Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 110 Don’t get involved

The two calculated it all afternoon and found that the harvest was acceptable.

The current approximate cash flow of the three recycling depots has been calculated.

"If they insist on being two points more than us, then we will raise the price to maintain monthly revenue balance for up to three months, that is, after the Spring Festival next year, they will not be able to hold on." Yao Zhaowen photographed He stood up from the table and said happily.

According to the lunar calendar, New Year's Eve in 1990 fell on February 14, 1991 in the Gregorian calendar. It is now mid-December, just after the Spring Festival.

Li Manjun added with a smile: "We have to let them know that we have raised the price."

Yao Zhaowen patted his chest and said, "This is not easy. I take a loudspeaker to those garbage dumps every day and shout that they are going to raise the price in a hurry."

As long as one of the three bosses has a college diploma, he and his boss will not be able to find a solution so quickly.

Unfortunately, the average education level of the three of them is only a primary school diploma.

"Those three owners are all mom-and-pop shops, and they don't hire special accountants. They will be bald if they keep this account." Yao Zhaowen was full of confidence.

Li Manjun clapped his hands and closed the ledger. He found a way to deal with it, but he didn't feel happy in his heart.

The next day, Yao Zhaowen raised the purchase price on the blackboard to the same price as the other three companies.

Then, holding a large speaker in one hand and a small portable brazier he made himself in the other, he went to the largest garbage dumps nearby to solicit customers, saying that his prices had increased and he could sell them at his home.

Not long after Li Manjun waited in the store, two old customers came to check the situation. They had to pay the same price as the other three stores, so they decided to sell it to her nearby.

The other three families quickly got the news and hurried to Yao Zhaowen's garbage dump to check. They found that they had raised the price, so they went back and raised the price by two cents. They also followed suit and used a loudspeaker to shout.

The days that followed were, in the eyes of professional scavengers, a very magical time.

The scraps in your hands suddenly become valuable. Today this recycling station will add two points, and tomorrow the other three will add more points.

Some of the more adventurous people even started to work as second-hand dealers. They bought all the scraps of other companions today, waited for the price to rise in a few days, and then sold them in one go to make a small profit.

What no one knows is that part of the stockpiled goods collected in the Greenman waste recycling station will also be quietly sold out.

The buyers are not second-tier dealers or upstream manufacturers, but three other recycling stations in the city.

Under this kind of micro-management, Luman's turnover has always maintained a stable amount, and the backlog of inventory has always maintained a certain amount, avoiding the risk of price collapse.

These days, Yao Zhaowen is mainly responsible for using a loudspeaker to go to the garbage dump to solicit customers. Sometimes the other three people get anxious and want to beat people, so Yao Zhaowen says:

"The lesson learned last time was not enough? Do you still want to have your hands broken?"

The arrogance of the three companies on the opposite side shrank instantly, and they were even more determined to kill Luman and raised their prices crazily.

On the day before New Year's Day, the upstream manufacturers came down to take away the goods as promised. They were surprised when they saw the price at the waste recycling station.

Is this crazy? No one wants to make any money and is doing charity here?

When I came to Luman, this store used to have the most goods, but this month it was less than a quarter of last month.

"Why is there so much less?" The upstream company called Li Manjun to ask about the decrease in goods.

If it's too little and it's not enough to fit a whole truck, they'll lose money on the freight.

Either Li Manjun calls for a car to be delivered, or they change it to come once a month.

Li Manjun said helplessly: "Others' purchase prices are too high, and my store still makes money. Of course it can't compare with them, but don't worry, I will definitely be able to increase the volume after the Spring Festival."

When the other party heard what she said, he thought of the ridiculously high recycling prices of the other three companies, and wondered what else he didn't understand.

Three old stores in the city are trying to squeeze out this new store. They have been doing this for five or six years.

But every time they succeed.

Because I sympathized with Li Manjun, I didn't care about the fact that the truck was not full this time. The two parties agreed to come once a month next month, and that was it.

When Zhao Yong found out that his wife's store was being crowded, two days had passed since New Year's Day.

Today is the last day of the New Year's Day holiday. Xiaoguan and Jiang Yu are not holidaying. They followed the list written by Zhao Yong and went through all the favors they wanted to maintain.

Because Li Manjun was beaten up last time, I made a special trip to Luo Yongping's place this time. Only then did I learn from him that the four recycling depots had been secretly fighting for a month.

Luo Yongping looked at the fine cigarettes and wine brought by Xiaoguan and the others, and asked enthusiastically: "Would you like me to ask the brothers to help my sister-in-law clean up those three ungrateful people?"

Xiaoguan and Jiang Yu quickly thanked him for his kindness and declined.

I mentioned it to Zhao Yong later when I was on the phone. I thought he knew, but I didn't expect that Li Manjun didn't reveal anything about it. It was time to go to night school and open a store. It was just like a normal person. It would be weird if Zhao Yong knew about it.

Zhao Yong hung up the phone, walked into the bedroom with a glass bottle filled with boiling water, lifted a corner of the quilt, and placed the hot glass bottle at Li Manjun's feet.

Li Manjun skillfully scooped up the glass bottle with his feet and rolled the quilts around him, making the bed feel warm immediately.

There is no heating or air conditioning, and the hot water glass bottle is the thermal insulation tool for Rongcheng people. When you wake up in the morning, you can open the rubber stopper and get a sip of warm water, which is very thirst-quenching.

Zhao Yong opened the quilt and lay down on the bed, looking sideways at his wife who was leaning on the bed reading a book, "Why didn't you tell me something happened in your store?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Manjun was still doing the math and asked subconsciously. The pen in his hand didn't stop at all as he continued to work on the questions.

If Zhao Yong knew the word roll, he would definitely shout at this moment: Don't roll anymore!

"It's almost time to go to bed. Why don't you put your studies aside first?" Zhao Yong looked helpless and discussed in a low voice.

Li Manjun nodded and finished the question before putting down the book, turning off the overhead light, turning on the small bedside lamp, taking off his coat and getting under the quilt.

Zhao Yong naturally pulled her forward, and she nestled in his arms, leaning against the heat source, letting out a soft sigh of comfort.

Only then did Zhao Yong have the opportunity to ask her what was going on in the store and why she didn't tell him anything.

"You know?" Li Manjun was a little surprised: "Did Yao Zhaowen tell you?"

Zhao Yong vaguely said no, and Li Manjun guessed that it was probably his friend on the road.

She first asked him what kind of news he heard, and made sure that the information Zhao Yong got was correct, and then said with a faint smile:

"I thought I could solve this matter by myself, so I didn't tell you. Besides, you didn't tell me when there were difficulties in your company, right?"

Zhao Yong was speechless and could only ask worriedly: "If you keep it at this price, your store will collapse if there is no customer base."

Li Manjun turned around and faced him with a sly smile: "Don't worry, we are not losing money so far. Yao Zhaowen and I have already taken care of them."

No money lost? Zhao Yong was slightly shocked, but Luo Yongping said that her store had not even filled a cart with the high-priced goods this month, so she still didn't lose money?

Li Manjun looked at his surprised and curious look and rolled his eyes, "Do you want to see how I settle the accounts?"

Zhao Yong: "."

"Come on, come on!" Li Manjun wanted to get up. Every time she wanted to get him to study together, he would say that reading newspapers and watching TV news was also studying, but he didn't want to read.

She didn't want to force him, so forget it. But now that he was taking the initiative to show interest, how could she be willing to miss this great opportunity?

However, as soon as he was halfway up, he pulled her into bed.

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