greatest luck."

Although we can't completely abandon the outside world now, it is also a good thing to be able to steal some short-term relaxation.

After settling down, Qin Yining and Pang Xiao visited all the beautiful places on the mountain.

The queen was busy worshiping the Buddha with the enlightened monk all day long. Qin Yining went to pay her respects every day but saw no one.

Grandma Sun was also a little helpless: "The empress talked about Buddhism with the eminent monk in the Guanyin Hall, prayed sincerely, and only slept for three hours a day. The rest of the time she locked herself in the Guanyin Hall."

Qin Yining said worriedly, "It's really touching that the empress is praying for the people of the world, but the empress should also be careful with her phoenix body."

"What the princess said is exactly what I said. The slave tried to persuade the Queen, but the queen refused to listen to the slave. Now even the Vegetarian Empress only eats one meal a day. Sometimes she even has to sleep in the Guanyin Hall." Grandma Sun shook her head. , "It seems that the eminent monk is really an expert, and what he preaches about Buddhism is indeed good, otherwise the empress would not be so devoted."

It’s not a bad thing that the Queen is so obsessed with Buddhism. Qin Yining still went to the meditation room every day, but failed every time, but the etiquette must be fulfilled.

Two days later, Qin Yining had a fast meal in the morning and was about to go to greet the queen when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps outside, and then the door of the meditation room was pushed open.

"It's not good. No, it's not good!" Grandma Sun pulled a young novice in in panic, her eyes full of fear.

Qin Yining frowned slightly, "What's wrong with Grandma Sun? She's so panicked."

Pang Xiao also got up and came over to inquire.

Grandma Sun fell to the ground with a plop, covering her mouth in fear, fearing that she would cry too loudly.

She reluctantly suppressed her voice, raised her head and lowered her voice with tears streaming down her face: "The Queen is missing!"

When Qin Yining and Pang Xiao heard this, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Why is the queen missing?" Pang Xiao frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes cold.

Grandma Sun trembled all over and pointed at the little novice who stood aside with cold sweat on his face: "He said it! The queen has been spending the night in Guanyin Hall these days, and the princess also knows it. Every day's fast meal is made from The young novice sent it and went back to get the tableware the next day, but today the young novice went to the Guanyin Hall, and there was no trace of the queen in it, and it was empty!"

Pang Xiao looked at the little novice monk with a sullen face: "What's going on?"

The young novice trembled, trembling with fear: "Amitabha, the young monk also didn't know about it. The young monk went to deliver the food, so he opened the door of the palace, put down the food box, informed the queen and then left. The queen was gentle, and every time I always answer the young monk's call, but when I went to deliver the fast food this morning, no one answered in the hall. The young monk was worried, so he checked in the hall and found that the empress was not there!"

Pang Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at Grandma Sun, then at the little novice monk: "You two, please don't make any announcement about this matter for the time being. Maybe the Queen was tired and walked around, and she didn't tell you. Now go and search around, be careful not to alarm anyone, and don’t tell anyone that the queen is missing. Otherwise, how many of you have enough heads to chop off?"

Pang Xiao's words were like a reminder to Grandma Sun and the young novice monk. They were both shocked to realize their mistake just now, and they nodded repeatedly at this time.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining took them out of the Zen room, and called Jiyun, Jingzhe, and Tang Xiu to go to the Guanyin Hall first to check.

Qin Yining pursed her lips. She originally thought that the terrain on the mountain was dangerous and no outsiders came up. She thought that the Queen would be worshiping Buddha all day long, so there would be no trouble, so she did not arrange for anyone to guard her. After all, the queen is the mother of a country. If their ministers are too lenient, the queen will be disgusted.

But it was because of this reassurance that trouble broke out today.

I just hope the Queen is really hanging out. If something unexpected happened, wouldn't everyone have to be buried with the queen?

"Your Majesty."

Tang Xiu found a note from under the futon in the corner.

Pang Xiao strode over and picked up the note. There was only one short sentence on it, "If you want to find the queen, please come to Karma Peak alone."

Qin Yining stood next to Pang Xiao and read the contents of the note clearly. His palms became sweaty in surprise.

The other party actually came for Pang Xiao!

The queen is a queen, and in order to deal with Pang Xiao, the other party dared to kidnap the queen of the dynasty!

Qin Yining immediately thought of the eminent monk.

"Your Majesty, please ask the abbot."

Pang Xiao had obviously thought of this, and immediately told the young novice behind him, "Go and quietly invite the abbot. Remember, don't make this matter public, otherwise no one will survive."

The little novice turned pale with fright, nodded repeatedly, turned around and looked for someone in a panic.

Pang Xiao read the note again and said in a deep voice: "The Karma Peak is on the other side of the suspension bridge. It is said that it is a forbidden area of ​​​​the temple. It has been very foggy these days. Because it is a forbidden area and only half of the suspension bridge is exposed, I will I didn’t check it out. I didn’t expect that the Queen would be taken there.”

Qin Yining had already thought of many possibilities in her mind. She asked Grandma Sun: "When was the last time you saw your empress?"

Grandma Sun said in panic: "Princess, do you suspect that the empress has disappeared a long time ago?"

Qin Yining did not answer, but looked at Grandma Sun silently.

Grandma Sun immediately recalled it and said with certainty: "It was the morning before yesterday."

Qin Yining nodded, "So the Queen may not have been here since before. There may be someone else who responded to the little novice. Of course, it's also possible that I'm overthinking it."

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