Return of the Swallow

Chapter 997 Guess

"No, your guess is also very possible." Pang Xiao rubbed his brows regretfully at this time, and said tiredly, "It was my negligence. I just thought that there were no outsiders on the mountain, and I never doubted the people of Wanfo Temple. Monk, I didn’t expect that even in such an environment, something would happen to the queen.”

"I can't blame you. I also didn't expect something to happen on such a dangerous mountain." Qin Yining looked around, then carefully searched for any clues in the palace.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall.

Pang Xiao looked at the door with sharp eyes, and saw the little novice monk leading an old monk who was over sixty years old, with a long beard and a kind look on his face, walked in.

Years of fighting on the battlefield have given Pang Xiao an awe-inspiring aura when he is serious, and any casual person will feel a sense of urgency and fear under his gaze.

Although the old monk was a stranger, he still felt the same way, especially since someone as noble as the Queen was missing.

"Humble monk Xuanyun, I have met the prince." Xuanyun put his palms together and bowed slightly.

Pang Xiao returned the courtesy and said in a deep voice: "Abbot Xuanyun should already know the specific situation, right?"

"The humble monk already knows."

"This matter is of great importance. The queen worships the Buddha devoutly, but something happened in your temple. Once word spreads, the Holy Lord will be furious, and everyone in your temple may lose their lives. Therefore, according to my wish, I will not Zhang Yang, look for someone in private first."

Cold sweat broke out on Xuanyun's forehead, but he still calmed down and said the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, humble monk, thank you for your generosity."

If Pang Xiao wants to clear up the relationship, he can actually arrest all the monks of Wanfo Temple now, charge him with a crime, and wait for the emperor to punish him. In this way, he will not have to bear the consequences at all. If he wants to be completely free from crime, he can even give him a crime. They added other charges.

But Pang Xiao didn't do that, and instead found him alone.

Xuan Yun was grateful and his attitude became more submissive.

Seeing that Xuanyun was transparent, Pang Xiao said, "I heard that Abbot Yun's best friend is an eminent monk. The Queen has benefited a lot from following that eminent monk's lectures these days. I wonder where that eminent monk is now?"

Xuan Yun said calmly: "Back to my lord, the person who lectured to the empress was actually a master's wife, whose Dharma name was Tongyuan. She was acquainted by the humble monk more than ten years ago. I hadn't seen him for many years. She wandered here and was in the temple. As a guest, she is indeed proficient in Buddhism and has a reliable character. She is indeed an eminent monk. But the day before yesterday, she said goodbye to the humble monk and went down the mountain."

No one could have imagined that the eminent monk was actually a master, and everyone in the hall was silent for a while.

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining caught the latter sentence.

Qin Yining asked: "Abbott Yun means that Master Tongyuan had already gone down the mountain the afternoon before yesterday?"

"Yes." Abbot Xuanyun nodded.

Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao and said quietly: "It seems that I really guessed it right."

Pang Xiao nodded, "Although there is no evidence, it is almost certain. I also ask Abbot Xuanyun to secretly investigate whether any of the monks in the temple are missing or if there is anything unusual about any of them."

"It is not certain when exactly the Queen has not been seen. Grandma Sun said that the Queen stayed at the Guanyin Hall yesterday and did not return to the Zen room. The young novice discovered that she was missing when she went to deliver fast food early this morning. So the Queen was missing. The time was most likely the day before yesterday. If the monks in your temple are not abnormal, it is enough to prove that Master Tongyuan who left the day before yesterday was the one who kidnapped the queen. That's why she ran away in a hurry. "

Pang Xiao showed the note found under the futon to Abbot Xuanyun.

"Although Karma Peak is a forbidden area of ​​your temple, for the sake of the Queen, I have to offend you."

After looking at the content on the note, Abbot Xuanyun's expression became even more ugly.

He understood what Pang Xiao meant.

If there are no other abnormalities among the other monks in the temple, it means that Master Tongyuan really deceived him, used his relationship to wait here, and was disadvantageous to the queen!

How could a monk be so vicious!

If he hadn't met Prince Zhongshun, who was kind-hearted and magnanimous in dealing with things, I'm afraid all the monks in the temple would have been buried with Master Tongyuan's actions!

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. In fact, the forbidden area is not a forbidden area. It is just a place for retreat to worship the Buddha. The mountain opposite is even more steep. There are cliffs everywhere under the mountain. Only a part of the top of the mountain has trees and vegetation, and there are also natural Cave and water source. When the temple was first built, a suspension bridge was built so that when you need to retreat to practice Buddhism, you can go to the opposite side to meditate and practice Buddhism. However, the fog is really heavy these days and you can’t see the situation on the other side clearly.”

"That's it." Pang Xiao said, "The suspension bridge has been mostly submerged in the mist. I really didn't realize what was going on. Furthermore, I heard that the opposite side was the forbidden area of ​​​​your temple, and I didn't have any curiosity.

Qin Yining frowned tightly and asked Abbot Xuanyun at the right time, "Excuse me, Abbot, is there really no other way to go up the mountain to the Karma Peak on the opposite side, can we only go through the suspension bridge?"

Qin Yining was worried that there would be an ambush on the other side.

