Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 111 There is an old guy

A few days after New Year's Day, Li Manjun received a call from Liu Yan, asking her to go to the countryside to find old goods.

Li Manjun has been busy engaging in price wars with three rival stores in Rongcheng. If Liu Yan hadn't contacted her suddenly, she would have almost forgotten that this happened.

The main reason is that the thread has been buried too long. Ever since he married Zhao Yong and left Heather Town, until now, there has been no news from the countryside for half a year. Li Manjun has temporarily given up the fantasy of getting rich overnight.

But this time, Liu Yan said, "It looks like it's true. My brother tortured him at that house for several days before he was willing to take it out and show it to others."

Li Manjun was moved when he heard it and asked what it was.

Liu Yan said: "It's a tea set, one pot and four cups. The lid of the pot is missing. The family treasures it very much. They say it was left by the ancestors for the descendants of the family. With blessing, the family is so poor that they can't even eat, so they are reluctant to sell it. .”

"Okay, then I'll come tomorrow morning." She went to see what the situation was like first.

Li Manjun doesn't know how to look at goods, but she knows that there are traces of time on old objects, so she goes to check them out first. If there is a possibility that they are antiques, she will inevitably go to Wan Rongming for appraisal later.

After returning home from get off work in the evening, Li Manjun told Zhao Yong: "I will go to the countryside tomorrow. If it is too late to catch the bus back to the city, I will stay at home and may not come back until the morning after tomorrow."

"Is there something going on back home?" Zhao Yong was surprised and asked worriedly.

Li Manjun waved his hand, took out the newly purchased hot water bottle, and while filling it with hot water, he explained that he and Liu Yan's siblings were going to the countryside to look at something.

When it came to objects, Zhao Yong understood. He had helped her pull a bed before. It was that shabby canopy bed that made her the first pot of gold.

It can be seen that if you encounter such an object, it will be very expensive!

"Why don't you use a glass bottle?" Seeing her filling a hot water bottle with hot water, Zhao Yonghu asked, "Is this thing as warm as a glass bottle?"

"I don't know if it's warm or not, but it's definitely safer than a glass bottle." Li Manjun filled the hot water bottle, plugged the hot water bottle, and handed it to Zhao Yong, "You touch it, it won't be hot, but the temperature It’s still enough.”

At noon today, she went for a walk in the small market near the store. Unexpectedly, someone was selling hot water bottles at the stall, so she bought four.

One is for Yao Zhaowen to use in his dormitory. It can be used to warm his hands and feet. Having a warm one in his arms will make him feel less cold.

One was given to Li Lijun. Electric blankets cannot be used in school dormitories, so the students have to bear with it.

There are two left, one will be taken back to Heather Town to his parents tomorrow, and the other will be taken home for his own use to replace the glass hanging bottle.

The rubber stopper of the glass bottle was a little loose. She was always worried about the bottle leaking at night, so she felt better to use a professional hot water bottle.

After many days of rain, the sun finally came out today. Li Manjun arrived at Heather Town at around nine in the morning. As soon as he got off the bus, he saw Liu Yan wearing a bright red cotton-padded jacket.

After not seeing each other for half a year, the two of them were still as familiar as before. They went to Li Manjun's house hand in hand and put the hot water bottle and some food brought from the city at home.

Liu Yan said that the roads in the countryside were slippery and muddy, so Li Manjun put on Wang Xiaojuan's plastic rain boots at home.

After getting a new set of gear that was convenient for walking on the dirt road, the hum of a motorcycle engine came from the door. Li Manjun glanced at Liu Yan in surprise.

"I just bought it." Liu Yan was still a little embarrassed, "I always go to the countryside, so it's more convenient to have my own motorcycle, but it's cold now, so I need to wear thicker clothes."

Li Manjun patted her shoulder in surprise and walked out of the courtyard quickly. A black motorcycle parked at the door. Its owner was wearing a leather jacket, a woolen hat on his head, and black sunglasses on his face, looking very stylish.

"Liu Cheng?" Li Manjun shouted in surprise.

The young man in the car took off his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows at her, "Sister Manjun, get in the car."

Liu Yan glared at her younger brother helplessly, "You are the only one who loves playing pistil."

After that, the two got on the bus, with Liu Yan sitting in the middle and Li Manjun sitting at the end. Liu Cheng took the two of them and drove the motorcycle out of Heather Town.

It was cold, and it was useless to shine the sun on our heads. Fortunately, the three of them were prepared and used their scarves as masks, which was okay.

You can't go to someone's house empty-handed, and Liu Cheng has long said that the family is poor and stubborn, and they will starve to death without selling the things left by their ancestors, which has depressed him for a long time.

Now I rely on sending some rice, flour, oil and salt from time to time to make the other party put down their guard and stop being so resistant.

When passing through the countryside, Li Manjun and Liu Yan got off the car and bought a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of wine, and two boxes of eight-treasure porridge at the only department store on the street.

Liu Cheng felt that it was a bit too generous. If the stubborn old man still refused to sell, wouldn't it be wasted?

Li Manjun reassured him, "Since you have hit the bottom so many times before, it will be difficult for him to let go without offering something hard this time."

The purpose of her trip was to take a look at the object. If the other party refused to take it out at all, it would be a wasted trip.

After hearing what Li Manjun said, Liu Cheng patted his chest and promised that he would definitely let the stubborn old man take out the things and show them to her today.

Last time he only saw a corner, and before he could take a closer look, it was taken back. This time, if he didn't see the whole thing, he would sleep in his house and wouldn't leave!

After working alone for the past six months, Liu Cheng's face has become thicker and thicker.

Liu Yan whispered to Li Manjun: "He can tell lies now with his eyes open and scare people into being stunned. Now he drives a motorcycle. People don't know where he comes from. Here’s the money.”

The wind blew away Liu Yan's voice. Li Manjun listened to the abridged version, but he also knew that Liu Cheng had changed a lot in the past six months.

"What are you planning to do after the new year?" Li Manjun asked tentatively.

They’ve already bought motorcycles, and it’s not like the siblings just want to guard a junkyard.

Liu Yan really had a plan, but she hadn't confirmed it yet, so she didn't tell Li Manjun that she planned to go to the city to discuss it with Li Manjun recently.

Unexpectedly, Liu Cheng had something to gain in the countryside. It happened that Li Manjun came this time. Although he was still in the car, he couldn't help but tell Li Manjun about his plan.

She and Liu Cheng had gained a lot in the six months since they went to the countryside. In addition to exchanging sugar for chicken and duck feathers and collecting scraps, they occasionally saw villagers going up to the mountains to collect herbs, which they would also collect and sell during market days in the town.

A herbal medicine dealer came from out of town to purchase herbal medicines, and the quantity required was quite large.

But the people in the village don't have much stock in hand. The medicinal material merchants can only wait in the town every time, and wait for the market to be crowded, so they can collect some.

He wanted Liu Yan and his brother to help go to the countryside to collect medicinal materials, and he could give them some reward.

Liu Cheng almost agreed. Anyway, for him, accepting anything is just a matter of incident.

But Liu Yan doesn't think so.

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