Abbot Xuanyun said: "Amitabha, monks are not lying. There is indeed no way up or down the mountain from Karma Peak. The terrain is actually too steep. The only way is the suspension bridge."

Qin Yining nodded, "Thank you, abbot, for informing me. If the queen can be found, the abbot and Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will also be credited."

Abbot Xuan Yun shook his head: "Don't seek merit, but seek no faults."

Pang Xiao then whispered to Abbot Xuanyun that on the one hand he was going to check on the monks, and on the other hand he was also secretly arranging people to search around to see if the queen might be hidden.

At the same time, Pang Xiao also asked Tang Xiu to lead people to search along the road down the mountain to prevent the queen from being taken away. See if they can find any clues.

Within an hour, Abbot Xuanyun and Tang Xiu both brought back the news.

None of the monks were lost, and nothing suspicious was found on the way down the mountain.

So the Queen was really taken to the opposite Karma Peak by the Tongyuan Master.

"This is really unreasonable. Master Tongyuan is a monk after all. How could she do such a thing?" Qin Yining's face was full of anger. "She clearly ignored the safety of the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!"

"It's the humble monk who doesn't know people well." Abbot Xuanyun closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and sighed.

Pang Xiao had a stern face, he was a little worried about the situation on the other side of the mountain.

Although he had immediately arranged for Jinghu Guards to guard the way up and down the mountain, he learned his lesson. There were so many monks in Wanfo Temple, and he had no idea if one or two of them had evil intentions. He had trusted these monks too much before, which was why he lost the queen. If he were invited to Karma Peak now, I wonder if there would be any danger here, and I wonder if his sister Yi would be harmed.

When Qin Yining saw that Pang Xiao was silent, he guessed the entanglement in his heart. He approached Pang Xiao and whispered in a low voice: "Zhixi, the situation is urgent now. You'd better order someone to take a look. If anything happens to the queen, don't talk about Wanfo Temple. Even we, the monks, can’t survive.”

"But the other party asked me to go alone. If I send someone, I'm afraid the queen will be in danger." Pang Xiao said solemnly, "I'm not afraid of danger, I'm worried about you. If I go away, you will be in danger. As soon as something happens..." He was really frightened by Qin Yining's repeated accidents. When such a situation suddenly appeared, the first thing he thought about was who was trying to hurt his wife when he was using the tiger to leave the mountain.

Qin Yining understood, knowing that Pang Xiao put her first in everything, and felt warm in her heart.

"You are worried about me staying here, why shouldn't I be worried about you? The suspension bridge looks very dangerous, and there is fast water below, and it is so close to the waterfall. If it falls, there will be no time to save it. You're about to be washed down the waterfall. I don't trust you to go to Karma Peak alone."

The two looked at each other in silence for a while.

Pang Xiao shook his head, "I still want to go."

Something happened to the mother of a country. If he had to choose between saving the queen and protecting his wife, he would definitely be impeached. He might also be put in a shit basin and falsely accused of being the culprit who kidnapped the queen.

Why doesn't Qin Yining understand this?

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"No." Pang Xiao vetoed, "If anything happens, it will be inconvenient to take you with me. Just wait for me here."

"It would be great if Mr. Mu is here. And if he follows you, it will give you an extra layer of protection. The fog on the other side of the suspension bridge is filled with fog, and you can't see anything clearly. We haven't even seen the outline of the Karma Peak on the opposite side clearly in the past few days. I'm really worried that someone from above has done something wrong."

Pang Xiao also sighed a little.

"This is all too coincidental." He leaned close to Qin Yining's ear and whispered: "I suspect that this matter was premeditated. Including that the Queen will come here, that we will come here, and that Mu Mu will leave in the middle. Including the heavy fog at Karma Peak, everything has been taken into account.”

"Do you feel this way too?" Qin Yining said, "We thought of going together. Who else in the world has this ability?"

Besides Tianjizi, Qin Yining couldn't think of anyone else.

But why did Tianjizi do this?

Everything she did was clearly intended to support Pang Xiao. She planned to harm others and could kill anyone, including Pang Xiao's wife and family, but she never had any intention of killing Pang Xiao.

Why would a person who wanted Pang Xiao, the Ziwei Emperor Star, return to his rightful position, deliberately kidnap the queen to the Karma Peak, and then force Pang Xiao to go alone to save people?

Qin Yining was puzzled.

But guessing that the other party was Tianjizi, Qin Yining could at least be sure that Pang Xiao's safety would not be threatened for the time being. As for other traps, she could only take one step at a time. Come to think of it, now is the time to decide whether Pang Xiao should go or not. Even after discussing it with Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi, the conclusion is still that Pang Xiao should go.

Pang Xiao wiped his face and said helplessly and irritably: "There's no rush. Since we don't know the exact time when people went to Karma Peak, there's no rush. Let's discuss it clearly with Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu, and I will Arrange things and it won’t be too late for me to go.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Yining felt that this was reasonable. If something happened to the queen, she wouldn't be taken to the Karma Peak opposite the suspension bridge. Wouldn't it be a cleaner death to just retreat down the mountain and let her be washed down the waterfall?

So if it is really Tianjizi's calculation, her purpose is to let Pang Xiao go to Karma Peak!

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